star wars civilization.

Chapter 019: Bullying

"But..." Feng Yu opened his mouth.

"But..." Carters opened his mouth at the same time.

"No need to say more." Liang Long said, "This matter has been decided in this way. A general meeting will be held in a while to summarize the battle and commend individuals. I will announce this matter at that time. Adjutant, take Shen Zheng first. Go get ready, from housing to military uniforms to other things I'm not sure about."

"Yes!" The adjutant saluted, walked over to Shen Zheng and smiled. "Let's go, Captain Shen."

"This..." Shen Zheng looked at the adjutant in astonishment, and then turned to Liang Long. [

"Don't be stupid, you deserve it." Liang Long smiled and waved his hands.

"Thank you, Legion Commander!" Shen Zheng stood at attention in excitement and saluted, and then followed the adjutant.

"Legion Commander, I think you have not considered this matter too much." After Shen Zheng left, Carters said displeasedly. "In this way, the soldiers will probably be quite dissatisfied. I admit that Shen Zheng's performance in this battle was very outstanding, and his team suffered one casualty. But it is not just one of his squad that suffered one casualty."

"I also think it's a bit inappropriate." Although Feng Yu didn't like what Carters said, he really felt that Liang Long was a little too nice to Shen Zheng.

"Shen Zheng's talent is so outstanding that you have overlooked a little bit." Liang Long looked at them and said slowly. "Do you know why I spare no effort to promote him?"

Everyone looked at him together, waiting for his answer.

"Think about it carefully. A recruit who has not received any training in fighting or how to use insect power, even if he is a genius, how can he easily kill powerful insects?" Liang Long said, "and he The calmness shown in the battle is definitely not something any recruit can achieve."

"You mean..." Feng Yu patted his forehead.

"The genetic memory of the Zerg race!" Lorgar blurted out with his eyes brightened.

Hearing this word, both Carters and Depp trembled.

"How is it possible?" Depp murmured after being stunned for a while.

"Besides this, is there any other explanation?" Liang Long looked at the crowd.

Carters secretly looked at Feng Yu, and in the eyes of the other party, he saw surprise, excitement and pride.He couldn't help frowning.

It would be a great achievement if such a genius could be brought to the top.But... Liang Long and Feng Yu have already started to attack, if I change my mind now, I am afraid that Shen Zheng will not buy it from me.In the future, if he really becomes a high-level person, I'm afraid he will take revenge on me because I blocked Liang Long from promoting him.

Carters felt uneasy.

Shen Zheng didn't know what happened in the conference room. At this moment, he followed the adjutant to the barracks where the officers lived in the military camp, and received the key to a separate small courtyard.The format of this small courtyard is exactly the same. It is the dormitory for the captain of the formation, a three-story small building in an independent courtyard, and equipped with guards and miscellaneous personnel.

"The military uniform will be delivered later." The adjutant said to Shen Zheng while pointing at the small building. "Captain Shen Zheng, you can check this building now to see if there is anything you are not satisfied with, and I will help you adjust it."

"It's already very good!" Shen Zheng said excitedly.Looking at the three-story building, he was filled with emotion.Not long ago, he was still worrying about the rent of the small apartment, but now, he has such a large yard and a three-story house.

All this is not a dream, is it? [

"Adjutant, can I advance the military salary?" Shen Zheng asked suddenly, which stunned the adjutant.


"My younger sister is terminally ill." Shen Zheng said, "Last time I said it, when Fengyu Formation Captain said he would lend me money. But I think, if the military salary can be paid in advance..."

"It turned out to be this matter." The adjutant smiled, "The head of the legion has told me before the meeting that the money will come from the army's military expenses, and I have sent someone to the town to contact the best hospital."

"This... I am really grateful to the regiment commander!" Shen Zheng let out a long breath.My sister was finally saved, and I finally didn't have to worry about losing my only relative. The warm home would still be warm, there would be no separation, no sad tears.

Soon after, the Legion General Assembly was held. On the parade ground, more than 5000 soldiers stood in line. Liang Long stepped onto the high platform, and after loudly delivering a speech to boost morale, he rewarded the soldiers who performed outstandingly, and then said The decision on Shen Zheng's appointment as honorary formation leader.

As soon as the decision was made, the soldiers below let out a cry of surprise.Many people who already knew Shen Zheng's performance on the battlefield were also very surprised.Because in their view, it is completely fine for Shen Zheng to be the team leader, but the formation leader...

But in any case, this is the decision of the upper echelon, and the soldiers cannot and dare not have any objections.

After the meeting, Shen Zheng found Liang Long directly. Before he could speak, Liang Long had already smiled and said, "Boy, I know why you came to me. You want a vacation, right?"

"Legion Commander, thank you very much." Shen Zheng solemnly saluted Liang Long.

