Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 808 Complete Industry Chain

Yamada Jiro worked extremely hard.Hit the master to accept the task of cooperating with Changfeng Company.He stayed in Yulan City almost all the time, and spent every day at Changfeng Company, discussing various details with Zhao Yan in detail.

Although Liu Jun didn't like little devils very much, he still agreed with their seriousness and willingness to work hard as a nation.

It is impossible for Comrade Liu Jun to buy Japanese goods and contribute to the Japanese devils.But Comrade Liu Jun didn't mind, and asked the little devil to make some contributions to his family.

After the cooperation in name, 40.00% of the profits generated by Changfeng Company in the future should be attributed to Yamada Co., Ltd. Du. Rooted in the garden soil.

Zhao Yan is also a very serious person, so he has met his opponent now.Two people often get into a fight over a detail.Zhao Yan was in a hurry, and would stare and scold Tian Jiro so that he did not understand the actual situation in the garden.At this time, Vice President Zhao forgot that Mr. Yamada was a partner and a guest invited by Changfeng Company.Fortunately, Zhao Yan doesn't know how to swear.Yamada Jiro was very polite. When Zhao Yan got angry, the devil jumped up and kept bowing, but after bowing, he did whatever he wanted, and he refused to give in at all. [

When Liu Jun accompanied Bai Yang and his party to the executive vice president's office of Changfeng Company, Zhao Yan and Yamada Jiro had an argument over another issue. Zhao Yan yelled loudly in the office, saying that Yamada Jiro was talking on paper.

Yamada Jiro bowed as usual, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, please forgive me...but this question is indeed worth discussing!"

Bai Yang went in without haste, and looked at Liu Jun at the door of the office, waiting for his explanation.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "The two people who quarreled, one is Zhao Yan, the executive vice president of Changfeng Company" and the other is Yamada Jiro, the representative of our partner, Du Chang of Japan's Yamada Shushikaidu! "Bai Yang's eyes widened, and he was surprised." The executive vice president was arguing with the cooperation representative?Hasn't your cooperation agreement not yet been formally concluded? "Deputy Director Qian of the Provincial Planning Commission and others who accompanied him here also looked surprised. Before the cooperation agreement was formally appraised, he had a quarrel with the partner's boss." This Vice President Zhao is indeed quite different.He's not worried at all about running away with anger?

Those who can cooperate with Changfeng Company are not small merchants.

Although Changfeng Company's profitability has not been good in recent years and there have been a lot of moths, but the emaciated Luo Shame is bigger than Ma, and does not have hundreds of millions of funds, so he does not have the conditions to cooperate with Changfeng.

"It's okay, they're used to arguing, and they're two guys who admit death!"

Liu Jun took it seriously, knocked on the door, and strode in.

Seeing Liu Jun, the two people arguing inside naturally stopped immediately, Zhao Yan couldn't turn the corner for a while, and nodded to Liu Jun with a blushing face, "Yamada Jiro bowed almost ninety degrees very respectfully , Said: "Secretary Liu, hello! "Following Jun Liu's introduction, Jiro Yamada bowed fiercely as if he had a remote control on his waist.

Liu Jun is very suspicious of the problem of herniated intervertebral disc, and a large number of patients can be found in Japan.

Liu Jun just nodded slightly, Bai Yang and the others didn't understand the inside story, so naturally they couldn't trust them." Shaking hands with Yamada Jiro one by one as a gift.

"Old Zhao, what are you arguing about?"

Everyone sat down as guest and host, Liu Jun asked casually.

Zhao Yan said: "About the distribution of employees. Mr. Yamada insists on optimizing the combination

According to the plan he proposed, 50.00% of the workers must be laid off.Secretary Liu, you are also aware of the situation in the factory. "In recent years, the benefits have not been good. Even those who work in the factory, the salary and bonus are basically not complete." The old foundation, I have already tossed and emptied..."

Liu Jun waved his hand, stopped Zhao Yan's nagging, and said: "Old Zhao, I support Yamada on this point. If Changfeng's company wants to really take off, it must undergo major surgery and optimize the combination!"

Yamada Jiro bowed to Liu Jun again.

Japanese companies originally paid great attention to benefits and benefits. Although they were not owned by the park, the employees' life, old age, sickness and death were basically covered by the company.This has something to do with the tradition of the Japanese nation. They have a strong sense of identity with the enterprise, and they truly regard the enterprise as their home.

However, Jiro Yamada was very dissatisfied with the personnel structure of Changfeng Company.He believes that many people do not need to exist at all.This is completely different from supporting retired workers.The Japanese manage the whole industry and never allow a single idler to exist.On the contrary, employees often voluntarily pay overtime. [

If you don't work overtime, you boy will be fired!

If these redundant personnel are not reduced, the cost of the product will not be reduced at all, and the competitiveness will be lost. No matter how much money is injected, it will not work.

"Secretary Liu, you can't just watch these workers go hungry!"

Zhao Yan argued hard!

