star wars civilization.

Chapter 058: Swapping Insect Spirits

"Yes." Field nodded. "Your insect spirit is very interesting. Don't say I haven't seen it before. I have never heard of a whip-style insect spirit. Where did you get it?"

"I'm sorry." Shen Zheng shook his head hastily, "I feel very comfortable using this insect spirit, it has been integrated with my body, I'm afraid if I have to exchange it..."

Field looked at Shen Zheng in surprise, and interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "I kid don't understand what it means to exchange insect spirits?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Zheng asked in a daze.

"It's messy, it's really messy." Field patted his forehead, "Such a strong person..."[

Suddenly he thought of something again, and couldn't help laughing: "Look at me, I only think that you are a strong man at the same level as me, but you forget that you are actually the same as my son, just a freshman who just entered the Obscure Star Academy It is normal for young people not to have acquired such advanced knowledge.”

"Then what exactly is exchanging insect spirits?" Shen Zheng is more interested in this.

"Then I'll be your mentor with a straight face." Field smiled and held out his hand.Powerful power condenses and gushes out from his palm, turning into a blood-colored ray, and condensing into that two-meter-long sharp spear - "Earth Crack".

"Insect spirits are actually a kind of creature." He said, "That's why our power can be perfectly combined with them, and they must also pass through the blood to circulate in our body. After showing the entity, they are also our blood Colors, for this substance is what they are formed with the aid of our blood."

"So that's how it is." Shen Zheng nodded slightly, thinking: No wonder the blood spirit whip was silver when it was still on the silver armored leopard.

"Since they are organisms, they can reproduce." Field said, "As long as we give them a suitable environment and use a little force to catalyze them, they can rely on the method of fission to increase their number."

"You mean that a person who possesses a worm spirit can create a new worm spirit?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"Yes." Field nodded, "However, the power of the second-generation insect spirit produced in this way will drop a lot, and it is far inferior to the original insect spirit you own. The person who gets it must use his own insect breath to continuously 'feed' 'It can make it grow slowly, as for whether it can reach the level of your body insect spirit, it depends on the ability of the person who sees it."

"Is this what you call an exchange?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Of course." Field said, "The newly created worm spirits are in a state of pure energy, and anyone can absorb them. And people like you and me who already have worm spirits can absorb them into our original worm spirits." , In this way, our worm spirit has the ability and characteristics of this new worm spirit. For example, after we swap, my gun can change into a whip, and your whip can straighten up and become my gun, and The power can also be greatly improved, which is good for both of us, and there is no harm. And the closer the weapons are, the more powerful they will be. Your whip and my gun are so close that they can't get any closer, so I I don't take the liberty to come to you to exchange."

"But I don't know this kind of skill." Shen Zheng said a little depressed.

"So... if you don't object, I will continue to take the liberty of being a mentor?" Field asked.

"That's great." Shen Zheng smiled.

"Simply put, it is to use your own insect breath to expand the energy organs formed by the insect spirit, and gradually split them, feed it with insect breath, let it grow, and finally form new energy organs, and then combine with the internal organs. The organ breaks away to form a new insect spirit life." Field said.

Then, he started to explain in detail. While listening carefully, Shen Zheng experimented under his guidance. After more than an hour, he basically mastered all the essentials.

"Practice slowly, this is my phone number." Field handed a business card to Shen Zheng, "According to your strength, you should be able to fully master this skill in about a week, then call Me, I'll come over and exchange with you again."

"Thank you very much." Shen Zheng stood up and sent him out.

"What are you being polite about? This is also in my favor." Field left the reception room with a smile.Shen Zheng sent him all the way outside, watched him get into a jeep used by the Beetle Army before returning to the building.

As soon as he entered the room, he immediately started to try the method taught by Field.A novelty of experiencing new knowledge made him feel extremely excited, but when he really started to try, this excitement gradually faded, and finally, his whole body was in a calm state, like an old monk entering meditation Generally quiet down. [

The worm's breath was constantly urged by him, injected into the energy heart, and that heart began to beat faster and faster, but on the contrary, Shen Zheng's real heart beat slower and slower. The slowness formed a very strong contrast, which made Shen Zheng feel extremely sad suddenly.

He hurriedly and desperately reconciled, letting the beating speed of the energy heart slowly slow down, so that the beating speed of his heart gradually increased. In the end, he finally found a delicate balance. , the energy heart and his own heart are finally fully synchronized.

Then, he began to carefully inject the insect breath into the energy heart little by little, gradually increasing its speed.

In this way, he adjusted slowly, increasing the beating speed of the energy heart little by little, and slowly letting his heart keep up with this beating rhythm. After an hour, he finally felt a wonderful feeling.

He felt that the energy heart began to split because it had inhaled too much insect breath, and a small "bag" was born from it, and with the continuous injection of insect breath, the small "bag" became bigger and bigger, Slowly developed into the prototype of the heart.

