star wars civilization.

Chapter 081: The Rules of the Powerful World

"Didn't it mean that Dean Wei from your country wants to see me?" Shen Zheng asked.

Lang Lian smiled, motioned for Shen Zheng to sit down, Shen Zheng was not polite, walked over slowly, and sat down on the guest seat.

Although Lang Lian was in his fifties, he was tall and straight, and his hair was seldom white. He seemed to be in an extremely vigorous stage both mentally and physically.

This is the pest control.

Shen Zheng thought in his heart. [

He could feel a kind of invisible pressure from the other party, and that kind of pressure didn't make him feel sad.But if he had seen such a bug controller not long ago, I am afraid that this kind of pressure would make him restless.

No, in that case, he would not be able to sit down calmly in front of such a person.At that time, when he faced such a strong man, he would be nervous and silent like those soldiers who dared not make a sound in the car.

"This is a statement to the outside world." Lang Lian said. "In order not to show any flaws."

"A flaw?" Shen Zheng frowned.

"Wei Zhenggong is dead." Lang Lian said slowly.

"What 3f?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.It wasn't that he was surprised by the death of a bug controller, because everyone has life and death, but he was just surprised that Lang Lian would tell such an important secret to himself.

One must know that the insect controllers can be called the pillars of the country. One of Wenlan's pillars fell, but the other pillar easily told other people about it. Shen Zheng couldn't understand.

"You must be wondering, why did I, the commander-in-chief of Wenlan, tell you, the Obscure Star?" Lang Lian looked at him.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Actually, there is nothing difficult to solve." Lang Lian smiled, "Because those major national events, disputes among countries, and hot and cold wars are all the games of insect planters. For us insect control people, the country is just a game. storehouse."

"Warehouse?" Shen Zheng frowned.

"Being an insect controler is already a superman above all living beings." Lang Lian said, "But this is not the ultimate. Every insect controler has a higher dream, which is to become a more powerful existence , to become a strong man who is truly integrated with insect power. For us, national affairs are already outside our body, and mortal society is also already related to us. What we pursue is the ultimate in power."

"I can somewhat understand." Shen Zheng nodded.

That's right, isn't he on his way to the peak of power?

In the past, for him, a large deposit and a stable residence were all he needed to live, but what about now?He already has wealth, status, glory, and can even easily become one of the rulers of the country, but are these things all his life?

No, before that, he had already determined the path of the future, which was a path of continuous improvement and a path leading to true freedom.

Now think about it, Lin Liang, the dean, usually does not manage the internal affairs of the college, and he has never personally guided anyone except him, and even if he is guiding him, he will suddenly leave to do his own business .

Because for a bug controller, nothing is more important than improving one's own strength.

"As time goes by, you will understand more and more." Lang Lian said. "Therefore, the tense relationship between countries does not exist for the pest controllers who control that country. It is just a game between the country managers we set up." [

"So you told me such important news so frankly?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Not necessarily." Lang Lian said, "The relationship between insect controllers is also different. Although everyone respects each other on the surface, they are actually intrigues. But where there are enemies, there are friends. The Xun Qianjue and I are good. friend."

Xun Qianjue is the commander-in-chief of Obscure Star Kingdom, another bug controller besides Lin Liang.

Then, Lang Lian said something that shocked Shen Zheng even more: "And this time, Lin Liang helped me kill Wei Zhenggong."

"It's hard for me to understand." Shen Zheng shook his head.

"Wei Zhenggong has always wanted to take my position." Lang Lian said, "Since you know Chai Jingtian, you should know something about Wei Zhenggong."

"He didn't say much to me." Shen Zheng said, "But at least I understand that Wei Zhenggong is a person who likes to listen to flattery. And I have seen what kind of virtue Lie Ziqing he promoted. You can imagine the character of such a person."

"His strength is far inferior to mine." Lang Lian said, "I don't even need to think about climbing to the top of the strong. So he simply gave up and turned to power, status, and the material comforts of mortals. For the sake of the country's strength, I ignored him all the time, anyway, those things are not what I pursue. But I didn't expect that he would go so far as to want to harm me."

"I said why our dean left suddenly, and didn't explain where he went." Shen Zheng smiled, "So it's here to help you with this important event."

"Although Wei Zhenggong is not as good as me, it's not much worse." Lang Lian said, "And killing the pillar of the country must be absolutely guaranteed, otherwise, no matter how strong I am, I may lose the support of the whole country. Although I don't care about these powers, but with this power, I can have an environment without any interference and concentrate on studying power."

"Principal Lin Liang has already gone back?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes." Lang Lian said. "Whether it's him or Qianjue, they all agree to keep it secret for me."

