Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 820 Not Only You Men Can Play

9ooo4716 Chapter 820 Not only you men can play

, Liu Jun.What do you mean?" Ling Ya gritted her teeth when she asked this question.

"Hey, concentrate on driving, otherwise you will be reimbursed, and the reimbursement will be reimbursed. The key is that we are reimbursed in the same car. I can't tell!"

Liu Jun leaned on the passenger seat.He replied indifferently, with a touch of ridicule.

They are going to a party.A gathering of Lingya's friends.According to Ling Ya, the nature of this kind of gathering is very personal, and it's all her girlfriends, in other words, it's a party secretly organized by the young ladies from aristocratic families in the capital. [

At that time, Liu Jun asked, "Why did you take me there?"

Ling Ya's answer is also very unreasonable. All people bring lovers. I don't have a lover. It's too embarrassing. I ask you to replace it temporarily!

Liu Yanei had no choice but to surrender.

But to be honest, he really wanted to see what the private lives of the girls from the aristocratic families in the capital were like.With Liu Jun's current status, he can also be regarded as the queen of Ruomen.However, Yan Liu's rise is too fast, and Liu Jun himself is concentrating on government affairs, so he can't be regarded as a son of a family, and he knows too little about the private lives of the dandies and young ladies in the capital circle.

Even Miss He, strictly speaking, is not an authentic Miss of the capital.He Changzheng has been in the southern army for a long time, and Miss He's deepest foundation is also in the southern city.

Ling Ya herself has a private car.Very stylish Ferrari sports car, dynamic shape and silver body very dazzling.It can also be seen from this that Lingya really wants to show off her personality.However, there is still a certain bottom line.Otherwise, the sports car would have to be red.

After getting in the car, Ling Ya questioned Liu Jun aggressively.

Liu Yanei knew what she was referring to.However, Zhang Yi asked him to "show the way" to Changhe, and Zhang Yi would be needed in some projects in the future, so it would be better to give him a favor.

Liu Jun knew very well that no matter how powerful he was, he would never be able to rectify the government officials.The whole social trend is like this, and it cannot be resisted by one person alone.At best, Liu Jun can reduce the phenomenon of prostitution as much as possible in his own jurisdiction.He has no control over the state ministries and commissions.Since it is always good for others, it is better to be within one's control than to be out of control.

Subordinate officials playing tricks behind their backs are the beginning of renunciation.

Liu Jun thought about it and his answer made Ling Ya very upset.

"Liu Jun, let me tell you seriously, Zhang Yi is too much of a joke. He even gave birth to a child with his first love, and basically transferred all the property under his name to that woman's name, you Help him make money, where will I be placed?" "Ling Ya said angrily.

Liu Jun glanced at her, and found that Director Ling was sulking with his mouth puffed out like a little girl. x interstitial s advertising time

"Do you want to make money? It's easy, I'll give you 1000 million as the principal, and after three years, I'll make you [-] million!"

Liu Jun still said flatly.He is really not interested in making money now.But if it can make a friend happy, he will not hesitate to help.Anyway, it's cutting the flesh of foreign devils, so don't feel bad about it.

With a sound of "Chi", the Ferrari came to a sudden stop, Liu Yanei was unaware of Ling Ya's move, and almost hit his forehead on the windshield.Fortunately, he reacted extremely quickly and "survived the disaster".

"What did you say?"

Ling Ya stared at him like a monster.

Liu Jun gave her a hard look.Angrily said: "Can you drive? Or I'll come!" [

Really, Secretary Liu hasn't been raped like this for a long time!

"What did you say on the Internet? You said you would give me 1000 million, and you can earn [-] million in three years?"

Ling Ya completely looked at Liu Yanei's "vicious" eyes, and was inexplicably surprised. She had seen someone who bragged and didn't pay taxes, but she had never seen someone like Liu Jun who bragged about not paying taxes, and said it seriously.

However, Liu Jun doesn't seem like the kind of person who can brag indiscriminately!

"Come on, is there any need to be so surprised? What's so difficult about making money? It seems like a hundred million is a lot,"


"A hundred million or less? .

Ling Ya almost cried out.

As far as she knew, before Zhang Yi married her, he was already tinkering with business. At that time, the power of the old Zhang family was far stronger than it is now, and the old man was still very healthy.But after so many years of tinkering.I tried my best and exhausted my connections, but I only got 2000 million.Of course, this is also related to the fact that the old Zhang family doesn't like Zhang Yi very much.Like the second boy of Lao Gao's family, he has earned much more than Zhang Yi.But no matter what, [-] million is an astonishingly large number. According to this person, it is almost no different from a few hundred yuan.

"Liu Jun, you are not a corrupt official, are you?

Ling Ya was surprised for a while.He couldn't help worrying about Liu Jun.

Ling Ya is in the officialdom.Those who come from a famous family and get rich by taking advantage of the flaws in the system have seen so many officials that they are almost numb.But her perception of Liu Jun is completely different.Liu Jun is destined to become a master!If you really want to plant it for money, it will be too bad.

