star wars civilization.

Chapter 091: With whom to be friends

When he got to "home", Shen Zheng was really taken aback.

How could it be a home? In addition to a spacious large square, there is also a large green garden, and the so-called home is a five-story building next to it.

"This..." Shen Zheng thought for a while, "If I remember correctly, this should be a park, right?"

"Yes." Shen Ying nodded, "Now it's our yard."

"This building..." Shen Zheng looked at the building, "It used to be some kind of club, right?" [

"Yeah." Fang He nodded, "Because the Deputy Commander's Mansion is still under construction, I found such a small place for Xiaoying to live in first."

"Small place?" Shen Zheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then what is a big place?"

"It's in the center of the town." Shen Ying said, "I went to see it, and it feels like a theme park, with artificial lakes, original forest green space, gymnasium and library..."

"Isn't this too troublesome?" Shen Zheng was sweating.

"It's nothing." Fang He smiled, "Commander Liang Jun said that this is the residence of the deputy commander, and it is the home of one of the three people who hold the highest power in the Obscure Star Country. If it is not decent, the commander-in-chief will criticize him of."

"Forget it, I don't care anymore." Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled wryly. "You can do whatever you want."

For a week after that, Langya Town was immersed in a grand celebration.

For this northern small town, upgrading to a "city" itself is a great event, not only being upgraded to a city, but also becoming the residence of a deputy commander of a country, which is even more important. The commander is still a local, which is quite a big deal.

Not only that, when the deputy commander came back, he brought Langya Town a big rescue victory, which made everyone feel joy and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts.

So under the auspices of the Spike Legion, there was such a carnival-like excitement.

To be honest, this made Shen Zhengtou very disturbed.He originally wanted to go back to his hometown to have a quiet time, but he had to stand in front of the people in the midst of the hilarity, so that they had the goal of cheering and thanking them time and time again.

However, Shen Ying quite liked this kind of excitement, at least this kind of excitement kept her brother, so that he could be by her side every day.

Two days after the carnival, Chai Feifei rushed over from Yunfang City. When she saw Shen Zheng, she muttered unhappily: "They said they took me to play in the Obscure Star Country, but they left me alone in Yunfang City. How pitiful is my dear friend! How can a bug controller be so unreasonable?"

"This is?" Shen Ying frowned slightly when he saw Chai Feifei.

"Let me introduce, this is Wenlan College Dean Chai Jingtian's daughter Chai Feifei." Shen Zheng hastily told how he met Chai Feifei and how Chai Feifei helped him afterwards.

"Hello, I'm Shen Zheng's younger sister, Shen Ying." Shen Ying extended her hand politely, and shook Chai Feifei's hand.

"What a beauty!" Chai Feifei looked at Shen Ying and sighed, and couldn't help but ask while shaking hands: "But she doesn't look very similar to Deputy Commander Shen?"

"What's so strange about this." Shen Zheng said, "There are a lot of brothers and sisters who don't look like each other."

"Our parents were combined into a family later." Shen Ying said to Chai Feifei. "So there is no blood relationship between us, but our relationship is closer and closer than that of blood." [

Chai Feifei looked at Shen Ying, somewhat surprised, and then smiled: "No wonder Deputy Commander Shen is so anxious to come back?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Zheng didn't understand.

"Xiaoying, are there any interesting places near Langya Town?" Chai Feifei was familiar with it, so she went up and held Shen Ying's hand. "I came all the way here, so I have to have a good time!"

"Okay." Shen Ying looked at Shen Zheng, nodded reluctantly, but muttered in her heart: It's hard for my brother to stop running around, and I have to deal with you.Forget it, you didn't help my brother too much back then, let me help him repay the debt of favor.

From the second day on, Chai Feifei pestered Shen Ying and ran out to play.Of course, Fang He's people are indispensable by their side.Shen Zheng doesn't need anyone's protection, so the main task of the Wolf Fang Legion is to protect Shen Ying.

Fang He had already devoured those two worm cores, and the effect of the first worm core was the most astonishing. It increased his worm power by 10 points, from 71 to 81, and reached the level of a formation leader. Surprised, he hurriedly used the second one.

This one was made from the demon armor insect core, and it should be more effective than the previous one, but in the end it only increased Fang He's insect power by another 5 points, reaching 86.

But for Fang He, this was already a great happiness.

Liang Long's original insect power was 95, but after devouring the insect nucleus Shen Zheng gave him, he grew to 99, which is very close to the peak of the insect planter; Feng Yu's insect power was 89, and rose to 93 after devouring the insect nucleus , completely surpassed the other formation leaders, and had a faint hope of being on par with the legion commander.

Both of them were very excited because of this, and secretly felt that their original vision was right.

But their excitement was not as high as Shang He's, because Shen Zheng privately assured Fang He that he would provide him with insect cores in the future, which meant that Fang He had [-]% hope of reaching the pinnacle of insect planters.

Besides excitement and emotion, he had no other emotions.Like Liang Long and Feng Yu, he didn't secretly measure the value of his original behavior in his heart.

