star wars civilization.

Chapter 041: Strange Training

"There are three levels above Star Master?" Shen Zheng was stunned. "My God, what kind of existence would that be?"

"The star master of the galaxy is so powerful that it can make the creatures of a planet extinct, and can move freely between the galaxies; the star master of the universe treats the entire universe as his own small courtyard, roaming around, and can destroy a planet at will." Lei Che continued, "Above them, the final ultimate power is the star master of the plane. At this point, they are the real cosmic twins, and according to legend, they will have the opportunity to break the shackles of the universe and reach another plane. But this is just Whether the legend is true or not, I don’t know.”

"God!" Shen Zheng couldn't help exclaiming. "Can human power really reach this level?"

"The civilization of our ancestors on the earth used to use machines made of metal to strengthen themselves with external power." Reicher said, "It wasn't until the insect swarms appeared that destroyed the earth's civilization that human beings noticed the 'insect power' and continued to study hard. , rebuilt human civilization with insect bionics, and finally developed to the present stage. But in fact, as early as the ancient times of the earth, our ancestors had already discovered the power of insects, but they did not develop it for some reason. Perhaps, then There were tribes who experienced bug swarms to guide us, or the earth also experienced bug swarms at that time, but then the swarms disappeared inexplicably."

"That's when people discovered the power of insects?" Shen Zheng was extremely surprised. [

"Most of our white wolf star race are the descendants of the ancient civilization of the Earth, the 'Chinese Civilization'." Lei Che smiled, "In the ancient Chinese civilization, all creatures in the world were called 'worms', and they were divided into five categories: Scale worms, feather worms, caterpillars, beetles, and worms, among them, scale worms are headed by dragons, and fish are genus; feather worms are headed by phoenix, and genus birds; caterpillars are headed by tigers, and wolves and bears are genus; beetles are headed by turtles, and turtles and clams are genus , and the locust refers to people. The ancestors combined the orientation with it. The center is the person, the east is the green dragon, the west is the white tiger, the south is the red bird, and the north is the Xuanwu. In the past, people on the earth only thought it was an old religious belief. The illusory deification of the ancients, but it was not until the insect swarm appeared that people really understood the wisdom of the ancients."

"Humans are actually a kind of 'worm'?" Shen Zheng tentatively said, "And the so-called 'worm' is not simply the kind of thing we understand, but a general term for cosmic creatures?"

"That's right." Lei Che nodded, "It's just that for some reason, many creatures have gradually lost their original 'worm' xng and lost their natural 'worm power'. This is a bit like the fallen angels in the Western mythology of the earth. ——He believed in the power of the devil, lost his wings, and fell into hell. Thinking about it, this may also be a myth created by the ancient people in the West after experiencing the gains and losses of insect swarms and insect power. .”

"Then, the basaltic dragon, phoenix, white tiger, turtle and snake in ancient legends are also real 'worms'?" Shen Zheng asked curiously.

"It should be." Lei Che nodded, "but almost no one has seen this kind of powerful worm. Maybe... after becoming a star spirit or a star master, there is a chance to see it. But that is really too far away from us Yes. What you have to do now is to study hard and practice actively, and strive to stand out from the crowd of insect planters and become a powerful insect controller!"

"Yes!" Shen Zheng nodded solemnly.

"From now on, I will be here every day to make up an hour of theoretical lessons for you." Reacher said, "I will take you to the training ground for combat training and insect power training at other times. I know that you can obtain the genetic memory of the Zerg race , but after all, that is the use of skills generated by the Zerg based on their own characteristics, and it is not completely suitable for humans. If you want to become a truly powerful warrior, you must learn how humans use their own insect power."

Shen Zheng nodded again.

Since this day, Shen Zheng's great cause of hard study has been fully launched. Apart from studying the routine items with other students in the class every day, he spends the rest of the time alone receiving Leicher's education on theory, fighting and the use of insect power.Shen Zheng, who has fully realized the essence of this world, has in his heart to win the best future for himself and his sister, and to become stronger, hoping that one day he can appreciate the demeanor of that god-like existence.

He didn't dare to dream that he would become such a god, but he couldn't help but have expectations and desires in his heart.

In fact, which insect planter does not have such expectations and desires?It's just that not everyone can stand at the peak of that power.

But Shen Zheng knew that he was different.The mysterious worm that entered his brain gave him mysterious and unpredictable abilities.He didn't know how far he could go with it, but he knew he'd be a fool if he didn't take advantage of this mysterious gift from God.

No one dared to come and make trouble with Shen Zheng anymore.

After the battle with Lafite, Shen Zheng's name resounded throughout the Obscure Star Academy.Everyone—whether it is a student or a mentor, knows that in the first class of the new level, there is such a guy named Shen Zheng. He has an insect plant fitness value as high as 98, and easily beats the insect power of 79 with an insect power of 86. He even let the grade director stand up for him, and taught the small captain of the garrison a lesson.

