star wars civilization.

Chapter 085: Play the Same Modulation

Shen Zheng has fully grasped the situation of the three best penetration points, so he controlled the mechanical arm and slowly inserted the needle into one of the middle ones.

Isn't it too wasteful to have two more idle?

After thinking for a while, he decided to control the other two mechanical arms and stab the other two needles in. In this way, his insect breath could enter the insect nucleus from three different places, and simultaneously Start remodeling.

Time can also be saved by two-thirds.

He is... Lin Liang felt like he was going crazy. [

Everyone knows that if you start from several places at the same time, a job can be done in a shorter time, but the question is whether the person doing this job has so much energy.

It requires more concentration, but also distracts energy to manage the other two places, and those two places also require the controller to be more focused...

Lin Liang felt that he couldn't figure this out—how did this kid do it?

He felt that he would definitely fail this time, and the failure was due to Shen Zheng's arrogance.

So sloppy!He complained, and then tried his best to perceive Shen Zheng's operation method with insect breath.

After that, he was completely dumbfounded.

Although Shen Zheng's technique is still a bit jerky, far less proficient than his, but there is no mistake at all.The energy structure in the worm's nucleus has undergone drastic changes after Shen Zheng's transformation, and the storage space has become larger.

Although Shen Zheng's speed is far behind Lin Liang, the key is that Shen Zheng starts from three places at the same time, which is equivalent to having three Shen Zhengs transforming the worm's nucleus at the same time.

In this way, the speed is almost the same as that of Lin Liang.

Lin Liang felt that he couldn't think very much, because the speed of this transformation could only explain one point: the three places selected by Shen Zheng were really the best penetration points for this bug nucleus.

How can it be?How could it be so fast...

Not long after, Shen Zheng had finished the transformation, and then took out a new worm nucleus from the cabinet, and began to look for the infiltration point.

He also used the method of releasing insect breath from multiple needles at the same time, completely enveloping the nucleus of the insect.

Lin Liang stared at the phantom light screen without saying a word, and at the same time, his own insect breath was desperately mixed with Shen Zheng's insect breath, sensing the information from the insect core.


No, there is still some, there is always some vague information about "softness" and "penetration", but before he can clearly perceive it, it must be skipped.

He suddenly had this feeling: he was an athlete who had just learned to run, and he was following a world long-distance running champion. The pace is a luxury.

how so?How is this possible?He has just learned modulation techniques!Could it be... is he really an all-around genius?

For a worm nucleus, it only took Shen Zheng about 5 minutes from the beginning to detect the best infiltration point to the extraction of its internal energy, and then he injected this part of energy into the target worm nucleus, the same three times The needles are injected simultaneously. [

Next, as he gradually became proficient, it only took him 10 minutes to extract the energy in the other three worm cores, inject it into the target worm core, and then perform a final modulation, The three needles were carefully withdrawn, and the three openings were sealed with insect breath.

The whole process takes less than half an hour.

Really successful?Can it work?Although he observed Shen Zheng's operation with insect breath all the way and confirmed that everything was wrong, Lin Liang still couldn't believe that Shen Zheng could succeed.

Just after the last opening was completely closed, the worm nucleus suddenly exuded a powerful force, and there were insect breaths flowing in the lines of the shell, and the worm nucleus, which was like a dead object, suddenly seemed to have Life is just as agile.

"Success!" Lin Liang let out a cry that he didn't know whether it was an exclamation or an exclamation.

"No wonder you said that it is the easiest way to make one from multiple worm cores." Shen Zheng reluctantly took the worm core from the preparation table and handed it to Lin Liang. "It's really quite simple."

Lin Liang almost died of anger.

Simple?How long did I study and how many bug nuclei wasted to reach this point?

Even now, how many hours did it take me to create such an intermediate bug core?

You kid, you actually concocted one in less than half an hour!

Don't bring such bullying!

Lin Liang had an urge to cry, feeling that his life was wasted.After decades of hard practice, people surpass you in an instant, as if they have practiced for nothing.

"Can you tell me carefully, how did you find the best penetration point?" Lin Liang asked nervously.Such a high level of confidentiality, I really don't know if Shen Zheng is willing to tell him.

"Just like what you taught?" Shen Zheng looked puzzled.

"Just like what I taught..." Lin Liang was stunned for a while, and suddenly his eyes became straight. "I understand, your sensing power is your insect breath! Your insect breath should be perfectly integrated with the insect power of the insect nucleus. At that time, the insect nucleus seems to be a part of your insect breath. Of course you can sense everything in it quickly! Isn't that so?"

"Almost." Shen Zheng nodded after thinking for a while, "I'm not sure about the specifics, anyway, I'm going to follow your method, but it's not a point-by-point detection, but a direct detection of the whole, and then everything will be It's all clear."

