Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 935 Breaking Internet News

Han Mingshu, a security officer who suffered a head injury at the West Electromechanical Corporation, compared Chengzhou photo

He succeeded because his life was saved.It is said to be relatively successful because there are still sequelae, and Han Ming will be confused for a while from time to time.The distance is completely worse, and it is still far away.

But as long as you save your life, things can be brought under control.

Cui Fucheng allocated 400 million yuan from the city's finances to pay off the compensation for 93 buyout employees of the Mechanical and Electrical Corporation in one lump sum.As for the laid-off workers who request to return to the company to work.After Shi Yide and Zhang Wenbo patiently did ideological work, they basically accepted the company's arrangement to find their own way out temporarily, the company managed a certain amount of living expenses, and promised that they could return to work in the factory after the production situation improved.

The affairs of the Electromechanical Corporation have come to an end for the time being. [

Get these things over with.Liu Jun rubbed his head in the office and let out a sigh of relief. Zhang Tian, ​​general manager of Trend Internet Technology Co., Ltd. called.

"Secretary Liu, there are some news on the Internet about Yuxi Electromechanical Corporation and yourself,"

Zhang Tian stammered on the phone, his voice anxious.

Liu Jun was slightly startled, and immediately turned on the office computer.To install a computer in the office, Yulan was a member of the committee, and Liu Jun was the first one.For this new thing, other members of the municipal party committee still hold a wait-and-see attitude for the time being.

You can't wait and see.It won't work even if it's installed!

Liu Jun logged on Trend.com.Sure enough, I saw the news about the conflict between the laid-off workers of Yuxi Electromechanical Corporation and the company's management, which led to bloodshed and five people were seriously injured and hospitalized.There are also photos.In particular, there are many photos of the police and armed police maintaining order at the scene with guns.

This piece of news, signed by "conscientious persons", put on a posture of exposing the "shady scene", portraying Yuxi Electromechanical Corporation and the Yuxi County Public Security Bureau as complete villains, wantonly attacking the joint-stock reform of the Electromechanical Corporation It's tricky and treats workers unfairly.The management of the company used power for personal gain, took care of relatives and friends, forced outstanding workers to be laid off, and made way for acquaintances of the company leaders.

Five people were injured in the clashes.They are all written as laid-off workers.When he asked for a dialogue with the company leadership, he was beaten by the company's security officers, resulting in many injuries.

"It was a premeditated and organized conspiracy targeting laid-off workers"

So say the conscience.

In addition to the so-called "shady" conscience of Dajie Electromechanical Company, they directly pointed their finger at Liu Jun.It is claimed that the reason why the person in charge of the Electromechanical Corporation is so arrogant and reckless is because Liu Jun, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, is backing them.Yan Yide, the general manager of the Electric Power Company, relied on bribes to compensate Liu Jun for his superior position. As for Zhang Wenbo, the team leader of the city's two leading offices stationed in the Mechanical and Electrical Company, he was Liu Jun's "running dog" who was specially sent by Liu Jun to the Mechanical and Electrical Company to bully cadres. staff.

That's all, people with conscience even wantonly slandered, saying that Zhang Wenbo's wife, Shen Dan, had an ambiguous relationship with Liu Jun, which was very abnormal.Zhang Wenbo gained Liu Jun's trust by relying on "madam diplomacy".

In order to support her "concubine" husband, Liu Jun immediately ordered the Yuxi County Public Security Bureau to dispatch a large number of police forces after the incident.All laid-off workers were detained and released for a full three hours.

This so-called press release.The writing is very long, with a full four to five thousand words, accompanied by more than a dozen photos. It was posted on Trends.com and two other websites last night.

Just looking at the writing style and structure; it cannot be said to be superior, it is just average.However, the content of the article is too "explosive", so people don't care about it.

The Internet at that time was far less advanced than later generations, and few people knew how to surf the Internet.But there are already signs of "angry youth".There was a lot of shouting and cursing in the post, and the Yulan Municipal Party Committee, the Mechanical and Electrical Corporation, Liu Jun, Dou Yide, Zhang Wenbo and others were scolded in a mess.

The "condemnation" of big villains and corrupt officials is endless.

No one questioned the veracity of this news.

Gein was still immature at the time, and news control regulations were even blank.Many people equate this emerging media with traditional media such as TV and newspapers, holding a very simple idea.I believe that everything that is reported must be true.Otherwise, other people's websites would not dare to log on. [

Fake news, everyone hasn't had much contact with it yet!

Liu Jun watched the news patiently, lit a cigarette, and fell into deep thought.

"Secretary Liu, what should we do now?"

Zhang Tian nervously asked for instructions on the phone.

"Of course it was deleted!" Liu Jun said without hesitation: "Including similar news from the other two websites, you should contact them immediately and delete them all. Otherwise, they will bear corresponding legal responsibilities!"

"Hey Dian, okay. I'll do it right away!"

Zhang Tian hurriedly hung up the phone.

