Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 788 Let's see what you can do

4716 Chapter 780 The eighth chapter sees what you can do

,Hello.Liu Jun, it's so luxurious without tears! ,

When walking into the presidential suite of Qiushui Hotel, even Ling Ya, who was used to seeing the big world, couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.Ling Ya also came from a family in the capital, so naturally her family status is not as high as that of a first-class bigwig, and her parents are both cadres of ministries and commissions.Her husband's family is a wealthy family, and a presidential suit is nothing at all.It's just that her coming to Liu Jun this time was purely by accident.

Liu Jun guessed right.

Ling Ya had indeed had a big fight with Zhang Yi.The relationship between Zhang Yi and her has been lukewarm since the day they got married.After several years of marriage, it has become more and more cold, and it has never been hot at all.Even the life between husband and wife has basically come to a standstill. [

The marriage of Ling Ya and Zhang Yi.It originally had a taste of political marriage.Zhang Yi is not very conspicuous in Lao Zhang's house.It is not the designated "successor small.

Compared with Zhang's family, Lingya's family is certainly not as powerful and powerful.But living in the capital for a long time, he also has a certain circle of connections in the ministries and commissions.Zhang Yi is not a direct heir supported by the Zhang family, this marriage should be regarded as a well-matched family.

Let's say Ling Ya has a high degree of education.Beautiful in appearance, elegant in temperament, excellent in figure, well mixed in the system, with excellent talent and appearance.It should be a good match.The bad thing is that this marriage has an arranged nature.Before Lingya.Zhang Yi has a first love lover who falls in love with him wholeheartedly.The two had already reached the point where they were talking about marriage, and the little girl was even pregnant for Zhang Yi.It's just that at that time, the old Zhang's family was facing a difficult incident, and it happened that the relationship circle of Ling Ya's parents could be of great help, and it turned out to be for the whole family.For the benefit of the family, Zhang Yi had to combine with Ling Ya.

Ling Ya herself knew about this matter.

She and Zhang Yi.Although it's not a childhood sweetheart, everyone is in the same circle and they are very familiar with each other.But at that time, she had just graduated from school, and she was very pure and innocent.Being in the circle of aristocratic families in the capital, I am used to seeing political marriages, and I am even more used to seeing tragedies like "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are young." Marriage of a wealthy family has never been simple. Just looking at the appearance, Zhang Yi is gentle and gentle. Yes, it is also considered a good-looking talent, Ling Ya didn't think much about it, and married in a daze.

The ending couldn't have been worse.

Liu Jun could guess that Ling Ya was arguing with Zhang Yi, but of course he couldn't guess the inside story.

After all, the technical secretary is not a fairy!

"You are in a bad mood. When you think of me, you really regard me as a friend. So, let me arrange everything, okay?" Liu Jun didn't care about Ling Ya's surprise at all.He smiled and said: "Don't think that only the dandies in the capital are dandies, look down on us country folks!"

Ling Ya couldn't help feeling a big headache, and said, "You usually talk like this, don't you?"

"Hehe, almost! It depends on who is right. Of course, in official affairs, you should behave well. To your friends, you can say whatever comes to your mind. Otherwise, what are you calling a friend?"

". Many, two-faced people! Small.

Ling Ya flattened her mouth again.

Looks like every girl.They all have their own inadvertent little movements, and Lingya's little movement is to flatten her mouth.But Lingya herself may not be aware that her flat mouth is extremely attractive to men.The reason is that Lingya's lips are relatively plump and thick, to put it bluntly, they are very sexy red lips.Not being flat is enough to make people fantasize. It really hurts to be so flat.

Liu Jun couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

For Ling Ya, Liu Jun also has a special feeling.When we first contacted her, I was very cautious. After all, she is from Premier Hong's office, and her background is not trivial.Later, he gradually relaxed, especially in the three-hour long talk in Prime Minister Hong's office, Liu Jun felt.On the outside, Ling Ya is a dignified and elegant high-end intellectual woman, but in her heart, she is still a little girl.Girls like Ling Ya have good backgrounds.The family background is good, the growth process is very smooth, after joining the work, basically follow the steps.Going up level by level, it is not obvious.Due to their identities, their social circle is also very narrow.Maybe you are very insightful about the things in your work field and life circle.

Once it is out of this category, it is almost like "interlacing like a mountain."

Maybe his understanding of some people's sophistication is not as good as that of a high school student in a small place.

Therefore, Liu Jun's feelings for Ling Ya are also changing rapidly.Ling Ya regarded him as a friend, and he also regarded Ling Ya as a friend. [

Ling Ya "taunted" Liu Jun, then limply fell into the huge leather sand, kicked off the little leather shoes.A pair of slender little feet shrank under the plump buttocks, and stretched out her soft figure with a delicate posture.

Liu Jun shook his head, and moved his eyes away from Ling Ya's extremely alluring body

These small movements naturally caught Ling Ya's eyes, she couldn't help giggling coquettishly, and said: "Why, you friend is not quite right, what bad idea is in your mind?"

