star wars civilization.

Chapter 052: Fire and Water Combination

Early the next morning, Shen Zheng came directly to the entrance of the deep cave.The soldiers guarding the entrance had been notified yesterday that the dean had completely opened the crypt to Shen Zheng, so he didn't stop him, and directly opened the entrance for Shen Zheng.

Entering the deep cave, Shen Zheng took a deep breath, closed his eyes and experienced the feeling in his head.But this time, that wonderful sixth sense didn't appear again. It seems that the power of the mysterious worms in the brain doesn't see the worms in the deep cave, nor does it have the desire to devour them.

Find it yourself.Shen Zheng sighed, opened his eyes and walked towards the deep cave.

Along the way, he encountered a group of spear worms, a few thorn claw worms, and some common insects such as blasters, saberfoots, and drum worms. He didn't have much interest in these insects.Although he has never obtained the insect ability of the drumming insect, he does not need the power to simulate the insect's breath as a heavy hammer.

Because the steel armor and impact force of the steel beetle belong to the same and similar force as the heavy hammer, and it is completely superior to the heavy hammer, so Shen Zheng doesn't need to add such a weak ability. [

After turning around a few more places, Shen Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up. He found some strange insects at the corner not far ahead. He touched them quietly and found that they were five arthropod insects.

This kind of worm is not big, its body length is only more than one meter, and its power value ranges from 50 to 60, which is a piece of cake for Shen Zheng now.

This kind of worm has a surprise attack - their sharp claws are segmented and can suddenly extend five times, which is very effective in combat.

I have always obtained insect abilities by "swallowing" insect eggs before, but these times I directly fought against humans and insects, and gained the power of fire and water. Does it mean that I no longer need to rely on insect eggs in the future, but just Can you gain strength by fighting with insects?

Give them a try!

Thinking of this, Shen Zheng rushed out quickly, powerful insect breath surged on his body, and rushed towards the insect swarm without hesitation.

The five arthropods immediately felt the threat and screamed one after another. Two of them reacted relatively quickly, directly supporting themselves with two pairs of hind claws, and thrusting forward with two pairs of front claws.

Shen Zheng kept on stepping, the insect's breath instantly imitated steel armor, and the sharp claws of the claw insects made a clanging sound when they stabbed on it, but they couldn't penetrate half an inch at all.Shen Zheng swung his fist to the claw, the fist was covered with steel armor, with a strong impact force, it smashed the forelimb of the claw insect instantly, the person had already rushed forward and waved his arms, the insect's breath simulated a sharp blade , instantly dismembering the two claw insects.

The other three screamed, as if sensing Shen Zheng's strength, they immediately fled around.Shen Zheng raised his hand and fired two sharp spears, killing two of them, and chased after the last one.

The one ran wildly, but was easily driven away by Shen Zheng. It immediately stood up and stabbed its front paws while roaring.

Shen Zheng stared at the pair of joint claws, took a deep breath and restored the insect breath to its normal state, and let the joint claws penetrate into the insect breath.

Although it has only returned to its normal state, it is still difficult to break through with the claw insect's insect power. The sharp claws only penetrate a few millimeters into the insect's breath, and it is difficult to advance half a point.

Shen Zheng concentrated his mind and felt the power of the claw that entered the insect's breath, but he was disappointed that this time he could not absorb the power of the claw insect like before.

Is it only effective for energy attacks?

Shen Zheng thought a little depressed, raised his hand and killed the knotworm with a pistol.

Will there be insects in this crypt that can attack with energy?Shen Zheng looked around and didn't hold much hope.

Before there was enough time, he turned around in the crypt again.A map of the route forward will be generated in his mind at any time, and he doesn't have to worry about getting lost, he simply explores the crypt while searching to understand its internal structure.

Here, he found some other bugs, but unfortunately, all of them were physical attack bugs.He tried to fight a moon blade worm, but he still got nothing, so he had no choice but to back out of the crypt.

After breakfast, he still had some time, and he stood in the yard, trying to practice the power of the water system that he didn't study very deeply last night.Amid the surge of insect breath, the water film quickly covered his body, covering his whole body. Immediately, he felt that the air inhaled into his body seemed to be filtered by the water film, making it more fresh moist. [

Try the power of fire again.

Thinking of this, he slowly transferred the insect power in his body to the flame attribute, and immediately, the water film insect breath released from his body suddenly burned like oil, turning into a ball that would kill him The fire that wrapped his whole body, and the air he breathed in immediately became blazing hot, but it was within his acceptable range.

Fantastic power.

He looked at the fire burning on his body, and couldn't help but smile: If this power is suddenly summoned while walking on the street, I'm afraid it will scare the people all over the street to scream and call the fire alarm desperately, right?

Suddenly, an idea occurred to him: the powers of water and fire are contradictory, but what if they are used together?

He slowly sensed the worm power in his body, felt the genetic memory generated by the two forces in his brain, and finally turned his heart, the left side of the body maintained the power of fire, and the right body carried the power of water.

In an instant, a wonderful scene appeared - the left half of his body was surrounded by raging flames, like a burning man, while the right half of his body was covered with a layer of flowing water film, in the middle of his body, with the nose as the midline Going up and down, there is a hazy dividing line of insect breath, where the fog is filled and blurred.

