Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 844 Infinite Justice

9oo13716 Chapter 840 The fourth chapter is limited to justice

"What a beautiful mother-to-be entered the living room of De Yin's house. She immediately saw Li Wan who was munching at her desk. Like Yan Fei, Li Wan was wearing a loose maternity dress, but it was pale yellow and her hair was a bit messy. She looked as beautiful as ever.

Liu Jun greatly appreciated it.

Li Wan said with a smile: "Just satirize me, in terms of good looks, who can compare to Fei Mang?"

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Pretty is beautiful, but eating is too ugly!"[

Li Wan gave him a white look.Then he giggled, ignored his teasing, and munched on the bread.

Look at that pose.The appetite is so strong that he almost catches up with Qiliu Yamen.

Liu Jun took this as an "example" to teach Feifei: "Feifei, see, this is what being a mother looks like!"

Feifei also giggled.

Li Wan said: "Feifei, don't pay attention to him. Look at me, I'm so fat!"

Li Wan looked.It is indeed much plumper than before.She was pregnant at about the same time as Feifei, about a month shorter, but when she stood up, the "scale" of her stomach was not as good as Yan Fei's.

"Li Wan, hurry up,"

Fifi shrugged.

"What's the rush, anyway, there is plenty of time. Don't be in a hurry. You wait for me, put on makeup, just

Feifei said: "Okay, okay, I'm pregnant with Xiaomao, what kind of makeup should I wear? No matter how good-looking it is, it's useless!"

"No. It's because I'm pregnant with Xiaomao that I need to make up, otherwise it will be too ugly!"

Li Wan smiled and entered the bedroom, and went to put on makeup.Yin Changhui courteously let Liu Jun and his wife sit on the sofa, and went to make tea for them.

"Forget Changhui. Wang has eaten breakfast, so he doesn't drink water."

Liu Jun waved his hand and said.

Yin Changhui was an honest man, so he stopped right away, sat down, and chatted with Liu Jun.Yin Changhui will be in his early 30s this year, and he is still so gentle and handsome, no different from when Liu Juncai met him. He still serves as the president of the First Civil Division of the Intermediate People's Court of Daning City.The small days were very comfortable.

Zhi Jun, I heard that your Changhe district supports farmers to sue the district government? "

Yin Changhui asked. ""

Liu Jun asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Hey, the government supports farmers to sue themselves, but it is a big sensational news, how could I not know about it?This case has become the focus of discussion in courts all over the country, and everyone is waiting for the result, "See if you are hype!"[

You can still listen to what Yin Changhui said earlier.Hearing the last sentence, Liu Jun straightened his face and pretended to be displeased: "What are you talking about? Who am I, do I need to hype it?"\''In front of an old friend like Yin Changhui, Liu Jun A gentleman will not pretend.

"Okay, okay. I know you're great, so don't show off." Hey, tell me, what's going on, how did you attract it? "

Yin Changhui didn't pay attention to Secretary Liu's "self-boasting" but just got to the bottom of it.

Hearing them talking about these things, Feifei was very impatient, she got up with a smile and walked to Li Wan's room, saying: "You two are talking about business, I will accompany Li Wan to make up."

The two smiled and nodded.

Not long after Wang Jingen sued the Changhe District Management Committee for violating the contract and improperly sealing up Changjiang Biochemical Company, with the assistance of the Legislative Affairs Office of the High-tech Zone Management Committee, employees of Changhe Biochemical Company and people from five surrounding villages, on behalf of representatives, also filed a lawsuit The Yulan City Intermediate People's Court filed a civil complaint, suing Changjiang Biochemical Company for starting production of highly toxic pesticides without complete environmental protection facilities and environmental protection measures, causing environmental pollution. The health of the villagers has been severely damaged, and some workers and villagers have been seriously poisoned, which is already in danger of causing tuberculosis.at the same time!Drinking water sources, land and crops in surrounding villages were all polluted to varying degrees, causing huge economic losses.Ask the court to seal down Changjiang Biochemical Company according to law, and compensate the workers and villagers who caused the injury.At the same time, the lawsuit listed the Management Committee of Changhe High-tech Zone, Yulan City, as the second defendant.The lawsuit stated that the Changhe High-tech Zone Management Committee failed to fulfill its duties, and was not strict in the introduction of Changjiang Biochemical Company. , need to bear joint and several liability.

After this paper of complaint was handed over to the Yulan City Intermediate Court, it immediately caused a sensation.

After the "Administrative Complaints Law" was promulgated, there were also some cases of people suing officials in various places, but the noise was not big.Although a new law is promulgated, there are always several precedents.But when the regime becomes the accused.Care must be taken in this case.It is not acceptable to have too much influence, and it is even less acceptable to be too broadly representative.For example, family planning and family planning work, many local governments, especially grassroots governments, use brutal methods.This lawsuit is a minefield.No court dared to accept it, let alone sentenced it.

