star wars civilization.

Chapter 419: The Unreasonable Prince

"What do you want to do?" Shen Zheng's tone was calm, but his eyes were cold, like a knife that could penetrate everything. %&*

"This friend." Da Fei looked at Shen Zheng, trying hard to show a trace of friendliness in his eyes. "How about we have a discussion? You offer me a price and give this slave girl to me..."

"Shut up!" Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin shouted at the same time.

Shen Zheng's eyes became colder and colder, which made Da Fei take a step back involuntarily.

"Friend, you can do whatever you want." Da Fei laughed, but scolded Shen Zheng several times in his heart. "Come on, I will agree to any conditions, as long as you agree to give me this slave girl! I am the prince of Shanhexing, I can give you wealth and status that you can't imagine, how about it? Either you vote for our Shanhexing Come on, I'll let my royal father make you a great general right away! You can get whatever wealth you want, how about it?" [

"Close your feces-spraying organ and get the hell out of here." Shen Zheng looked at him coldly and said slowly.

"Bold, what did you say!" The four bodyguards stepped forward together and glared at Shen Zheng. Shen Zheng just glanced over, and the four bodyguards who were at the peak of the insect melter immediately trembled and couldn't move anymore.

"You asked for it!" Da Fei's eyes also flashed a cold light.

"Everyone, what's going on?" At this moment, the reception officer strode over, exuding a majestic aura, and his face became serious.But when he saw Dafei, he couldn't help frowning, and then saluted Dafei first.

"Prince Daffy, what's the matter?" he asked.

"You came just in time!" Da Fei cried out immediately, pointing at Shen Zheng. "This newcomer from the other side, the little lieutenant general, actually offends the dignity of my prince in public, and dares to insult me! I am a real nobleman, and I will never be insulted like this! I want him to immediately Apologize to me! According to noble etiquette, apologize to me on your knees!"

The receptionist couldn't help frowning, looked at Shen Zheng, and thought to himself, how could this young man get into such a disaster?

Shen Zheng didn't speak, he just looked at Da Fei with cold eyes.At this moment, he has made a decision.

He thought to himself: Well, as you said, you asked for it.

"You two, this might just be a small misunderstanding?" The receptionist smoothed things over, "I heard that it was caused by our receptionist's carelessness. On behalf of the Extreme Star reception, I would like to express my apologies to you two..."

"Shut up." Duffy snorted, "This matter is closed to you. I want this person to apologize to me now, otherwise, we'll see you on the battlefield!"

"Excuse me, does the organizing committee of the tournament allow the contestants to communicate in private?" Shen Zheng turned to the receptionist and asked in a deep voice. ^

"In theory, there is no objection, as long as it is not a life-and-death struggle..." the receptionist said.

"Then trouble you, help me and this so-called prince prepare a place where we can give it a go." Shen Zheng said.

"Ha!" Da Fei stared at Shen Zheng with his eyes wide open, with an excited expression on his face. "Okay, okay, okay, I didn't expect that you, a lowly person, would take the initiative to propose a challenge. This is too much to my liking! I'm afraid you won't dare to accept it!"

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Shen Zheng didn't even look at this scumbag, but nodded politely at the receptionist.

"This..." The receptionist showed embarrassment.

"He agreed to a duel, didn't you hear?" Daffy turned coldly at the receptionist. "Why is the reception officer of Extreme Star not as good as the previous one? I think I should ask my father to protest to the organizing committee. To use such an indecisive person to serve us, isn't this neglecting us?"

The reception officer looked at Da Fei, and there was anger in his eyes, but he restrained it. [

"Lieutenant General Shen Zheng, are you sure you want to compete with Prince Dafei?" He turned his head and asked Shen Zheng, and then said in a very low voice: "Prince Dafei, as the son of the emperor, has been fully cultivated by the emperor of the mountains and rivers. It can be measured by pure insect power."

Shen Zheng looked at the receptionist and smiled slightly.The receptionist reminded him that Dafei still had a hidden trump card, and it seemed that he was annoyed by Dafei's gift, so he wanted to help him.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "Please help me prepare the duel field for the sparring."

"Okay then." Seeing Shen Zheng's calmness, the receptionist was full of anticipation and nodded vigorously. "Protoss-level battles can only be carried out in space. The location of the main fighting arena of this conference has been determined, and the two of you can go there."