This is... Shen Zheng looked at the dividing line of insect breath in the center of his body in surprise, suddenly withdrew all the power of water and fire, and then slowly raised his hand.

The power of water and fire radiated from his palm at the same time. At that moment, water and fire were blended together and turned into a new thing—fog.

He looked at the surging mist in his palm with surprise, and slowly waved his arms.The cloud of fog moved with the movement of his palm, and continued to spread as it moved. It didn't take long for him to be surrounded by a cloud of fog.With a thought in his mind, he started to swim around, and the cloud of fog moved with him, gradually covering the entire small courtyard.

Fantastic power.He who was in the fog sighed secretly.

But it didn't seem to be useful, and he was a little depressed.Although the fog made others unable to see him clearly, but he was in it, but he could not see others clearly.

etc!Suddenly his expression changed, because he suddenly discovered that when he concentrated, he could clearly perceive everything wrapped in the fog—the flowers and plants in the courtyard, the fence, the dormitory he lived in, everything was formed in his mind A clear stereogram.He experienced it carefully, and found that these things seemed to be held in his hands, and he could completely perceive their subtle changes.

Insect breath!

He suddenly realized that these fogs were formed by his own insect breath, as if they were part of his own body, as long as he felt them with his heart, he would of course be able to sense all the objects wrapped in them through them.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get excited—if this ability is used in battle, how powerful will it be?Just imagine, others can't see you, but you can clearly perceive the position, status, and every move of others...

This is simply like the advantage the Zerg have in the ground!

Overjoyed, he quickly withdrew the insect breath, and the fog that covered everything quickly absorbed his body, and the sky in the small courtyard was still blue and bright.

Don't be so careless next time.he thought to himself.In case someone saw it, how would I explain it?

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strange feeling, and he couldn't explain what it was like, but in short, he felt that his body seemed to be fuller.He felt it carefully, and suddenly found that the insect power in his body seemed to be stronger than before.

Is the insect power increased?He could hardly believe what he was feeling.

How could it be so easy to improve again?He was suspicious, and finally decided to test it.He left the small courtyard, and came all the way to the dormitory area of ​​the new class one, and found Lafite in the dormitory. [

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Lafite changed his previous attitude of being against Shen Zheng, and approached enthusiastically.

"Can I borrow your insect force analyzer?" Shen Zheng asked.

"This is no problem." Lafite nodded hastily, and ran to the cabinet to take out the small thing the size of a palm.

Lafite also occupies a dormitory by himself, but it is not as luxurious as Shen Zheng, having a small room in a private courtyard.

"Where can I buy this kind of thing?" Shen Zheng looked at the analyzer and asked.

"If you need this, I will give it to you." Lafite happily stuffed the insect force analyzer into Shen Zheng's hand. "Mine is a foreign product. It is much better than the Obscure Star military products on the market. It is not easy to buy."

"Is this not good?" Shen Zheng resigned.

"You saved my life, so what's the big deal?" Lafite smiled, "Just don't remember what I did before."

"They're all human beings, and they're all classmates. There's nothing to hate." Shen Zheng smiled lightly and didn't say goodbye. After asking about the usage of the analyzer, he stuffed the analyzer into his pocket and said goodbye to Lafite. Go back to your dormitory.

Lafite was somewhat disappointed, he wanted to see Shen Zheng's test results.But he also knew that Shen Zheng didn't test him in person because he didn't want others to know his details, so he naturally wouldn't ask for trouble.

After returning to the dormitory and closing the door, Shen Zheng followed the most accurate self-test method, held the insect power analyzer, and input his own insect power into the part of the analyzer specially used to absorb insect breath.Soon, the phantom screen of the analyzer lit up, except for some functional xng images that Shen Zheng did not understand, in the most important and conspicuous area, two numbers started to increase rapidly from "00", All the way up straight through 90.

It's over 90!

Shen Zheng was excited for a while, but in an instant, the new excitement diluted the excitement in front of him.

Because the number on the phantom screen was finally fixed at 95.

95! ?

Shen Zheng was so excited that his hands trembled, and he almost dropped the analyzer on the ground.He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.

Be careful, be careful, maybe you read it wrong?Maybe something is wrong with the analyzer?Let's do it again.

According to the method of testing others that Lafite taught him, he pressed a few buttons, put the insect power analyzer on the table, and pointed it at himself. After a while, the light on the analyzer's phantom screen flickered, and he ran over for a while. Look, it's still 95.

In other words, I, a freshman who has just entered school, has surpassed Yun Tianfeng, the best old student in the academy who is about to graduate.Not only surpassed him, I also surpassed all the mentors in the academy...

According to Director Su, I now have the qualifications to become the grade director of the college, and I can even be recommended to enter the Obscure Star Army and be trained as the next army leader.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that everything was so unreal.Not long ago, I was just a poor wage earner, but now, I am actually qualified to be the director of the academy, the next head of the Obscure Star Legion...

Let's keep a low profile.he thought to himself.Such a smooth promotion, what if it arouses suspicion from others?

Just to be on the safe side, keep quiet.

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