star wars civilization.

Chapter 032: Capital Defense Army

"Xiaojin, Xiaoyin, Xiaofei!" Seeing these three girls, Le Ning's eyes lit up immediately, and he patted the sofa beside him, "Come and sit, come and sit! Come, let me introduce you, this is our legion Shen Zheng, the formation leader here."

"So young?" A girl sighed in surprise, and then sat next to Shen Zheng, and the other two sat next to Le Ning, one on the left and one on the right.

Looking at the girl next to her who was wearing a low-necked skirt and showing a deep career line, Shen Zheng felt somewhat at a loss and frowned slightly.He didn't want this girl to get so close to him, and even wanted these three girls to go out immediately, but he didn't want to embarrass Le Ning, so he had to bear it.

"Come on, let's get to know the bar first." Seeing Shen Zheng's bewildered look, Le Ning couldn't help laughing, picked up a glass and poured wine for the three girls. "Captain Shen, let me introduce you. The girl next to you is Xiao Fei, and these two are Xiao Jin and Xiao Yin. Let's have a drink first?"

"Come on, come on!" Xiao Fei smiled and picked up the cup, stretched out an arm, trying to hug Shen Zheng's arm. [

Just when Shen Zheng didn't know whether he should hide or run away, the door suddenly opened, and the charming woman nodded at Le Ning with an embarrassed face: "Adjutant Le, I'm so sorry... a local guest came and pointed Famously asking Xiao Jin and Xiao Yin to come over, you see..."

"Am I not a guest?" Le Ning's face turned cold.

Xiao Fei on Shen Zheng's side turned to look at the woman, and didn't stretch out her hand again, Shen Zheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm really sorry!" The charming woman apologized, "You are our old customer, if I hadn't had to, how could I come to make you angry? Please understand, I really can't do anything, because this I really can't afford to offend the guest, he...he is an officer of the capital's garrison."

"The Capital Defense Army?" Le Ning was taken aback, then withdrew his displeasure, and nodded, "Go."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Le, for your understanding!" The charming woman nodded hastily, and said apologetically, "I will let them come over as soon as the work over there is over!"

"It's okay." Le Ning shook his head, looking lonely.The two girls took his hand and stood up.

"You can go too." Shen Zheng hurriedly took the opportunity to say to the little Fei girl, "I have some private conversations with Adjutant Le, and I don't want anyone to disturb you."

"Okay." Xiao Fei stood up and walked away with the two sisters.

When the door of the box was closed, Le Ning let out a long sigh, picked up the glass and drank it down, and snorted: "What a disappointment!"

"You seem to be interested in these two girls?" Shen Zheng asked.

"It's not very interesting." Le Ning laughed at himself, "I have known the three of them for two years. From their youthful appearance when they first came here to the ease with which they are now, I have seen everything in my eyes. They all They are college students, and their family background is not good. They can't bear to let their family members work hard for them, so they go to school during the day and come out to do this at night, in fact, to make the family rich. They are all good girls, they only accompany the wine and do not show up. , don't be so... resistant to them."

"I'm just not used to this kind of life." Hearing the situation of the three of them, Shen Zheng couldn't help feeling a bit of sympathy for each other. "Drink when you drink, and when you chat, don't let them come again."

"Actually, it's just for such an atmosphere." Le Ning said, "Lying on the bed alone at night without a companion, it feels really bad. If you have nothing to do, run out, and they will accompany you to chat and do things." Do something intimate, go back and lie down on the bed, and the night has passed like this, it is a pleasure. Forget it, today is such a disappointment, let's go, I will find a place and let's sing."

"Alright." Upon hearing that he was going to leave here, Shen Zheng heaved a sigh of relief and immediately stood up.

The two left the box and rushed to the front desk to check out, but before reaching the end of the corridor, they heard the door of a box being opened with a bang, followed by a burst of wanton laughter and a woman begging for mercy. Hearing that sound, Le Ning frowned, stopped suddenly and turned around.

"Captain Xu, they really can't come out." It was the voice of that charming woman just now.

"Captain Xu, I don't do this." Le Ning recognized Xiaojin's voice.

"Yes, Captain Xu, if you want to find, I can help you find some sisters." It was Xiaoyin's voice. [

"I want the two of you!" With a wicked smile, a man in his thirties, dressed in casual clothes, came out of the box, holding the two girls, Xiao Jin and Xiao Yin, by their arms from left to right. , pulled them out forcefully, and the four strong men followed with a smile.

"Captain Xu!" The charming woman chased after him, "They really can't do it!"

A strong man turned his head, stretched out his hand, and almost knocked the charming woman against the wall: "Bastard! What can a woman who makes money in this kind of place do? Are you trying to make trouble with our captain? Are you still thinking about it?" Don't want to work here anymore?"