It's just that this time in Changhe District, the noise was really a bit big.First, there are a large number of plaintiffs, almost 6000 of whom are plaintiffs.Second, the person suing is the high-tech zone management committee at the deputy prefectural department level.This is also extremely rare in the country's existing "people sue the government" case.Falsely framing the most paid children's day, the words are as shy as the muscular mouth

.become defendants in these cases.Most of them are government departments.murderer. , There was a deviation in the government and law enforcement, and it was corrected after the court judged.It is really shocking to list a government agency at the deputy prefectural level as the defendant.But these are not the main reasons for the sensation.The main reason is that.These workers and farmers sued the Management Committee, which turned out to be the legal aid provided by the Legal Affairs Office of the Management Committee.Even the petition was drawn up with the help of the staff of the Legislative Affairs Office.

The head of the Changhe District Management Committee, could he be out of his mind?

It's no wonder that Judge Yin, who is thousands of miles away, is so excited about such a strange thing!

Liu Jun smiled, and told Yin Changhui the general ins and outs of the incident.

"Great job! Liu Jun! This thing is really well done, it's aboveboard!"

When Judge Yin heard this, he immediately praised him greatly, and even shook hands with Secretary Liu excitedly, which made Comrade Liu Jun dumbfounded.Judge Yin is always so righteous.

"That's the right thing to do. In a society under the rule of law, everyone must abide by the law. This law-abiding does not only refer to individuals, but also to legal persons, especially your government agencies. You can't always stand high and completely separate from the supervision of the masses! This case, no matter what No matter what the result is, it is worthy of recognition!"

Yin Changhui said excitedly.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "The situation may not be as optimistic as you said, and the management committee is likely to lose this lawsuit!"

"It's good to lose, it's good to lose! If you win, you will lose all energy. Moreover, according to the situation you introduced, if the court judges impartially, it is definitely doubtful that Changjiang Biochemical Company and your high-tech zone management committee will lose the lawsuit. The facts are all there, nothing can be relied upon!"

Yin Changhui had already considered the issue from the perspective of an examiner.

Liu Jun nodded.

Talk to Yin Changhui about these things.Always a pleasure.Don't look at Yin Changhui so far, he is only a full-time civil court president, and he will be in the foreseeable future.It is impossible for Yin Changhui to make greater progress in his official career, but his influence in Liu Jun's mind is enormous.Even sometimes.When Liu Jun is faced with the dilemma of struggle and compromise, the image of Yin Changhui often appears in his mind, and he wonders what choice Yin Changhui will make if he encounters such a situation. [

The answer is yes, Yin Changhui belongs to the kind of character limited to justice.As long as there is righteousness, Yin Changhui will not hesitate to choose "kill oneself for righteousness." He will not pay attention to those techniques of compromise and balance.

Of course, in the officialdom, it is impossible for Liu Jun to deal with problems completely according to Yin Changhui's "principles".But he will use Yin Changhui's justice as a reference coordinate, and try his best to strive for the most just conclusion.

"Changhui, this case. If you were to preside over the trial, how would you judge it?"

Liu Jun pondered and asked.

"Hehe, I can't say that well, I don't know the case very well."

Yin Changhui said.

Yin Changhui's work attitude is extremely rigorous. When trying a case, he repeatedly knocked on every piece of evidence that may affect the case.So he has been a judge ever since.All the cases judged by him are basically iron cases, and there has never been a single miscarriage of justice or wrongful judgment, let alone a retrial.Daning City Intermediate People's Court selects advanced workers, and Yin Changhui is on the list every year.This has something to do with his father's previous power, and it's all the honor he earned himself.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Don't think about the evidence, just follow what I said, assuming everything is true, how do you judge?"

"If everything you said is true, then it's very simple. Changjiang Biochemical Company must take the main responsibility, stop production immediately, and compensate all workers and villagers for their losses. For those workers and villagers who are seriously poisoned, they should pay the full amount of medical expenses. and subsequent compensation costs. Such a factory must be shut down, and it cannot be allowed to continue production for any reason. The pollution of drinking water sources, land and crops that has been caused must also be poisoned by the Changjiang Biochemical Company. Your high-tech zone management committee must also bear joint and several liability. If Changjiang Biochemical Company can bear such a huge economic cost, the high-tech zone management committee should bear part of it. ""

Yin Changhui explained his opinion concisely. \''

Liu Jun nodded slowly, frowning.

Yin Changhui couldn't help asking strangely: "What's the matter, Liu Jun, is there something wrong?"

Liu Jun shook his head.

Wang Jingen's choice of going to court reminded Liu Jun of Hua Yuanhang who was present at the dinner with Jin Youwei that day.Hua Yuanhang's father is the Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, and his influence on the Yulan Intermediate People's Court is self-evident.the case.Whether the Yulan City Intermediate People's Court can make a judgment in accordance with the law is very questionable.

However, there is no need to tell Yin Changhui about this situation, lest he get sulking in vain.

"Ann, go and see if they have put on their makeup, it's time to go out and walk around!"

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