After another hour or so, the new energy heart finally fully grown, nestled next to the old energy heart, and beat with it.Shen Zheng felt that as long as he exerted more force, it would fall off and become something else.

It's done!He opened his eyes happily, picked up the phone and dialed Field's number.

"Is there something I don't understand, do you need me to answer it?" As soon as the phone was connected, Field's laughter came from inside.

"No." Shen Zheng also smiled, "I want to tell you that I have completed the splitting process, and now the new insect spirit is almost ripe. Come here quickly."

"What... what?" Field exclaimed on the phone, "Aren't you kidding me?"

"What's the point of making such a joke?" Shen Zheng wondered.

"...Monster, a complete monster! Just wait, I'll go there again!" Field said, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Not long after, the guard came up to report again, and Shen Zheng ran back to the reception room on the first floor, and sat down face to face with Field.

"I really can't believe it." Field looked at Shen Zheng, with eyes like a child who entered a zoo for the first time looking at a rare animal in a foreign country. "Did you already know it, but just kidding me that you haven't learned it?"

"Don't be kidding me." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "I'm going to create a new worm spirit right now, so don't be idle." As he said, he closed his eyes and began to use the worm's breath to fuel the new energy heart Do the final "ripening" work.

Seeing this, Field also closed his eyes and began to split his insect spirit.

About 10 minutes later, Shen Zheng's new energy heart was completely separated from the original one, and began to establish connections with blood vessels.At this time, Shen Zheng followed the method taught by Field before, slowly cutting off its connection with his own blood, and guiding him to move it into the body.

This process is not simple, Shen Zheng is like a new driver driving on the road for the first time, leading carefully until the energy heart is completely separated from his body and released outside the body, forming a group of constantly changing shapes. Energy light cluster.

It was amazing, and he couldn't help but look up at Field with a burst of excitement.At this time, Field also opened his eyes, and with just a wave of his hand, a group of energy light clusters that were also constantly changing surged out of his palm, wriggling, changing and floating on his palm.

"Here." Field lightly tapped his hand, and the ball of light flew towards Shen Zheng. Shen Zheng followed his example and directed the worm spirit he created towards Field.Both of them stretched out their other hands to catch the insect spirit coming from the other side.

The light of the insect spirit gradually spread over the two people's bodies, turning them into light men, and gradually gathered them together after a while.Field very happily stretched out his hand, calling out the earth rift. After closing his eyes to experience the newly added power for a while, he carefully changed the shape of the earth rift. After a full 3 minutes, the two-meter-long spear, It turned into a two-meter-long whip, hanging limply on the ground.

"It's done!" Field nodded happily. [

Shen Zheng also stretched out his hand at this time, and the power of the energy heart flowed into the palm along the blood vessels, turning into a three-meter-long blood spirit whip.He carefully experienced the power of the Blood Spirit Whip, and found that it had been greatly improved, and he couldn't help being delighted.Feeling carefully, a certain new characteristic of the Blood Spirit Whip was quickly mastered by him. He shook his hand violently, and the Blood Spirit Whip suddenly changed from soft to hard according to his wishes, with the tip of the whip facing outwards. It protruded into a sharp spear point, and the entire whip turned into a three-meter-long spear.

"You..." Seeing that Shen Zheng had mastered the new characteristics of the insect spirit so quickly, Field spoke for a while.

"What's wrong?" Shen Zheng didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Nothing." Field sighed, then smiled again. "My big gun that never fell down was knocked down by you today. You are lucky, kid. The whip that used to be soft, now stiffens up with my help. It is more cost-effective for you."

"What does this mean?" Shen Zheng was at a loss.

"Forget I didn't say it." Field coughed a few times, embarrassed for a while because of his not-so-funny joke.

Shen Zheng looked at Field, and felt that this person was really unpredictable, almost as mysterious as the mysterious bug.

Field sighed: If my son has such a pure heart, he should devote all his thoughts to how to become stronger.

"Insect spirits are weapons in the final analysis." He said, "Different weapons have different characteristics. It is no problem for a person to master the use of all weapons, but the one who can really be proficient can only be one of two types." If you want to reach the limit of your weapon attainments, or even surpass it, then it is best to study the method of using a weapon. You can’t eat too much. So I suggest you——The change of whip and gun, used in Surprise attack in wartime is the best, but you should still master the whip technique."

"Thank you for your advice." Shen Zheng nodded. "I want to experience the power of the spear technique right away, and also try the current power of the Blood Spirit Whip, so I won't keep you any longer."

Doesn't this kill the donkey?Field rolled his eyes twice, and smiled bitterly: "Then I won't bother you. If we have time, let's discuss and learn from each other."

"This..." Shen Zheng showed embarrassment, and said in his heart: I have studied the battle between you and me several times, and it is meaningless to compete again, and it can't help me improve at all!

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