star wars civilization.

Chapter 382: Fierce Battle in the Fog

Two insects, one is like a lizard, seven meters long, with ice crystals shining on the white carapace on its body; It's a wolf worm. %&*

"Hyun color, fan shadow!" Chen Dong couldn't help exclaiming when he saw these two worms.

"That's right, it's me, Miying-sama." The lizard-shaped bug grinned and made a terrifying sound. "You are the supreme commander of the rebel army? It's not very good."

"You didn't expect it, did you?" Lie Lang Chong Xuan Se sneered, "The plan you thought was perfect has already been leaked to us by your traitors. What awaits you is not a smooth assassination, but a deadly trap. "

As it spoke, it couldn't help laughing, and that laugh was like a howling wolf, which sounded creepy. [

"I've been cautious all my life, but... I lost here..." Chen Dong angrily stared at the phantom screen, clenching his teeth.

Ning Wanli turned out to be an undercover agent sent by the Zerg, which no one could have imagined.As the general of the strongest legion, his participation in such a large-scale operation is naturally indispensable. Although the real goal of this operation is only known to those who participated in the plan at the headquarters, the outer legions don't know the real purpose of the operation at all, but Ning Wan Sitting in the vacant seat of the general of the First Legion for so many years, naturally he also has good friends in the headquarters.

Ning Wanli would naturally be suspicious of the sudden continent-wide operation, and of course he would try to find out the news from his friends in the headquarters.

Maybe it was someone who had a good relationship with Ning Wanli but was not vigilant enough to tell Ning Wanli the truth on purpose.

In the end, this operation failed due to this little carelessness.

Chen Dong wished he could give himself two knives to relieve his anger-after being cautious all his life, why did he ignore this point in the biggest operation?

I only think about the loyalty of everyone in the headquarters, and never leave the headquarters, and will not leak the news, but I ignore the interpersonal relationship between internal personnel.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by a small negligent ant nest.

Unlike Chen Dong, Shen Zheng didn't show any emotion.

He is just counting.

Among the three worm emperors in front of him, except Mi Ying who was at the level of the sixth-order protoss, the other two were at the eighth-level level, and their strength was comparable to that of Chen Dong, while the other two also surpassed him. ^

However, if he joins forces with the White Snake, he can compete with the eighth-level protoss, and because Xue Su no longer needs to control the insect sound, he can also fight against the sixth-level protoss.

In this way, they are already quite strong, and there is nothing to worry about.

"Insignificant human beings, but a lowly race, also want to overthrow our rule?" Miying made a terrifying voice, "Your strength is not as good as ours, and your wisdom is far less than ours. You should be enslaved by us! You rebels If you don't obey our leadership, you will only die!"

"The strength and wisdom of human beings are not as good as yours?" Shen Zheng laughed at this moment, "Then I would like to ask: the palaces you live in, and all the materials you enjoy, are they made by you?"

"Shut up!" Xuan Se roared, the power of the flames roiled on its body. "Don't think that you also have the three protoss powerhouses, so you are qualified to be equal to us. Little human beings, don't even think about escaping today!"

"That's right." Horror slowly spread out the huge wings, and traces of lightning flashed on the huge wings. "Don't even think about running away today, all of you are our delicacies, and lie on our dining table obediently!"

"Overestimate one's abilities." Shen Zheng looked at the fear with cold eyes, and snorted coldly.

"Human with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I will kill you first!" Xuan Se's eyes flashed with flames, and he suddenly opened his mouth wide, and a pillar of fire sprayed towards Shen Zheng. [

"Do you have that kind of ability?" With a cold snort, Shen Zheng's body has already surged with monstrous insect power, and the blood spirit whip broke out of his body in a flash of white light, and instantly merged with the three holy spirits, It turned into a big snake with three colors constantly changing, opened its mouth, and a jet of black water spewed out, facing the opponent's jet of fire.

At the same time, the power in Shen Zheng's body also collided and exploded in the middle dantian, forming a quadruple force effect. When he waved his hands, the water waves around him turned into a water dragon and flew out, circling around the body of the big snake. The water column hit the fire column together.

The two forces collided together, and immediately released a mist of water. The mist immediately spread to the surroundings, covering the entire hall in an instant.

Everyone is blind for a moment, and in this building that can shield super-sensing power, no matter whether it is a human or an insect, it is impossible to know the exact location of the enemy and its own people.

Only Shen Zheng was an exception.

A powerful power of fire has already surged in his body, while the big snake emitted an equally powerful power of water. The two forces collided and turned into pieces of water mist, which quickly connected with all the mist in the air. The powerful energy-absorbing power completely turned the mist into Shen Zheng's power.