"Captain Xu..." The charming woman was obviously scared. Although she was anxious, she didn't dare to drink loudly.

Captain Xu took the arms of the two girls and walked out with a smile.

Le Ning looked at the two girls, and the two girls also saw him, and they all looked at him for help. Le Ning's body trembled, and he lifted his feet slightly, as if he wanted to step back and make way for the road.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but slightly frowned.

A trace of disappointment, and a trace of despair, came out from the eyes of the two girls. At this moment, Le Ning who saw this gaze suddenly took a step forward and blocked the way.

"Captain Shen, take a step first." He whispered, "What will happen next is none of your business."

Shen Zheng looked at Le Ning, and what he read from his eyes was the determination to see death as home.

Shen Zheng didn't move, but stood beside him, completely blocking the passage of the corridor.

"You..." Le Ning was startled, then became anxious. "Hurry up! The capital defense team is directly responsible for the defense of the capital. It is not comparable to our small town army! You have a bright future, and it can't be because of me..."

"If I watched the two girls being taken away by the wicked in front of my eyes, I wouldn't have any great prospects in my life." Shen Zheng said calmly. "I'm not the kind of person who would just watch others being bullied by villains in front of my eyes for my own good life. If I did that, even if I could keep my glory and wealth, Xiaoying would not be willing to share it with me like this .”

"You..." Le Ning looked at Shen Zheng, and didn't know what to say for a moment, but his eyes changed.

From colleagues looking at colleagues, to friends looking at friends.

"Get out of the way!" Captain Xu had already pulled the two girls closer, stopped, looked at the two passers-by, and said in a low voice with half-closed eyes.

"They don't show up, they just accompany the wine." Le Ning looked at Captain Xu and said in a deep voice.

"I'm in a good mood tonight." Captain Xu laughed, "I don't plan to argue with you, just roll aside and cool off, you're lucky."

"I said, they won't come out." Le Ning raised his voice a few degrees.

"Looking for death." Captain Xu's face became gloomy, and he said two words coldly.

Immediately, the four strong men behind him took a step forward and came in front of Le Ning. One of them rubbed his fist lightly and looked at Le Ning's body with his eyes, as if he was looking for a punching point.

"Captain Xu, if this is the case, I'll find you a few more girls, it's all my treat." The charming woman rushed forward again, pleading with Captain Xu with a smile on her face. [

"Go away." Captain Xu said coldly, let go of Xiaoyin's left hand and fought back, and the charming girl flew out and fell into the box.

He retracted like lightning, and firmly grasped Xiaoyin's arm again. The whole movement was like lightning. Before Xiaoyin could react, his arm had already been loosened and gripped again.

"I'll give you a chance, get out, don't affect our captain's mood." The strong man rubbing his fist looked at Le Ning and Shen Zheng, and said coldly.

"His mood is up to me." Shen Zheng's sudden voice was icy cold, like the cold wind in winter, biting to the bone, making one feel like a cold war.

"What are you waiting for? I don't have that much time!" Captain Xu snorted displeasedly from behind.

"You're looking for death!" The man rubbing his fists opened his eyes wide, swung his fists violently, and punched Le Ning.

Le Ning had been staring at him all the time, and when he saw his body move, he immediately leaned forward and dived, instead of running away, he rushed directly into the man's inner circle, hitting his abdomen with both fists in a row, The three punches in a row hit directly, causing the man to stagger back several steps.

"Have you practiced?" The man frowned while clutching his aching stomach.

"What a fucking embarrassment to me!" Captain Xu scolded fiercely from behind, "Can't even beat two stinky ordinary people? Why does the army support such trash?"

The man's eyes flashed brightly, he stretched out his hand to stop the three companions who wanted to go forward, snorted, and suddenly rushed towards Le Ning, striking out with his left fist.

Shen Zheng stared at the man's fist, and could tell at a glance that it was a false move.But Le Ning didn't have the ability to distinguish battles from the Zerg's genetic memory. Seeing the aggressiveness of this punch, he immediately prepared to defend with all his strength.

The man smiled, and the fist that was punched immediately turned into a palm, and then he grabbed Le Ning's arm, and the other fist was raised high, as if it was about to be shot down.

"Not good!" Le Ning's reaction was not slow. When the opponent grabbed his arm, he knew it was not good. In desperation, the other free hand quickly turned, and the power of insects surged from his body. It came out, quickly condensed into a sharp spear in the palm of the hand, turned the palm of the hand, pointed it at the man, and shot it out with a bang.

When the lance was condensed, the man had already felt Le Ning's insect power, and was immediately startled, but the fist couldn't fall down, and hurriedly dodged back.

With this flash, he just dodged the prismatic spear.

"Pest planter?" Captain Xu frowned.

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