star wars civilization.

Chapter 030: Kill!

"Fury Burst Fist!"

In the roar, Carters' fist drew a trajectory like a rocket's tail light in the air with the scorching flames, and hit Shen Zheng.Before the punch arrived, the heat wave had already rushed in. Under the protection of insect breath, Shen Zheng's cheeks were still sore from being roasted. If this punch really hit him...

A feeling of extreme danger made Shen Zheng concentrate all his energy.He knew the difference in strength between himself and the opponent, and knew that at this time, he could no longer hide the slightest.

Only use the strongest force!

In an instant, the energy heart beat violently, transmitting powerful power into his blood, flowing quickly along the blood vessels to the palm of his hand, and gushing out suddenly, turning into the three-meter-long blood Red whip. [

Putting your palms together, you gripped the long whip tightly, and with a loud drink, your wrists shook.Like a blood-colored spirit snake, the long whip seemed to have a spirituality under his control, dancing, coiling, and ruthlessly sweeping out like a red lightning bolt in the air!

"What?" Carters was stunned by this sudden change, and in the astonishment, he had no time to change his moves. He could only grit his teeth in the blink of an eye, and use this move to fight against the red whip with all his strength.

The flames on the fist shone brightly like a shooting star, galloping forward with scorching waves; the red long whip was shining red like blood, flying lightning in the air.When the two suddenly collided in the air, there was a loud noise that made the body tremble, and the weaker soldiers couldn't help closing their eyes and covering their ears at that moment.

During that collision, the long red whip slashed fiercely into the flames like a sharp blade, causing the flames in the energy state to be quickly separated as if they were real, and the soul-stirring blood red easily passed by. Carter's body.

In an instant, the two staggered apart in the air, and stood firmly on each other.

A breeze, blowing gently from the fighting arena, blew on people's bodies, not even a piece of clothing could be lifted.

However, in the wind, Carters' body trembled violently, as if he couldn't bear the wind force.Trembling, he turned around slowly, staring at Shen Zheng and at the bloody long whip in his hand.

"How is it possible? This..." He muttered to himself in a daze.

"Nothing is impossible." Shen Zheng turned around slowly, looking at this guy who had been sparing no effort to suppress him, his voice was extremely cold. "Let me introduce it. This is a gift I got by accident when I was stationed in the Northeast City. I experienced the insect swarm. I named it 'Blood Spirit Whip'."

Then, he walked forward slowly, came close, smiled at Carters, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "You thought you could kill me that time, but you gave me such a gift instead!" Great gift. Carters, have you heard of the words 'cocooning yourself' and 'self-inflicted'? By the way, didn't our ancestors still have such a saying - 'lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot'."

"You!" Carters blushed, glared at Shen Zheng angrily, and raised his hand, as if he wanted to deliver a fatal blow to Shen Zheng.

But this blow cannot be completed after all.His eyes suddenly widened in an instant, and all his energy seemed to turn into this sharp gaze, radiating outward.Then in an instant, the light dimmed, like a flame being blown out suddenly by a gust of wind.

His body trembled again, and then he fell down.

With a burst of exclamation, all the fighters watching the contest stood up.

Not only them, but even several formation leaders all stared wide-eyed and stood up suddenly.

No one could have imagined this kind of ending, not even Fengyu.

Shen Zheng is a powerful super genius, but the problem is that he is facing a battle-tested formation leader with 9 points of insect power higher than his, and a flame emissary with special combat insect power.

Just one blow - just one blow from the insect spirit, knocked Carters down?

No one could believe it. [

"Military doctor!" Liang Long stood up, but no shock or astonishment could be seen on his face, only a trace of relief and joy could be read from his eyes.He shouted loudly: "Military doctor, treat Captain Carters immediately!"

No one noticed that a military doctor had quietly come to the corner of the fighting arena long ago. At this moment, after receiving the order from the legion commander, they rushed over immediately to give first aid to Carters.

"How could this be?" There were chaotic discussions, especially among the soldiers in Carters' third formation watching the battle.In their hearts, although Shen Zheng is a supernova, he has absolutely no chance of winning in front of Carters, the Vulcan-like formation leader.

But now, not only has he won, but he has completely defeated Carters.

At this time, the military doctors stood up and shook their heads at Liang Long.

"Quiet!" Liang Long roared, his voice overshadowed all the soldiers' discussions, and the boiling fighting field fell silent again.

"How is Captain Carters?" Liang Long asked the military doctor loudly.

