star wars civilization.

Chapter 034: The purpose of becoming stronger

An energetic lance was condensed in Shen Zheng's palm, and the sharp point was aimed at Captain Xu.

"Primed spear?" Captain Xu couldn't help laughing as he looked at the sharp pointed spear. "This is your power? The most common and common long-range weapon among planters?"

Shen Zheng didn't speak, just looked at him quietly, that kind of eyes seemed to be the eyes of a hunter looking at the prey still showing off in the trap.

"Tell me the power behind you." Captain Xu put away his smile. "For the sake of it, maybe I can spare you from dying."

Shen Zheng still didn't speak, like a silent beast, only staring at the prey in front of him. [

Captain Xu felt displeased with this look, and he snorted: "You are not a member of any faction in the capital, I know all the masters in and around the capital. You are a foreigner. Where are you from? Weihe? Tianning? Hukou? It is not a wise choice to clash with the people of the capital's garrison in the capital."

"You're scared." Shen Zheng sneered. "Half-way interception, intending to kill the person who conflicted with you because of a small conflict, but you are afraid when it comes to the end. It's ridiculous."

"Ridiculous?" Captain Xu's eyes blazed fiercely, "I'll let you know who is ridiculous. He ran all the way to the capital, robbed women with the captain of the garrison beyond his control, and then died in a row. In a lonely lane. It's an ironic and ridiculous fate, isn't it?"

"Come here if you want to kill." Shen Zheng said slowly, "Don't always talk nonsense there. But I want to warn you, when you stretch out your claws to others, you must first prepare the coffin."

"The coffin?" Captain Xu sneered, "I hope your family has already prepared a cemetery for you! But I think it may be troublesome for them to collect your body, because I will use these sharp claws to crush you and yours." Companions are torn to pieces!"

Shen Zheng didn't say anything this time, he just fixed his gaze on the other person's forehead.

"Shen Zheng..." Behind him, Le Ning clasped his hands uneasily, opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.He regrets it very much now, regretting that he shouldn't have brought Shen Zheng out tonight.

Captain Xu's footsteps changed from slow to fast, and suddenly changed from walking to sprinting. He rushed towards Shen Zheng with a strong insect breath, and the sharp claws faintly shone with the cold light of death in the night, like five shooting stars towards Shen Zheng. Zheng's chest dropped.

At this moment, the sharp spear in Shen Zheng's palm shot out without hesitation, this burst of energy instantly broke through the void in the night, and hit Captain Xu's forehead.

At the moment of the collision, a trace of disdain flashed in Captain Xu's eyes, and at that instant, an extremely dangerous feeling penetrated into his heart. The insect breath that protects the body is suddenly torn apart violently by something.

Frightened emotions quickly unfolded in the brain, but disappeared in an instant.

Because the lance had already broken through his forehead to protect against insect breath, pierced his skull, penetrated into his brain, and then exploded with all his strength in an energy state.His soft brain tissue was blown into a scattered liquid state at that moment.

All the insect breath disappeared at that moment, and the claw stretched towards Shen Zheng turned back into a soft human hand.Captain Xu's body swayed forward and fell on the ground of the secluded path, making a dull sound.

"Shen Zheng!" Le Ning's voice trembled, looking at the corpse lying in front of him, his face turned pale with fright.

"Captain!" The four strong men who saw this scene exclaimed, and rushed over, each of them had sharp spears in their palms, and shot straight at Shen Zheng.

"Be careful." Shen Zheng pushed Le Ning aside, and the insect's breath simulated the state of a steel beetle armor, blocking the sharp spears, shooting with both hands, and four sharp spears flew out, all directly hitting the opponent's forehead .

The four strong men trembled and fell down on the spot.

"Let's go." Shen Zheng grabbed Le Ning, jumped up suddenly, and jumped towards a tall building on the side of the road. The insect breath on his left hand turned into sharp claws, pierced the wall directly, and bowed Yi Zhan took advantage of his strength and got up to the top of the ten-story building in a few strokes, and then jumped down from the other side.

Le Ning tried his best not to let out an exclamation, but his face was already pale with fright.Shen Zheng hugged him with one arm, and pierced the wall of the building with the other. After stopping his falling, he smiled slightly: "Don't worry, it's very safe." [

As soon as they let go, the two fell again. Shen Zheng pierced the wall with his claws several times in a row, and after slowing down the fall, he brought Le Ning to the ground safely.

Relying on the sensory power of the Zerg, Shen Zheng moved quickly in the unfamiliar night streets, and came to a busy street in a few minutes, stretched out his hand to call the next taxi, and took Le Ning back to the hotel by car.

It wasn't until he entered Le Ning's room and sat down that Le Ning regained his senses, looked at Shen Zheng in horror, and tremblingly said: "We have caused a big disaster this time!"

