star wars civilization.

Chapter 402: The Terrifying Battle of the Strong

Suzaku was surrounded by swarms of insects. Seeing a strong human being, a ten-meter-high light man, and a fellow Suzaku come to help, he couldn't help being slightly surprised, but at the same time he was also full of joy. %&*

"Bastard, kill you all!" The humanoid worm roared angrily, first met Shen Zheng who had turned into a light man, and swung his huge fist directly to hit him.

Seeing that Wu Ximing was not its opponent either, Shen Zheng knew that if he simply competed in strength, he would be far from his opponent, so he immediately dodged around and swept the humanoid insect's waist with a volley.

The humanoid worm reacted very quickly, and its body was in a ball in the air, and it escaped the sweeping kick. When the body was unfolded, the short leg kicked suddenly, kicking at the side of Shen Zheng's body of light. The strength made Shen Zheng's body fly towards the space below.

Seeing that Shen Zheng was frustrated, Eggy immediately let out a long roar, and flew towards the humanoid worm. The humanoid worm snorted and went forward without fear. [

A wave of flames rolled and brewed in Eggy's mouth, spewed out suddenly, and spread rapidly towards the front and the surrounding space. Many giant worms who hadn't escaped in time were engulfed by the wave of flames, and immediately didn't even cry out. It turned into ashes before it could be called.

However, the humanoid worm, which bears the brunt, didn't pay attention to this wave of fire. After snorting coldly, a powerful force surged all over its body. Under the call of this force, all the surrounding space Power surged in immediately, wrapping and entwining around its body quickly, making its size several times larger in the blink of an eye.

In this way, it rushed directly into the fire tide, moving flexibly and freely in the fire tide like a surfer, and rushed to Eggy in the blink of an eye.

However, its huge body was only half in size due to the loss of energy, but only this half of its power should not be underestimated. When it hit Eggy's huge body, the power exploded instantly , Amidst the loud noise, the gigantic egg was whirled and flew out.

"Let me deal with it!" At this moment, the Suzaku worm let out a long and clear roar, and rushed straight towards the humanoid worm. "Just help me clean up those nasty minions, thank you!"

Seeing the Suzaku worms rushing towards him, the humanoid worms couldn't help but feel a little jealous, and actually wanted to follow the previous method and hide among the swarms of worms to sneak attack. om|^

However, Shen Zheng and Wu Ximing had already stabilized their bodies at this time, and when they heard what Suzaku said, they also knew that they were no match for the humanoid insects, so they rushed towards the swarm of giant insects according to what Suzaku said.

Although the strength of the two is not worth mentioning in front of the humanoid insects, but in front of these giant insects, they are definitely the existence of the level of death, and the powerful force surges between the waved hands, and immediately, the giant insects around the humanoid insects are killed. The two either killed them directly, or drove them to the side.

The two of them worked together to clear a blank area for the humanoid worm to hide from. The huge Suzaku worm rushed straight at the humanoid worm, and with a long roar, it opened its mouth and spewed out a dense stream of fire.The fire surged like a sea, rushing straight towards the humanoid worm. The humanoid worm let out an angry roar, raised its arms high, and the power of the surrounding space surged in, and was struck out violently by it.

The huge force turned into a huge humanoid worm with a height of [-] meters, and even let out a roar like that of a humanoid, and slammed into the wave of fire fiercely, breaking through the wave of fire fiercely, beating it to death Scattered all over the sky, desperately killing Suzaku.

But when it was about to get close to Suzaku, it was completely burned by the sea of ​​fire, but the power of the fire wave was completely destroyed by it, turning into a flame with no power at all and spreading in all directions.

For ordinary creatures, even worm melters, such flames represent the terrifying existence of the God of Death, but for star master-level powerhouses, it is just like a hot wind blowing in the face.

After being beaten to a distance, Eggy vibrated her wings desperately to stabilize her body, held back the pain and let out a loud cry, then rushed back suddenly.It knew that it was no match for the humanoid worm, so it uttered a long whistle of encouragement at the Suzaku worm, and then went towards Shen Zheng and Wu Ximing, helping them both to block the nearly thousand giant worm Outside the battlefield of Suzaku and Humanoid.

The three star-level powerhouses teamed up. Although the number of giant worms is close to a thousand, they are no longer worth mentioning, especially after the giant-level guy like Eggy joined, with a single body, he will kill the front of the group of worms. The road was completely blocked, and then the huge flame power exploded, it was like igniting a sea of ​​fire in the universe, completely isolating the battlefields of Suzaku and humanoids.

