star wars civilization.

Chapter 412: Little Black Egg

The big net of the power of space was thrown towards the little basalt worm, trapping it in it instantly. As Dimiter gathered his strength, the little basalt worm was immediately pulled towards him, and the turbulent flow of space was surging , surrounded it with Dimiter, and it was about to disappear. %&*

"Bastard!" Wu Ximing yelled madly, and the turbulent current around him was about to rush over.


Suddenly, Shen Zhenghong let out a loud roar with his eyes red, and with this roar, soft white lights flashed on his body, and when the white lights flashed, a billowing black tide surged on the little basalt worm, Surrounded by the black tide, the little basalt worm suddenly had dazzling rays of light from its eyes, and a force capable of controlling space surged out from around it. He who was in the space was pulled back abruptly.

One white and one black, one light and one dark, the strength of Shen Zheng and the little Xuanwu worm echoed each other, and each other's strength began to increase rapidly.Beside Shen Zheng, a blue phantom suddenly appeared, that was the phantom of the Qinglong Holy Spirit that he had generated before, now, under the influence of the white light, that phantom quickly became solid, and finally his whole body shook Time, directly turned into an entity! [

In this instant, Shen Zheng was promoted to one level again, and finally became one of the eighth-level protoss!

"This is?" Wu Ximing couldn't help being taken aback, and froze in place, but it wasn't Shen Zheng who froze him, but the little Xuanwu worm.

Compared with the increase in the strength of the little basalt worm, Shen Zheng's advancement was almost ignored by everyone.

Dimiter was even more horrified. He felt that the little basalt worm suddenly had a power of space that was not inferior to his own, and that power actually reversed and restricted his power. He couldn't help being shocked. Pale.

The little Xuanwu worm turned his head resentfully, looked at Dimiter, and suddenly let out a loud roar, as if he was angry that he wanted to capture him just now.

This roar actually made Dimit tremble, and he couldn't help being stunned: Why am I afraid of this guy?Although it is a basalt worm, it obviously hasn't grown up yet, and its strength is... No, why has its current strength suddenly increased so much?Seems stronger than me! ?

This is impossible!

He stared blankly at the basalt worm exuding black tide, and then at Shen Zheng exuding white light all over his body, and suddenly realized something.

Their power was connected together, and then...then the strength of the basalt worm doubled?What kind of power is this?

Before he could figure it out, the little basalt worm roared and rushed towards him, the black tide surged up on his body, and slammed into Dimiter fiercely. %&*

As soon as he frowned, Dimiter was about to fall into the turbulent flow of space and escape into hyperspace.But as soon as he exerted his strength, he immediately realized something was wrong, because the surrounding space was imprisoned by some kind of force. In this imprisoned space, he could not exert a little bit of space movement power at all, and could only act like a protoss. Same as flying and moving.

He couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

But he lost his color, as the powerful basalt worm had already rushed towards him with the billowing black tide, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and resist.

As he raised his hand, the power of space surged towards him and concentrated in his hand. His eyes were like lightning, and he was about to knock back the basalt worm with a thunderous blow, and then immediately retreated far away from this space. Escape into hyperspace.

He didn't dare to fight, because there was a powerful Star Master staring at him in the distance.He knew that he was doomed to fail this time, and he was lucky to escape safely.

But at this moment, his expression couldn't help but change, because he found that most of the space power concentrated in his hands was snatched away by the Xuanwu worm!

This... what's going on here?He looked at each other in surprise, and suddenly felt his heart sink.

Could it be that this guy has already surpassed the strength of the second-order star master, and reached... reached the third-order or above?

At this moment, the billowing black tide had already hit, and he could only hastily throw the space power in his hand fiercely. [

The two forces collided together, and a loud noise erupted immediately, causing the surrounding space to turbulent, and amidst the loud noise, the little basalt worm let out a long and proud roar, and Dimit actually acted like Like a kite with a broken string, it spit blood and flew backwards, and fell far away on a hill, collapsing half of the hill.

"So strong!" Wu Ximing stared at the little Xuanwu worm with his eyes wide open.

"How did this little guy suddenly become so strong?" Yan Xin was also surprised.

"That's because it borrowed the power of the cosmic origin insect from its master." Xue Su said with a smile, "It actually already possesses the supreme power passed on to it by its mother, but because it is too small, it can't return it." Completely grasp and display it. But when it borrows the power of the universe source insect from the master, it immediately makes up for its own shortcomings, so it can exert a more powerful power of the star master. And this This kind of 'borrowing' is not to bring the master's power, but to connect with each other, and it can be completed under its influence, which is very convenient."

"It's amazing." Shui Qingqing said, and suddenly smiled. "So, Big Brother Shen has another powerful helper, really powerful!"

Seeing that the opponent was sent flying by him, the little basalt worm was immediately happy and let out a burst of joyful cries.