"That's only if someone knows that we did it." Shen Zheng said calmly.

"You are too brave." Le Ning muttered, "They are the capital's garrison."

"When you were in the nightclub, didn't you point your pistol at them?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"That's different." Le Ning swallowed, "That's because I knew they wouldn't dare to do anything there—at least they wouldn't dare to kill people."

"No matter what, they all died." Shen Zheng looked at Le Ning, "and they didn't die in the nightclub that clashed with us, but in a remote alley in a distant block. Confrontation, who can blame us?"

"Your method is too cruel." Le Ning looked at Shen Zheng, unable to understand why this super talented recruit would have such a thunderous method.Could it be the influence of Zerg's genetic memory?

"Brother Le." Shen Zheng said slowly, "Before I joined the army, I had been relying on working everywhere to support myself and my sister Xiaoying. I dropped out of high school and started working, and met all kinds of people. I used to work for Survive and endure, but it turns out that the more you back down in front of the wicked, the more they will approach you step by step until they push you to the edge of the cliff. At that time, I understood one thing, some people and things can be Forbearance, but there are some people and things, you can only fight against them desperately, otherwise you will die."

He seemed to be lost in memory, and he was silent for a while before continuing: "They want our lives wholeheartedly, and the reason is that we made them lose face in the nightclub. This kind of person deserves to die. As the surname Xu said, he His power gave him the power to kill. Then, I just explained his life creed according to his logic."

"That's true." Le Ning sighed, "Actually, I feel the same way. The world speaks by force. Although it has been advocating that everyone is equal and the law is supreme, ordinary people have no right to speak in front of the strong. , This is an indisputable fact. My background is actually poor, I can understand it. Sometimes I also imagine that if I suddenly have great power, I can look down on all annoying guys and act according to my own wishes."

Shen Zheng looked at Le Ning, suddenly didn't know what to say.

Whether it is Le Ning or Captain Xu, they all believe in power so much.It's not their fault, because that's the way the world is.

Shen Zheng suddenly understood one thing: In this world, if you can't have stronger power, your destiny will always be controlled by others.So you can only become stronger and keep getting stronger, until one day you stand at the peak of your strength, you can get real freedom and security.

An insect power of 79 is already a top player in the crowd, but in the real warrior world, it is not very high.Whether it's Carters or the other formation leaders, they all have an insect power value above 80, and they are just the formation leaders of the town-level army.

What about them?Such as the defense of the capital?There should be stronger ones among them.

An insect power value of more than 70 is just a captain, so what about their formation leader?What about the legion commander?

Obscure Star Academy... Shen Zheng secretly read these four words in his heart.

I must become the strongest among your students!

Shen Zheng didn't fall asleep much that night, because he was looking forward to the college life starting tomorrow.Le Ning didn't fall asleep much, because he was always worried about what happened tonight.

The best ending is that no one finds anything, but he doesn't think that's possible.Even so, he had to report the matter to Liang Long when he went back this time, and he would be severely punished. [

The worst ending... He didn't dare to think about it.

The sun of the next day sprinkled on the earth amidst their anxiety.

It was a sunny day, thousands of miles of clouds, the sun was warm, and there was an occasional breeze, making it cool.

After eating early in the morning, Le Ning hurriedly dragged Shen Zheng into the car, and headed all the way to the east district of Yunfang City, and arrived at a small city outside the suburbs an hour later.

"Here we are, this is Obscure Star Academy." Le Ning said while pointing to the small town in front of him in the car.

"This is a college?" Shen Zheng was surprised for a long time, "I thought it was a small town in the suburbs!"

"This is the highest military academy in the country." Le Ning said, "Of course the scale is huge. To be honest, it covers an area larger than the urban area of ​​Langya Town!"

"God..." Shen Zheng was somewhat dumbfounded.

When the car arrived at the gate, several guards immediately stretched out their palms, signaling to stop.Le Ning parked the car obediently, got out of the car and negotiated with the guards before letting them go.The two entered the gate by car, and after driving for a while, they came to a large parking lot, parked the car under the command of the guard, and got into the patrol car of the guard.

The car drove all the way to the interior of the academy. Shen Zheng stared wide-eyed in the car, looking around and admiring everything in the academy, feeling as if he had entered another bustling town.

There are gardens, lakes, courts, gymnasiums, shops... almost everything that can be found in a small town can be found here. With the gate closed, a closed city world can be formed. The only difference from the outside world is that People walking around here are all wearing military uniforms, even the cleaners who sweep the floor and the small vendors who sell goods.

Not long after, the car brought him to an ancient castle-like building. Under the leadership of the guards, the two came to an office with the sign of "Grade Director" and waited.

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