star wars civilization.

Chapter 044: Devouring Insect Spirits

A flash of bloody light flew towards Shen Zheng's neck, and Shen Zheng felt that no matter how he dodged, he would be hit by the bloody light in the palm of the man in black.

Can the target be completely locked?What a powerful insect spirit.

Facing this dangerous blow, Shen Zheng felt calm in his heart.He stepped back suddenly and quickly, and at the same time, he shot more than a dozen bursts with his left hand. These bursts formed a defensive curtain in mid-air, and exploded with a bang at the same time, shooting several energy spikes at the man in black.

However, relying on the bloody light in his hand, the man in black rushed through the exploding curtain like a drill bit breaking through the rock, and came towards Shen Zheng at almost unabated speed.

In an instant, Shen Zheng's energy was all concentrated on the man in black.His arm shook quickly, and the Blood Spirit Whip spun like lightning. During the spin, it broke away from his forearm, turned into a red shadow and struck forward. [

Two blood-red rays of light collided in the air, and in an instant in the dark night sky, a dazzling red light erupted. The blood-like phantom danced in mid-air, as if the fiery red entrance of the abyss of hell was suddenly opened. There was a crack, and the breath of death flowed out from there, turning into a touch of bloody red that soared into the sky and scattered everywhere.


With a scream, a red light fell from mid-air, and then, the black figure also fell to the ground as fast as the red light, and staggered forward a few steps without falling.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!" The thin man in black screamed piercingly, and ran towards the darkness.

What he left behind was blood dripping along the way, and an arm lying quietly on the ground holding a red curved short knife.

"Want to run?" Shen Zheng stood there, his cold voice seemed to come from the judge in the abyss of hell. "Stay here!"

The blood-like light flew out of his hand, and with a fierce momentum, he caught up with the man in black in an instant. The man in black felt that he could not avoid this fatal blow no matter what, so he had to bite Fang, let out a roar, and turned around suddenly.The insect's breath condensed into a solid shield on his remaining left arm, blocking his chest.

At the moment when the tip of the blood spirit whip collided with the shield, Shen Zheng felt a resistance in front of him, preventing his insect breath power from erupting.

"Break!" At that moment, such a will came out of the depths of his mind, so the insect breath in his whole body was concentrated in one place at that moment, and quickly flowed into the blood spirit whip along his arm. In the middle, and quickly moved forward along the whip body, and slammed into the insect's breath shield at the tip of the whip.

In front of this force, the insect breath shield instantly turned into energy light spots flying all over the sky, and the blood spirit whip quickly broke through the chest of the man in black with a forward momentum, piercing deeply into it, while Shen Zheng's The insect breath poured into the man in black's body without any hindrance, and the instant explosion made the internal organs of the man in black's chest become a mess.

The man in black opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs, his eyes lost their luster in an instant, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Shen Zheng stood on the spot, not moving for a long time.

It wasn't that he deliberately acted cool after the murder, but that the blow just now made him suddenly feel the stamina, and he seemed to have run out of breath for a while to search for it, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable all over his body.

This feeling lasted for more than ten seconds before disappearing. Although it didn't seem like a long time, in the battlefield of life and death, more than ten seconds is enough to kill people several times.

It's dangerous, you should pay attention in the future, you can't use this method easily.

Shen Zheng sighed in his heart, and immediately turned around after the insect breath returned to normal, but what he saw were the figures of the other two men in black who disappeared into the darkness.

"We can't let them run away!" Lafite yelled, wanting to lead people to catch up.

"Stop chasing!" Shen Zheng yelled loudly while adjusting the breath of insects in his body. "Do a good job of defense, it is important to treat the wounded!"

"Did you hear that? Save people!" Lafite nodded, shouted at the other students, and led them to rescue those injured students. [

A few seconds later, the insect breath completely returned to normal, and Shen Zheng let out a long breath.And at this moment, a feeling of hunger that he was familiar with suddenly appeared. He looked around in surprise, and then guided by that feeling, he turned his eyes to the severed arm of the man in black.

In the hand of the severed arm, he still held the blood-red scimitar, but the scimitar had already begun to change shape, gradually softening, like an ice sculpture about to melt in the sun.

What does it mean?Shen Zheng was a little puzzled, but he still walked over and squatted down in front of the broken arm.

After the insect spirits are taken over by humans, it is impossible to be taken away and absorbed again.When the human master of the worm spirit dies, the worm spirit disappears with it.This is the knowledge that Shen Zheng has learned long ago.

But the hunger in his body was clearly telling Shen Zheng: You should eat it, you can eat it!

Is it really possible?With doubts, Shen Zheng finally stretched out his hand towards the insect spirit that was about to melt.At this moment, the blood spirit whip in his right hand suddenly jumped.

Could it be... Shen Zheng was slightly startled, and then he swung his right hand, and the blood spirit whip flew forward according to his will, and wrapped around the blood-red scimitar.

