Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 973 Enterprise is not a tool for power struggle

Dou Shiying was both happy and worried about Gan taking over as the chairman and commissioner of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation, Duizhou.I didn't expect myself to be in my forties.Having been at the deputy department level for several years, it was a bit of a blessing to be able to get Governor Gao's attention.

When Bu Weiqing's secretary Xiao Wang informed him to meet Governor Gao, Luo Yuanying was stunned for a moment.It seems that there will be no intersection between myself and Bu Weiqing at all.Although the Provincial Department of Industry is under the management of the provincial government, there is a huge difference in status between the two.Many deputies in provincial organs have never had the opportunity to meet the governor alone in their entire lives.

Luo Yuanying put down the phone and thought about it nervously for several minutes, but she couldn't think of a trick at all.Governor Gao unexpectedly summoned him.What a mystery.

When he met Gao Weiqing, Governor Gao was very kind, just like the rumors.The governor of the Ministry is an approachable leader.Don't put on airs.Bu Weiqing asked some basic information about Luo Yuanying, and quickly cut to the chase, telling him that since Comrade Liu Jun, the current chairman and party secretary of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation, is about to go to the Central Party School for training, the provincial government has decided to He will go to Changfeng head office to take over Liu Jun's position.

At that moment, Luo Yuanying was really stunned. [

Although the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Industry and the chairman of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation are at the same level, their actual meanings are completely different.He is in charge of audit work in the Provincial Department of Industry. If he is not completely marginalized, at least he does not have a "power center" in the department.Changfeng head office has developed rapidly in the past two years, and it seems to have become a major profit maker of a provincial state-owned enterprise.The significance of being the number one in such a large profitable company is completely different from being the fifth or sixth leader in the industrial hall.Moreover, Changfeng Headquarters is now on the automobile production line.If all goes well, it will be just around the corner to develop into an important backbone state-owned enterprise in the province, and it is very likely to be promoted to the top leader at that time.The level will naturally rise, wouldn't it be fame and fortune?

A backbone state-owned enterprise with great potential like this has always been in the hands of the governor or the cronies in charge of the deputy governor, so what can I do.Governor Gao valued it so much, and promised it with his own confidence?

When a new official takes office, the cadres are trying their best to rely on them, but there is no way out. Now the governor of the Ministry has personally delivered such a rare opportunity to him.

Without thinking too much, Luo Yuanying immediately expressed her determination to Bu Weiqing.

Gao Weiqing smiled and listened to the few words of loyalty he expressed. This is also human nature. Seeing Luo Yuanying chattering endlessly, and offering high hats one after another, without stopping, Gao Weiqing waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Yuanying Yuezhi, the current operation and production status of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation is very good. After you pass, you must continue to maintain this good momentum of development and not stop."

"Yes, yes, Governor, I will follow your instructions and do my best to

Bu Weiqing smiled and said: "In addition, I learned that this Changfeng Company had a case of corruption two years ago. Is there such a thing?"

Luo Yuanying nodded again and again: "Yes. Governor, it's true. I participated in the audit of Changfeng's head office two years ago,"

"Well, in this case, after you go, the anti-corruption work should be taken seriously. You can't take it lightly. The enterprise must develop, and the anti-corruption work cannot be left behind. According to past experience, the more profitable the enterprise, The possibility of corruption is also higher. This must arouse a high degree of vigilance, auditing work is your old profession, you should pay attention to your strengths, understand?"

Bu Weiqing exhorted unhurriedly.

"Yes, governor, please rest assured, I will definitely keep the governor's instructions in mind!"

Luo Yuanying nodded without thinking.

Until I left Gao Weiqing's office for a long time.Luo Yuanying thought carefully about the governor's instructions, and then she was terrified.Could it be that Governor Gao wants to investigate the possible problems of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation by himself?

So this appointment is for Liu Jundu?

After understanding this section, Luo Yuanying's ecstasy at being hit by a pie from the sky gradually faded, and a chill rose from her spine.

Who is Liu Jun!

Is it the old deputy department-level cadres who "rely on" me who can shake it at will?

Luo Yuanying was suddenly happy and worried.It's just that we are really forced here, and we can only take one step at a time. [

After all, the appointment of deputy department-level cadres has to go through an organizational procedure. Two days later, Luo Yuanying was accompanied by Vice Minister Li of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.Officially took office in Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation.

This news came very suddenly to Zhao Yan and all the cadres and workers of the Changfeng Group.

Why is it so silent, Secretary Liu is leaving, and a new chairman has been replaced?

At the middle-level cadre meeting held by the company, Vice Minister Li announced the appointment of Comrade Luo Yuanying by the Provincial Party Committee.

