star wars civilization.

Chapter 062: The Strong Respect Each Other

This time he didn't choose to dodge. On the contrary, his fist was wrapped in the insect's breath that simulated the steel armor, exerting the impact force of the steel beetle, and falling down, it seemed to be a hitting action, but the actual attack and defense were integrated.

The fist hit the girl's shin, easily breaking through her insect protection, but Shen Zheng stopped the falling momentum in an instant, and just put his fist there.

The girl's kick could not be eliminated for a while, and her legs continued to move up, so she collided violently with her fist.The turbulent insect breath was smashed to pieces by the impact at that moment, and after the impact was the girl's cry of pain.

"Ah!" The girl withdrew her feet and squatted on the ground with her shin in her arms, with a painful expression on her face.

Shen Zheng looked at her and couldn't help smiling.This is a very beautiful girl, beautiful and unique, with a good face shape, good eyes, and good eyebrows. They don't seem to be the standard of beauty, but when they are together, they are clearly a beauty.A beautiful woman with unique characteristics, which is unforgettable. [

"Are you okay?" Shen Zheng stretched out his hand to help her, "This is a misunderstanding..."

The girl also stretched out her hand to hold Shen Zheng's hand, and stood up with his strength, but at the same time she stood up, she kicked Shen Zheng's legs hard.

Shen Zheng's face darkened, and the other fist dropped down.This time, he let the momentum of his fist keep on hitting the girl's shin, and there was a thud.

This time the girl didn't scream, but squatted down directly, with her mouth open and unable to make a sound.It can be seen that this time she was really in pain.

"You bastard!" After half a minute, the girl started to make a sound again. After the scream, she cursed, then she raised her hand, and the energy prism shot at Shen Zheng as if she didn't want money. At the same time, her mouth changed Swearing words flew out in a pattern.

Shen Zheng frowned and dodged a few times, but he couldn't stand her swearing so ceaselessly, especially after the scolding, she began to expand from personal attacks to Shen Zheng's family.

"You murderous bastard, whoever dares to kill me, sabotages my actions, I curse your whole family to die!"

"Enough!" Shen Zheng's eyes burst out with fierce killing intent, he suddenly rushed to the girl in the rain, grabbed her wrist, the insect's breath turned into thorn claws and pierced her battle uniform, faintly sinking into the flesh .

"Ah! If you dare to bully me, my father will kill your whole family to avenge me!" the girl screamed.

"Before that, I will tear you into pieces first." Shen Zheng said coldly.

"How dare you!?" the girl screamed.

"You can try." Shen Zheng's voice became colder and colder, "Apologize to me, and take back the words that cursed my family just now."

"I won't!" cried the girl, "you bastard, you daring villain, you shameless..."

Shen Zheng frowned, and suddenly turned the girl's body over and knocked her down on the ground, causing the girl to yell out in fright: "Bold thing, what do you want to do?"

"Stop!" The captain who hid behind the stone jumped out again and pointed a gun at Shen Zheng. "Do you know who she is?"

"I don't care who she is!" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and when he raised his hand, the lance was already condensed in his palm, and then he hit the girl's buttocks who was pinned to the ground by him.

"You..." The captain was startled, and just about to shoot at Shen Zheng, he found that the force of those sharpened spears was controlled extremely well, the power was just enough to break through the girl's insect protection, but not enough to break through the girl's combat uniform , Hit the girl's plump little buttocks continuously, making a crackling sound like heavy palms.

"Ah, it hurts so much!" The girl was so painful that tears flowed out, and she yelled as she struggled. "Stop, you bastard, or I'll tell my dad to kill you, ah!"

"Apologize." Shen Zheng had an expression on his face, and the speed of forming and firing the lance in his hand was getting faster and faster. [

"Ah! You bastard, you're going to die, ah! Ah! Ah..." The girl screamed one after another, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and began to cry tremblingly. "Don't hit, don't hit, I admit I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"That's about the same." Shen Zheng snorted and stopped shooting.

At this moment, the girl fell on the ground and stopped struggling. She grinned and cried loudly: "You stinky bastard, the person who killed me humiliated me, I must take revenge..."

"Your people are not dead." Shen Zheng said angrily, and let go of his hand.The girl struggled to sit up, but as soon as her butt touched the ground, she jumped up in pain, clutching her butt and glaring at Shen Zheng bitterly.

"Miss, brothers are all right." The captain ran over to check around at this moment, and said to the girl. "It's all just a strong shock, and I fainted for a while."

"Are you all right?" the girl asked with concern.

"It's okay." The captain nodded.

"What about the demon armor worm?" The girl asked anxiously regardless of the pain in her buttocks.

"It was already close to this side." The captain looked at Shen Zheng with a look of embarrassment on his face. "But suddenly appeared, and the worm sound disappeared. Maybe he was scared away by him."