"What are you being polite about?" Liang Long patted him on the shoulder, "You are upright, powerful, and a rare general. If someone like you is placed in any army leader's team, the army leader will try his best to promote you. Go, go back to the town to find your sister, and accompany her to treat her illness."

"Yes!" Shen Zheng gave a military salute vigorously.

"Bring a few soldiers, don't lose the prestige of our army." Feng Yu walked over and handed a card with a smile. "Here is your one-year military salary. Buy some good clothes for your sister, buy a bigger apartment to live in, even if you have a better car, it will be enough."

"Thank you formation leader, thank you army commander!" Shen Zheng saluted again.

Sister, I'm right back!

In Langya Town, the last few white flowers finally fell. With their departure, the tree lost its original greenness and gradually turned to autumn yellow.The sun is shining brightly, and the place where the sun shines is warm and even makes people sweat, but as soon as they go into the shadows, there is a kind of coolness that penetrates into the skin immediately, making people want to sneeze.

Walking on the fallen leaf road in the campus, Shen Ying sneezed several times.She rubbed her sore nose, and couldn't help but think in her heart: "Don't catch a cold, don't get sick, or you will spend money again. The money my brother left me is all his hard-earned money, but Can't be wasted..."

"Why did you sneeze?" A handsome boy came out of the corner garden with a concerned look on his face. "You have to be careful, it's easy for people to catch a cold in the early autumn weather."

"Thank you for your concern." Shen Ying took a look and recognized one of his seniors named Guan Xin.This senior has always been quite fond of himself, and he often comes to show his hospitality when he has nothing to do.

Ordinarily, this senior's qualifications are not bad, he needs good looks and family background, but Shen Ying just can't interest him.

Because compared with his elder brother, this handsome guy has no advantage other than being handsome.Brother is a responsible man, isn't he a handsome senior?Brother can do everything for himself, can a handsome senior?The elder brother never fears when faced with difficulties, can the handsome Shen Chang do it?

Shen Ying smiled at the senior, and walked forward quickly, Guan Xin followed closely, saying some words of concern from time to time.It wasn't until they reached the school gate that a teacher came and called Guan Xin away, and the entanglement stopped. [

"Huh~" Shen Ying let out a long breath.Fortunately, the teacher asked him to go away because of something, otherwise it would be too much for him to "caring and loving" all the way.

After leaving the school gate, just as he was about to go home, five girls suddenly rushed out from the side, blocking Shen Ying at the school gate.

"What's the matter with you?" Shen Ying smiled at them with a friendly tone.

"I'm warning you, don't seduce senior Guan Xin again!" The girl who took the lead yelled at Shen Ying.

"What?" Shen Ying was startled.

"Stop pretending!" the girl snorted coldly, "You bastard, relying on your own good looks to seduce senior Guan Xin every day, how shameless are you? You don't even look at yourself in the mirror, senior Guan Xin." Who is it? Who am I? What are you!"

"Speak respectfully!" Shen Ying frowned, "Lin Nan, I have nothing to do with you and Guan Xin, but please don't come here to harass me!"

"Yo, it's quite amazing." A girl stared, "You little poor man, if you dare to be so rude to Sister Lin Nan, be careful I will tear your mouth! Let me tell you, senior Guan Xin's father is One of the richest businessmen in our Langya Town, Lin Nan's father is the deputy mayor of our Langya Town, they are a match made in heaven, what are you! I live in a dilapidated apartment in a slum area, I heard it was rented, Dare to touch the mind of the new senior?"

"Of course I have to think about it." Another girl sneered, "Her family is so poor, of course she has to focus on finding a rich man. Shen Ying, let me teach you how to be good, if you want to be with those old men who raise mistresses , They like little girls like you the most."

"Yes, yes!" Another girl said, "When the time comes, show your vixen's abilities on the bed, and those old men will definitely treat you as a treasure!"

The girls immediately burst out laughing, laughing wildly.Several teachers heard this kind of laughter and came out of the school gate to look. When they saw this group of girls, they immediately turned their heads and got into the door, pretending not to see them.

"Shame!" Shen Ying trembled with anger, turned around and left, but was stopped by these people.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Lin Nan, who took the lead, grabbed Shen Ying's clothes, "You honestly bow to me respectfully and admit your mistake, and swear that you will never seduce Senior Guan Xin again, so I will let you go." Go! Otherwise, today, Miss Ben will smash your boobs!"

"Let me go!" Shen Ying shouted angrily, struggling hard.The poorly made sleeves were torn apart by Lin Nan in the struggle, and both of them fell to the ground due to excessive force.

"You dare to hit me?" Lin Nan was helped up by a girl, and Shen Ying was just about to get up, but she kicked him down.

"Hit me, kill this little bastard!" She yelled frantically, "No, first take off her clothes, drag her through the streets, take pictures of her and post them on the Internet! face to seduce a man!"

"Okay!" Several girls rushed forward.

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