Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 80 Compromise

Asking Yan Songbai to investigate Wang Youfu's matter was legal and upright. It was an overt conspiracy and should be done by Yan Yucheng, the director of the County Revolutionary Committee.Mobilizing insiders to report bad deeds and sending guns to the Public Security Bureau, although it cannot be called a conspiracy, the superiors disdain and cannot do it themselves, so it will naturally fall on the lower staff.

Wang Youfu is the director of the guest house, and the fortress is best breached from the inside.

Xiao Zhixiong, Jiang Youxin, and Liang Guoqiang had a tacit understanding in this matter. They split up, looked for connections, and reported Wang Youfu.Soon, Wang Youfu was invited into the Public Security Bureau for a talk.

At the beginning, Wang Youfu was quite arrogant, but as the report materials were collected one after another, the attitude of the investigators became less friendly, and Wang Youfu's forehead was sweating more and more.The final blow came from the ledger handed over by the hostel's accountant.The ironclad evidence is so strong that Wang Youfu can deny it, and began to pour out bit by bit.

Once Wang Youfu decided to confess, he felt relieved, his body stopped shaking, his speech stopped stuttering, and the sweat on his forehead stopped dripping randomly.However, the strange thing is that Director Yan's sweat obviously increased. [

Cheng Xinjian was very excited at the beginning of the important task, determined to do a good job, and recorded Wang Youfu's confession attentively, for fear of missing a word, and did not pay attention to the abnormality of Director Yan beside him.

Director Yan is sweating, and the flow is a bit strange, it doesn't seem to be for himself.If Yan Songbai was involved in the question Wang Youfu explained, how could Cheng Xinjian and another policeman be so numb?

Only Yan Songbai knew that if the bastard Wang Youfu was allowed to continue, the big net that Wang Benqing left behind in Xiangyang County would be torn to pieces.I'm afraid even Wang Benqing, the one who weaves the net, cannot get away with it.Yan Songbai might not be able to get away easily.

Originally, Yan Songbai wanted to beat Wang Youfu, and came up with some suitable materials, which happened to be enough to take down Wang Youfu himself.If it involves too much, it may not be Yan Yucheng's original intention.Otherwise, Yan Yucheng wouldn't let him handle Wang Youfu's case.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Youfu was invited into the bureau, many unexpected problems were exposed.The reported materials are scrambling for the first time.From this it can be seen that Director Wang is really unpopular, and there are a lot of people who have offended him.Everyone is waiting for his unlucky day.

Seeing that the situation was gradually getting out of control, Yan Songbai had no choice but to exercise his authority as the leader and temporarily suspended the interrogation of Wang Youfu.He picked up the materials and hurried to Yan Yucheng's office.

After listening to Yan Songbai's report and carefully reading Wang Youfu's confession, Yan Yucheng's thick eyebrows gathered into the word "Chuan". After a while of meditation, he said to Yan Songbai: "The comrades in the Public Security Bureau have worked hard and did a good job. Comrade Songbai, you should go back and have a rest first, the past two days are exhausting enough."

Yan Songbai felt relieved and understood.

take a break?Director Yan meant that Wang Youfu would not be interrogated for the time being.It seems that I have comprehended Director Yan's instructions quite well.

As soon as Yan Songbai left, Yan Yucheng immediately grabbed the phone.

After a while, Dad came to Yan Yucheng's office, with an inconspicuous little tail stuck behind him, and he suspected that he was Mr. Liu Jun.At this critical juncture, this yamen will not "leave without authorization".

Listening to Yan Yucheng's general explanation, Dad immediately understood the importance of it.

"Director Yan, if this is revealed, Xiangyang County may cause a major earthquake."

Yan Yucheng said indifferently: "It's nothing but Xiangyang County, there can't be big waves. I'm afraid it's Wang Benqing and Cui Xiuhe's side, and they can't get rid of it."

I frowned, a little puzzled.

According to what Yan Yucheng meant, it was strange that he didn't want to implicate Wang Benqing and Cui Xiuhe.Wang Cui, how can there be any reason for Yan Yucheng's mercy?

There was no one else in the office, and my father didn't have much scruples about what to say, and said, "We are not on a firm footing. At this time, Yijing should not move. It's better not to involve too much, because the higher ups are watching."

Yan Yucheng nodded.

I understand it better. [

If we take this opportunity to eradicate the Wang faction in Xiangyang County, even uprooting Wang Benqing and Cui Xiuhe, it will be a pleasure, but the sequelae will be very obvious.