A miracle happened at this moment, the melting speed of the knife suddenly became very fast, but instead of being volatilized directly, it turned into a stream of blood, which flowed into the Blood Spirit Whip.Shen Zheng clearly felt that the blood spread in the blood spirit whip, turned into a pure force, and merged into the blood spirit whip.

Has the power of the Blood Spirit Whip increased?

After Shen Zheng felt the change in the power of the Blood Spirit Whip, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.It was so unexpected!The insect spirit, which has always been impossible to be collected twice, can be absorbed by my insect spirit?

How is this going?

For a moment, he wanted to find Lei Che quickly and ask him everything, but then he hurriedly scolded himself in his heart.

Don't be so reckless!he said to himself.What if it still has something to do with that mysterious glow worm in my forehead?

This secret cannot be shared with others, unless one day you reach the peak of the strong.

But then, is there any need to share this secret?

Bury it in the bottom of my heart, let this matter be my eternal secret.

Just as he was thinking, several figures quickly passed the wall and the dark place, and quickly came to his side.He didn't feel any danger, so he didn't react. He just raised his head calmly, and found that it was a group of people headed by Su Dong, among them was Lei Che, and the rest were several other members of the new level. tutor.

"What's going on?" Su Dong frowned, looking at the mess.

"Someone has sneaked into our defense zone." Shen Zheng saluted and answered truthfully. "The people who came were all wearing black tights. There were seven people in total. Five of them were killed by me, and the other two escaped. Sorry."

"You've done a good job." Su Dong nodded, "This gang of damned fellows, I didn't expect them to play tricks!"

"They sent some people to pretend to attack our key defense area." Reicher explained, "That's why we were dragged over until now."

"We were careless this time." A mentor shook his head while examining the body of a man in black. "We should equip all patrols with communication equipment. What a careless." [

"Wait!" Another mentor suddenly cried out in surprise while inspecting the body of another man in black, "Shen Zheng, you said you killed five of them by yourself?"

"No." Shen Zheng thought for a while, then shook his head. "One of them was killed by Lafite."

"I just picked a cheap one. In fact, he killed me." Lafite walked over at this time, "That guy almost killed me, but Shen Zheng strangled my foot with a whip. He just made up a knife. If there is no Shen Zheng, our group will die more."

"How about the casualties now?" Reacher asked anxiously.

"Six people were killed." Lafite's expression was serious. "They were all killed by four of these men in black before Shen Zheng freed his hand to help us. We have almost no strength to fight back, these guys are too strong."

"Of course strong!" The mentor who screamed looked up at Shen Zheng with a serious face. "I can not believe it."

He pointed to the corpse he checked: "This guy fought me last night. Although it didn't take long, I feel that if he didn't leave in a hurry and fought one-on-one, I'm afraid I'd have to fight one-on-one." Minutes to kill him. I think he has at least 2 bug power, maybe 88."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Shen Zheng: "How long did you use it?"

"This..." Shen Zheng hesitated, really didn't know what to say.

"This person?" A student came over, "He was killed by Shen Zheng's explosion."

"Of course I know it was an explosion." The instructor shook his head impatiently.

"What I mean is, it just bursts." The student hurriedly explained, "It's just a burst, without using any tricks or movements. This person rushed towards Shen Zheng, and Shen Zheng directly fired a burst, just blew him up."

"How did you do it?" The instructor looked at the body of the man in black again, and his expression immediately became more astonished. "This wound... doesn't seem to be caused by a burst at all."

"His burst can change the direction of the burst." Lafite muttered next to him. "At that time, the explosive power and spikes of the burst were all shot in one direction, which caused this result."

"Are you kidding me?" Everyone - including Su Dong's eyes widened.

"Bug controller?" Reicher's voice trembled a little.

"I shouldn't be?" Shen Zheng asked tentatively.

"Insect Power Analyzer, hurry up!" Su Dong shouted excitedly, and several instructors touched his body immediately, but no one was able to take out the small thing that was the size of a palm.

"I'll do it!" Lafite volunteered, very excitedly took out the micro-analyzer, pointed at Shen Zheng and pressed it randomly, then widened his eyes.

"Insect force value 89!" He held up the analyzer and shouted.

"89?" Lei Che and Su Dong looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"No wonder he can be easily killed." A mentor sighed, "With insect power comparable to theirs, plus insect spirits...but one person can kill four people alone, this..."

Several tutors all looked at Shen Zheng, with expressions as if they were looking at a monster from outside the sky.

The students were also looking at Shen Zheng, with Bi's reverence and sincere gratitude in their eyes, including Lafite.

Everyone knew that if there was no Shen Zheng, there would undoubtedly be only one fate for this group of people tonight.

"But this ability to control insect power..." Lei Che frowned, "It's really like an insect controller. Could it be..." He looked at Su Dong again, and from the other party's eyes, he also read that unique excitement and excitement.

"Treat the wounded immediately, and put the student's body in place." Su Dong commanded in a deep voice, "Leave one of the instructors and continue to lead the patrol. Be careful of the enemy's counterattack. Shen Zheng, Lei Che, you and I go to the office together .”

With that said, he turned around and left with the two of them.

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