The leading military doctor shook his head: "Although there is no major injury on his body surface, his internal organs... are seriously damaged, and he is... dead."

Exclamations and discussions boiled up again, and the entire fighting arena exploded like a pot, and everyone showed expressions of astonishment, even the formation leaders were stunned.

"How is this possible?" Depp, the leader of the fourth formation, exclaimed, "Carters was killed by Shen Zheng with one move?"

"Really dead?" Lorgar trembled slightly.This incident was beyond his imagination, and he couldn't believe the facts before him.

Feng Yu was also trembling, but it was because of excitement.He turned his gaze to Liang Long, and what he saw was a calm expression and a hint of complacency.At this moment, he suddenly understood why Liang Long would interrupt him when he wanted to tell the story of Shen Zheng's acquisition of the insect spirit during the meeting.

This kind of pride is a sign of the success of the plan, that is to say, Liang Long has decided to use Shen Zheng's hand to get rid of Carters after knowing that Shen Zheng got the worm spirit.

A troublemaker like Carters is too an eyesore, but no one can do anything to him. Although Liang Long wanted to get rid of him quickly, he couldn't find a chance at all.

Shen Zheng is a recruit, and a genius at the same time, using his hands to get rid of Carters is simply the best choice.

A strong man with an insect power of 88 competed with a new fighter with an insect power of 79, and was killed in a fair contest. Who could fault this kind of thing?

Moreover, this new soldier is still a super genius. Even if the military commander is furious, he still has to think about whether it is more important to win over a new genius soldier, or to maintain a dead town-level regiment leader?

"Silence!" Liang Long let everyone discuss and exclaim, and after a few minutes, he yelled again, suppressing the audience's voice.

"The result of this martial arts competition is very heartbreaking." He said loudly, "But since it is a martial arts competition, it is inevitable that someone will be injured. In the final analysis, Shen Zheng is just a new recruit in the army. It is a bit too much to use his strongest move. In this case, it is reasonable for Shen Zheng to fight hard for self-protection. But no matter what, we have a formation leader, which is very important to It is a huge loss for the Legion. Shen Zheng can be forgiven in reason, but it is hard to forgive in love!"

As soon as these words came out, Feng Yu couldn't help being startled: Why, there is still punishment?

"I've decided." Liang Long said loudly, "Shen Zheng's military salary will be deducted for half a year as punishment!"

Huh... Feng Yu let out a long breath.Half a year's military salary is nothing.Besides, on the surface it is said to be a deduction, but in fact the salaries of senior military officers are directly deposited into their personal accounts, and no one else knows whether the deduction is deducted or not. [

"Originally, Carters would be punished for using murderous moves in the competition." Liang Long changed the subject, "But since he has already suffered the consequences and died, the punishment is exempted. I am also responsible for this matter, no I should agree to their request for a martial arts competition, because although they have the same military rank, their strengths are different after all. I will also punish myself with half a year's military salary. The third formation will be under the leadership of the second formation leader Feng Yu for the time being, and the formation leader will be selected separately."

Shen Zheng stood there quietly.He had been staring at Carters just now, and he was relieved only after the military doctor announced that Carters was dead.

The crazy idea of ​​killing a strong man whose worm strength is 9 points higher than his own had already arisen when he challenged Carters to a contest.It can be said that the purpose of his challenge to Carters was to kill him.

But before using the blood spirit whip to send out that shocking blow, he was not sure in his heart.He once thought, just take this opportunity to seriously injure Carters, and then look for an opportunity to kill him.

Carters wanted his life, there was no doubt about it.

Shen Zheng never dared to look down on anyone, even if the other party was weaker than himself.Because he understands how much destructive power a person can produce when he concentrates all his strength on another person.

This world is not centered on human individual power.People live in a group, live in a group, and will be influenced by the group.And even a small enemy, as long as you let him hide in the shadows, mobilize all kinds of power in the crowd, and use all kinds of tricks to harm you, you may die inexplicably.

What's more, Carters is not a small weak man, but a strong man with the No.12 military region as the background, a worm strength of 88, and the rank of formation leader.

For himself, for his sister, and for the future, he could not tolerate the existence of such a person.

But he really didn't expect that he would have the strength to kill such a strong man with one blow.

Is this the power of the worm spirit?He couldn't help looking down at the Blood Spirit Whip in his hand, holding it tightly, his heart filled with excitement.

This blow used almost [-]% of the force.he thought to himself.If I exert my full strength, how strong an opponent can I defeat?

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