But those giant worms are also really loyal. Knowing that such an attack would be fatal, they still rushed towards the battlefield of the two top powerhouses from different angles and directions.

Shen Zheng looked at those giant insects, smiled coldly, and immediately turned into a giant of light with a height of 200 meters.Although this body shape is still small compared to those giant insects, it is more effective in blocking their advance route than when it is ten meters high.

Wu Ximing, on the other hand, didn't care about Sanqi 21, and continued to use the star master's movement ability to appear in front of every giant worm that surrounded Dandan and Shen Zheng as quickly as teleportation, and waved the deadly The twin scythes, driving the surging space, cut the giant insects to pieces.

"Didn't expect that?" In the distance, the Suzaku worm stared at the humanoid worm coldly, and let out a cold snort. "You tried your best, used tricks to separate me from my subordinates, and besieged me here alone, but you failed in the end. The god of fate is still looking after me, and it made my fellow clan lead the strong to drive away Come and save me. What about you? Is there any god of luck who will give you a hand at this time?"

"I admit that I lost this time!" The humanoid roared angrily, "But do you think you can keep me with your strength? Although I am not as powerful as you, it is not much worse. If I want to If you run, you won't be able to stop it!" [

"Then you can try it!" Suzaku sneered, suddenly a strong wave of power surged around him, and the power of the surrounding space surged towards it, and it became one with the flames on its body. In an instant, a small A planetary giant ball of flames formed around it, enveloping it and the humanoid worm.

"What a powerful method!" After killing the giant worm, Shen Zheng looked back and saw this scene, he couldn't help but was very surprised, and at the same time felt envious.This kind of power is like an independent space. Locking yourself and the enemy in such a space is an endless fight to the death.

This kind of power is used to besiege the enemy, it is a very powerful magic weapon!

At this moment, Shen Zheng desires to be stronger even more.

Inside the sphere of flames, Suzaku flapped its huge wings and sneered: "How, in this space, can you still use the power of space? Can you still escape?"

"Nothing is impossible!" the humanoid sneered, "Do you think you are the only one who has mastered higher powers? Actually, I am the same!"

As he said that, powerful power surged up all over his body, that power turned into a sharp cone, and suddenly flew away, piercing a hole in the huge flame shell, and immediately, countless powers from the outer space It rushed in and connected to the humanoid.

"The outcome is still unknown!" It smiled coldly.

"You despicable bastard!" Suzaku snorted, "Since I have reached such a powerful point, why don't you fight me head-on? If you openly challenge me, I will have a huge army far superior to yours. I will also face it alone, obey the laws of my Zerg, if I lose to you, I will give you a bigger territory!"

"Forget it." The humanoid snorted coldly, "You're just talking beautifully. If I'm so stupid to challenge you openly and fairly, won't I be eaten by your army?"

"A despicable person will only judge other people with a despicable heart." Suzaku snorted coldly, "Although I have not evolved into the Holy Spirit Suzaku, my heart has always yearned for that noble state, how could that be possible? As despicable as you? Say more, today I will let you understand that the last way out for despicable people can only be hell!"

In an instant, its eyes radiated light, and a huge force broke away from its body, turning into a huge Suzaku insect that was half the size of it, surrounded by flames, and moved towards the human form with a forward momentum. The worm swooped.

"The power is really amazing!" the humanoid sneered, "but so what? It's huge!"

Powerful spatial power flowed in from the hole in the flame shell, injected it into its body, and rapidly increased its body size. In a blink of an eye, it also formed a huge humanoid insect with a height of more than 600 meters. The humanoid insect roared wildly. , opened his arms and rushed towards Suzaku, colliding with it in the air.

The nimble hands of the humanoid insect quickly grabbed the two wings of Suzaku, raised its feet and kicked vigorously towards Suzaku's chest, and its big mouth with huge teeth like a guillotine also opened suddenly, towards Suzaku. bit off his head.

That energy-transformed Suzaku was not an idiot either. With a twist of its neck, it avoided the big mouth of the humanoid insect, stabbed at the humanoid insect's head with its sharp beak, and at the same time stretched its claws forward to resist the humanoid insect's feet, and The seven huge flame tails behind them were drawn forward in turn like whips, hitting the humanoid worm's body, head, and back.

During the impact of energy, countless sparks and light spots spread toward the surrounding space, as if a planet exploded.

Under this blow, the humanoid finally let out a roar, and its whole body began to shatter.

But a small gray speck flew out of its body, and under the cover of the energy light spot, it flew towards the hole in the flame shell.

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