Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 938 Strong Measures

The first one is for all persons in charge of the state-owned enterprises in the process of restructuring in the city, and must not conduct actions that harm public welfare and private interests.This one is a matter of course, very high-sounding, no one can say anything wrong.

The second article requires re-examination of whether there is any act of favoritism and fraud in the optimization combination.To this end, the city's "State-owned Enterprise Restructuring Leading Office" will send special personnel to state-owned enterprises to hold discussions with laid-off workers, collect opinions, and guarantee answers to questions raised by laid-off workers.This is also the proper meaning of the question, otherwise it is not enough to appease the anger of laid-off workers.

The third article is very powerful. Leading cadres who fail to solve the problems in the process of the shareholding reform of their units in a timely manner must be held accountable and even dismissed on the spot.For this article, Liu Jun enumerated many detailed regulations, and all leading cadres who touched these regulations will be dismissed.

Liu Jun listed them one by one, and the expressions of the other secretaries at the meeting were different.

Tian Hongzheng raised his eyebrows, seemingly appreciative.She is the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and has always insisted on taking real action against problem cadres.Liu Jun's strict and detailed rules are very to her liking. [

Ding Yuzhou looked calm and calm.For a period of time, Ding Yuzhou has restrained himself a lot, stopped meddling everywhere, and gradually acquired the demeanor of "rule by doing".It should be said that Ding Yuzhou has changed a lot.There are various comments on Ding Yuzhou's change.But it is clear that most of the Standing Committee members welcome this change.Ding Yuzhou seems to be learning from Liu Jun intentionally.

Liu Jun works in this way in Changhe District. He only focuses on the general direction and doesn't care about small problems.Let the Standing Committee members work freely. Within the scope of the Standing Committee members' responsibility, Secretary Liu generally only gives directional instructions and rarely intervenes in the operation of specific affairs.

Ding Yuzhou calmed down, and after careful analysis, he had to admit that Liu Jun's method was very clever.The most brilliant thing is to truly establish his position as the top leader.Did not rank itself with the general Standing Committee.

Because Liu Juncui did not interfere with the matter, Zhuo committee members were in awe of Secretary Liu.

If Liu Jun expressed his opinion on a specific matter, none of the Standing Committee members dared to disobey, and could only follow Secretary Liu's instructions meticulously.

Even for the most important and in fact the most important cadre deployment, Liu Jun dared to delegate power and was willing to delegate power to the standing committee members in charge of the responsible cadres in the work area.Liu Jun's strength in the deployment of cadres lies in the review and supervision.The right to nominate is given to you, but it must be reviewed by Liu Jun.On this point, Liu Jun was unequivocal.No matter how busy he is before the appointment and dismissal of the first and second leaders of the directly affiliated agencies of the High-tech Zone, the subordinate sub-district offices, and the established towns, Liu Jun must personally call for a conversation, and then make a public announcement.If there is no problem within one month of posting the list, you can take office.

If it turns out that there is a problem with the appointed cadre, not only the cadre will be punished, but the leader in charge will also be jointly and severally liable.At least he would be criticized by Secretary Liu, and at worst, he would be withdrawn from the power to do so.

As a result, the promoted cadres are of course cautious and dare not make mistakes.The leader in charge of the promotion is also cautious. He didn't know the moral ability of the cadre being promoted, so he didn't dare to raise it casually.The appointment of cadres in Changhe District has entered a very virtuous circle.Basically, Liu Jun has been in charge of Changhe District for two years. Except for the first period of time, a group of problematic cadres were investigated and punished. After that, there were almost no major corruption cases.For a high-tech zone with high economic development like Changhe District, this is almost equivalent to a miracle.

In fact, this method is not Liu Jun's original creation, at least it is the old wisdom of later generations.The reason why he can achieve outstanding achievements in Changhe High-tech Zone is that Liu Jun dares to be honest, treats all people equally, and adheres to principles and does not relax.

Building a strong team and establishing a good officialdom is the core of Liu Jun's governance philosophy. Everywhere he goes, he does his best to do it.This is the fundamental guarantee for truly sustainable development.Otherwise, the faster the economy develops, the more serious the corruption phenomenon will be, eroding all aspects of the power structure, not only losing popular support, but eventually leading to stagnation or even regression in economic development.

Ding Yuzhou learned from the pain, and after carefully analyzing Liu Jun's governing methods, he had to admit in his heart that it was no fluke for this young man to achieve such achievements and establish such a high prestige in just two years.

Therefore, now Ding Yuzhou will not express his opinions casually on any important proposals proposed by Liu Jun. He always waits for himself to fully understand Liu Jun's meaning before making a decision.

Ding Yuzhou sometimes thinks it is funny to learn from a junior who is more than [-] years younger than himself.

Now that Liu Jun took such a strong measure, Ding Yuzhou first disapproved in his heart like a conditioned reflex, but then he thought about it deeply, and felt that it was not enough to establish his prestige.In extraordinary times, extraordinary methods must be used.As time goes on, the problem will become more and more serious, and it will be difficult for anyone to communicate with each other.

