star wars civilization.

Chapter 392: Battle of Taniguchi

The four of them flew over the troops, crossed the river, and landed directly beside Ding Yuqing. ^

"Brother Shen Zheng?" Ding Yuqing couldn't help being surprised when he saw Shen Zheng. "My God, am I dreaming? How did you find this place?"

"It's hard to say." Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and looked at the leading old man on the other side. "Sister Ding, let's talk about this later, and deal with the enemy in front of me first!"

"Who are you?" The old man frowned when he saw four people flying down together.Four protoss powerhouses appeared on the other side out of thin air. This power should not be underestimated. With a wave of his hand, the people on his side immediately retreated and confronted Ding Yuqing and the others.

"You are that general Xin De who deliberately provoked conflict between Brother Wu and Sister Ding, and used tricks to harm them?" Shen Zheng looked at the old man and asked coldly. [

"The general is Xin De!" The old man snorted, "As for what you said to provoke the relationship, hmph, how could I provoke the relationship between the two of them? Could it be that you mean that I gave Wu Ximing a cuckold? ?”

The people on his side immediately laughed, and Ding Yu was so angry that his brows stood upright: "Xin Quode, your mother shut up that dung-spraying mouth for my aunt! Don't be complacent, it won't be long before the dead things in my house will be gone!" Will come out and beat you like a bear like your bear son!"

Mentioning this, Xin De's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and it could be seen that he was extremely angry about this matter.

"Sister Ding, what did you do? How did you become a wanted criminal?" Shen Zheng asked Ding Yuqing in a low voice.

"This old bastard!" Ding Yu pointed lightly at Xinde's nose and cursed, "When we both came back, he saw that he sent his son to take over all our territory and take over our army. That's all, that son of a bitch still bullied our former subordinates arbitrarily, it's too much! My family's dead thing beat him up in a rage, I didn't expect this old man to take advantage of the emperor's absence , ordered us to be wanted worldwide! Fortunately, with the help of these good brothers who are loyal to us, we were able to resist their offensive."

"Xin De, don't you feel ashamed?" Shen Zheng looked at Xin De with a cold voice. "A dignified general, who can't overwhelm his opponent in terms of military achievements, uses indecent means to force his opponent away. After the opponent comes back, he dare not face it alone, but he takes advantage of the planet's emperor's absence to engage in such a conspiracy. It's too shameful! "

"Shut up!" Sinde shouted angrily. "Don't think that you are qualified to talk to me like this because you have reached the level of Protoss at a young age! Today I will personally take action and take down all of you brats who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth!"

He said so, but there was an inexplicable worry in his heart—these four young people were obviously not strong on the other side, so where did they come from?It seemed that they were friends that Wu Ximing and his wife met outside. ^If you are so young and become protoss, there must be a very powerful force behind them, will they come alone to help?

Could that powerful power have followed?

While staring at Shen Zheng, he spread out the super-sensing force field and scouted the surrounding situation.

"Are General Xin De afraid?" Sensing the force field released by Xin De, Shen Zheng couldn't help laughing. "If you learn to be afraid before doing evil, you may not cause such a big trouble."

"Trouble?" Xin De looked at Shen Zheng coldly and snorted heavily. "Young man, don't be fooled by temporary interests. You have to understand that Wu Ximing is a wanted criminal on this planet, and the arrest warrant was issued with the consent of the emperor. If you protect him, it is tantamount to fighting with the emperor of the other side star." Right, no matter how powerful you are behind it, it’s useless!”

"Don't be afraid of him!" Ding Yuqing whispered in Shen Zheng's ear, "When your big brother Wu injured his son and protected his subordinates to evacuate, he suddenly felt that the power of the insect had changed. Now he is breaking through in the valley. It won't be long before we can break through the limit of the pinnacle protoss, and then reach the level of the star master! As long as we stick to this place, you, brother Wu, will be able to sweep everything in a while!"

"Really?" Shen Zheng couldn't help being surprised.

"Immortal, your time is coming soon!" Ding Yu glared at Xin De lightly and cursed angrily.

"Sister Ding, I have also changed a lot during the time we were apart." Shen Zheng said with a smile, "Brother Wu once said that if I advance to the sixth level, maybe I will be able to fight against the peak protoss." Strength, and now I'll try my hand at the old man."

"Brother Shen Zheng..." Ding Yu looked at Shen Zheng in surprise, and then couldn't help showing a pleasant smile, "You have advanced to the sixth level? How come so fast?"

"Boy!" Xin De glared at Shen Zheng, and suddenly shouted angrily. "I'll give you one last chance, don't go your own way, and end up falling into my star on the other side! You still have a great way to go in life, don't choose the wrong way!"