In the distance, among the collapsed mountain peaks and rocks, Dimit struggled to his feet, and looked at the little Xuanwu worm and Shen Zheng in the air with resentment, his heart was full of fear and resentment at the same time.

Who is this kid?How could there be such a powerful existence around him?While thinking in horror, he gritted his teeth, immediately summoned the power of space, and disappeared into a turbulent flow of space.

At this moment, Wu Ximing only noticed the change of the little Xuanwu worm, and stared blankly at the little Xuanwu worm, but didn't notice Dimiter. When he realized something was wrong, Dimiter had already fled for a while.

Between the star masters, each other can capture each other's traces based on changes in space power. Even if one party uses space power to escape into hyperspace during the battle, the other party can quickly catch up. If you don't pay attention, once the other party flees away, there is nothing you can do.

Wu Ximing used the power of space to frown and capture it for a long time, but still couldn't find the way for Dimit to escape, so he had to shake his head and give up, and slowly flew to Shen Zheng.

Xuesu and the others also flew over, looking at the little basalt worm floating beside Shen Zheng with curious expressions.

The little basalt worm turned its head, looked at Shen Zheng, gave an affectionate cry, then flew over, put away the black tide all over its body, and rubbed its big head on Shen Zheng's body affectionately.

"Why are you so close to Big Brother Shen all of a sudden?" Yan Xin asked in surprise.

"Before, the master has been using his own insect power to nourish the power left by its mother." Xue Su said, "Therefore, the power has the breath of the master. It regards the master as its mother."

As soon as these words came out, Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin couldn't help laughing, and Shui Qingqing even muttered: "Brother Shen, you have a motherly brilliance!"

Wu Ximing didn't have time to sigh this, but stared at Shen Zheng: "I said what's the matter with you, kid? What is the purpose of me modulating the network eye? You didn't inform us when you met such a giant, and you didn't even know about it. If you want to deal with it by yourself, are you crazy or stupid? Have you fought a few superpowers, and you feel so good about yourself that you don’t know how deep it is? "

"I'm sorry, Brother Wu, really." Shen Zheng blushed slightly, "I thought it would be a rare opportunity to use my own strength to fight against the real second-tier star master with killing intent, so...but I I was too arrogant to admit this time, and I promise you there will be no next time."

"You can't do it even if you want to!" Wu Ximing roared angrily, "That's a second-level star master, and you are only a seventh... no, huh? You kid, you have been promoted to a second level in just a while? Cheng Are you an eighth-level protoss? Oh my god, when I first met you, you were were just a second-level protoss! How long has it been since you jumped to the eighth level? No reason, you monster! "

Shen Zheng looked at Wu Ximing, and smiled, while the little basalt worms surrounded him, constantly rubbing against his body, just like a child seeing his mother.

Xue Su smiled, and with a wave of her hand, she released the huge Suzaku worm from the core of the basalt worm. The big guy stretched its wings, screamed happily, and circled around the crowd, yelling at the little basalt worm from time to time : "The little guy is amazing, the little guy has become amazing!"

The little basalt worm was obviously very dependent on this playmate who accompanied him in the basalt worm core space, so he flew to Eggy's head again, rubbed against its head, and let out a few triumphant calls, as if saying goodbye to Eggy. When a friend reports his success, it is like letting his friend be happy with him. [

"This little thing is really powerful." Wu Ximing looked at the little Xuanwu worm and said.

At this time, the white light on Shen Zheng's body also retracted into his body, and as a result, the power of the little basalt worm dropped by a level, and he became a first-level star master, which surprised Wu Ximing again .

"Brother, can you make it reach the level of a second-tier star master?" He couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, let's try." White light surged from Shen Zheng's body again, he looked at the little basalt worm, and waved lightly, the little basalt worm flew back to his side immediately.

"It's time to give the little guy a name." Xue Su said suddenly. "Otherwise, what should we say when we greet it?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng reached out and stroked the head of the little basalt worm, and began to think about what to call it.

But at this time, the little Xuanwu worm sensed Shen Zheng's intentions, and a black tide surged up on his body. Immediately, Wu Ximing felt that the little guy's strength was rising, and he reached the level of a second-rank star master in an instant. the point.

"Call it Xiao Hei!" Xue Su suddenly said, "You see, when it becomes more powerful, its whole body will be covered with Kuroshio, so it is appropriate to call it Xiao Hei!"

"Sister Xuesu said it is suitable, then it is absolutely suitable!" Yan Xin immediately expressed her support to Xuesu before Shui Qingqing.

"That's right, that's right!" Shui Qingqing shouted hastily, not to be outdone.

"Then call it Xiao Hei." Shen Zheng heaved a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Xue Su would come up with such a strange name that always embarrassed him like he named Dandan.Xiao Hei is just Xiao Hei, it sounds pretty cute.

"These two guys together are little black balls!" Shui Qingqing suddenly said, "Brother Shen Zheng, your..."

"Stop! Stop talking!" Shen Zheng was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

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