This fog is like Shen Zheng's eye and Shen Zheng's hand. He can clearly perceive the position and movement of every person and every insect through this fog, but others cannot know his position and movement.

He smiled coldly, and moved quickly in the fog with no sound, and ran towards the dazzling direction. The big snake circled around him in a line, rose into the sky with him, and flew towards him in the form of a void.

The state of emptiness prevents them from blowing a little wind or making any noise. No matter how powerful the dazzling color is, they can't sense that Shen Zheng and the big snake are rushing towards them.

And when the two sides were getting closer, Shen Zheng suddenly exited the virtual state, patches of water flashed on both palms, and swung a huge water blade suddenly.

Xuan Se obviously didn't feel anyone approaching, but suddenly there was a water blade coming towards him, he couldn't help being startled, and tried his best to dodge to the side.

But at this time, as if he had expected its action long ago, Shen Zheng's big snake had already opened its mouth and spit out a black water arrow, which was shooting towards the place where the dazzling color flashed.

"Bastard!" Xuan Se roared, relying on the super strength of the eighth-level Protoss, and finally dodged while twisting violently, the water arrow flew over its carapace, smashing its carapace A dreadful deep ditch was drawn in it.

At this moment, the big snake also rushed over, opened its mouth and bit Xuan Se's waist fiercely, a powerful force burst out immediately, and sent the sharp teeth into Xuan Se's body.

The severe pain caused Xuan Se to let out a terrifying roar, twisted his body violently, and sent the big snake flying horizontally with tyrannical force.

Several snake teeth also broke and escaped from the big snake's mouth.

But what does that matter?The big snake was not a real creature, but it was transformed by Shen Zheng's insect spirit. After twisting a few times and consuming some strength, the fangs had grown back.

But Hyun Se is different, the teeth pierced into its waist immediately turned into a force of blood, desperately penetrating into its body, and began to wanton destruction, it had to endure the pain and use The insect power suppresses and dissolves this force.

But Shen Zheng had already seized the opportunity to kill it, kicked it with a splash of water, and kicked towards its head.

"Kill you!" Xuan Se yelled angrily, and a huge fireball spewed out from his mouth, facing Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng knew that it was bound to fight back, sneered, retracted his legs and dodged, Xuan Se let out a snort, and just opened his mouth to release a fireball to attack Shen Zheng, who was not on his feet, when the big snake rushed over and slammed headfirst into it .

Xuan Se had no choice but to let Shen Zheng go, and jumped up with all his strength, avoiding the impact of the big snake, but when it was still in the air, Shen Zheng had already flown over, his fists brought continuous water power, It hit its back like a torrential rain. [

Xuan Se let out a scream, and was hit by this round of fist rain, his carapace was broken, and his body fell from the air hard, hitting the ground.

Just as it struggled to stand up, the big snake rushed over again, and swept its tail, causing it to fly out in the air, smashing through the wall, and flew straight out of the hall.

All of this was just a matter of an instant. It was not until Xuan Se was knocked out of the hall that Fear had enough strength to swing the wings with electric wires vigorously. Immediately, a huge gust of wind It blows up, and the heavy fog that fills the sky goes out.

But the fog was not just a simple fog, but was transformed by the insect power of the protoss, how could it be blown away by this level of wind?With the flapping of its wings, although it blows the fog far away, it cannot eliminate it.

However, it was enough to allow everyone in the hall who was shrouded in fog to recover their vision.

Shen Zheng frowned slightly, controlling the thick fog with the surge of insect power in his body, and covered the crowd again.Since there are magical building materials that can shield the super-sensing, his fog has become a sharp weapon that can make people's senses fail, so what if they don't make good use of it.

Seeing the thick fog approaching again, fearing the difference, he couldn't help being furious, and roared suddenly. Thousands of thunder lights flashed from his body, scattered to the surroundings in different ways, and immediately blasted the entire hall clean.Afterwards, it flapped its wings and flew high into the sky.

Miying is the weakest among the three worm emperors, so he didn't rush to attack others, but carefully hid in the fog. Seeing that the palace was destroyed, he immediately flew out and escaped from the area. heavy fog.

The moment the thick fog dissipated, Chen Dong had already seen the positions of the other two worm emperors, and also saw the dazzling colors that were sent flying far away by Shen Zheng.He couldn't help but gritted his teeth: "Traps are traps, we can't let you clean us up calmly!"

With a loud roar, his gaze locked on Fear, his body soared into the sky, and slashed towards Fear flying high in the air. As the big knife swung, a gust of wind surged up, turning into a huge wind blade, and flew towards Fear. Cut off differently.

"You go in first." Xue Su said to Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin, and immediately opened the insect core space with a wave of her hand, moved the two of them into it, then closed the space, and chased after Miying.

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