"Genius, this is a genius!" Lin Liang sighed, "Ordinary people can't catch up after a lifetime of hard work!"

"Don't be so exaggerated." Shen Zheng smiled.

"It's not an exaggeration or a compliment, it's just a fact." Lin Liang sighed.He slowly lifted the worm nucleus, observed it carefully, even wrapped it with worm breath to sense it, and finally gave a wry smile.

"The quality of this worm nucleus is not as good as the one I used to demonstrate just now, but the quality of the finished product formed after you modulated it is not inferior to mine at all. I have lived in vain all my life. Lost to a lad doing modulation for the first time."

"Don't." Shen Zheng waved his hands hastily, "I just..."

just what?Shen Zheng was anxious to comfort Lin Liang, but he really didn't know what to say, he only hated himself for being so outstanding. [

He had been suppressed for too long before, and he didn't dare to show his strength and other circumstances easily. He was already depressed. At this time, he finally became a bug controler. He no longer had to worry about others' doubts, so naturally he didn't want to suppress himself anymore. the power of.

But in this way, Lin Liang was dealt a huge blow.

"Forget it, that's good too." After thinking about it, Lin Liang smiled again. "Because you are our compatriot after all, the deputy commander of Obscure Star Country. The more powerful you are, the happier we will be."

"So... can we start practicing the second modulation method?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

Lin Liang had the urge to find a wall and bump himself to death, so that Shen Zheng would not have the chance to make himself feel like he was humiliating himself again.

But what should be done, still has to be done.

It is an extremely difficult process to simply use one's own insect breath to modulate the insect nucleus, which requires the modulator's insect power to be strong enough and the technique to be skilled enough.

"To put it simply, if your insect power is lower than 110, it is impossible to succeed." Lin Liang said to Shen Zheng.

"That's easy. Do you have an analyzer here? Let me test it." Shen Zheng said carelessly.

Lin Liang laughed, laughing so that Shen Zheng was a little confused.

"What's the matter? Is there anything funny?" Shen Zheng asked in a daze.

"For bug controllers, bug power is always a secret hidden deep in their hearts." Lin Liang put away his smile and said seriously. "The range of insect power values ​​for insect controllers is 101 to 1000, and the difference between them can be said to be huge. Therefore, the insect power value is the biggest secret among insect controllers. No one will let others easily know about their insects. strength, because that would be tantamount to allowing the other party to grasp their details."

"So that's the case." Shen Zheng nodded, "I said, why didn't you measure my insect power at that time."

"Of course, you were not an insect controller at that time." Lin Liang smiled, "But the habit I have developed over the years made me automatically ignore the analysis of the opponent's insect power value. You must remember this. Insect power analyzer The principle is to actively send out some kind of fluctuation, which stimulates the insect breath of the target person to generate defense, so as to measure the opponent's insect power value. At our level, we can completely sense that kind of fluctuation. Analyze the insect power value of an insect controller , It is tantamount to naked provocation, if you meet someone who is not as good as you, it is easy to handle, but if you meet a master, he will definitely kill you."

"It's so dangerous." Shen Zheng stuck out his tongue. "But what if it's in public? Could it be that bug controllers can just kill people like this while the crowd is watching?"

"Using the method of instantly releasing the attacking xng insect breath, any analyzer can be burned due to overload in an instant." Lin Liang smiled. "You should try it as soon as possible when you are free, and you must master this skill as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome. Because we will also attend some public occasions. When facing thousands of people, there may be hundreds of people secretly analyzing you. It's a horrible approach."

"Understood, let's start." Shen Zheng said, pointing to the modulator.

Lin Liang felt like crying.

"You should test your insect power first." Lin Liang said. "I asked the people below to send up an insect power analyzer. You go to the first floor to test it yourself, and then burn the analyzer."

"It's too wasteful." Shen Zheng said.

"You have to learn to get used to this method." Lin Liang said, "Waste is always better than the danger of being discovered by others about your worm strength. Besides, for people of our level, a tiny worm What is a force analyzer?"

"That's right." Shen Zheng smiled.Xin said that just being the honorary dean of Wenlan College, he can earn hundreds of millions of yuan a year, and it is not a big deal to burn the insect force analyzer every day.

He walked quickly to the first floor, and saw a guard standing there excitedly holding an insect power analyzer. As soon as he arrived, the guard saluted the standard military salute and offered the things with both hands.

"Thank you." Shen Zheng smiled at him, and ran to the training room on the first floor with the insect power analyzer.

The guard walked out a little mechanically, and the guard guarding the gate was startled when he saw him like that: "Brother, what's wrong?"

"The deputy commander thanked me!" The guard couldn't bear the excitement anymore, looked at his comrades, and cried excitedly.

"I o, I have served the dean for five years, and the dean has never said a word to me...Your life is worth it!"

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