star wars civilization.

Chapter 079: Insect Control

Song Yuan felt the pain of his body being torn apart, he staggered back, roared and swung his long sword towards the direction where the bloody light came, but once he got it, he cut it in vain.

At this time, another ray of blood flashed and quickly wrapped around his neck.There is a terrifying power in the blood light, that power penetrated into his insect breath, desperately sucking his insect breath.

On his body, the layer of grass blades was constantly sucking his insect breath, giving him a feeling of successor force; on his neck, the powerful force was constantly tightening, and at the same time it was also sucking his insect breath. Under the attack, he felt that he had no strength to resist any more.

"Kill!" He yelled frantically, and threw the bloody two-handed long sword in his hand towards the bloody end.

The bloody light on his neck receded immediately, as if to block the long sword he threw. [

He clutched his neck and took two steps back, gasping for breath, and hurriedly adjusted the breath of the insects to fight against the blades of grass spreading across his body.The blades of grass attacked each other with their roots, and sucked each other. The outside ones were gradually sucked and wiped out by the blades of grass on him because they had no power to succeed.

The long sword is the insect spirit, and the insect spirit is a part of his body. He faintly sensed the strong pressure and resistance coming from the sword body, as if he was trapped by someone.He smiled coldly, waved his hand suddenly, and the long sword immediately turned into a red light, broke away from the entanglement of the opponent's insect spirit, and flew towards him.

The red light broke through the mist, and it turned into a long sword and came to him in an instant. He was about to reach out to catch it, but suddenly found a terrifying blood snake trailing behind the long sword.

The blood snake suddenly wrapped around the hilt of the long sword, controlled the long sword with a powerful force, and stabbed fiercely towards his chest.

It was too late to dodge, he exclaimed, and hastily turned the long sword into a bloody red light, but at this moment, the terrifying blood snake suddenly accelerated forward, piercing straight into his chest.

The pain made him lose all his strength, and he knelt on the ground trembling.He realized that the opponent's purpose from the beginning was to use his worm spirit to disturb him, and then kill him with the blood snake, and he was foolishly hit.

I should try my best to control my sword, let it deviate from the route controlled by the whip, and then pull away the distance, retract the insect spirit to fight back...

It's too late, it's pointless to think about it...

At the last moment, he remembered what Shen Zheng said before: Before killing someone, one must first be prepared to be killed.

Am I ready?

He blankly looked up at the end of the Blood Spirit Whip hidden in the mist, and then his lifeless body crashed down.

Shen Zheng stood quietly in the fog without moving.After easily killing a strong man with the same strength as himself, there was no joy and excitement in his heart, only a kind of pure tranquility.

what is lifeWhat is death?Is there an end to mighty power?

These strange thoughts rolled in his mind.In front of him, a person who was as powerful as himself just died like this. The glory and tyranny of the past were all turned into clouds of smoke. At this moment, life seemed to lose all meaning——after decades of hard work, it was finally difficult to achieve a goal in the building block tower. High-rise buildings were piled up little by little, and the tower collapsed in a flash.

How to make the tower of life not just a pile of building blocks, but a building that can truly withstand wind and rain?He was thinking.

In this kind of thinking, his insect power surged, struggling restlessly, as if he wanted to break through the shackles of something.He doesn't know what is the thing that binds his worm power, he can't see or touch it, just like when you wave your palm quickly, you can feel something blocking your hand, but you can never see it , and when you stop, it disappears again.

He just stood there quietly, as if he had stood for a lifetime, but only for a moment.Suddenly, he seemed to have realized something, retracted the blood spirit whip into his body, and then spread his arms.

The shape and material of the demon armor on the surface of his body has been continuously changing, a layer of water light flows on the demon armor, flames spread in the water, and fog is formed.The lightning jumped on the surface of the water, passing through the water to all parts of his body in an instant, the fire and the lightning seemed to be combining into one, turning into some kind of more powerful destructive force.

Several different insect powers interacted slowly, cuddling and supporting each other, they were like a group of strong fighters, condensed into a team at this moment, and the commander of that team was Shen Zheng. [

Something is breaking, Shen Zheng seems to be able to "hear" the sound of that thing gradually cracking.But whether or not that thing will be broken, and when it will be broken, does not depend on Shen Zheng's will, and he cannot control it.

But he found that he could influence it. As long as he worked hard to control the power of these kinds of insects, let them cooperate with each other, and let them be intimate, then that kind of thing would naturally be broken by these insect breaths.

Come on, let this moment come sooner!