The new governor, Tai Weiqing, and the incoming provincial party secretary, Qu Haojin, and Ding Yuzhou are naturally very clear about their origins and political ideas, and they are not in line with Yan Liu. That is to say, they may dislike Xiao Liu.At this time, Xiaoliu's work in charge of the job had a major accident, leaving it in the past, which was what Ding Yuzhou wanted to see most.

But now, Ding Yuzhou doesn't think so.The reason is simple, although Qu Haojin and Tai Weiqing don't want to see Xiao Liu, they don't necessarily want to see him Ding Yuzhou.He is recognized as the veteran of the Jin faction, Jin Xiushi retreated to the second line, and the central government sent Qu Haojin over, with an obvious intention to clean up the local forces.

In order for Qu Haojin to gain a foothold in the province as soon as possible and open up the situation, in addition to his outstanding personal ability and skills, the support of the central government is also indispensable.To put it bluntly, the central government is likely to make major adjustments to the provincial party committee team to cleanse local forces and clear obstacles for Qu Haojin.

As long as Qu Haojin can firmly grasp the control over the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and hold the official hat in his hand, it will be much smoother to clean up the local forces in various cities.After all, people in the officialdom are very winking, and whoever controls his future will listen to him.

Ding Yuzhou, as the veteran party secretary of Yulan City, is likely to be adjusted. [

There is a very logical reason to adjust him.

At this time, Ding Yuzhou and Liu Jun had the same appeal.The more stable Yulan City is and the faster its economy grows, the more secure his throne under Ding Yuzhou will be.Even if there is an adjustment, the central government will consider Ding Yuzhou's achievements in Yulan City and adjust him to an ideal position instead of "assignment"!Ding Yuzhou suddenly discovered that his future was closely linked with this young man whom he didn't like to see.It depends on Liu Jun's brilliant achievements in Changhe District as his "chips". If he makes trouble against Liu Jun now, it will actually be difficult for him.

Needless to say, mayor Cui Fucheng, Liu Jun had discussed these measures with him repeatedly in advance.Many of them were Cui Fucheng's opinions, but they were just expressed through Liu Jun's mouth.Cui Fucheng now has no other choice but to unite closely with Liu Jun and fight side by side.

Cai Xianfeng's expression was different again, his lips were tightly shut, his brows were deeply furrowed, he was holding the teacup in both hands, rubbing it consciously, as if he was thinking about a very important issue.

Obviously, Cai Xianfeng had some reservations about Liu Jun's tough measures.In the middle, it involves a question of the authority to appoint cadres.The division of labor of Liu Juntun Municipal Party Committee is in charge of the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and the construction of the city's high-tech zones, guiding the city's industrial work and the work of the Municipal Planning Commission.The boundaries of this division of labor are rather blurred.

It is for sure that Liu Jun has the leading power in these areas of work.Specific tasks must be reported to Liu Jun for instructions and approved before they can be carried out.But this does not mean that Liu Jun has the power to appoint and remove the cadres in charge of these areas.

There are many state-owned enterprises in Yulan City, which are at the director level. As for the state-owned enterprises at the deputy director level, there are even more.The main cadres in charge of these enterprises, especially the top leaders of the party and government, have the authority to make changes in the city, and no one person can have the final say.In principle, the appointment of cadres is a collective leadership system, and even the secretary of the municipal party committee, Ding Yuzhou, cannot make decisions alone.

On the issue of cadre appointment, Cai Xianfeng, the deputy secretary of the party and the masses, has a great say.When Ding Yuzhou was extremely strong before, Cai Xianfeng did not "lose his voice", and now he has gone one step further.Although the appointment of corporate cadres is not as sensitive as the appointment of party and government cadres, it is still a piece of "fat meat" after all. Once Liu Jun's measures come out, it is equivalent to grasping the right to appoint cadres of the city's large enterprises.

At this time, Xiao Liu can still play such a wonderful move that kills two birds with one stone.

A good way to end!What makes it difficult for Cai Xianfeng to decide is that the situation is critical, and he can't expressly oppose Liu Jun's approach.In other words, he is not opposed to calming down the situation as soon as possible. On this point, everyone is unanimous.Cai Xianfeng has served as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee at the hall level for several years, and it is normal to have further plans in mind.Seeing that Cui Fucheng has made a step forward, how can Cai Xianfeng remain unmoved?But his way of buying prices is not the same as that of Ding Yuzhou, Cui Fucheng, or even Tian Hongzheng and Liu Jun. 11oo Ding Yuzhou, Cui Fucheng and Liu Jun are all top leaders in the party and government, and they can see their achievements and problems.Tian Hongzheng's Disciplinary Committee work is self-contained, and if progress is made within the Disciplinary Committee, the situation is similar to that of Ding Cuiliu.Cai Xianfeng, as Ding Yuzhou's deputy, is not easy to achieve results. Of course, it is not easy to make mistakes.What he wants to show is that he has outstanding ability in the area he is in charge of.

"I agree with Secretary Liu's measures in principle. All incompetent cadres will be dismissed on the spot. The Organization Department will select new cadres to take over their work."

Cai Xianfeng said.Expressed my opinion very clearly: the power to dismiss is given to you, but the power to appoint is no good!It can also be regarded as a compromise method.

Liu Jun glanced at him and nodded.

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