"Xin De, I don't think there is any need for Big Brother Wu to come forward." Shen Zheng walked forward slowly with a gloomy expression. "How can you, a guy like you who gained strength and status by relying on the forces behind you, compare with my elder brother Wu? Today I will let you know that you are actually not as good as a sixth-level protoss!" [

"It's too arrogant!" Sinde hadn't had a fit yet, behind him a protoss in his 40s roared and stepped forward with his eyes wide open. "You've been promoted to Protoss at such a young age, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth! General, let me kill this kid to relieve your anger!"

As he said that, before Xin De nodded, he had already summoned a big knife with a wave of his hand, exuding a tyrannical force from his whole body, and rushed towards Shen Zheng.

"Boy, if you have the guts, come and compete with Grandpa and me one-on-one!"

Amidst the roar, a powerful force broke out of his body and turned into the four holy spirits of the Central Holy Spirit, the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger, and the Suzaku. The Central Holy Spirit quickly merged into his body, and a condensed flame suddenly ignited on his big knife. Suzaku Holy Spirit screamed and plunged into the knife, and the power on the knife doubled immediately.

The flame ignited waves of heat, before the knife arrived, the heat had already slapped Shen Zheng in the face.

"Overestimating one's strength!" Shen Zheng looked at the powerful knife, but showed a look of disdain, suddenly his body surged with insect power, and no holy spirit emerged, and he punched hard forward.

It was a punch without any power attributes, and it was just a pure surge of insect power, but it was this ordinary punch that directly knocked the scorching wind away. When it collided with the blazing saber, even the flames on the saber were extinguished by the huge force. That big protoss man who had realized the four holy spirits and was obviously at the same level as Shen Zheng hadn't had time to use his killing move to the fullest. , has been hit in the chest by that wave.

The exclamation was only halfway through, and the sixth-level protoss had already flew backwards and fell directly into the river behind him!

"So strong!" Ding Yuqing couldn't help exclaiming.

Everyone was stunned.

Whether it was Ding Yuqing's side or Xin De's side, they were all shocked by the power of Shen Zheng's simple punch. They couldn't believe that such a punch that looked so powerful could kill a six-year-old man. Jie Xingling flew out!

Those who just fought against this protoss just now couldn't believe it, that powerful sixth-level prosy was easily beaten away like a pug at this moment!

What kind of power is this?

"You!?" Xin De stared at Shen Zheng with wide eyes.From Shen Zheng's body, he felt a powerful force. Although Shen Zheng's breath gave him the feeling that he thought it was just a sixth-level protoss, the power made him feel like facing Wu Xi. Ming felt like a strong person.

"The next one is you." Shen Zheng stared at Xin De coldly, slowly stretched out his hand, pointed at the other party with his index finger, then slowly turned his palm, closed his index finger, but raised his thumb, pointing his thumb towards ground.

"Arrogant boy!" Sinde roared, "I don't care what forces are behind you to support you, today you are dead!"

During the roar, the red light flickered between his hands and turned into a sharp three-pronged fork. The five holy spirits came out of the body, the central holy spirit merged into the body, and the other four holy spirits surrounded him, and they moved towards Shen Zheng shot straight away.

In fact, Xin De was afraid.

Shen Zheng already has such a strong force, what if Wu Ximing comes out later?

Breaking through is not an easy task, especially in such a situation where there are chasing troops outside, Xin De never thinks that Wu Ximing can break through the limit and become a star master.The failure of the breakthrough, although it will not bring physical harm to Wu Ximing, it is definitely a huge blow to the spirit.

When he goes out of the valley again, Xinde is sure to kill him in one fell swoop.

This is also the reason why Xinde has not done anything, but only let people fight with Ding Yuqing and others on the periphery - he wants to let Wu Ximing in the valley hear all this, so that he can't calm down, and finally let him be in a state of anxiety. Fail, and confidence suffers. [

Xin De is a very powerful person. Although his strength is not as strong as Wu Ximing, when it comes to mental skills, ten Wu Ximings are not as good as him.

If it were someone else, maybe they would go straight to the valley, but Xinde would not do this.He knew that directly interrupting Wu Ximing's breakthrough would only make Wu Ximing angry, and under that anger, Wu Ximing's combat power would be strengthened instead.

But if Wu Ximing couldn't calm down and break through, then he would really feel hatred towards him, and his confidence would also be shaken.

It can be said that Xinde has already made his wishful thinking, and he has the confidence to win this battle.

But what was never expected was that such a terrifying guy as Shen Zheng was killed!

Can't wait, absolutely can't wait!Otherwise, even if Wu Ximing failed to break through, with the help of this young boy, he could still kill himself!

Shen Zheng must be killed before Wu Ximing's breakthrough is over. In this way, the advantage is still on his side!

Thinking of this, Sinde unleashed his own strength, and while the three-pronged fork was shaking, several bitter storms condensed on the fork tip, and the white tiger holy spirit beside him jumped up and merged into the fork.

In an instant, the strength of the storm on the fork doubled, roaring and piercing Shen Zheng's chest.

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