Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 802 Party Congress Delegation

It was not very late when Liu Jun returned to Building No. [-] of the Provincial Party Committee. Before Diao had a drink, Cheng Xinjian was swearing and a little upset. Halfway through the meal, Comrade Cheng had already put his unhappiness out of the sky and yelled Fight wine with Tang Shengzhou, Shi Zhong and others.

Although everyone is an old friend of Jun Shao, after all, there are differences in closeness, and the difference in rank is also obvious.For example, Cheng Xinjian holds the prefecture-level municipal legal committee secretary's position, which is prestigious, but Wang Ya is just the most ordinary cadre.Everyone will not be too open in front of Cheng Xinjian.Those who are qualified to meet Cheng Xinjian at the wine table are Tang Shengzhou, Shi Zhong and a few other guests who are the most generous.

After drinking and eating, Secretary Cheng, who was already three points drunk, proposed to sing karaoke again.Younger people such as Pan Zhiren, Wang Ya and others naturally responded to Secretary Cheng's call, but everyone consciously waited for Liu Jun to express his opinion.

Liu Jun didn't refuse that it was rare for everyone to get together, of course Liu Jun couldn't spoil everyone's interest.Especially Cheng Xinjian, with whom he had a life-threatening friendship.The age difference between the two is nearly 20 years, but the brotherhood is extremely sincere.

However, Secretary Liu accepted an appointment in Calabi, and left early after staying for an hour. [

It is estimated that by this time, Tang Haitian should have arrived at Building No. [-] and was talking to his two elders.

Liu Jun's guess was correct. Not only did Tang Haitian arrive, but also Guo Qiliang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor, Mei Aohan, Director of the Finance Department, Rong Baichuan, Executive Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Tian Wenming, Mayor of Hanhu City, and Tian Wenming, Mayor of Taining City. Liu Yan, Deputy Party Secretary, Liu Heqian, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Liang Yuanqiang, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Li Yong, Deputy Mayor of the Standing Committee, and others all arrived.

Guo Qiliang and Mei Aohan are officers of the strict line, and the rest of them were all former subordinates of Liu Jincai, so it is natural to take this opportunity to pay a visit to the old leaders.At the same time, it also harmonized the relationship between colleagues, that is, Liu Jincai came, and people were able to arrive so neatly.

On weekdays, even though everyone is Yan Yucheng's confidant, because of Yan Yucheng's "rules", they dare not visit the door in such a uniform manner.

Especially to Liu Jun's surprise, Chi Xiaobo, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, also came.

When Liu Jun first started working, he worked in the Communist Youth League Committee.Chi Xiaobo was the deputy secretary of the Youth League Provincial Committee at the time, and without an "organization", he later fully supported Bai Yang and Liu Jun, and he was regarded as aboard the big ship of the Yanliu faction.Now that she is able to visit Yan Yucheng's family, she is openly tied with Yan Liu's generals, which shows that she has been appreciated by Yan Yucheng, and her career prospects are bright.

The central government advocates the bold use of young female cadres. Female cadres, minority cadres, and party democrats should account for a certain proportion of all levels of leadership. Chi Xiaobo fits this requirement, and Yan Yucheng appreciates it.

After meeting Liu Jun, everyone greeted with a smile.

Now this young man is not just Liu Jincai's son, Yan Yucheng's son-in-law, but also a serious senior official at the deputy department level. It's against all courts!

Only Yan Yucheng just sat there without raising his eyebrows, as if this son-in-law was as transparent as air.

When Liu Jun was young, Yan Yucheng loved him very much, and Weng and his son-in-law often bickered. As Liu Jun got older, especially when he entered the system, Yan Yucheng gradually became stricter with him.Perhaps, this is also a way of being a parent.The more you value Liu Jun's talent, the stricter the requirements.

Liu Jun didn't care whether Yan Yucheng was happy or not, and just sat aside.

"Xiao Jun, how are you doing in Yulan City? I've heard that in six months, it's amazing to import 20 billion yuan. Why didn't you have such a big hand when you were in Ningbei County?" Tang Haitian He said with a smile.

In terms of positions within the party, Guo Qiliang is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Governor, and above Tang Haitian.But Tang Haitian is Yan Liu's old colleague for many years. He is recognized as a hardcore general of Yan Liu's family and is also older than Guo Qiliang. Guo Qiliang politely let him sit on Yan Yucheng's right.

Hearing this, Liu Jun laughed and said, "Uncle Tang, I don't take you to say that. I'm in Ningbei County, but I've dedicated myself and worked so hard!" The whole room is his own, so Liu Jun doesn't have much scruples when he speaks, and doesn't mean it deliberately. Be humble and say some official jargon.

"Hen! You have worked hard, but the layout is not enough! You are too cautious!" This time, it was Yan Yucheng who spoke.

Liu Yanei's expression was a bit embarrassing and Yan Yucheng's meaning, he understood it very well.It is estimated that Yan Yucheng is somewhat aware of the invisible consortium behind him.This means that when you are in Ningbei County, you should make full use of the power of these consortiums, and you don't have to shy away from anything.

When I went to Yulan City, I didn't want to do it with such a big fanfare, and I had to do it because of the situation.

