Du Wenruo held back for a long time, ever since Liu Jun made a big fuss with the Standing Committee and refuted him, Ding Yuzhou was forced to compromise with Liu Jun under strong pressure from all sides, Du Wenruo was disgraced and his prestige was greatly lost.Speaking in the city government is far less brilliant than before.Cui Fucheng took the opportunity to make a move.After adjusting the scope of responsibility of the deputy mayor, the actual power in Du Wen's hands has also shrunk significantly.

The current Du Wenruo is no longer the former Mayor Du.He became a veritable deputy mayor Du.This is really unbearable for Du Wenruo, who is used to being arrogant.

But Du Wenruo had to bear it.

Because he was severely warned.

This warning came from Jin Xiushi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. [

Jin Xiushi was very polite to Ding Yuzhou.When communicating with Ding Yuzhou, his words were very euphemistic.After all, Ding Yuzhou is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, with a high position and authority, and he is also Jin Xiushi's confidant. Jin Xiushi naturally wants to save face for him as much as possible.

But for Du Wenruo, Jin Xiushi didn't have such a temper.Shortly after summoning Ding Yuzhou, Jin Xiushi also summoned Du Wenruo and severely criticized him.Jin Xiushi clearly told Du Wenruo that he should set his position and attitude correctly, do his job well as the executive deputy mayor, and don't meddle in things that shouldn't be meddled indiscriminately.

Thinking of Jin Xiushi's gloomy face and gloomy tone, Du Wenruo was still shocked after half a year

He is old Magnolia.He knew too well the temperament of Jin Xiushi, the "first brother" of the provincial party committee.When Jin Xiushi said this, it showed that he was extremely dissatisfied.Du Wenruo's position.It's dangerous.Jin Xiushi being polite to Ding Yuzhou by no means means being polite to Du Wenruo.For rookies to realize their own political future, pawns like Du Wenruo can be sacrificed at any time.

Du Wenruo tolerated it for half a year, and in the municipal government, he became the "deputy" mayor in a well-behaved manner, working for Cui Fucheng.Unprecedented cooperation.Even when Cui Fucheng adjusted the division of labor of the deputy mayor, one guy took away nearly half of the work he was in charge of, and Du Wenruo never expressed any objection.Ding Yuzhou didn't come forward to speak, he was no longer able to speak well.There is no point in expressing objections.

After this teaching, Du Wenruo wanted to sadly realize two facts.yes.The second is that you must not offend the real yamen!

However, just because Du Wenruo hibernated for half a year does not mean that he has completely resigned to his fate.As a department-level cadre in his forties, he is the executive deputy mayor of a provincial capital city.Du Wenruo is a typical young school in the province.Political ambition is never completely lost by one setback.He was just waiting for his chance.

Now, here's your chance.

The ruling of the Yulan City Intermediate People's Court is tantamount to announcing the mistakes of the Changhe District Management Committee.Such a serious incident happened.As the director of the Changhe District Management Committee!How could Chai Shaoji not take responsibility?

This is the opportunity!

If Chai Shaoji can be captured, not only can Ding Yuzhou and Du Wenruo's lost face be restored, but Liu Jun can also be severely injured.Take a look, the person you Comrade Xiao Liu is trying to protect is such a virtue!How many people have been poisoned by such a major mistake?Fortunately, you, Liu Jun, still regarded him as a treasure, and made a lot of quibbles at the Standing Committee, saying that Chai Shaoji was serious and meticulous in his work!

Even after taking down Chai Shaoji, how to proceed to the next step.Du Wenruo has already thought about which media will be used to expose the inside story of this matter.It is estimated that Liu Jun will propose the punishment of Chai Shaoji at the Standing Committee soon.

He can't do it if he doesn't mention it!

Encouraging the masses to sue the management committee was in itself created by Liu Jun himself.Be unconventional, talk about strengthening legal awareness, and talk about administering according to law.hey-hey.This is just great.The court really ruled that the management committee has a heavy responsibility!

Then you Liu Jun can't say one thing with your mouth and do another behind your back, right?

With such a heavy responsibility, Chai Shaoji, as the director of the management committee, shouldn't he be punished?Don't forget, you, Liu Jun, asked to be punished for the "armed conflict" incident.

Since we want to administer according to law, we should set an example.

For the management committee and the director of the management committee who have seriously neglected their duties, we can't just let it go.

As long as Liu Jun raised it, Du Wenruo would express his opinion.This time, no one can say that he was wrong.Even if people believe that he is avenging public revenge, the reason cannot be put on the table. [

I, Deputy Mayor Du, must stick to principles.Uphold justice!

For this matter.Du Wenruo spent many days waiting for Liu Jun to bring the opportunity to his door.Moreover, Liu Jun has no other choice, he must send this opportunity to Du Wenruo!

Hehe, I can finally feel proud!

Liu Jun may or may not know about Du Wenruo's many punishments, but Du Wenruo or other members of the Ding Clan's Standing Committee.It is completely predictable that he will seize this matter to make a fuss.

