star wars civilization.

Chapter 012: Still the Strongest

Shen Zheng felt somewhat uneasy.

Before, in this laboratory, he changed from a genius to a waste, from heaven to hell.Today, it is still that laboratory, and it is still those military doctors, but I am no longer my original self.

What changed him was that mission without combat, and that strange bug.That opportunity turned him into a real warrior, and made his phytophyte fitness value as high as 98 really play a role.From then on, he will embark on another road - the road of the strong.

"Okay, we can start now." The military doctor controlling the computer looked at Shen Zheng, somewhat nervous.He could see that Feng Yu attached great importance to Shen Zheng, and he was afraid that if the result this time was still the same as before, Feng Yu would be angry.

"Bite the bullet and come on." The military doctor thought in his heart. [

Shen Zheng took off the formation leader's windbreaker and returned it to Feng Yu, walked over slowly by himself, and sat down on the plant insect chair. Under the control of the military doctor, the restraint belt immediately fixed him firmly on the chair.

"The best long-range attack bug in the legion is the blaster." The chief medical doctor said to Feng Yu, "Its bug power value is between 30 and 40, which is too high for recruits. Do you want to use this?"

"Just use it." Feng Yu nodded.

"But the insect power is too high, right?" said a military doctor.

"Isn't it between 30 and 40?" Feng Yu shook his head and smiled, "Our genius can perfectly implant steel beetles with an insect power value between 60 and 70. What is this insect power value?"

"Ah?" The military doctors were all dumbfounded, they all looked at Shen Zheng with unbelievable expressions.

How can it be?He was obviously not suitable for all combat insects before, so what happened to being able to perfectly implant the steel beetle?

"Don't be dazed, let's start."

Under Feng Yu's urging, the captain of the military doctor hastily instructed everyone to start carefully.He personally went to the egg box rack to pick up the blaster egg box and put it in the insect planter.

The familiar process started here - some body fluids in the eggs were extracted, and then added to the mixture.The military doctor came over and stuck the injection needle into Shen Zheng's wrist.

The military doctor controlling the computer watched those values ​​nervously, and shook his head after a while: "I'm sorry sir, this... shows that the matching value is still zero."

"Zero?" Feng Yu frowned.

"It's okay, just come here." Shen Zheng said.

"This won't work." The captain of the military doctor shook his head resolutely, "Are you kidding me? If you want to commit suicide, you can find other ways. I can't cooperate with you in this kind of thing!"

"Suicide?" Shen Zheng smiled. "A better life in the future is still waiting for me. I also have a lovely younger sister who needs my care. Why should I commit suicide? Formation leader, please believe me, match Isn't the value also zero?"

"Continue to plant insects." Feng Yu ordered.

"But..." The head of the military medical team showed a look of embarrassment.

"If something goes wrong, I will take full responsibility for it," Feng Yu said.

"Okay." The captain of the military doctor nodded.If someone can take the blame, he can follow any order. "Get ready to start now!" [

With apprehension, the military doctors started the operation of plant insects.Soon, all the liquid in the eggs was extracted, and flowed along the long transparent hose together with the mixed liquid to the injection needle, and then slowly injected into Shen Zheng's body.

At this time Shen Zheng was also in a nervous mood, feeling uneasy.He wasn't sure if it was possible to do this, but he couldn't help but try.After all, he is a soldier in the army, and he is under the control of military discipline. If he always uses his own method to plant insects, he will inevitably fall into the dilemma of not being able to explain the changes in his own strength.

At that time, the people in the legion will have doubts about themselves, and the situation that they least want to see will happen.When people in the legion find that he can plant insects by himself without an insect planter, they may lock him up as a living body for scientific research.

Because it's more attractive to have a genius-generated method than to have a genius.

When the worm egg liquid entered Shen Zheng's body, a surge of power immediately surged in his brain.This power spread throughout his body in an instant, and then concentrated on his wrist, turning the liquid injected into his body into a mist, and then guided it to his brain along his nerves.

That comfortable feeling reappeared, Shen Zheng couldn't help closing his eyes, immersed in pure enjoyment.

Here, he is safe, he doesn't have to worry about being discovered by others, and he doesn't have to worry about insects rushing to kill him.He can safely enjoy the wonderful pleasure of planting insects and relax his body and mind.

"Is there any change in the value?" Feng Yu stared nervously at the phantom screen, but couldn't understand the value and graph on it.

"Strange!" The military doctor's eyes widened in surprise, "The matching value of the plant insects was obviously zero before, why did the injection... the matching value jump to 100!"