Liu Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"As for it? Miss. Are you too sensitive?"

"Liu Jun, let me tell you the truth, you are already rich, so stop thinking about money, okay? The officialdom is dangerous!"

Ling Ya said to Liu Jun very seriously.

Liu Jun couldn't help being slightly moved.

He could feel the concern of the super stunned for him, coming out of the heart. "Don't worry, it's not what you think. It's really not difficult for me to make money. I'm just not very interested in making money. If you care about Zhang Yi's money, I'll give you [-] million. Of course, this one It will take some time to earn it back."

Liu Jun put away his casual tone and said seriously.

Ling Ya stared at him for a while, then breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out her hand to caress her chest a few times, as if she felt relieved.

This little action made Liu Yanei feel a little hot in his heart.

"Liu Jun. You are really different." [

Ling Ya said sincerely.

She believed Liu Jun's words.Perhaps for a genius like Liu Jun, nothing can stop him!Earning [-] million may be extremely difficult for others, but for Liu Jun, it may really be just a matter of one sentence.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Let's drive. Don't play the thrilling action of playing the net again." Otherwise, I will drive.You just have to show the way. "

"Come on, master, I won't scare you anymore" I'm only scared by you, "

Ling Ya muttered a few words.Restart the car.

However, Ling Ya was surprised to find out that after such a sudden and sudden pass, she finally turned to Zhang Yi's hatred.It actually faded again.It seems that Liu Jun has supernatural powers, as long as he is by his side and casually says a few words, her mood will immediately improve!

Where Lingya is going.Already approaching the suburbs, the Ferrari sports car drove for four or ten minutes before arriving at a newly opened villa area.It is a large group of villas, and the environment is very good.

Liu Jun noticed that there was a signboard of Huaxing Real Estate Company hanging at the entrance.

It seems that Huaxing has gradually gained a firm foothold in the capital, and its business is getting bigger and bigger.Whether it is Xiaoqing's Shengye Investment, or Qiaoer's Qiushui Hotel Chain Company and Huaxing Real Estate Company, although the business projects are different, Xiaoqing's investment philosophy is obviously different from Qiaoer's, but one thing is for sure. They are all deeply influenced by Liu Jun, and they are very generous in doing things, and they are never stingy.

"This community is newly opened, the greening is very good, and the environment is beautiful. Shishi bought a villa here "Well 1 this is the first time I have come here."

Ling Ya said to Liu Jun.

The so-called Shishi is the hardcore among Ling Ya's girlfriends. Ling Ya mentioned to him that her parents are also director-level cadres of the national ministries and commissions.Married to a businessman, very rich, Shishi is a bold and generous person, every time such a party is basically hosted by Shishi.

At the beginning, Shishi refused to marry a wealthy son of the capital and married as a businessman's wife, just for the sake of enjoying herself.My husband has money, so if I don't spend some on him, I really don't feel worthy of my youthful beauty.

Ling Ya is very familiar with the path of the community, the so-called first time here probably refers to the first time to attend a party here.As Shishi's best friend, when Shishi changed her new home, she would definitely come to congratulate her when she moved in.

This group of villas is also divided into sections. The further you go in, the more luxurious the villas will be.Ling Ya drove the car to a huge villa with swimming pool and tennis court and stopped, and honked the horn.

"How about it, is this villa luxurious enough?"

Qi Ya asked.

Liu Jun smiled and nodded

If Lingya sees Xiaoqing's mansion in Repulse Bay, she doesn't know how she will feel.When Xiaoqing talked with him on the phone not long ago, she told him that she had bought a small island in Maldives, a small country in the Indian Ocean, and planned to build a "royal palace" on it.

This is exactly what Qing said.

After this "Imperial Palace" is completed, Liu Yanei will naturally go to enjoy it.Maldives is one of the island countries with the most beautiful environment in the world. It should be very pleasant to enjoy life there.

"Hey, let me tell you, Shishi is very beautiful, you are not allowed to think of her."

Ling Ya added one more gossip.

Liu Jun then had some headaches.

Why do girls "show their true colors. After that, there is no one who doesn't gossip?

"Miss, I haven't even dealt with you yet, how can I have the heart to play other people's ideas?"

Liu Jun got a bad idea.

Ling Ya pursed her lips and gave him a sideways glance, she was really charming, her small appearance was extremely alluring.

"You are a real person. Don't tell people your real identity later." There are everyone here, and it's not good to spread the word. "" Ling Ya exhorted.

Liu Jun frowned, and said, "Didn't you say they are all your girlfriends?"

"Girlfriends are of course reliable, but their lovers are of all kinds, including people from the society. Nobody mentions their identities."

Liu Jun smiled wryly and said, "It seems that I'm going to reposition you guys!"

"Hmph! Do you think you guys are the only ones who know how to play? Do you keep women at home like canaries? In the capital, there are too many small circles like this! It's just mutual understanding."

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