star wars civilization.

Chapter 021: All Punishments

"What kind of spectacle is that stinky soldier in front of me?" Deputy Mayor Lin looked at Shen Zheng and hummed coldly. "Who do you think you are? You're just a group of lowly citizens who know nothing but fighting! Do you have other ways to survive besides going to the battlefield?"

He sneered disdainfully: "The real talents are those who can enter a large company and sit in front of a computer. Those are the elites that our society needs. You? You are going to use your own lives to protect the victims of these people. What do you think you are? It is your right and obligation to die for us. To put it bluntly, you are the housekeeper dogs, and now the dog wants to bite the master, this is simply a law!"

Soldiers do hold the power of the country, but this does not mean that they are another group outside the government system.Officials who hold government power are not slaves of the military, but have the same status as them.For example, in Langya Town, the highest officer is of course Liang Long, the head of the Langya Legion, and the next rank is not his adjutant, but the formation leader and mayor.

Because the adjutants of the formation leaders have to shoulder the responsibility of commanding the troops on behalf of the formation leaders at any time during wartime, so they are all very strong.And the lieutenant of the legion commander is at best a secretary.

These two official ranks, one as an external combat position and the other as an internal management position, are equal. [

The rank of deputy mayor is at the same level as the deputy of the formation leader, and higher than that of the squad leader.

Deputy Mayor Lin knew all four formation leaders of the Spike Corps.In his opinion, Shen Zheng should be just a small team leader in a certain formation, and his rank is lower than him, so he dared to speak nonsense here.

"Did you hear what he said?" Shen Zheng's face was terribly cold, he turned to Fang He and the others, and said slowly. "Are we facing the terrible Zerg on the battlefield, bleeding and sacrificing, in order to protect this kind of people who treat us like dogs?"

"No!" Fang He gritted his teeth and glared at Deputy Mayor Lin.

"Is this kind of person worthy to be an official who controls this town?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Not worthy!"

"They humiliated the soldiers in front of us, what do you think should be done?" Shen Zheng asked.

There was no answer this time, and the three of them, who had already understood their chief's behavior style, rushed forward immediately.The eight police officers standing in front of Deputy Mayor Lin, before they had time to stop them, they had already arrived at Deputy Mayor Lin's side. He took control.

"What are you going to do? Be bold!" Deputy Mayor Lin struggled and shouted. "Damn it! I'm the deputy..."


There was a loud slap, and Fang He slapped Deputy Mayor Lin on the face with a cold face. The clear palm prints appeared bright red, and a few teeth flew out of the deformed mouth. , accompanied by a canopy of blood mixed with saliva.

"Ah!" Deputy Mayor Lin howled like a pig, "Murderer! Come on, the stinky soldier beat up government officials in the street..."


There was another crisp sound, this time it was the other cheek and a few other teeth that were unlucky.


With anger, Fang He's slaps slapped Deputy Mayor Lin's face from left to right. In a moment, that round head became like a pig's head. There was almost no tooth left in Deputy Mayor Lin's mouth, and blood flowed down the corners of his mouth. Dripping, no more curse words.

The eight police officers were dumbfounded, standing there trembling.

"You dare to hit my dad?" Lin Nan screamed, "It's against you!"

"Forgot about you." Fang He sneered, and rushed over with two big mouths. Lin Nan's pretty face was deformed, and his teeth were mixed with blood and spilled all over the floor.

The sharp sirens sounded, and four police cars protected a black luxury car and sped up, stopping in front of the campus gate.More than a dozen police officers jumped out of the police car, drew their guns and rushed over, pointing at Shen Zheng and the others.

"Don't move!" The sheriff who took the lead yelled.

"Tell your boss to come out." Fang He looked at these police officers with disdain on his face, and said in a deep voice.

The door of the black luxury car opened slowly, and a somewhat dignified middle-aged man got out of the car and strode towards this side. He stood behind the police officers and looked at Fang He: "I am from this town. Mayor Nayong, who are you? How dare you openly beat government officials? Hurry up and catch them, or I will order the police to shoot!"

"Who do you think we are?" Fang He and the other two soldiers had already put away their bone blades when they were beating Deputy Mayor Lin. Now facing the other party's questioning, Fang He smiled slightly and raised his arms.Insect power surged on the arm, extending out and turning into the sharp bone blade.

"Soldier?" The mayor, Na Yong, was taken aback.

"Put down the gun!" Fang He shouted, pointing at Shen Zheng. "Standing in front of you is the new honorary formation leader of the second formation of the Wolf Fang Legion, Shen Zheng!"

The police officers trembled—formation leader?That's a high official on the same level as the mayor!

