Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 834 The Management Committee Becomes the Defendant

The issue of managing Changjiang Biochemical Company outside Changhe District turned into a lawsuit.

After examination by medical staff, the health of the workers of Guanjiang Biochemical Company and many people in the five surrounding villages has been affected to some extent, and the poisoning by organochlorine residues is relatively serious.A small number of them required immediate hospitalization.

Ever since he solved this problem, Chai Shaoji had been working day and night, he was so tired that he lost weight, his eyes were bloodshot, and when he reported to Liu Jun, his expression was very tired.

"Secretary, the problem is very serious. There are about a dozen people who have already tested the cancer and whether it can be cured. The hospital dare not pack chestnuts!" Chai Shaoji's voice was hoarse, like a piece of torn paper, hissing Hiss.

These days, he was really exhausted. [

Liu Jun frowned suddenly, he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious, but it was Anchai Shaoji who said: "Shaoji, you have worked hard. Have you made arrangements for those villagers who are deeply poisoned?" "Arrange the lights?" Yes, at the District People's Hospital." "Well, you go back and rest first. I'll go to the hospital to see them. Tomorrow, we will hold a meeting of the working committee to discuss how to deal with the aftermath of this matter." Liu Jun said.

"Secretary, I'm not tired." Chai Shaoji shook his head, with an apologetic expression on his face: "I'm ashamed, I didn't check it well at the beginning." Liu Jun nodded and said, "We should learn from it. A negligence of the ruler will often lead to It has caused misfortune to thousands of families. So before making any decision, you must think twice." Chai Shaoji nodded repeatedly.

If it was the past, Chai Shaoji would feel so tired of being taught by a young partner who was so "superior" to him.But facing Liu Jun, he didn't have this kind of thinking, and he was truly convinced.Take the Changjiang Biochemical Company incident as an example. Liu Jun went to Fengtai Town to see the problem, and dealt with it immediately without delay.Otherwise, I don't know how long it will take.

If there is a large-scale poisoning or even death accident, the consequences will be disastrous, and it may not be just a question of whether the black hat can be kept.

After Chai Shaoji went back to rest, Liu Jun went to the District People's Hospital to visit the employees of Changjiang Biochemical Company who were hospitalized and the nearby villagers.

All of these ten or so people have been observed to have cancer symptoms, and the poisoning is relatively deep.

Liu Jun was very moved by the appearance of these workers and people.Knowing that Liu Jun is the secretary of the district committee, everyone was very grateful for the district's ability to arrange for them to be hospitalized. Some people even expressed their gratitude, as if they had received great care.Surprisingly, no one felt that this matter was a mistake in the district's decision-making, and the district should have taken responsibility in the first place.

At that time in [-], people's awareness of rights protection was far less strong than that of later generations.

Liu Jun made a phone call to Yu Yuanxun, the director of Baozhou Civilian Hospital. Yu Yuanxun had officially married Liang Shaolan and became the son-in-law of Lao Liang's family.The three different hospitals built by the Huaxing Charity Foundation have a unified management structure, called the Huaxing Charity Foundation Hospital Management Department.Yu Yuanxun also serves as the director of the management department, and manages all the charity hospitals under the name of Huaxing Charity Foundation.

Liu Jun informed Yu Yuanxun of the situation of the students in Changhe District and Yu Yuanxun on the phone. Yu Yuanxun was very serious and promised to rush to Changhe District to conduct field investigations and provide medical help as much as possible.

Then Liu Jun called Miss He and asked her to allocate a special fund to the hospital management department of the Huaxing Charity Foundation, no less than 1000 million, to prepare for support.

Liu Jun's third call was to Qiaoer.Qiao'er felt very sad when she heard this situation. Before Liu Jun could speak, the man promised to allocate 5000 million to the charity foundation to build the fourth civilian hospital in Changhe District in the shortest possible time.

Liu Jun was originally in a heavy mood, but fortunately Le Le came out in time.The baby girl chatted with her father on the phone for a while, and Comrade Liu Jun's depressed mood finally eased up a little.

The joint meeting of the Changhe District Working Committee and the Management Committee was held early the next morning, and the only topic of the meeting was the aftermath of the Changjiang Biochemical Company incident.Liu Jun originally didn't plan to hold a joint meeting, but after thinking about it, he still called several deputy directors of the management committee together.

With such a serious problem, members of the two teams should reflect on it. Yiping Chai Shaoji introduced the basic situation of the incident and the first half of the handling measures.

"Let's talk about your opinions. How should we deal with the aftermath of this matter?" Liu Jun glanced at the faces of the members present, and said slowly, with a serious look on his face.

"Such a good businessman should be arrested!" Sima Hui, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, was the first to express his attitude, and said, "In addition, we must prevent him from escaping and transfer his property!" From the standpoint of Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, it is normal for Sima Hui to make such a statement. . "I agree with Secretary Sima that this matter must be dealt with seriously." Deputy Party Secretary Xie Tai then stated his position.