First, there is no doubt that Zhou Peiming will be offended to death.This is a really high-ranking figure, even Long Tiejun, and sometimes he has to be given three points.Discord between the first and second in command is a common problem in officialdom, and it is also a means for the superior to control the subordinate team.Originally, Yan Yucheng and his father's superior position was the result of the high-level greetings, and it was not a compromise among the regional leaders.If Wang Benqing and Cui Xiuhe were removed together, Zhou Peiming's influence on Xiangyang County would be greatly reduced.Forced to compromise under pressure, Deputy Director Zhou's aggrieved heart can be imagined.It would be unwise to add fuel to the flames at this time.I will give you a pair of small shoes to wear when you meet the scene, and you will know that it is uncomfortable.

Second, Long Tiejun might not like it either.Seeing that the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was about to be held, Long Tiejun's eyes naturally had to look up, to see what was going on above.The "Great Propaganda and Great Discussion" activity organized by Xiangyang County was included in the internal reference of Xinhua News Agency, which greatly earned face for the Baozhou area and Long Tiejun.This is also the reason why Long Tiejun supported Yan Yucheng and his father.It's better to stop now, lest a lot of hard work go to waste.

Third, if we really wiped out all the forces of the Wang faction, we still don't know where to find so many radishes to fill the hole.The end of the year is coming soon, and the place is in a mess. I'm afraid it won't be a good year.The method is too hot, and it will also chill the hearts of the people below.The rabbit is in a hurry and bites people.Seeing that there is nowhere to escape, if you come to a corner to resist, it will not be easy to deal with something.

So the safe way is to discuss the matter as it stands, get rid of Wang Youfu, kill chickens to make an example of monkeys, and give other guys who are about to make a move a strong warning.

"Let it go first."

Yan Yucheng said.


Dad nodded.

Not a moment later, Xiao Zhixiong knocked on the door and came in, saying, "Director Yan, Director Liu, and Director Wei are here, saying they want to report on the construction of a cement plant."

"Please come in."

The chubby Wei Yuhua smiled all over his face and said, "Director Yan, Director Liu, great news, the district has approved the establishment of our cement plant project. Just now Director Wang... Director Wang Benqing personally called and said that he had applied for funds and technology from the province. Support, [-]% of the time."

Yan Yucheng smiled and said, "Okay."

"Director Wang also said that we should send two people from our county to go to the Provincial Department of Industry with him to try to settle the matter as soon as possible."

"That's good, let Director Wei take a trip in person. After all, Director Wang is our old director, and he is still very concerned about the economic construction of Xiangyang County."

Based on these words alone, who would have thought that just a few months ago, Wang Benqing would "double open" Yan Yucheng.

I was secretly amused, the news spread quickly, Wang Benqing couldn't sit still, and showed his kindness to Yan Yucheng.

Wei Yuhua nodded his head like a mirror in his heart: "Yes, yes, the sooner this project is approved, the people in Shanbei District can live a better life sooner."

It is self-deception that a mere cement factory can provide a good life for the people in several communes in Shanbei District.But being able to build this cement plant is better than doing nothing, at least it is an opportunity to get out of the mountains.Before that, I heard that this project was stuck in the Regional Industrial Bureau, saying that the Shanbei District was too remote, the roads were not easy to walk, and the cost of building the factory was too high, so the site selection needed to be reconsidered.

Wei Yuhua conveyed Wang Benqing's willingness to reconcile, said a few clichés, and left in a sensible manner.

Dad got up and refilled Yan Yucheng's cup with boiling water, then filled his own cup, sat down again, took out his cigarette and lit it, did not speak or leave, picked up a newspaper and read it slowly, it was quite leisurely look at ease.

Yan Yucheng smiled, and also picked up a newspaper to read. [

I got up and opened the door, and said to Xiao Zhixiong who was standing outside: "Chief Xiao, Uncle Yan said that he is waiting for an important call, it's not important, don't disturb him for now."


Xiao Zhixiong nodded and continued to be his door god.This Xiao Zhixiong was slightly older than Jiang Youxin, and his temperament was a little more lively than Jiang Youxin, but he was also very calm.Never ask too much.

As soon as I closed the door, I found that Yan Yucheng and my father stared at him fiercely.

"Good boy, you actually passed on the imperial decree and acted as my master."

Yan Yucheng deliberately put on a straight face and said viciously.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Yan, I was wrong. I'll tell Section Chief Xiao that Director Yan is very free now, and if there are cadres who need to report to work, all of them will be brought in."

Saying that, I made a gesture to open the door again.

Dad laughed and said, "Xiaojun, don't mess around."

"Boy, tell me, what important call am I waiting for?"

Yan Yucheng still didn't believe that I had understood what he meant, because I was too young after all.

"Hey, Uncle Yan, if I were you, I wouldn't wait. Why don't you call him yourself, he's your superior after all. It's a little embarrassing to ask him to come to you on his own initiative!"

