9oo1o716 Chapter 840 Six Water Blue Night

For Qian Jin Youwei, there is no such thing as [-] people in the world who he can make friends with as long as his father is still on stage. Therefore, Jin Yamen has a lot of friends, and there are people from all walks of life.up to senior government officials.From traffickers to pawns, they may become friends of Jin Yanei.

Therefore, Jin's office is very busy all day long, and various people often invite him to dinner and entertainment.Under normal circumstances, Jin Youwei would not refuse anyone, unless that guy was particularly annoying.For example, Wang Jingen.

Jin Youwei really didn't like Fatty Wang.

But he did owe the fat man some favors. [

Therefore, when Fatty Wang asked him to take a sauna at "Water Blue Night", Jin Youwei went after much consideration even though he didn't want to go.

In addition to Fatty Wang, there is also He Xinchang who is also his old friend, and Jin Yanei must give some face to meet together.

"Water Blue Night" is the largest leisure city in Yulan City.It is also He Xinchang's property.He Xinchang is the chairman of Xinchang Futures Brokerage Co., Ltd., but the industry he operates is far more than a futures brokerage company.This Xinchang Futures was launched two years ago.That meeting in 80.State Grid's establishment of a futures exchange, like a stock exchange, is a novelty.He Xinchang's previous career was in the entertainment industry. In the early [-]s, the earliest song and dance hall was opened in Yulan City, and then followed closely the trend of the entertainment industry, hotels, lights, leisure cities, etc., all of which caught up.Some people jokingly called He Xinchang the flag of the entertainment industry in Wuxiaolan City.If you want to know what entertainment is the most popular now, just look at what He Xinchang is playing.

If time moves forward, He Xinchang is a complete hooligan, a well-known bum in the old streets of Yulan City, and an old bum.This person must be regarded as a good person, and he even escaped the massive crackdown that swept the country in [-].A famous gangster of his generation.Died in seven or eighty-eight.Those who didn't die were also suffering for years in the bitter cold of the Northwest.However, He Xinchang gradually grew up and became a figure like the godfather of Yulan City's "thug world".

He Xinchang's current identity is very similar to the godfather of gangsters in many Hong Kong movies.Cleaned up and landed.Walking the right path, he has a huge industry, and he still has the halo of a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPPCC and a representative of the Provincial People's Congress.In private, he has long since ceased to have any direct contact with the "Hooligan World".No matter how famous a bastard in Yulan City is, if he wants to meet "Uncle He", it depends on his luck and whether the opportunity is suitable.

Leaving aside the aspect of crime violations, He Xinchang's career history is a history of struggle, and it can be regarded as an inspirational drama.

Even Jin Youwei admitted that He Xinchang is a character with great means, especially his vicious eyesight, like an old fox with a sharp nose, where there is a smell of wealth, he can always smell it before others.Then attack quickly.For example, this Xinchang Futures Brokerage Co., Ltd. is like this.When most people didn't know what futures were, He Xinchang set up the first futures brokerage company in Yulan City.Even now, most people still don't know what futures are. He Xinchang has already made hundreds of millions of dollars and has become one of the big dealers in a certain futures exchange in the south.Jin Youwei has an account in Xinchang Futures Brokerage Co., Ltd., and the principal deposited at the beginning was 100 million. He doesn't care about anything, and entrusts He Xinchang to operate it on his behalf.When you want money, just withdraw it.Not long ago, He Xinchang told him that there were already 500 million in the account.

Judging from Jin Youwei's current net worth, a mere 500 million is not worth mentioning.But Jin Youwei is very concerned about the 500 million.Because it is his private money.Although he can use the money of Xingyu Fang's real estate company at any time, his wife Zhong Haiyun knows it all.Jin Youwei doesn't like this kind of "transparency".

Is it possible to buy a car, a car, and a suite for the little girl I like.Do you want to discuss it with your wife?

He Xinchang is a bachelor, and even the 100 million principal was paid by He Xinchang on his behalf.Therefore, Fatty Wang didn't have to go when he asked him out, but He Xinchang had to save face when he asked him out. \''Besides, He Xinchang doesn't annoy Jin Yanei, on the contrary, Jin Yanei likes He Xinchang very much.

A person who does things well is always liked.

Especially important.Every once in a while in the night of water and blue, there will be fresh and juicy little girls, and Mr. Jin can play however he wants.When He Xinchang took the initiative to ask Mr. Tasi, a flower-like virgin, he always wanted to offer him up.

The Provincial No. [-] Yamen arrived, and the big boss personally accompanied him. Naturally, Shuilan Ye arranged a top-notch luxury suite.For example, sauna, bone, Thai bath and so on can all be completed in the suite.

Sure enough, as Jin Yanei expected, He Xinchang arranged for him a little girl named Xiaochun, who was said to have come to the provincial capital from the northern mountains to seek a living.Although the rural girls from the mountainous areas are not as fair and delicate as the city girls, they are plump and healthy, with fat hips and big breasts, with a strong rural flavor, not inferior to the city girls at all, and have a special flavor.Such a girl is the perfect candidate for the poison country bath, and Jin Youwei enjoys Xiaochun's massage, so it feels a little itchy.Xin said that I will have a Thai bath later.Might as well put Xiaochun Ji" on the law. Make love in the warm water of the bath, the taste is very good.