The next few members of the working committee said that they all contradicted the opinions of the two deputy secretaries.In the past few days, Chai Shaomu has been personally grasping and crying about this matter. Everyone's attitude towards Liu Jun and Chai Shaoji is basically very clear.With the attitude of the top leaders of the party and government, others will naturally not jump out and sing the opposite.Singing against Liu Jun on such a matter is simply uncomfortable.

"Secretary Liu, Director Chai, I suggest that this matter should be resolved through legal channels!" After the members of the working committee basically expressed their opinions, Luo Zaiyi, the deputy director of the management committee, suddenly expressed a different opinion.Everyone's eyes immediately focused on him. [

Although it is a joint meeting of the two teams, generally speaking, the non-committee deputy directors consciously regard themselves as attending the meeting, the kind with ears but no mouth.

In the official circles in the garden, it is quite taboo to "get ahead".

A surprised smile flashed across Liu Jun's face, and then he regained his dignity, looking at Luo Zaiyi:

"Comrade Zaiyi, please explain your opinion in detail." Luo Zaiyi was 35 and six years old, and he was the youngest among all the deputy directors of the management committee.Wearing glasses, gentle.It is also in charge of legal work.On weekdays, he is relatively low-key in his conduct and conduct. No one would have thought that he would "solely hold dissent" at the joint meeting.

Luo Zaiyi put on his glasses, nodded slightly to Liu Jun, and said: "The introduction of Changjiang Biochemical Company was a joint decision made by two teams in the district, and a cooperation agreement was signed.

In the past few days, I have carefully read the two agreements signed between our district and Changjiang Biochemical Company. The first is a cooperation agreement, and the second is a compensation agreement for surrounding villagers. Both are legal documents that have come into force.Seeing that something went wrong with Changjiang Biochemical Company, the district took compulsory measures against him, sealed up the factory, and froze his assets, all of which should be done.But from a purely legal point of view, the legal subjects should not only be the government and enterprises, but also a legal subject that we cannot ignore, that is, the employees of Changjiang Biochemical and the people around us! "Having said this, Luo Zaiyi paused for a moment.

Liu Jun listened very attentively, nodded, and said: "Well, it makes sense, Comrade Zaiyi, please continue." The main body of the harm is Changhe Biochemical, and the joint responsibility is the Changhe District Management Committee!" Luo Zaiyi said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room changed immediately.

Everyone looked at each other in blank amazement.

"Director Luo, what do you mean to say that the employees of Changjiang Biochemical Company and the surrounding people are the plaintiffs, while Changjiang Biochemical and our district are the defendants?" Shaoqing, the deputy of the party and the masses.

"Yes. Simply put, that's it!" Luo Zaiyi nodded.

Suddenly everyone looked at him like a monster.

This Luo Zaiyi, what's going on?Want to show off?How did the management committee of Tangtang Open District, a first-level political institution, become a defendant? The "Administrative Procedure Law" was promulgated a few years ago, and there have been some cases of people suing officials in various places.To be honest, it's more for show than practical.

The situation in the park is like this, when a new law is promulgated, there are always several precedents.

But if you really rely on this to govern the place, it's no wonder it doesn't mess up.

According to the tradition of thousands of years, the official is the one who decides the case, it is the master!

This kind of tradition cannot be easily reversed by a law. "Secretary Liu, Director Chai, I think it is most appropriate to take the legal way. First, it can enhance the legal awareness of the masses and let them understand One's own rights and obligations. At the same time, it is also a wake-up call to the governing organs at all levels. Governance for the people is not a slogan.

Let everyone wake up.As a politician, when making major decisions, you should think twice before acting! "Luo Zaiyi didn't care about everyone's eyes, and continued to explain his views.

Chai Shaoji was slightly shocked. This sentence was similar to what Liu Jun said in the office yesterday.

Could it be that Chai Shaoji couldn't help but cast a glance at Liu Jun who was sitting on the main seat, and felt that something was wrong.

Well, with Liu Jun's behavior style, he won't "collude" with Luo Zaiyi to put on a show at the joint meeting!

"Secondly, we also need to consider the special situation of Changjiang Biochemical Company. Wang Jingen is an investor. There are many foreign investors in our district, and a considerable number of them are investors from other parks and Hong Kong. What they The rules of the game we follow are different from ours. Any disputes are resolved through legal means. If we deal with Changjiang Biochemical Company through administrative means, even though we are correct, I am afraid that it will also cast a shadow on the hearts of these foreign businessmen Therefore, I think that in handling this incident, we must take into account the feelings of these foreign businessmen." Liu Jun smiled and said: "Very well, I think Comrade Zaiyi's opinion is very appropriate.

Comrade Zaiyi, I suggest that the Legislative Affairs Office of the Management Committee provide legal assistance to the employees of Changjiang Biochemical Company and the surrounding people, and fight this lawsuit well! "

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