Yan Yucheng's rambling comments are quite reasonable. [

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Dad, everything has a process, and the pattern cannot be formed in a day!" Yan Yucheng said lightly: "If you are still working in the Youth League Committee, this is justified." But Aren’t you already a vice-chairman, a member of the Standing Committee of the municipal party committee in a dignified provincial capital city, you have to move faster, your mind and courage must correspond to your position, and even be a higher level .Yan Yucheng is Zhou Yifei's favorite student. Like his teacher, he respects problems from a higher standpoint.

Liu Jun had no choice but to agree.

In front of so many provincial cadres, he couldn't compete with his father-in-law and his father, so he had to save some face for Secretary Yan.

Everyone chatted for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, they all got up and said goodbye.Yan Yucheng didn't hold back, but stood up and shook hands with everyone.On the contrary, Liu Jincai went all the way to the gate of the villa, shaking hands with Tang Haitian and others one by one to bid farewell.

Liu Jun naturally wants to follow Lao Tzu to the utmost courtesy.

Liu Jincai returned from the door and looked at Yan Yucheng. Yan Yucheng stood up, hands behind his back, and walked upstairs slowly. Liu Jincai and his son followed each other upstairs and entered the study.

Liu Jun still followed Lao Canju, and passed cigarettes and tea to the two old men.

Yan Liu has been away for many years, and many things are difficult to communicate on the phone. This opportunity is very rare.Seeing that there will be a change of office next year, the composition and composition of the Central Committee is obviously the issue that leaders of factions such as Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai should pay attention to.It's the right time to discuss it face to face.

"Jin Cai, have you already started preparing for the candidates for the [-]th National Congress of Province J?" Yan Yucheng asked, lighting a cigarette.

As usual, the [-]th Congress will be held at the end of next year, but Liu Jun knows that because of the great man's death, various factions are fighting fiercely and the situation is confusing, so the [-]th Congress will be held in the middle of the year.

It is also customary to start preparing for the delegation to the [-]th National Congress one or two years in advance.This is the most crucial event in the political life of the garden. The composition of the Central Committee largely indicates the result of the struggle between various factions, and also determines the trend of the garden family's great politics in the next five years after the [-]th National Congress. Not careful.

The election of members and alternate members of the Central Committee adopts the method of competitive election and secret ballot, which has great variables.The ability of each faction to control the provincial delegations is particularly important at this time.

Yan Yucheng served as the secretary of the provincial party committee of n province for three years, and gradually took control of the situation from the initial disadvantage.However, the situation in N Province is still very complicated. Both Zhang Guangming's faction and Hu Weimin's faction have deep-rooted forces, which should not be underestimated.It seems that in the next year or two, Yan Yucheng will spend a lot of effort on this matter.

Liu Jincai said: "We've already started working on it, so it's not a big problem." The situation in Province J is indeed relatively easy to grasp.

Qian Jianjun and Liu Jincai cooperated tacitly. Although the two belonged to different factions and could not be completely consistent during the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, they still communicated relatively well.It is one aspect to be able to grasp the number of chestnuts, but it is another aspect to be able to fully control the situation of the delegation.The faction leader will formulate a realistic strategic plan based on the situation that the faction can actually control, and strive to strive for the greatest benefit.

Yan Yucheng nodded, and said: "Not long ago, Chang expressed a certain degree of worry when talking with me on the phone. Liu Jun's ears perked up.

This faction is in front of the stage, with a total of two super bosses, both of whom are side by side to the Big Seven.It is the younger elder who often contacts Yan Yucheng.Last year, Mr. Dong passed away, and the aftermath of high-level abandonment has never subsided.Yan Yucheng is the leader of the new generation of this faction, and it is estimated that he will go further in next year's general election.As for the specific position, it is temporarily unknown, but entering the Politburo is the established goal.However, judging from Guanzai's situation, there are also different voices within the faction.

Relatively speaking, the two senior leaders are a little more low-key, while the older one is more high-profile and tough.Recently, in several provinces across the park, disagreements between the party committees and the people's congresses have arisen.This is a tough gesture shown by the elders.

This gesture made the bosses of other factions very uneasy.

It seems that before next year's Party Congress of the whole garden, Yan Yucheng will not only further control the delegation of n province, but also mediate and mediate the differences within the faction. The pressure is very heavy.

Seeing Yan Yucheng's eyebrows tightened, Liu Jun gently put the brewed tea in front of his father-in-law and Laozi, and said with a smile: "Dad, I have something to report to you two." All fell on his face.

"Uncle Wu Qiuhan, it is very likely that he will be converted to a military position and go back to the capital." Liu Jun raised this matter with He Changzheng and Wu Qiuhanhai Xiangjun in the headquarters compound of the Southeast Military Region in Jinghua City. Although there was no clear answer at that time, Liu Jun Jun estimated that Wu Qiuhan would definitely accept his suggestion.For the He and Wu families, gaining a firm foothold in the army is the top priority.It is impossible for Wu Qiuhan to stay out of the army forever for such a titan. [

What a waste!

Yan Yucheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

If Wu Qiuhan is transferred away, the situation in N Province will naturally change again.If you can anticipate the enemy's opportunity first, you will be able to take the initiative.Yan Yucheng didn't ask where Liu Jun's news came from. On such a big matter, this kid never opened his mouth.

"Assuming that Uncle Wu will leave in the near future, I think my master, the director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, is a very suitable candidate!" Liu Jun said with a smile.

Yan Yucheng glared at him.

This kid is starting to carry private goods again!

However, it seems that his proposal is quite reasonable.Liang Yuanqiang is competent in terms of qualifications and ability!

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