But Jin Yanei is in a normal mood now, the key is that he really doesn't want to see Fatty Xi's fat body,

, Strange day, how can this person grow so much fat?I'm afraid that the pig will be willing to bow down when it sees it.It is indeed very unappetizing to have such a large pile of fat suddenly appearing in the eyes.

Jin Yanei sometimes even suspects that he has eccentricities.It's not about going to bed with Fatty Wang or anything, it's just about transporting someone to lie not far from him, so how could it affect the mood of having sex?

Xiaochun massaged Jin Youwei very carefully.She knew that this man would be the first man in her life.The foreman said, this is a big shot, a big shot that no one in the whole province can afford.As long as you take good care of her, maybe you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

There are always some compelling reasons for a good girl to do this business.If it's a little girl in the city, she's used to fooling around by the age of fifteen or sixteen, and that's fine, but Xiaochun is not that kind of person.If you can only serve one man, it is of course the best ending. [

So Xiaochun didn't hate Jin Youwei at all, on the contrary, he liked him a little.Anyway, this man is not ugly.He's not old, he doesn't seem to be very fierce, and he's a little handsome.If you spend your whole life with him, yes.Even if it's what the city people call a mistress, that's pretty good.

"Jin Shao, I need you to worry more about my matter.

Fatty Wang was lying on another massage table, stepped on his back by the lady, humming and turning his head and said to Jin Youwei.

He sued the management committee of Changhe High-tech Zone for violating the contract and illegally sealing up Changjiang Biochemical Company. Join the case.Moreover, the villagers of Fengtai Town and the employees of Changjiang Biochemical Company were the plaintiffs, he and Changjiang Biochemical Company were listed as the defendants, and the Changhe High-tech Zone Management Committee was listed as the third party with joint and several liability.

This made Wang Jin extremely unhappy.

Blink.The old hen became a duck, and the plaintiff became the defendant!

Moreover, Wang Jingen also felt a serious crisis from this.Originally, he sued the Changhe High-tech Zone Management Committee, but he did so out of courage.As a businessman, how can he not understand the truth of "the poor do not fight with the rich, and the rich do not fight with the officials"?What's more, Liu Jun from Changhe High-tech Zone is still such a powerful yamen!It's just that Wang Jingen was forced to go this way after seeing Liu Jun's utter nonsense.Now after the court accepted the case, the villagers of Fengtai Town immediately filed a counter-suit, and the court transferred all the plaintiffs and defendants. How could Wang Jingen not be frightened? ""

He understands very well.If this lawsuit is lost, I'm afraid it's not a matter of losing money, maybe his Lao Wang will never turn around.Handing over this pleading paper, he completely offended Liu Jun and Chai Shaoji.The court ruled him in favor of the case, maybe there is a turning point in the matter, when the time comes to convince Liu Jun and Chai Shaoji, be soft and spend more money.The matter of moving the factory away is expected to be able to explain the past.If the lawsuit is lost, according to Liu Jun's "spicy" way of acting, it is estimated that his whole body fat will be boiled into oil!

It was obvious.By copying his Fatty Wang's family up to the sky and accompanying all of them to those workers and farmers, Liu Jun will gain a great reputation.Those who are officials, who doesn't love the big hat of "Blue Sky"?

As for investors, Fatty Wang knew that his little money was not in the eyes of Liu Jun at all after seeing the posture of Changhe District in the past year.Liu Yanei climbed up and shouted, and I don't know how many people rushed to send the funds to him.The construction of film and television city, large building materials market, three major industrial parks, Changhe Avenue, People's Square, etc., which one is not a big deal?Hundreds of millions of investment at every turn!In less than a year, they all started working.

After the paper of pleadings was handed over to the court, Fatty Wang also moved around for a while, but the result made him terrified, and no one dared to accept his gift at all.It's no wonder that you are suing the Changhe District Management Committee, a government agency at the deputy prefecture level, and a judge in the Yulan City Intermediate People's Court.How dare you accept a gift from a leopard after eating it?

Some money can be taken, but some money can never be taken.

Now all Wang Jingen's hopes are on Mr. Jin.Perhaps, only the No. [-] yamen in this province can suppress Liu Jun, who is also in the yamen?

Jin Youwei snorted, and said dissatisfiedly: "Fatty Wang, I told you a long time ago that you must be kind. You can't make money without conscience, and you just refuse to listen. Isn't this a big deal? You Said that you are doing something wrong, and you are going to do pesticides!"

Anti: Thanks to book friends such as Bauhinia Flying Dance, Sun Wukong Sanda Cheng Yaojin, Wangmen Zhuzhi, Nanometer Water Cup, Chong Chong Zi Zai Fei, Book Friends Ji, Qiu, Quaou Zhuanhuan, Ba Tu Ice and Snow Moon, etc.!The total number of subscriptions for today's chapter is Yingu, and there are still [-] subscriptions away from Yuesi. Please support genuine subscriptions if you are able!Pie thanks!

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