Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 795 Ambitious

Liu Shuji handles private affairs.Immediately surrounded by a large group of people.Start to observe the construction site of the film and television city.These are just official papers. Secretary Liu walked to several construction sites, shook hands and greeted the construction workers who were under intense construction, and said some words of concern.Seeing that the time was almost up, Secretary Liu was about to end this observation.

At this time, the mobile phone in Secretary Yu Huaixin's hand rang.

"Hi, this is Mayor Cui, Mayor Que, hello, Secretary Liu is here, please wait a moment..." Yu Huaixin handed the phone to Liu Jun.

"Hello Mayor Que!" Liu Jun said with a smile.

"Secretary Liu, where's the construction site in Movie City? Alright, I'm almost there, come over and have a look, and discuss something along the way'..." [

Que Fucheng was smiling on the phone, in a good mood.

Since Liu Jun introduced foreign capital on a large scale, Zha Fucheng's attention to Changhe District has increased significantly.He even personally participated in the signing ceremony and Moji ceremony for the construction of the movie theater.Year after year, Que Fucheng made no less than seven trips to Changhe District.

He is the mayor, economic construction is his job, and Changhe District is in charge of him, so it is reasonable to revisit it.Five years ago, Ding Yuzhou scored a lot of points because of the construction of the Changhe Development Zone, and successfully ascended the throne of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary.Once in his hands, it turned into a mess.Although everyone knows that there is a reason for the incident, it cannot be completely blamed on him.

But no matter what, Changhe District was not settled during his tenure as mayor, and this account will always be on his head.

Seeing that as soon as Liu Jun arrived, things were going well, and seeing that Changhe District was about to revisit the glorious scenery of the day, how could Que Fucheng not pay extra attention?Maybe his old bird can also repeat the history of Ding Yuzhou because of the "ZTE" in Changhe District.

Moreover, ever since Que Fucheng expressed his support for Liu Jun at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, deep down in his heart, it seemed that the relationship between the two had become much closer.Que Fucheng also hopes to draw Liu Jun into his camp.

This young man is a character!

As soon as he came, he shook the local forces represented by Chi Anfeng, pushed Chi Anfeng's son to the end, and got out of the officialdom in despair, and forced Chi Anfeng to come forward to operate, and sent his confidants thousands of miles away from Daning. The city called.It can be described as a complete victory!

Such a powerful person, even if he can't use it for himself, at least he can't make him an enemy.

After receiving the call from Que Fucheng, Liu Jun, Pang Dahai and others came to the entrance of the construction site to wait.

Soon, Zai Fucheng's Audi came up to him.Because Changhe District is on the outskirts of the city, Que Fucheng only came with a car and a secretary.

Liu Jun didn't take the initiative to open the car door for Que Fucheng, but just stood there with a gentle smile on his face.

Jun Shao didn't move, neither did Pang Dahai.

In this world, there are not many people who are really worthy of Pang Haihai opening the door for him.Que Fucheng is not among them.

"Hello, Mayor Que." Que Fucheng got out of the car, and Liu Jun took a step forward.Shake hands with Que Fucheng.Que Fucheng didn't show any displeasure, and shook hands with Liu Jun with a smile.

Although Que Fucheng intends to draw Liu Jun into his camp, but in his daily communication with Liu Jun, he is extremely accommodating and polite.in his heart.In fact, Liu Jun was placed in an equal position.Liu Junguan is actually one rank lower than him, and also twenty years younger than him.This is a huge gap.Que Fucheng knew very well that he couldn't be Liu Jun's superior forever, and he was afraid that in a few years, Liu Jun would really be able to sit on an equal footing with him.In time, maybe Cui Fucheng will still look up to Liu Jun.

In the days of working with Liu Jun, it is particularly important to lay a solid foundation for cooperation.

"Mr. Lin, every time I see you, you look as handsome as before!" Que Fucheng shook hands with Pang Haihai tightly, and joked with a smile.

"Hehe. Mayor Que made fun of him again." Pang Dahai was also smiling.Pang Dahai has a good impression of Que Fucheng's low-key and polite attitude.Various officials.He has seen a lot.If anyone is arrogant in front of him, Pang Dahai will be even more arrogant.Even when dealing with the big bosses of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Pang Dahai is neither overbearing nor humble. [

The more Mr. Lin puts on airs, the more polite he is.

This world is so realistic.

"Secretary Liu, let's take a walk together?" Que Fucheng said to Liu Jun with a smile.

"Okay" So Cui Fucheng and Liu Jun lined up in front, Pang Dahai was half a step behind, and the others followed from a distance, walking towards a small hill.Strictly speaking, it is not a hill, it is more appropriate to call it a big mound.It's just that some vegetation grew on it, not bare.

"Boss Lin, what is the purpose of this mound? , Que Fucheng asked as he walked.