The presidential suite is astonishingly luxurious, and also astonishingly large.In such a huge space, lonely men and widows can easily have ambiguous thoughts.

Liu Jun knew that he was not a saint, but that he had stronger self-control.But self-control has its limits.Once this limit is exceeded, Liu Jun will not be guaranteed

"Hey, don't test me. My willpower is not firm, and I can't stand too severe a test!"

Liu Jun turned his head. "Fiercely." He stared at Lingya fiercely, and said viciously.

Ling Ya smiled lightly.Lean in the sand.She said coquettishly: "Okay, big secretary, I won't tease you anymore" I'm hungry!Zhang Yi was so angry that he didn't even eat a bite, and ran directly to the airport."

"Man-Han Banquet or French court feast, take your pick!"

Liu Jun said with a smile.

I secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Liu Yanei knew where his weakness was. A beautiful woman like Ling Ya could easily stimulate his most primitive desire to conquer!However, no matter what Mengying said, Ling Ya's whole body is covered with thorns!

Old Zhang's family is the thorn in Ling Ya's body!

"You want to kill me?"

Ling Ya gave him a blank look.

She knew Liu Jun was rich.The personal assets that Liu Jun voluntarily reported amounted to tens of millions, which caused quite a stir within a small area that he could touch.Perhaps there are quite a few officials across the country whose actual personal assets are far more than tens of millions, but that is all shady.Some fallen corrupt officials reported their personal assets.They are all poor as water. Just looking at the statistics, this person is more Baogong than Baogong.Only Liu Jun, who reported tens of millions in a grand manner, can still stand the investigation, so he can't but be said to be an outlier.

Liu Jun scolded with a smile: "It's Chinese New Year, can you say something auspicious?"

"Tch, I can't see how feudal you are at such a young age!"

Ling Ya was a little troublesome.

"Miss, I'm just asking for a good word of mouth, I don't want you to be so big!"

Liu Yanei couldn't laugh or cry.

"It doesn't matter, take me to eat! Eat on the street! Isn't Yulan City's snacks very famous?" [

Ling Ya jumped up from the sand, thanks to her tight skirt, she was able to do this action so neatly.But when she jumped to the ground.The towering pair wrapped in the sweater kept shaking, making Liu Yanei dizzy.

Liu Jun's proposal to Ling Ya.There is no objection.

He knew that Lingya, a girl in the "deep palace", was actually full of curiosity about the lives of ordinary people. It didn't matter what to eat, the important thing was to feel the atmosphere.

Liu Jun looked Ling Ya up and down.

"What's the matter? My face is blurred?"

Ling Ya is very strange.I couldn't help but also carefully looked at myself, except that the clothes were a little messy, there was nothing wrong with it!

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Your outfit is too orthodox. Anyone who sees it will know that you are working in an agency. We are going shopping, not a meeting!"

Ling Ya is right after thinking about it.Pouted his lips and said, "Give him a call and he was stunned. He just ran away from the office"

Liu Jun said in amazement: "Isn't it? It's like this? There are no rules in the chief's office."

"Tch, you don't read the news? I went down to inspect the news, and I'm not here!"

Ling Ya gave his boss two white eyeballs.Although the boss is not here, he can't skip work casually, but it is much more leisurely than when the boss is here.Lingya has a strong background.As the end of the year approaches, it is not difficult to ask for a vacation.

Liu Jun couldn't help but patted his forehead, and said, "That's right, I've been too busy these days, so I forgot about it."

"Hey, you really are a noble person who forgets things too much. As a deputy department-level leader, you can also be considered a senior cadre. You can forget such an important thing, amazing, amazing!"

Ling Ya said happily.

"Hmph, anyway, Chang didn't come to my Changhe area to inspect, so why should I worry so much?"

Liu Jun Bianzui Jiao

Ling Ya smiled and said, "Don't tell me, Changzhen misses you. I called Governor He twice and asked how you are doing in Changhe District. What are your actions?"

Liu Jun's eyes widened.


However, Liu Jun soon realized that Chang, like He Yanan, was concerned about the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and the development model of high-tech zones.Otherwise, don't say that Liu Jun is just a deputy department-level cadre, but a provincial and ministerial official.I'm afraid I shouldn't be so worried about it for a long time.

Having said that, he was able to be questioned twice by long phone calls in just two or three at the same time, which shows that Liu Jun is in Prime Minister Hong's mind.Servings are quite heavy.At least Prime Minister Hong believes that Liu Jun is an expert in economics.I very much hope that he can find a good way to use it as a reference.

"Let's talk about you, the boss cares about you so much, but you are punished by the entire party as soon as you come, and even incited the army to make trouble. You are really courageous!"

Ling Ya continued to tease him.

Liu Jun's expression became serious.Asked: "Inciting the army to make trouble? Who said that?.

This is no small problem.

"What do you think? Chang said it himself, Ping Jun is really courageous. Let's see what he can do!"

Defense: Fourth watch arrives, please ask for a monthly pass!I said buddy, if you don't vote this vote, it will be wasted!What a waste!

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