In Shen Zheng's heart, Fang He is his friend; in Fang He's heart, Shen Zheng is also his friend.There is no utilitarianism involved, Fang He did not intend to bet on any treasure when he reached out to Shen Zheng, and it did not feel that Shen Zheng might be a genius.

Between them, there is only the purest friendship between friends.

Shen Zheng has become a strong man and a big shot, it seems that he doesn't need to do anything for him anymore.But Shen Zheng still has a younger sister, so Fang He took taking good care of Shen Ying as his greatest responsibility to his friends.

Early in the morning, the two girls met and set off for a stroll outside the town, while Fang He made sufficient preparations, bringing a large number of tickets from long-range snipers to close-combat fighters.

"You are like a princess." Walking in the suburbs, Chai Feifei looked back at the dozen or so soldiers who followed the two of them, but did not get too close so as not to disturb their conversation, and couldn't help laughing.

"What kind of princess, she looks like a prisoner." Shen Ying said casually.

"Aren't there many good people who are secretly protecting you?" Chai Feifei asked curiously.

"Maybe." Shen Ying replied casually. "I don't care much about that."

"I know, you only care about your brother, right?" Chai Feifei asked with a smile.

"Of course, that is my only relative." Shen Ying said. [

"It's as simple as family?" Chai Feifei was delighted.

"Miss Chai, what do you mean?" Shen Ying was not very happy.

"Just kidding!" Chai Feifei didn't take it seriously, "Anyway, if it were me, I would rather change the relationship with such an excellent brother who is not related by blood. Alas, a good man in the world There are not many, and there are fewer good men with strength, and men with strength and goodness who are familiar to me, this is the most perfect."

"You..." Shen Ying's face turned red slightly, and she glared at Chai Feifei, but she didn't have the nerve to say anything.

"Tell me the truth, do you really regard him as your own brother?" Chai Feifei suddenly grabbed Shen Ying's hand and asked in a low voice.

"You... What nonsense are you talking about!" Shen Ying waved her hands reproachfully.

Chai Feifei was overjoyed, and suddenly said mysteriously: "Do you know how the days of bug controllers go?"

"Ah?" Shen Ying didn't expect her to say such a sentence suddenly, and couldn't help asking subconsciously: "How are you doing?"

"Practice, fight, run around, and sometimes go deep into insect lairs and hunt for powerful insects." Chai Feifei said, "In short, they will not stay in one place quietly forever. This is the fate of the strong."

"That's right..." Shen Ying nodded, with some disappointment in her voice.

"So, my dad told me a long time ago that if you want to live with this kind of strong man for the rest of your life, you must at least be an insect planter yourself, at least have the ability to protect yourself, and you must be able to keep up with his pace "Chai Feifei said, "It's a pity, I don't have such a life. By the way, Xiaoying, don't you plan to be a planter?"

"Me? Join the army?" Shen Ying was a little dazed.

"That's right." Chai Feifei said, "According to your status, joining the army is nothing more than a military rank. It won't let you go to the battlefield, but it can make you a legal insect planter and get the best rewards." cultivation resources. When you have the strength, you can follow Shen Zheng to run around."

"Really?" Shen Ying looked at Chai Feifei with a trembling voice.

"Of course!" Chai Feifei smiled, "Look, I run around the world, but my dad doesn't care about anything? That's because I'm a planter and I have strength. Shen Zheng is a big shot, and running around is indispensable Going west, if there is no one to take care of him, it is not good for him. Those soldiers are all big men, how can we women take care of others?"

"Hmm, um!" Shen Ying nodded empathetically.

"That's why I said, it would be great if you could have great power." Chai Feifei said, "In this way, you can be by Shen Zheng's side and take care of him every day, which is good for you and him."

"But my brother won't agree, right?" Shen Ying was excited for a while, and then a little discouraged.

"Why don't you do it unless he agrees!" Chai Feifei smiled and poked her forehead with her finger, "You silly girl, we won't do it secretly? Then, while he is away, come and cover the sky with one hand, you think, are you Sister of the deputy commander, who in the Spike Corps would dare not listen to you? When Shen Zheng comes back, we will have cooked rice from uncooked rice, and he will have no choice but to accept it."

"See what you use these words." Shen Ying smiled openly, and made a face at Chai Feifei.

It worked.Chai Feifei looked at Shen Ying with a smile on her face, but she let out a sigh of relief.

Dad, I'm afraid there is no hope for Shen Zheng to look at me.If he had the slightest interest in me, he wouldn't have left me in the clouds and ran back to his hometown to see his sister.

I am also a woman, who can understand women's thoughts better than me?Why did Shen Ying immediately tell me about their relationship that day?This kind of thing should be tried not to mention it to outsiders.

So there is only one possibility...

Well, if I can't be Shen Zheng's closest person, then let me be Shen Ying's closest person.I will treat Shen Ying well and help her sincerely, and then truly win her friendship.

Then, we, father and daughter, will have an extra guarantee of survival in this world where power is paramount...

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