star wars civilization.

Chapter 395: The Terrifying Ability of the Tier 2 Star Lord

Waves of soft white light wrapped Shen Zheng and Xue Su together, and Shen Zheng's body immediately grew bigger and turned into a body of light, enveloping the four of them. om|^

But the body of light generated this time was not as exaggerated as in the hyperspace, it only reached about ten meters.

However, compared with normal people, it is also a tall giant. Shi Zhengzhuo is two meters tall, which is less than his knee height. Compared with Shen Zheng of Light, it is simply like a toy doll.

As soon as the huge body of light was formed, a soft force immediately spread out, blocking Shi Zhengzhuo's murderous power, and protecting everyone around Shen Zheng and in the valley behind him.

"Star Lord?" Shi Zhengzhuo stared blankly at the tall giant of light, feeling the breath from the other party, and his face couldn't help but change. "It's...a second-tier star master like me? How is this possible? What kind of ability is this?" [

"Brother Shen Zheng?" Under the soft white light, Ding Yuqing felt that her pain was recovering rapidly, she raised her head to look at Shen Zheng, she couldn't help being surprised.

Then, she thought of the scene when Xue Su injured the giant worm Eggy. At that time, Xue Su's body was filled with white light, and after merging with Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin's power, she transformed into a hundred-meter-high The giantess easily defeated that star-level egg.

This time it was Shen Zheng who used this miraculous technique. Although the height of the light man he generated was far less than Xue Su's, his strength did not weaken, but instead increased.

She is so strong that she can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Star Emperor Shi Zhengzhuo she is familiar with!

"Shi Zhengzhuo, what is all this for?" At this moment, Shen Zheng stayed on the chest of the body of light with Xue Su and the other three. Through the body of light, he could clearly see everything outside. The great power brought to him by the body of light made him know everything about the world around him like the palm of his hand.

He stared at Shi Zhengzhuo, the flames of anger surged in his heart.

"Why do you insist on calling Wu Ximing dead? Why do you want to kill those ordinary soldiers?"

"I have no obligation to tell you!" Shi Zhengzhuo stared at the huge Shen Zheng of Light and gritted his teeth fiercely. "Young man, your name is Shen Zheng, right? I will always remember this name, you are entitled to be remembered by me!"

While speaking, more powerful forces surged around him, and that force did not turn into any materialized holy spirit, but quickly turned into a huge wheel behind him. om|^

It was a huge beautiful and delicate wheel, and in the center of the wheel was a disc, on which was engraved a lifelike image of a human being in armor.There are four straight beams of light, protruding from the four directions of the central disc, and connected to the four discs on the outer edge of the wheel. The image of the Holy Spirit is engraved on the four discs, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, a lot.

The same beams of light protrude from both sides of them, extending in an arc shape, and connecting with the other discs, forming the outermost wheel.

"That's the power of the Star Lord?" Shen Zheng looked at it in astonishment, not understanding what the wheel represented at all.

"Yes." Xue Su nodded, "His strength is comparable to ours, and the giant worm we met in hyperspace said that we have the power of a second-order star master. From this point of view, he is a second-order star master." Tier [-] Star Master, and this wheel should be the symbol of Tier [-] Star Master."

"No matter what magical secret method or ability you rely on, you can't defeat me." Shi Zhengzhuo looked at the Giant of Light and smiled coldly. "You have the power of a second-tier star master, but you don't have the ability of a second-tier star master—you don't have the wheel of the holy spirit, and you can't grasp the power of space, so all power is an illusion!"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand, and the wheel of the holy spirit behind him suddenly flickered, and he disappeared in an instant.

On the spot, there was only a turbulent flow of air left behind, which disturbed the surrounding scene, giving people a feeling of sudden distortion of space.

In the next moment, Shi Zhengzhuo had already appeared at the head of the giant of light, and the speed was so fast that it was clearly like teleportation.With a smug grin, he violently waved his hand, and immediately, countless forces from the surrounding world seemed to rush towards his palm, as if they were going to gather into a terrifying force that could destroy everything.

"The power of space?" Shen Zheng frowned slightly.

That is the power of space, but it is not the trivial tricks mastered by Shen Zheng, but a powerful force that can directly control space.Shen Zheng couldn't help thinking of just now, when Shi Zhengzhuo used coercion to kill the soldiers in the valley, the breath seemed to spread to the whole world, and it should not only rely on the power of the star master. [

There is also this ability to completely control space.It is precisely because of this ability that his breath can form such a strong diffusion effect.

Is all this related to the "Wheel of the Holy Spirit"?Shen Zheng looked at the wheels behind Shi Zhengzhuo, while thinking, he reacted quickly.

He couldn't let that power buildup complete.

