star wars civilization.

Chapter 049: The Champion Belongs

In the hall outside the deep cave gate, Chu Tianran sat firmly in a big chair, quietly watching the closed door.

Also in this hall, there are four grade directors - except for the senior grade director who is in charge of presiding over the shallow hole competition, the other four are here.

Su Dong also stared at the door, somewhat anxious and apprehensive.He is full of expectations for Shen Zheng, but whether Shen Zheng can complete the competition and win the championship, he has no idea at all.The rules of the college are very strict. For the freshmen who have just participated in the competition, in order not to make them think they are geniuses, no one will tell them the situation in the deep cave, how to find and hunt the target, and how to fight in the cave. don't get lost.

Shen Zheng is powerful, but that is only limited to force.Will he not be able to find his own way not to get lost?Can he rely on the Zerg knowledge he has learned to find the clues of the target?Will he fall into the trap of the old man and give up what he got?

These are Su Dong's worries. [

"Director Su seems very nervous?" The director of the middle and first grades joked with him.

"What's there to be nervous about?" Su Dong smiled, "Anyway, it's the first time for us, Shen Zheng, to participate in the competition. How can the students who participated in the competition for the first time achieve any results?"

"That's right." The senior grade director said, "I'm not nervous. Anyway, I know that this time the champion probably belongs to that kid Yun Tianfeng again. As for me, I'm just waiting for this kid to graduate and leave. Next year, I will be the champion of the competition." It will be our Dum."

"So confident?" The middle and second grade director pouted, "I think it will be our Jones."

"You Jones?" The middle grade director smiled, "Don't talk about it, it's just Jones." He smiled and shook his head. Although he didn't say anything, everyone understood what he was going to say.

"What's wrong with Jones?" The grade directors of the middle and second grades were not upset at all, and also laughed. "Don't look at his unscrupulous appearance. When he is serious, there are few people who can match him. And his strongest point is that he has no pretensions, and he will not give up some more powerful means for the dignity of the strong."

"It's just playing tricks and tricks." The director of the first grade was a little disdainful.

"Someone is coming out." At this moment, Chu Tianran's voice came in, stopping the conversation of several grade directors.Several people turned their attention to the door, and saw a small red light flashing on the control panel of the phantom screen beside the door, which indicated that someone had entered the safe zone.

Not long after, the little red light went out, and the door slowly opened, and a handsome black-haired man walked out slowly, holding the corpse of Gopher Worm. After standing still outside the door, he threw the body of Gopher Worm aside, He saluted several directors with a military salute.

"Senior level student Yun Tianfeng, return after completing the mission!"

"Sure enough, it's Yun Tianfeng." The senior grade director shook his head and sighed, "I have to say a word of admiration to this kid!"

Looking at the young man standing upright like a javelin in front of him, Su Dong couldn't help but secretly sighed: Although Shen Zheng is powerful, he is still too young.Forget it, with the lesson learned this time, he should be able to achieve good results in the next college hunting competition.Setbacks are also necessary, so that people can recognize themselves and make more progress.

"Congratulations." Chu Tianran stood up, patted his hands lightly, and then turned to the soldiers beside him. "Turn on the communicators on the rest of the students, notify them that the game is over, and return immediately."

"Yes!" The soldier turned on his laptop and began to operate it. After a while, he took out the communicator and said loudly, "All participating students, please return immediately, the competition is over."

More than ten minutes later, Luo Feng, Jones, and Du Mu rushed back one after another. As soon as they entered the hall, they nodded at Yun Tianfeng, and Jones even made a face: "Yun Tianfeng, you are too domineering!" , can't we also taste the taste of the worm nucleus?"

"Sorry, I really can't be modest about this." Yun Tianfeng smiled rarely.

"Why hasn't Shen Zheng come back yet?" Su Dong couldn't sit still, "Isn't he lost?"

Yun Tianfeng thought of the figure of Shen Zheng passing by when he was fighting with the gopher before, and he was puzzled and curious: what was this kid thinking at that time?What does he want to do?

After hesitating, he still didn't say it. [

"Turn on the tracker." Chu Tianran gave an order to the guards, who immediately opened a radar-like software in the computer, and there was a red dot moving rapidly inside.

"I'm not lost," said the soldier. "He's far away, and he's heading back. It looks like he's going on the right route."

"This kid, he didn't get lost for the first time in the competition, which is not bad." The grade director of the middle level nodded.

"It's better than some idiots." The grade directors in the middle and second grades looked at Jones, a student in his grade, with some hatred, and Jones stuck out his tongue.

Everyone waited for a long time together, the small red light on the control panel by the door finally turned on again, Su Dong was really relieved, he kept thinking in his heart, how to comfort Shen Zheng, so as to arouse his emotion. Fighting, but not letting him be discouraged by failure.

While he was thinking, the door opened slowly, and Shen Zheng walked in with steady steps.

"I'm back." He said calmly, glanced at Yun Tianfeng and others who had already arrived, and then at the gopher corpse on the ground in front of Yun Tianfeng, shook his head and gave a wry smile.

"Congratulations." As he spoke, under the astonished gazes of everyone, he shook his hands and whipped the body of the water arrow worm on the ground.