For someone like Zhao Yan who has experienced two clubs, the superiority of clubism is an aspect he values ​​very much.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Old Zhao, optimizing the combination and streamlining the staff is not about starving the workers. For these workers who continue to combine, the factory will naturally arrange a way out for them!"

Zhao Yan's eyes widened.He asked very puzzled: "Secretary Liu. The factory doesn't want them anymore, so how can we arrange a way out?"

Liu Jun said slowly: "Old Zhao, today I accompanied Director Bai, Director Qian and other leaders to Changfeng Company for investigation and investigation, just to discuss together the development ideas of our company after the restructuring. This, we must first understand clearly One point, why the competitiveness of our company's products is low, not because of poor quality, but because of high cost. Production efficiency is low, and labor costs have increased. Generally speaking, the scale of our Changfeng company is not small, but large, and the number of personnel is not small There are more, but more. A large and comprehensive company is like a fully loaded or even loaded freighter. It is difficult to deal with strong winds and waves, and it is even more difficult to turn around. Therefore, after the restructuring of Changfeng Company, the most important The first step is to reduce the scale and streamline the personnel. We need to merge some branch factories, merge some departments and agencies, greatly reduce the allocation of institutions and personnel, and only keep the most capable teams. Some branch factories and workshops that produce auxiliary parts , all off!"

Zhao Yan was taken aback, and almost yelled: "Secretary Liu, if these branches and workshops are closed, our production line will be incomplete, and the products will not come out!"

This is really a layman guiding an expert!

Zhao Yan admitted that Liu Jun was very good at managing cadres, and within two months of his arrival, he eliminated Zhu Feiyue and Pei Yiren in one go, which was remarkable.But specific to the production management of the factory, it requires rich experience.

Looking at Liu Jun's formulation, isn't it just a fool?The products are no longer available, so what to sell to customers?

"Old Zhao, don't be impatient. The closure of these branches and workshops is only relative to Changfeng Company. It does not mean that they are all closed. Our Changfeng Company no longer produces these spare parts. They can be contracted or leased out. Ask others to produce for us. We just buy these spare parts from them. In this way, our expenditure on working capital and management expenses can be greatly reduced, and we can concentrate on the most important links.

Of course, for contracting and ancestral leasing, the laid-off workers of Changfeng Company will still be considered first. After all, they have worked in the factory for many years, with rich experience and more mature technology.However, this is only a temporary appearance, and soon someone will rise up to compete!The fiercer the competition, the better it is for our company. We can buy these accessories at a lower price, and the cost of the whole product will also be reduced! "

Liu Jun smiled and explained to her husband's family in a calm manner.

In fact, this idea is not Liu Jun's "original".In his previous life, he came across an article by chance, which compared a large enterprise producing motorcycles with an enterprise in a township in the southeast coast. The cost of motorcycles produced by large enterprises has been reduced by 30.00%.The reason is that this township enterprise actually does only three things—engine production, special paint, and vehicle assembly!

Except for these three tasks, all other links are completed by the small Jiating workshop in the town.Almost 60.00% of the households in that town are small factories that process motorcycle parts, forming a complete industrial chain.Because of the competition, factories compete with each other, desperately reducing costs and improving quality. Assembly companies can purchase high-quality and cheap parts at very low prices, and the financial pressure is greatly reduced. .On the other hand, it also avoids all kinds of management expenses caused by the oversized business, and there is almost no need to worry about the burden of retired workers.All the readings were allocated to the small factory in the town.

At the same time, the town's economy has developed rapidly because of this, and every household has ways to make money, forming a very beneficial virtuous circle.This is the road for sustainable development that Liu Jun pointed out for Changfeng Company, and even for the entire Changhe Industrial Zone.

Bai Yang, Deputy Director Qian, and Zhao Yan were still savoring Liu Jun's words carefully, but Jiro Yamada stood up excitedly, bowed deeply to Liu Jun again, and said repeatedly: "Hey, oh, Secretary Liu's method is very good! It is the best solution to solve the current high cost of Changfeng Company! Yamada is deeply impressed!"

Bai Yang pondered for a while, and his eyes sparkled.

"Secretary Liu, if this plan can be implemented smoothly, it will not only benefit Changfeng Company... Many enterprises in Changhe High-tech Zone can follow this practice. The people in the entire Changhe District can also find a suitable way for their own development , It’s really a feat! I hope Changfeng Company and Changhe District can implement this plan as soon as possible, and then spread it in the high-tech zones and development zones of the whole park!

Bi: Don't blame Huanbingchao, there is a little tail hanging at the end of each chapter, there is really no way.Starting point officials have not given any cakes for three consecutive weeks!If you don't work hard on pinching cakes, you will really be able to continue.Could it be that you really want to pinch cakes to do that kind of dirty business?Do you want to brush the moon chestnut?Swipe to click?That's really gentle!Pinbing cakes are updated more than [-] times a day, so I really don’t have the energy to think about other things!How about this, just pinch the cake and write the book seriously, and other things, can you help me out?Please please! [

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