Liu Jun was not in a hurry to close the webpage, he pondered for a while, picked up the phone and called Meng Jiliang

"Secretary Meng, I am Liu Jun!"

Meng Jiliang was taken aback when he received Liu Jun's call. Liu Jun called him at this time, something must have happened.To be honest, Meng Jiliang didn't want to answer Liu Jun's call at all.

who wants to get in trouble

"Hello, Secretary Liu! Any instructions?"

Meng Jiliang asked politely.According to the ranking in the party, Liu Jun is above him, so it doesn't mean that Meng Jiliang has lost his worth.

"Secretary Meng. There is an urgent situation and I need to communicate with you. Would you please come to my office now?"

Liu Jun's voice was still steady, but his tone was unquestionable.

"Okay. I'm coming!"

Meng Jiliang agreed happily, but in fact he was already very upset.What, you Liu Jun really put on a leadership air?Is there anything you can't say over the phone that requires me to come to your office?If you really have to talk about it in person, you can come here too!

However, Liu Jun's tone was not kind, and Meng Jiliang was not good at getting entangled in such side issues.He also wanted to know what kind of event happened to Liu Jun.

Although Meng Jiliang came over.But it took about 10 minutes.

For Secretary Meng's face.These 10 minutes must be delayed.

"Hehe. Secretary Liu, hello!"

Meng Jiliang came to Liu Jun's office unhurriedly, shook hands with Liu Jun, and smiled.Secretary Meng was indeed a little angry. [

Liu Jun smiled slightly.He got up and shook hands with Meng Jiliang, greeted him politely, went straight to the point, and said, "Secretary Meng, I'm sorry, but please come here in person because some bad things happened on the Internet."


Meng Jiliang didn't come to his senses for a moment.Like other leaders of the municipal party committee, he is still very unfamiliar with the new term Internet.

"Yes. Secretary Meng, please take a look!"

Liu Jun turned the computer screen to Meng Jiliang.Pointing to the press release, he said.

Meng Jiliang leaned over inexplicably, with a disapproving smile on his face.This Xiaoliu always likes to do some unconventional things.I’ve been talking about the computer office for a while, isn’t that what I’m talking about?To see what kind of high technology these are!

But after only reading a few lines, this smile froze on Meng Jiliang's face.

"It's not bad!"

Meng Jiliang looked at it very quickly, with a mixture of shock and anger on his face, he slapped the table hard.

He has been a political and legal cadre for many years, and he knew intuitively that this issue does not care whether the news is true or not, so disregarding organizational discipline, and publicly publishing such extremely bad news has already exceeded Meng Jiliang's bottom line.

Is there still an uncontrolled news media in the world?

This is domestic.Not a Western bourgeois country.

Meng Jiliang raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "Secretary Liu. This is a blatant provocation! It's a crime!"

It is necessary for Meng Jiliang to express this attitude.No matter between him and Liu Jun.Whether the relationship is harmonious or not, facing such a principled issue of right and wrong, Meng Jiliang cannot hesitate or be vague.

Liu Jun nodded.Said: "Secretary Meng, I agree with you, this is indeed a crime! Obviously. This is premeditated. The person who announced the news is not simple.

However, he probably doesn't have a deep understanding of Internet media, and thinks that such news can be fabricated at will, and he needs to bear legal responsibility! "

"Enjoy! He thinks beautifully!"

Meng Jiliang said angrily.

"Secretary Meng. This person must be arrested immediately, otherwise, he will continue to spread rumors and commit crimes."

When it came to specific actions, Meng Jiliang hesitated again, and hesitantly said: "Secretary Liu, this is not easy to catch, I don't know where he is hiding."

For Meng Jiliang, the Internet is an absolute novelty.He only scratches the surface.In his opinion.There are so many computers that can access the Internet, all over the country, at any one time, where can I find this person?

Liu Jun smiled and said, "It's okay. Every computer on the Internet has the first, second, and fourth addresses, so it's easy to find. How about this, Secretary Meng, let's go to Trend Internet Technology Co., Ltd. in Changhe High-tech Zone. Their technical personnel can provide effective resources

Meng Jiliang listened.Immediately said: "Okay, I will call the comrades from the criminal police detachment of the Listing Bureau to go there together."

Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

Soon, Liu Jun, Meng Jiliang and several capable criminal policemen from the Criminal Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau rushed to Trend Company.At this time, the fashion company was already in a mess, and before entering the door, I heard a rough voice thundering.

no doubt.This is Mr. Lin from Phoenix Film and Television Media Co., Ltd.

After reporting to Liu Jun, Zhang Tian did not dare to hide it from Pang Dahai after much deliberation. While instructing the technical staff below to delete the post immediately, he urgently reported to Pang Dahai.

When Pang Dahai heard it, he was frightened and angry, and hurried to Trend Company. After reading the news, he was furious.No matter Sanqi 21.It was a scolding to Zhang Tian.

It's fucking messed up!

Engage in this inexplicable Internet company.It's on Young Master Jun's head!

It just doesn't make sense!

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