With a movement of his body, the giant of light moved aside, and at the same time swung his fist, bringing a wave of white light and hitting Shi Zhengzhuo in the air.

With a soft snort, Shi Zhengzhuo flew aside as soon as he moved, dodging the Giant of Light's punch, but the Giant of Light's other fist had hit hard again, but he couldn't dodge in time. He could only punch the giant fist with the uncondensed power in his palm.

With a bang, the two forces exploded completely, and under the bombardment of the huge shock wave, Shen Zheng's body of light couldn't help but staggered back a few steps before barely standing still.

Shen Zheng could clearly feel the vibration from the arm of the body of light. He raised his head and looked forward, but what he saw was Shi Zhengzhuo who was motionless in the air, letting the shock waves criss-cross in front of him.

Sensing carefully, Shen Zheng found that there was a force of space surging around Shi Zhengzhuo's body, and all the shock waves changed their running routes in front of that force.Although Shi Zhengzhuo was in the center of the energy explosion, he was not affected by the explosive force at all. He smiled coldly and waved his hand again.

New power condensed in his palm again.

"You can't be my opponent!" He said grimly, "Although you have the power of a second-tier star master, you don't have the ability of a second-tier star master, so you are actually no different from a first-tier star master, except It's just that the power is much stronger. But this kind of power is meaningless in front of the second-level star master!"

"Whether it makes sense or not, you'll have to try it out!" Shen Zheng snorted, and suddenly turned around, the huge body of light suddenly lifted up on one knee, and swept fiercely towards Shi Zhengzhuo who was in the air. .

"It's useless!" Shi Zhengzhuo sneered, and in a flash, he had disappeared into a turbulent flow of space. Shen Zheng's bare feet directly swept the turbulent flow of that space, and followed the turbulent flow. With a swing, a sense of distortion caused Shen Zheng to lose his stability for a moment, and the body of light fell to the ground.

And Shi Zhengzhuo had already appeared from another turbulent place, and raised his palm with a sneer: "Boy Shen Zheng, even if you use such power, you will not escape death. Could it be that your teacher is wrong?" Have you said that? After the second-order star master masters the power of space, he can mobilize all the power from the universe in the space he can control!"

He smiled triumphantly: "What is the universe? The universe is the sum of time and space, and only at the level of the second-level star master can we use the space power in the universe. You are not just fighting a strong human being, you Still fighting with the power of the universe that he can control! Do you have any chance of winning? No!"

The more he talked, the more complacent he became: "Do you think that if you reach the power of the star master level, you can rule the world? You are wrong! Let me tell you, only when the power of the star master reaches the second level can the star master truly become a strong man. In our eyes, the star master is nothing more than a peak protoss whose power has been multiplied by several times!"

As he said that, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and as he waved his hand, the power that had condensed in his palm for a long time slammed down hard on Shen Zheng of Light who was struggling to stand up from the ground.

"Die, in front of the power of the universe, you are just a small bug. You have no other choice but to be crushed." He said coldly. "Go to hell and repent. If you want to hate, hate yourself for being young and frivolous. You have a limited and bright future, but you insist on overthinking your own business, and you end up getting killed!"

A huge force hit his head, and Shen Zheng had already avoided it, but at this moment, a thought suddenly came into his mind, a little light flickered in his eyes, and between waving his hands, a The power of space quickly penetrated into the basalt worm core, and the giant worm Eggy, who was resting quietly in it, immediately let out a loud cry of excitement, and flew directly out of the basalt worm core.

Xue Su looked at Shen Zheng in surprise, not understanding why he would do this.

"It was requested by Eggy!" Shen Zheng was afraid that Xuesu would think that he would use Eggy to defend his life in a hurry, so he hurriedly explained.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the huge ball that was released outside trembled violently, because the huge power had already hit it completely!

But Dandan's powerful flame shield has not surged at all, and even the most basic defensive power, Dandan has not yet been exerted! [

"How could this be?" Shen Zheng couldn't help but his heart tightened, and he cried out in horror.

He couldn't help regretting to the extreme: why did he listen to Eggy's call?Although there may be some way for Eggy, but the power came so fast, can Eggy really use that way in time?

Time difference, time difference!How could such an important factor be overlooked?

There was a bang, and the light exploded in all directions. Amidst the dazzling light and the sound of the explosion, Eggy's thick carapace flew all over the sky, and that huge egg-shaped body was blasted to pieces in an instant, turning into countless pieces. Scatter in all directions!

"No!" Shen Zheng yelled angrily, summoned a powerful force suddenly, was about to jump up, and attacked Shi Zhengzhuo desperately.

But at this moment, a loud and clear cry sounded from the center of the flying carapace, and a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in the center of the explosion!

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