"100% match?" Feng Yu's eyes widened, and he gradually revealed a surprised expression. "My God, my God! It turns out that the previous mismatch was only because of... what is this reason?"

He turned to ask the captain of the military doctor.

The captain of the military doctor also opened his mouth wide, unable to believe his eyes, and murmured after a while: "It's just because the physique of a genius is really special, so special that it affects the analysis and judgment of our computer?"

"Yes, that's the only way to explain it!" Feng Yu laughed. "Thanks to this kid for not being reconciled, otherwise, a great genius would have been completely buried!"

"It's so strange." The captain of the military doctor looked at the phantom screen, still full of disbelief, and kept shaking his head and sighing.

At this time, all the worm egg liquid had been injected, Shen Zheng closed his eyes and was intoxicated by that wonderful feeling, unwilling to wake up.Feng Yu and the others had been waiting like this for more than 20 minutes before he slowly opened his eyes and saw the people who had been staring at him, and smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. "

"How?" Feng Yu asked nervously.

Should I also tell them that I can obtain the genetic memory of the Zerg?Shen Zheng hesitated, and finally decided not to shock them too much, if they didn't realize it, then let's not talk about it.

"Very good." Shen Zheng felt the new blaster power in his body, and the genetic memory of the blaster appeared in his mind. About the use of power and the way of fighting, all the knowledge he had learned carefully in the past appeared in the in the head.

"Go to the training ground and try your skills." Feng Yu said.

"Alright." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Why don't you test the insect's strength first?" asked the chief medical officer.

"Alright." Feng Yu agreed, "Prepare the equipment as soon as possible, and you come to test him yourself." [

"Don't worry, there will be no mistakes." The captain of the military doctor hurriedly nodded, and personally directed the preparation of the insect tester, and then brought Shen Zheng to the one-person tall place, covered with various round stickers and thin lines, like an airport security gate. In front of the same machine, let him be in the center, and then paste a lot of circles with thin lines on his body.

After some nervous work, the captain of the military doctor looked at the computer's phantom screen and opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

"How is it possible for recruits to reach this level? My God, I can't believe it!" he exclaimed.

"How much?" Feng Yu hurried over.

"62!" The captain of the military doctor exclaimed excitedly, "The strongest elite among the veterans has only reached 60, and he has reached this level before he has experienced real combat training and insect power use training, my God, A genius, indeed a genius!"

62?Shen Zheng stood there listening, somewhat excited in his heart.But he always thought that his strength seemed to be more than that, because he hadn't fully activated the insect power in his body.

"Let's do an experiment." He thought to himself, and slowly turned on a part of the power.

"What's the reason for this change?" Feng Yu immediately asked nervously as the values ​​and charts on the illusion screen changed immediately.

"Unbelievable!" The captain of the military doctor yelled again, "The value is increasing again! It has reached 66!"

"Insect power value 66?" Feng Yu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed. "Genius, indeed a genius!"

Shen Zheng was more excited than these two people, because he knew how much power he had used.According to this algorithm, he roughly estimated that his insect power value may be between 70 and 80.

But this kind of estimation is not necessarily accurate, because the insect power value grows more slowly as it goes up. In the end, it is only a difference of one number, and the level of strength can vary greatly. It is impossible to get accurate without a careful inspection with a detector. numerical.

"Should I give full play and see how strong I am?" He was thinking, and finally decided to forget it.

If it hadn't been for the strange bug that got into his forehead before, he would not hesitate to show his strength, but now he dare not, he is afraid that others will think of that mission due to excessive surprise.

"Is it okay?" He asked tentatively.

"That's great!" Feng Yu shouted excitedly, "Hurry up, let's go! I can't wait to see how you will perform on the training ground!"

After tearing off the small round stickers with thin wires, Shen Zheng and Feng Yu, who was more eager than him, left the military headquarters building and rushed to the training ground. The soldiers in the headquarters were startled.

Arriving at the training ground, Feng Yu couldn't wait to lead Shen Zheng to the force field, pointing to a concrete wall: "Come on, give it a burst to see."

"Okay." Shen Zheng took two steps back slowly, and slowly raised his hand, feeling the blaster power surging in his body, thinking about how well he could use this power.

Feng Yu didn't urge him.From Fengyu's point of view, he is carefully perceiving the use of the blaster's power, which is nothing unusual, except for super geniuses who can obtain the genetic memory of the Zerg race, anyone who has just obtained the power of the blaster will need a period of time to experience and perceive it , to use this power.

At first, Shen Zheng only considered how much power he should exert, but later, he also thought of this problem, so he just pretended to be a gesture.After a few minutes, he felt that he was almost done pretending, and then a circular burst condensed in the palm of his hand.

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