A roomful of middle-level cadres looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe it was true.Until Vice Minister Li announced that Comrade Liu Jun was invited to speak to everyone, the cadres came to their senses.Before Liu Jun could speak, the audience applauded like spring thunder.louder and louder

Liu Jun had no choice but to raise his hands and press down, and the applause stopped.As before, everyone sat up straight and listened intently to Secretary Liu's speech.

Liu Jun's farewell speech was very simple, but in just ten minutes, he did not summarize too much the achievements of Changfeng Motorcycle Manufacturing Corporation in the past two years, but focused on the future development ideas and directions. programmatic speech.This short ten-minute speech was interrupted by thunderous applause from time to time, and the applause sounded almost every one or two minutes.

In this way, everyone expressed their gratitude and respect to Secretary Liu.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yuanying was secretly startled.I really want to write Liu Jun's articles in Changfeng Company, and regardless of whether Liu Jun has articles to write about, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the hurdle of Changfeng Company's cadres and employees alone.

Luo Yuanying has been working for many years, and it is rare to see a part-time leader with such a high prestige in the unit.

The almost fanatical reverence of the cadres even disrupted Luo Yuanying's steps. He had carefully prepared a "government program", but he didn't dare to take it out. minute.Among the words, most of them were praise and admiration for Liu Jun, with a very low attitude.

A smile appeared on the corner of Liu Jun's mouth.

It should be said that Luo Yuanying is considered a smart person, who understands the principle of gradual progress, and did not show off his ability at the beginning, which will only immediately arouse everyone's disgust.

After the inauguration meeting, Vice Minister Li was sent away, and both Liu Jun and Luo Yuanying came to the chairman's office to hand over the work.The enrollment time of the Central Party School is relatively tight, and Liu Jun doesn't have much time to make a handover with his successor.

Walking into the office, Liu Jun was not in a hurry to explain anything, but sat down on the sofa in the reception area. Luo Yuanying realized that Liu Jun had something to say to herself, so she sat down on the sofa with a smile.Yu Huaixin offered tea to the two leaders and withdrew.

"Luo Ting, there are two key points in the follow-up work of Changfeng Headquarters. I just talked about it in general, and now I will communicate with you."

After Liu Jun took his seat, he took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"Secretary Liu, please tell me, I'm all ears!"

Luo Yuanying straightened her back out of habit.Immediately felt wrong.He and Liu Jun are colleagues at the same level and are not affiliated.Why can't I help showing the attitude of being a subordinate in front of Liu Jun?

I have to admit, this young man.It is indeed quite majestic, and it can make people feel awe without knowing it.

"The first" is of course Changfeng Motor Company.The production line has been assembled, and the training of the workers has basically been completed. It is expected that the first prototype will be rolled off the assembly line next month.This matter cannot be slackened, and we must pay close attention to the small car market. The competition will become more and more fierce. This year is the key to whether the brand of Changfeng Motor can be launched quickly.Product quality, advertising method and intensity, marketing means and after-sales service.They are all important points, and there must be no mistakes in one link, otherwise, it will be very troublesome. The 20 billion investment should not be taken lightly. "

Luo Yuanying nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable.Gein Liu Jun's demeanor and tone were not discussing with him, but carrying a sense of instruction.But Luo Yuanying can't express dissatisfaction. Liu Jun is right. The investment of 20 billion is a huge amount. The province has high hopes for this project. Even the National Development Commission and the Ministry of Industry have expressed great support for this project. Pay attention, and you really can't tolerate mistakes.Luo Yuanying felt that he was far from Liu Jun in terms of enterprise management. [

"The second point is to properly handle the relationship with the joint venture. The shareholding structure of Changfeng Headquarters is relatively complicated. After the headquarter has been transformed into a shareholding system, there are many shareholders. The new automobile company also has many shareholders. This relationship If it is not handled properly, there will be big problems. If the internal management is not smooth, it will affect the operation of the entire company. Luoting, Changfeng Company today is not the Changfeng Company two years ago, and it is not a state-owned enterprise in the pure sense. , We must pay attention to protecting the enthusiasm of cadres and workers, and we must not dampen them at will.”

Liu Jun ignored Luo Yuanying's unconvinced heart.said calmly.

Luo Yuanying nodded again.

Luo Yuanying's attitude made Liu Jun dissatisfied.The sharp eyes swept across Luo Yuanying's face, and he said calmly: "Luo Ting, you must remember that Changfeng Headquarters is not a personal enterprise, nor is it a tool for anyone to fight for power and profit. It is related to the lives of more than 3000 employees. It is best not to use some methods of agency work casually in enterprise management! This point, I hope you must understand

Swept by Liu Jun's sharp eyes, Luo Yuanying's legs couldn't help shaking slightly, and she responded with a low guilt.

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