"I will too." Shen Zheng smiled.

One of the two pillars has fallen, and it is self-evident what impact this will have on Wenlan.

"Before Lin Liang left, Qianjue and I talked." Lang Lian looked at Shen Zheng, "At that time, I had already received a notice from Chai Jingtian, knowing that there was another bug controller like you in Obscure Star Country. I discussed it with Qianjue, and Qianjue agreed to one thing, but he and I have nothing to say about this matter, and you have to nod in the end. "

"Would it be that I... will be the dean of your Wenlan College?" Shen Zheng said.

"Almost." Lang Lian smiled, "But it's not a direct appointment, but an honorary dean. In this way, Wenlan Kingdom still has two insect controllers in name at least, so it won't attract the coveted attention of other forces." , and you don’t have to be trapped here, being treated as a traitor by the citizens of Obscure Star Country.”

"Dean Lin Liang and the commander-in-chief of our country both agree?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I know you are going to pass through our country, so I stopped you first and met with you first." Lang Lian said, "For specific matters, you can ask Qian Jue and Lin Liang after you return to China. If you agree, then Just make a phone call, and I will announce this to the outside world. In addition, as the honorary dean, your annual salary is 12 billion yuan. I know this is not much, but my purpose is to borrow this from you The title of 'Insect Control' is nothing more than that, normally, there shouldn't be a chance for you to fight for our Vinland."

12 billion?Shen Zheng was taken aback, good guy, after becoming a bug controler, he can earn 1 million yuan in a month?How can this money be spent to finish it!

But think about it again, if you become a pest control person, you have the hope of becoming the ruler of a country, so how much income will that be?In contrast, an annual salary of 12 billion is nothing.Indeed, as Lang Lian said, not many.

"If you are really friends with Dean Lin and Commander Xun, then this kind of thing is not a big deal." Shen Zheng said after thinking for a while, "But I still have to go back to China first and discuss it with them." [

"It should be." Lang Lian nodded. "If you can agree, then the relationship between our two countries will be one step closer. It will benefit both of us."

Shen Zheng nodded: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first. Returning to China early to settle this matter is what you want to see."

"Goodbye." Lang Lian put his hands on his forehead and saluted an informal military salute, Shen Zheng also returned the same courtesy.

"Oh, that's right." When he was about to leave, Shen Zheng turned his head again. "On the border of Tianhe Kingdom, Lie Ziqing, the teaching director of Wenlan College, and Song Yuan, the teaching director of Tianhe College, joined forces to kill me, but I killed me. I will let you know in advance, so as not to affect the relationship between us in the future. relation."

"If you kill it, then kill it." Lang Lian said lightly. "It's just a small teaching director. Catch a lot of people with 100 insect power, and make up for one missing. You just became an insect controler, and you may not be used to taking these external things lightly. After a long time It’s fine. There’s no need to tell me about this kind of thing. If I tell me, it seems that I’m not at a high level. In fact, even the country is just a resource pool for us, let alone An inconspicuous little screw in the state machinery?"

Shen Zheng spoke for a while.He thought it would be an extremely serious matter, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter to Lang Lian.

It feels as if you said to others: I'm sorry, when I accidentally stepped on a weed outside the wall of your yard while walking, others shook their heads and smiled at you and even said it was nothing.

The world of bug controllers... Shen Zheng muttered in his heart, and walked out slowly, Lang Lian stopped after sending him to the door.

"I know it's impolite, but before you agree, the news of Wei Zhenggong's death cannot be spread."

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded and walked out by himself.There was no one in the corridor. Relying on his previous memory, he followed the original path to the first floor and entered the room where Chu Tianran was resting.At this moment, Chu Tianran was chatting with Chai Jingtian, and when they saw him coming in, they both stood up immediately, with very respectful attitudes.

"Finished?" Chai Jingtian asked.

"En." Shen Zheng nodded. "There is nothing else, we are leaving. There are important things to discuss with the high-level after returning home."

"Okay, I'll arrange the plane right now." Chai Jingtian nodded and smiled. "Thank you very much this time. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to resume my position as the teaching director of Wenlan College. By the way, Feifei has been telling me that if I want to go to the Obscure Star Country to have fun and experience, can you bring me with me?" with her?"

"No problem, she helped me a lot during this trip to Tianhe, now it's time for me to repay her." Shen Zheng nodded, and at the same time sighed in his heart: Even Commander Chai Jun also used honorifics.Once a person becomes a pest control, everything changes.

For a while, I lost interest, and I wanted to propose to exchange insect spirits with Chai Jingtian, but I lost interest, so let it be.

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