There was a strange brilliance in his eyes, like the stars in the sky.The brilliance grew slowly, like the bright moon in the sky, and finally, the brilliance turned out to be as scorching and dazzling as the sun.

Several different insect powers were fully coordinated in one place, and then Shen Zheng clearly "heard" the invisible and intangible sound of the broken bondage, he felt as if an invisible rope had just been broken by himself, the rope The fragments scattered towards the surroundings, but the insect power on his body was quickly withdrawn from the body at that moment.

It was as if a big explosion had taken place in his body, and some inexplicable things that made him feel uneasy and bored disappeared in the explosion, and all the worm power occupied the entire body happily.

At that moment, a gust of wind rose from the ground, and the thick fog swirled in the wind, turning into a white dragon and rushing towards the sky.

Everyone in the battle stopped fighting and looked at the mist dragon in astonishment.They felt that something powerful and terrifying was being formed in the mist dragon, and they couldn't help but shudder.

In an instant, the wind disappeared, and the fog dragon fell from the sky and smashed into a person's body.The man stood there quietly, motionless, like a fossil in the wind.

But when everyone saw him, they had a strange feeling, as if as long as he moved, the whole world would collapse, and the whole world would spin and jump for him.

Shen Zheng slowly raised his head, looking at the world again.

Everything is still everything before, but everything is no longer everything before.Something changed, something that held him back disappeared.He looked at the world, looked at the people around him, and felt the changes in his body.

He suddenly discovered that the relationship between that turbulent insect power and him has gone a step further.If before, they were just strong fighters under his control, completely obeying his orders, then now they have become his extra limbs, and he doesn't need to issue any orders. When a thought is everywhere, they will make according to their own ideas. Everything changes.

Like an arm and a finger.

"Let's go." He looked around and said slowly. "Song Yuan is dead."

The bodies of the masked people almost trembled, especially the one who was fighting with Chu Tianran.

"Originally, you came here to intercept and kill me. I didn't need to be lenient to you, but now I feel a little more emotional." He said slowly, "Life is very fragile. If you can't break through the limit, at a certain level It doesn't make sense to become stronger. Song Yuan is a strong man with 100 insect power, but so what? In an instant, his life is gone, and he is just a corpse. You go, today is an important event for me. I don’t want to kill too many people in the day when I become a bug controller.”

Bug control!

Although people had faintly felt this possibility, when this kind of thing came out of Shen Zheng's mouth, everyone still trembled instinctively.

What kind of existence is that?He is an absolute powerhouse who can affect the national power of a country!It is a peak that insect planters cannot possibly cross!

The masked people trembled and moved slowly.They couldn't believe that they were so lucky to escape, but they wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

Finally, a person moved first, and he rushed towards the hillside where he came. [

Shen Zheng didn't move.

As a result, the wind of escape was like a collapsed dam, blowing quickly, and the masked people scrambled to escape towards the hillside.

"You can't go." Shen Zheng raised his head slowly, stared at a target, and then moved his body, almost like lightning, blocking the person in front of him. The person was rushing forward, and almost collided with Shen Zheng .

"Why?" The man stopped in horror and shouted hoarsely.

"There's no need to hide it." Shen Zheng looked at him and smiled faintly. "Director Lie Ziqing, take off your mask."

"You..." The other party trembled, finally raised his hand, and slowly took off his mask, revealing Lie Ziqing's face full of fear.

"It really is you." Shen Zheng said, "Just now I found out that among the attackers there are two strong men with 100 insect power, one is stronger naturally Song Yuan, and the other is weaker, I can't think of any other than you Who would it be?"

"I was wrong!" Lie Ziqing trembled, and made a move that no one could have imagined. He even knelt down in front of Shen Zheng, crying bitterly. "I... I actually didn't want to, but Song Yuan Fei b and I came with him. I was not good before, and I provoked Longyu Academy to fight against you, but Song Yuan instructed me! You have become a great controller Worm, adults don’t remember the faults of villains, so you just let them go..."

Just before he finished speaking, a murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes, and the sharp insect's breath in his hand simulated a sharp knife, stabbing fiercely towards Shen Zheng's lower abdomen.

"Be careful!" Chu Tianran and Chai Feifei exclaimed almost at the same time.

Shen Zheng looked at Lie Ziqing coldly, but did not dodge.

Lie Ziqing's sharp knife pierced Shen Zheng's abdomen fiercely, but he couldn't even pierce Shen Zheng's clothes.

There was no surging insect breath, no flame-like insect breath dancing around the body, Shen Zheng seemed to be resisting the blow with his physical strength.

But the sharp blade couldn't even pierce his undressing.

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