"This is..." When Shen Zheng appeared, several directors stared at the worm corpse he was carrying full of doubts, and when Shen Zheng put the worm corpse down so that they could fully see it, including Chu Tianran Several directors including him immediately stood up and stared at the insect corpse with wide eyes.

"Water arrow worm?" Su Dong exclaimed.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded with a smile, "I found this thing when I was looking for the target in the deep cave. I remember that Teacher Lei Che said that the water arrow worms are almost full of treasures. Don't waste it, so I brought it out."

"This..." Several grade directors opened their mouths in surprise, not knowing what to say.

"My God!" Jones exclaimed first, "There is such a big guy in the deep cave? Why didn't I know, my God, is this too dangerous? Director, the insect power value of the water arrow insect The range can be between 90 and 100, isn't the academy playing with our lives?"

"There is no water arrow worm in the deep cave!" Chu Tianran said categorically, and then asked Shen Zheng with a nervous expression, "Shen Zheng, where did you find it?"

"A stone wall surrounded by a strange energy film." Shen Zheng replied truthfully, "It just drilled in from outside the stone wall. The energy film is very interesting. I can't break it no matter how I destroy it from the inside, but this The guy drilled through like this from the outside."

Chu Tianran's face was serious, and he nodded slightly: "Can you take us there?"

"No problem." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Grade directors, please come with me." Chu Tianran motioned to several people, and then turned to face Shen Zheng. "Please lead the way."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, turned around and walked towards the control panel, Chu Tianran's personal soldiers hurried over, first pressed a few times on the control panel, and then called a certain software in the laptop, the door opened Open it slowly and don't close it again.

Without further ado, Shen Zheng rushed in first, followed by Chu Tianran and the four grade directors. After all of them entered, the guards closed the door.

"Oh my god, the water arrow worms with worm strength ranging from 90 to 100!"

After they left, several students gathered around and looked at the body of the water arrow worm carefully. Jones was the first to stare and exclaim. [

"Look at its tail." Luo Feng pointed to the tail of the water arrow worm's corpse, "The whole tail was blown apart, how did this happen? You know, the strongest part of the water arrow worm is the tail. With this strong tail, it can shoot water arrows with great pressure, and the tail itself is also a powerful weapon, smashing boulders is no problem."

"It should have exploded from the inside." Yun Tianfeng said at this moment.

"Internal explosion?" Dum was surprised, "What kind of force can make the tail of the water arrow worm explode from the inside?"

"I don't know." Yun Tianfeng shook his head, lost in thought.

"This Shen Zheng is simply a monster." Jones muttered, looked at the gopher worm, then at the water arrow worm, and sighed. "I'm talking about Yun Tianfeng, although you won the championship this time, to be honest, the limelight was actually taken away by Shen Zheng. You are a champion in name and reality."

Yun Tianfeng looked up at him, with a sharp light in his eyes, but they dimmed after a while.

Yes, I finished the game and hunted down the target. Shen Zheng really failed to finish the game, but compared to his results, what is his title of champion?

When the students know the record of Shen Zheng hunting and killing the water arrow worm, how will they think of themselves as the champion?

Yun Tianfeng sighed in his heart, shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Everyone, I thought I would graduate with the best grades in the academy, but now it seems that this is just a fantasy. I hope that one of you can surpass this freshman in the future and maintain the last dignity for us old students."

In the deep cave, Shen Zheng ran towards the place where the water arrow worm was found according to the route map in his mind. Behind him, followed the most powerful persons of the Obscure Star Academy except the dean.

On the run, in order to save time and avoid unnecessary battles, Shen Zheng relied on his magical perception to bypass swarms of insects, large and small.In this way, everyone just ran around as if they had entered an ordinary crypt.

At first, Chu Tianran and the grade directors thought it was just a coincidence, but when the swarms of insects were avoided one after another, they all showed surprise in their eyes. They didn't see this boy who had repeatedly performed miracles, and once again Look at it differently.

"It's here." When Shen Zheng jumped off the small cliff, slid down the long slope, stood in front of and behind that stone wall, turned around and said to the directors.

The damage to that stone wall is extremely great, the energy layer that originally wrapped there has been broken, but the surrounding energy layers have not been affected, and according to Shen Zheng, they are still concentrating towards the hole at a slow speed , as if recovering on its own.

"It seems that I need to talk to the dean and ask him to mend this protective net again." Chu Tianran nodded and said to himself.

"You mean this layer of defensive energy was created by the dean?" Shen Zheng was quite surprised.

"Yes." Chu Tianran nodded, "Our college's crypt was originally not that big. It took a long time for the dean to develop, expand, and create an insect shield to maintain it. But before we only considered that we couldn't Let the insects inside go outside, but ignore the fact that the insects outside will enter the inside. It seems that we need to ask the director to strengthen the outer layer."

"God." Shen Zheng muttered in a low voice, and couldn't help but look at this layer of energy again.

Whether it is his own power or the water arrow worm's power, neither can destroy this layer of energy from the inside, and this energy is actually just a residual insect breath planted by the dean.

How strong are the bug controllers?

Shen Zhengxian was fascinated.

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