As for the relationship between the death of Xu Li, the captain of the garrison army, and Shen Zheng, rumors in the college are even more bizarre.In the end, although Shen Zheng never expressed his opinion, the students agreed that it was Shen Zheng who killed Xu Li, but the academy still defended Shen Zheng, and even the garrison did not dare to harass him anymore.

"Shen Zheng is the key training object of the college!"

"That's right, I heard that Shen Zheng was born with a flame physique. A natural physique! How much will he achieve in the future?"

"We have no comparison. But being able to be at the same time as such a legendary figure is also an experience that we can brag about in the future!"

"I really want to know this Shen Zheng." This is the exclamation of a certain female student. [

"Don't be stupid, people are accompanied and guided by their instructors every day, how can they have time to meet girls." This is the sigh of another female student.

"Actually, Instructor Leicher is also very handsome. I would rather be guided by Instructor Leicher." These are the words of another female student...

Of course, Shen Zheng didn't know this, apart from attending classes, he studied and trained with Lei Che every day, and then slept.In just half a month, his theoretical level has greatly improved, and his fighting skills and use of insect power have also improved greatly.Every time Reacher faced him, he would show a knowing smile.

For a mentor, to have such a talented student is simply a kind of unspeakable happiness.

On this day, Shen Zheng got up early and went to the training hall for daily morning exercises regardless of the weather, but when he arrived at the empty training hall, he did not see Lei Che.

It's rare for Teacher Leicher to sleep in late.

Shen Zheng couldn't help laughing, and began to exercise in the training ground by himself.

After breakfast, he came to the class, under the awe-inspiring eyes of the students, Shen Zheng sat in the front row.When Shen Zheng came in, Lafite lowered his head in the middle row, afraid of meeting Shen Zheng's eyes.For this excellent student recognized by the whole academy, he didn't dare to think of any challenge again.

When it was time for class, but Lei Che still didn't come, the students couldn't help but wondered and discussed in low voices.Someone asked Lafite: "Brother Lafite, guess what happened to the mentor?"

"Don't ask me." Lafite pointed at the front row, "If you want to ask, you have to ask Shen Zheng. He is with his mentor every day."

Finally, some students couldn't bear it, and moved to the side of Shen Zheng in the front row, first showed a friendly smile, and then asked tentatively: "That...Student Shen Zheng, can you ask why the instructor hasn't come yet?"

"I don't really know." Shen Zheng also felt strange, "The instructor didn't come to the training hall during the morning exercise. Is there something wrong..."

Just as he was speaking, the door of the classroom suddenly opened, and Lei Che strode in with a solemn expression, and the discussion of the students stopped immediately.

"Hello, students." Lei Che stood behind the podium and greeted the students habitually.All the students stood up immediately, straightened their bodies and saluted Lei Che: "Hello, Teacher!"

"Sit down." Lei Che nodded, "I'm a little late today because I had a meeting. In order to exercise everyone's actual combat ability, the upper management of the academy decided to organize a night patrol team for patrol training starting today. The department patrols to ensure the safety of the college. The students in our class can be divided into two groups, each responsible for a different area, and I will tell you about the grouping situation below."

Exercise actual combat ability?Hearing this reason, Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly.

He vaguely felt that this matter was definitely not that simple, otherwise Reicher would not have missed the training hall early in the morning, nor would he have been late for class.

Not to mention the solemn look on his face when he said this.

Teacher Reacher is not a person who is good at hiding his thoughts.he thought.The sudden request for students to form a patrol team can only show that something major happened to the college.What will happen?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard Lei Che uttering his own name, followed by Lafite's name.

How to put the two of us into a group?Shen Zheng was taken aback.

Lafite also thought the same way, but he was not only startled, but also vaguely anxious and uneasy. [

After Lei Che finished dividing into groups, he started normal teaching without much explanation.

At the end of the day's class, after dinner, Shen Zheng came to the conference room where he was given a small talk.Not long after, Reicher also arrived.

"Mr. Lei Che, what happened?" Shen Zheng asked straight to the point. "Don't be perfunctory and say it's just training, you are not someone who can lie."

"Someone sneaked into the academy last night." Lei Che confessed very happily, which was a bit beyond Shen Zheng's expectation.

"Sneak into the academy?"

"Yes, it should be a group of thieves." Reacher said. "The abilities of this group of people are very high. The mentor who discovered their whereabouts tried his best, but he couldn't leave any of them. This group of people failed last night, and they should come again."

"Dare to come again?" Shen Zheng was surprised, "These thieves are too courageous, they dare to come to our academy to steal things?"

"As long as you have enough strength, assassinating the president of a country is nothing." Reicher said, "Have you forgotten the first lesson I taught you?"

"How can a group of thieves have such strength?" Shen Zheng was puzzled.

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