However, in terms of how Du Wenruo and the others will make moves, Liu Jun must follow.As such, it was not fodder for a political battle, but a serious dereliction of duty.Those responsible must be punished.

To this end, Liu Jun once again held a joint meeting of the Changhe District Working Committee and the Management Committee.

Unexpectedly, this joint meeting was chaired neither by Liu Jun nor Chai Shaoji, but by Sima Hui, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee.

Seeing this posture, the participating team members felt their hearts sink.It has almost never happened in the past that the joint meeting is presided over by the fourth-ranked secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Everyone sat upright, and took a sneak peek at Liu Junxiao, who was sitting in the chairman's seat. It seemed that Secretary Liu's face was quite calm.Although not with the usual faint smile.At least not with a straight face.Look at Chai Shaoji again.It's also normal, with a calm face.However, careful people can still see that the corners of Director Chai's eyes are beating slightly, which shows that Director Chai's heart is not as calm as he appears.

Also ha.There have been rumors in the district these days that Director Chai will be punished.

According to Secretary Liu's consistent seriousness in business affairs, this rumor is likely to be true.

You work hard, Secretary Liu will see it in his eyes and remember it in his heart, praise when it should be praised, and promote when it should be promoted.But when you have a leak and want to cover up your mistakes and get away with it, and it is possible that you should be criticized, Secretary Liu is also very rude.

"Comrades, I am entrusted by the secretary's office meeting. Chair this joint meeting"

Seeing that all the staff had arrived, Sima Hui asked Liu Jun for instructions with his eyes, cleared his throat, and began to chair the meeting.Sima Hui's choice of words was very safe. He didn't say that he was entrusted by Secretary Liu, but that he was entrusted by the secretary to hold a small office meeting.This is also Liu Jun's consistent style. Liu Jun doesn't like to overemphasize his personality.Not even to highlight himself.Secretary Liu advocates group leadership and has been admonishing everyone.A strong team is the most reliable leadership team.

Everyone didn't think Secretary Liu was pretending to be lofty.He clearly has the authority to keep his promises, but he rarely interferes with the work of the team members casually. This is a clear proof of his advocacy of group leadership.

"The main topic of this meeting is to discuss the aftermath of the Changjiang Biochemical incident.

Comrades, if you have any opinions, you can put them forward and express your opinions.

Sima Hui's opening remarks were very simple, not wordy at all.

"Comrades, let me share my opinion

When Sima Hui's voice fell through, Chai Shaoji took over the conversation.

"Our Changhe District Management Committee bears an inescapable responsibility for causing the serious incident of Changjiang Biochemical Company. It is precisely because three years ago, the Management Committee did not strictly check the actual situation of Changjiang Biochemical Company, and blindly agreed to introduce This enterprise has caused serious harm to some people in the district. Here, as the director of the management committee, on behalf of the Changhe district management committee, I will make a written review to everyone.”

As soon as Chai Shaoji said this, all the members of the participating team were shocked. [

Write a review!This is no joke.

Since the establishment of Changhe District, there have only been two occasions when the main leaders of the working committee made a written review at the joint meeting.The previous time, it was Chi Gu, deputy secretary of the Work Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, who was ordered to conduct a written review.As for Chi Gu's final fate, he was fired from public office and completely eliminated from the ranks of state workers.

And now.It turned out that it was the turn of the director of the dignified management committee, the top leader of the government to do a written review!

So.What will be the final result of Chai Shaoji?

Chai Shaoji opened the notebook in front of him, took out several folded letter papers, and slowly unfolded them.Then he stood up and began to read the written self-criticism.

The meeting room was quiet, not even the sound of drinking water or coughing could be heard, only Chai Shaoji's slow and deep voice.echoed in the conference room.This written review took almost four pages and more than 1000 words.It took Chai Shaoji more than ten minutes to finish reading.

"Because of the mistakes of the management committee, especially my own, which led to such serious consequences today, I will ask the work committee to give me severe organizational punishment to follow suit!"

Chai Shaoji ended his written review speech by asking for punishment, and nodded to Liu Jun.He sat back slowly, quietly waiting for everyone's criticism of him.

"Comrade Chai Shaoji took the initiative to take responsibility and bravely faced his own mistakes, which embodies the sense of responsibility that a party member and cadre, especially a leading cadre, should have. On behalf of the Changhe District Working Committee, I welcome Comrade Chai Shaoji's self-criticism. Comrades all share their opinions Bar,"

Liu Jun spoke slowly, his eyes scanning the venue for a week.

The members of the participating team looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all read shock in each other's eyes, and there was even a trace of fear.

It's serious!

After a show of hands, the joint meeting made a resolution.

Give Comrade Chai Shaoji, director of the Changhe District Management Committee, a serious warning within the party!The written review is issued by all units, sub-district offices, and towns in the district, requiring each unit to organize cadres and discuss it seriously.Find the shortcomings and deficiencies in the work, and recognize the urgency and necessity of administering according to law.

at the same time.Submit this punishment decision to the municipal party committee for approval!

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