Yan Yucheng's eyes turned green, and his father opened his mouth wide in surprise.

I flattened my mouth and said, "What's so strange about this? The Liujiashan Brigade set up a brick factory. It's such a big thing that it needs to send such a big investigation team? It's probably Zhou Peiming's head and tail. Wang Youfu, a bastard, is openly pimping , The members of the bribery investigation team were instructed by others to hold on to this matter and limit it to the top line? Without the order from the top, I wouldn’t dare to lend him three more guts.”

Yan Yucheng smiled wryly and shook his head, his father did exactly the same as him.

Alas, I thought they had fully accepted my adult thinking, but unexpectedly, they were still a little bit behind.This "youthful knowledge" hat is firmly on his head, and it seems that he will wear it for a few more years.

"Uncle Yan, since you want to compromise, why don't you take the initiative and don't make too much hatred. Director Long is several years older than Director Zhou."

Now that I've said it, I'll make it clear.

The arrogance in Yan Yucheng's bones made him unable to let go of his airs, and he wanted to wait for Zhou Peiming to take the initiative to call to express his intention of reconciliation.However, in the officialdom, it has always been emphasized that "the first rank of the official crushes people to death", and if Zhou Peiming is asked to put down his airs, I am afraid that he will hold grudges to the bone.If Long Tiejun retreated, and Zhou Peiming took advantage of the trend, life for Yan Yucheng and his father would be difficult.

Yan Yucheng was silent for a while, swallowed with difficulty, and slowly picked up the phone.

"Director Zhou? Hello, I'm Yan Yucheng..."

"Comrade Yucheng, hello."

Zhou Peiming's tone was always gloomy and cold, but he tried to add some intimacy, which still made people feel uncomfortable.

"That's right, there's something I want you to report..."

On the phone, Yan Yucheng briefly talked about the situation Wang Youfu explained.In fact, if the director of a hostel commits a crime, no matter what the crime is, there is no need to report it to Zhou Peiming in a serious manner. He is not the regional leader in charge of the police station.Doing so is just showing an attitude.

"...Yes, yes, Director Zhou, we will definitely follow your instructions, not to let a single criminal be spared, and not to wrong a good person...ummm...we will pay attention to methods and policies...that's right, Zhou Director, our county plans to build a cement plant in Shanbei District, yes... as a supporting project for the Daping Thermal Power Plant... er, Comrade Wang Benqing called just now and said that the project has been approved... Comrade Benqing is our The old director of Xiangyang County is very enthusiastic. He wants to go to the provincial department to help us apply for technical and financial assistance... Yes, yes, our county plans to entrust Comrade Wei Yuhua and Comrade Ben Qing to go to the provincial capital together... Hmm, yes ok..."

The key to this call was the last few words, telling Zhou Peiming that the county had accepted Wang Benqing's "olive branch".

I secretly laughed, Yan Yucheng was forced to make such a reconciliation phone call, and his tone was still unwilling to let the wind fall. "Comrade Benqing" listened to being intimate, but he just didn't call out "old leader".In his bones, he never regarded Wang Benqing as his old leader.

Having made this call, Zhou Peiming has both face and liking, so he naturally knows what to do.

After reaching an agreement with Zhou Peiming, Yan Yucheng breathed a sigh of relief, took a few sips of tea, and picked up the phone again.This time, Long Tiejun's majestic voice came from the other end of the phone.

Long Tiejun reprimanded him on the phone, but Yan Yucheng didn't look too nervous, and even took two puffs of cigarettes.Undoubtedly, Yan Yucheng has also engraved the word "Dragon" on his forehead.It's right for the boss to scold a few words.

When Long Tiejun spoke, he was not as circumspect as Zhou Peiming, and he had many scruples. At the end, he said bluntly: "Wang Youfu's matter must be well controlled, and it should not make a big fuss. If it gets big, it will not benefit anyone."

Long Tiejun's words set the tone.

A few things worked out as follows:

Wang Youfu was expelled from the party, dismissed from public office, and arrested for corruption. After the investigation was completed, he was transferred to the procuratorate for prosecution.

Wang Shaohong, chief of the cadre section of the regional organization department, warned within the party that the administration had recorded a major demerit and was transferred from the organization department to make other arrangements for work; Dismissed and transferred from the public security department.

Five days later, the region re-sent an investigation team to Xiangyang County to investigate the "capitalist line" and "corruption crimes" in the brick factory of the Liujiashan Brigade. After careful interviews and investigations, the investigation team concluded that the anonymous letter was a false accusation. The above-mentioned problems basically do not exist in the Shanda brigade brick factory.Comrade Liu Jincai, deputy director of the Xiangyang County Revolutionary Committee, had no knowledge of this matter.

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