"You are the newly appointed honorary captain Shen Zheng?" Na Yong was startled, looking at Deputy Mayor Lin who was thrown on the ground, and the five girls who were beaten unconscious, with a look of surprise.

"How did this happen?" He asked in astonishment, "Shen... Captain Shen, after I got the order from the army, I immediately sent Deputy Mayor Lin to come over and take Shen Ying to the hospital for treatment. could it be?" Make it like this?"

"I don't know exactly what the cause is." Shen Zheng looked at Na Yong and said slowly. "When I came here, what I saw was the daughter of Deputy Mayor Lin, leading these girls to beat my sister and tore her blouse. People around me told me that these shameful playboys You actually want to strip my sister naked and parade her through the streets, and allow hooligans to insult her! The mayor, I want to ask you—even if my sister has committed any crimes, there is no law that punishes people like this, right?"

"Is that so?" Na Yong turned to the surrounding crowd.

"That's right!" Someone plucked up the courage to say, "These girls are really fierce, they're just crazy!"

"What about Deputy Mayor Lin?" Na Yong asked awkwardly.

"Not long ago, my comrades in arms and I were sweating and bleeding in the northwestern defense city to resist the insect swarm." Shen Zheng said, "We use our lives to defend our home in Langya Town and protect the residents here. We don't ask for Thank you everyone, because this is our job, but if someone dares to insult us while being protected by us, saying that we are just stinky soldiers and watchdogs, then what kind of punishment should such a person accept? ?”

"That's right!" The surrounding crowd yelled, "Damn deputy mayor! You insulted the cutest soldier!" "He deserves to be beaten!" His job!"

"Is that so?" With fire in his eyes, Na Yong loudly questioned the eight police officers who came with Deputy Mayor Lin.The eight police officers all lowered their heads in embarrassment, not knowing what to say, only the leader nodded reluctantly: "Deputy Mayor Lin... His words were really extreme."

"It's outrageous!" Nayong roared angrily, "I can bear with him some minor problems, but I didn't expect to be ashamed to such an extent that he connived his children to bully the soldiers, and dared to insult the soldiers in public! Come here, put him Arrest it for me! I will remove him from all positions and put him on trial! Also arrest those female students who participated in bullying the military subordinate Shen Ying!"

"Yes!" The sheriff gave a salute, and immediately led the people to get busy. After a while, he took away Deputy Mayor Lin, Lin Nan and the four girls, and persuaded the crowd to disperse.

"I am very sorry for what happened today." Na Yong came to Shen Zheng with an embarrassed expression on his face. "Please rest assured Captain Shen, I will do what I say, and I will definitely punish these people severely. Is your sister okay?"

"How are you?" Shen Zheng asked with concern.

"It's okay." Shen Ying was still trembling, apparently with lingering fear. "Brother, how did you become the formation leader?" [

"Be good." Shen Zheng patted his younger sister's back to comfort her, and looked up at Na Yong. "Today's incident, I admit that I have done a little too much, but any person who sees his relatives being insulted like this; any soldier will do the same when he hears someone call himself a watchdog."

"It's the same if it's me." Na Yong nodded with shame on his face. "It was my mistake to appoint such a person as the deputy mayor. I will submit a review to the regiment commander. Let me take charge of Lingmei's affairs, which can be regarded as an expression of my apology."

"Brother, what does he mean?" Shen Ying asked Shen Zheng worriedly.

"Xiaoying, there is something I have been keeping from you." Shen Zheng said in a calm tone as much as possible. "You... you actually got some bad diseases... We didn't have money for medical treatment before, but now it's different. Brother is already the honorary formation leader of the legion. We can have our own home, and we don't have to worry about not being able to pay the rent anymore. , and you can live a better life. The most important thing is that we can cure you completely."

"Me? Got sick?" Shen Ying looked at his brother, and suddenly understood something, his eyes turned red, and tears flowed down again. "Brother, you joined the army to cure my illness, right? Could it be that the illness you value so much is..."

"Cancer is not an incurable disease." Na Yong smiled and said, "Shen Ying, I will take you to the best hospital in our town right now, and within a month, your disease will be completely cured. "

"Brother!" Shen Ying grabbed Shen Zheng's sleeves tightly, tears gushing out like spring water.She didn't know her physical condition at all, she already vaguely knew that her physique was very bad, but she didn't expect that what she had was cancer.

My brother joined the army to save his own life, and went to the dangerous battlefield.Everything is for myself...

"Silly Xiaoying, don't cry." Shen Zheng gently wiped the tears from Shen Ying's face. "Everything is fine now. For me, the battlefield is no longer a dangerous place of life and death, but a training camp that can make me stronger. Xiaoying, our life will get better and better in the future, and we will always Go on happily!"

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