"Mayor Que, look at the area we are in, which is the planned Dajiao field. Some grand scenes can be filmed here in the future. This mound is suitable for use as a general stand." Pang Dahai replied with a smile .

Que Fucheng stopped for a while, looked at the mound for a while, and said with a smile, "Isn't it? Mr. Lin really knows how to use local materials." "Hehe, the mayor praised me. The designers decided this way...Mayor Cui, Secretary Liu. Go up and have a look. You can roughly see the rules of the entire movie theater. .

Such a small mound is naturally not comparable to Dongyue Taishan, but at the corner of Heshui Reservoir, it can be regarded as a commanding height.A group of people walked up, and Pang Dahai gasped slightly.

Liu Jun shook his head with a smile, and said, "Dahai, I still need to exercise more." "Yes, yes, exercise..." Pang Dahai laughed.

Standing on the top of the hill, I really have a much wider view, and I can have a panoramic view of the several construction sites that are currently under construction in the entire Movie City.Seeing the scene of large-scale machinery rumbling in full swing, Que Fucheng sighed: (. Mr. Lin is worthy of being a big boss from the south. Needless to say, his courage and mind, the speed of this construction alone is admirable It's not me..." Fat Dahai said a few words humbly with a smile.

"Boss Lin, when do you plan to complete this film and viewing city and put it into use officially?

"The construction scale of the film and viewing city is relatively large. It will be divided into three phases. Tangcheng, which is the construction of Guanzai, is expected to be completed by the end of this year and early next year. Once completed, it can be officially put into business. The other two parts , and it can be completed in the next year!" Pang Dahai replied with certainty.

"That's good, let's do it, Que Fucheng nodded again and again, and said kindly: "Mr. Lin, if you have any requests for our local government, please don't be polite, we will do our best to support and cooperate!" "Hehe, with Mayor Que and Secretary Liu caring and supporting me, I have nothing to worry about!" ""Secretary Liu, since you came to Changhe District, in just a few months, maybe less than half a year, Changhe District has undergone earth-shaking changes. There are bustling construction scenes everywhere, which is exciting..." Que Fucheng continued Said to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "It's all due to the good leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. The comrades in Changhe District and I just did what we should do." Zha Fucheng glanced at Liu Jun and nodded.

This young man, no matter what time, is so calm, talking about the municipal party committee but not about the city government, never mentioning individuals.

"Secretary Liu, how do you and the comrades in the district plan the development plan of the entire Changhe District in the next few years?"

Que Fucheng asked the questions he cared about.

The success or failure of the construction of Changhe District is related to the future of Que Fucheng.He is 50 years old this year. If he has made outstanding achievements in his political career, he has every chance to rise to the next level and become a deputy ministerial leader. If he is lucky, it is not impossible for him to be a ministerial leader.

"Within three years, a new city will be built. The organic connection of the entire Changhe District and Yulan City will truly become an integral part of Yulan City!" Liu Jun replied calmly.

Que Fucheng was taken aback.He originally thought that Liu Jun would talk about specific construction projects, such as how much foreign capital was introduced, how much fiscal revenue was increased, and how much contribution he made to the city.After all, the original intention of the construction of Changhe District was to become a new tax source for Yulan City.Unexpectedly, Liu Jun gave such a grand blueprint.

For Changhe District to become an effective part of Yulan City, this is no joke.Since the park was built, after decades of continuous development and construction, the real built-up area of ​​Yulan City is only about [-] square kilometers.The area under the jurisdiction of Changhe District is [-] square kilometers.

Of course, it is impossible to build the entire Changhe District into a provincial capital city, but it is also very impressive to build Heshui Town into a new urban area of ​​Yulan City.This means that the built-up area of ​​the urban area of ​​Yulan City will expand by one third. [

What an exciting achievement!

If what Liu Jun said can really come true, then as the mayor of this term, Cui Fucheng will definitely leave a strong mark in the construction history of Yulan City, which will last forever.

Que Fucheng looked at Liu Jun, waiting for his further explanation with some doubts.

"Within three years, the actual utilization of foreign capital will be no less than 50 billion, and there will be no less than ten new large-scale and medium-sized enterprises, mainly high-tech enterprises, plus most of the parks and enterprises that have been revitalized. Collective business. In this way, the available financial resources in the district will be greatly increased. With Heshui Town as the center, move southward and border the urban area, and build it into a garden city!" Liu Jun still expounded calmly own governance outline.

Que Fucheng raised his eyebrows.Gein heard the extreme self-confidence from Liu Jun's words.It seems that what Liu Jun is talking about is not an ideal blueprint of an administrative division with a jurisdiction of 30 square kilometers and a population of [-], but a large enterprise in control. Everything has been well planned and has strong financial strength to implement the plan Guarantee!

If so, Changhe District is lucky!Lucky Yulan City!

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