At this time, Shen Zheng understood what happened, and nodded slightly at the team leader: "Sorry, I didn't expect to disturb your insect hunting. How about this, let's make a fair deal, I will join your insect hunting team and help you Hunt that worm, you help me get out of here. How about it?"

"Why make a deal with you?" The girl was anxious, pointing at Shen Zheng's nose and calling. "Do you know how hard it was for me to get the clues of this demon armor insect? Do you know how hard it was for me to find its trace? You know how much I spent to set up four traps before I finally hoped to catch it. to it?"

"Wait, you mean the demon armor worm?" Shen Zheng suddenly thought of the description he had read about this kind of worm in the book.

The demon armored insect, which looks like a frog, has a five-meter-long stabbing tongue. It has amazing attack power. It has a smooth armored shell on the outside. It can change its shape according to the environment or its own needs, hence the name.Its power value ranges from 100 to 300.

It can be said that this is a super powerful and terrifying insect.

Shen Zheng looked at the girl, and then looked around at the soldiers who had been knocked down by him and were slowly waking up under the rescue of the captain, he couldn't help showing a dumbfounding expression.

"Girl, do you think that with your strength, you can hunt the demon armor worm?" Shen Zheng felt that they were here to give the demon armor worm a feast of human flesh.

"Why not? Why not!" The girl glared while rubbing her buttocks. "That is a wounded demon armor worm. Evidence shows that its insect power may have dropped below [-]!"

"Even so, it's not something you people can handle." Shen Zheng looked at the girl and shook his head. "With all due respect, among your subordinates, only the captain's insect power exceeds 70, and your own insect power will not be higher than 85. Such a configuration wants to hunt a demon armor Worm, it's a joke."

" do you know my insect power?" The girl looked surprised, looking at Shen Zheng as if she was looking at a monster.

But the captain's expression became more dignified.Different from this spoiled young lady, although his worm strength is not high, it was all obtained by fighting on the bloody battlefield. Whether it is good eyesight or insight, nothing this young lady can compare with. .

He suddenly realized that the young man in front of him might be a master beyond their imagination.

Could it be a super strong with over 90 insect strength?He couldn't help shivering.It can't be such a coincidence, can it?Just offended a great person?But... Could it be that he really came from the sky...[

This is a bit beyond the captain's comprehension.

"What's so difficult about it." Shen Zheng smiled lightly. "It's still the same sentence, I will help you hunt that demon armor worm, and you help me get out of here, is this better than a deal or not?"

"You scared our worms away, you should have compensated us!" the girl said angrily, "If you want to leave here, you have to walk on your own!"

"What's going on?" At this moment, a steady voice sounded, and then, a middle-aged man came out from the dense forest, followed by several silent soldiers, their eyes were sharp, their steps were steady, At first glance, she was far superior to the girl's subordinates.

"Dad!" When the girl saw the middle-aged man, her eyes lit up immediately, and she rushed over quickly, threw herself into the middle-aged man's arms, and cried, "Dad, you're here! Hurry up and avenge me, How dare this damned guy humiliate me!"

While talking, he turned his finger to Shen Zheng without looking back.

Shen Zheng frowned, he vaguely felt that this man was not simple, subconsciously adjusted the insect power, the already retracted insect breath was faintly released.

The man was slightly taken aback, then frowned.

"I admit that I disturbed her insect hunting." Shen Zheng looked at the middle-aged man and said calmly. "But it would be too much to say that I humiliated her. I just taught her a little lesson. If she hadn't scolded people too much, I wouldn't have shot."

"Sorry." The middle-aged man looked at Shen Zheng and suddenly smiled. "The little girl has lost her father since she was a child, and I have spoiled her. Brother, please don't mind."

"It's nothing." Shen Zheng didn't expect the other party to have such an attitude, and was slightly stunned.But after a while, he felt a different kind of aura from the other party, which was the power-sensing aura formed when the other party deliberately released the insect's breath faintly.

A strong man with 100 insect power?He couldn't help being startled, and then realized that the other party must have also felt his own power aura.

This is mutual respect between the strong.

"Dad?" The girl jumped out of her father's arms in surprise, not understanding why her father didn't stand up for her, but instead spoke of herself in front of outsiders.

"Shut up!" The middle-aged man gave her a look, but the love in that look was far greater than the blame. "Next time you dare to mobilize soldiers without my consent and carry out such a dangerous activity, see if I don't beat your ass into eight pieces!"

The captain next to him couldn't help thinking about it: Someone has already played for you.

The girl also remembered the scene just now, but she was bent over and pressed to the ground at that time, and she couldn't turn her head to see clearly. She thought that Shen Zheng really hit him with his hands. Hearing what her father said, her face immediately turned red, and she couldn't help it. He stopped and put his hands behind his back to cover his butt, which made the middle-aged man puzzled for a while.

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