"Wait!" Da Fei suddenly waved.

"Why, Prince Dafei changed his mind again?" The receptionist frowned.

"No." Dafei snorted and looked at Shen Zheng. "Your name is Shen Zheng, isn't it? Shen Zheng, I'm a prince. It's your great honor to fight with you. In the future, speaking out will only bring honor to you and not dishonor your name. I won't do it, others Knowing that I am competing with low-level people in private outside the arena, you will inevitably laugh at me. Therefore, this competition should increase the stakes so that others will not misunderstand."

Shen Zheng looked at him coldly: "What do you want?"

"If I win, give me this slave girl!" Duffy's eyes flashed, revealing a disgusting excitement.

"Just saying this to you, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life." Shen Zheng said coldly, then turned to the receptionist.

"Please take us to the dueling field," he said.

"Okay!" The receptionist nodded, "However, there is a rule for this kind of private competition. There is no limit to watching the battle by one person. Do you still insist on fighting with each other?"

The meaning of receiving officers and soldiers is very clear. When you start your hands, all the players will know your background first. This is extremely unfavorable for you.

"Can you please invite me?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Hey, you haven't answered me yet!" Duffy cried out, "If I win, that slave girl..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Zheng's cold gaze had already cast over.Da Fei shivered for no reason, he couldn't help but startled, he didn't know whether it was because of Shen Zheng's eyes, or because of a sudden physical discomfort.

But he kept his mouth shut.

What are you proud of?He hummed coldly in his heart.Isn't that just a low class person?How can the blood of a born pariah compare with my noble blood of an emperor?I am a true nobleman, so I naturally have the powerful power that only nobles have.Wait, kid, there are no clear rules for private sparring, I can use those powers that cannot be used in regular matches!

If you dare to underestimate me, you will die miserably in a short while!

"I can help you. Please wait for a moment." The receptionist nodded, and immediately asked the receptionist at the front desk to notify the contestants.

Several receptionists immediately got up and informed all the participating parties.

But the first ones to rush down were Ai Chi and Sang Ming from the Bianxing side. As soon as they heard that Shen Zheng was going to duel privately with others, they immediately laughed. Want to challenge Shen Zheng in private? How many heads has he grown, enough for Shen Zheng to chop off?" [

"Yes." Sang Ming also laughed. "Shen Zheng's powers cannot be used at all in competitions, but they can be used casually in private duels. A star master-level insect servant, a star-lord level body of light, what kind of protoss can Can you stop it?"

"Come on, go down and see who is looking for death." Ai Chi pulled Sang Ming down with a smile, and he became the first one.

However, when the two of them saw Da Fei, they immediately frowned, and Ai Chi moved closer to Shen Zheng's side, and said in a low voice, "Master Shen Zheng, why...why did you have a conflict with this guy?"

"What's wrong?" Shen Zheng asked in a low voice.

"He himself is nothing." Ai Chi whispered, "but the key is his father. He is a third-tier star master! And he only has such a son, and I heard that he is so spoiled. You It’s fine if you hurt him, but his father will definitely have sex with you forever.”

"I said how could this guy be so virtuous." Shen Zheng snorted coldly, "It turned out that he was spoiled by the foolish parents. Well, I will teach him a lesson for his father today."

When he said this, he didn't deliberately lower his voice, Dafei heard every word clearly in his ears, his face changed immediately, and he gritted his teeth: "Shen Zheng, I will let you die! When the time comes , I will take your slave girl away, and let her live an exciting life on Shanhexing!"

As he spoke, there was an evil look in his eyes: "That will be a very exciting life, leather whips, candles, needles...these are trivial things, I will transform her into a dog of mine!"

"Master, kill him." Xue Su looked at Da Fei calmly with cold eyes, but whispered in Shen Zheng's ear.

"I will." Shen Zheng's eyes were also cold.

"Prince Dafei, please pay attention to your words." The receptionist frowned, "Private discussions must be stopped, if you say so, then I can only end this competition immediately!"

"Don't be so serious." Dafei sneered, "I just deliberately angered him and made him mess up. I don't even understand this, are you a protoss-level powerhouse?"

"Reception officer, this competition will not end." Shen Zheng turned to the reception officer and reminded him very politely. "If the organizing committee does not allow it, we will temporarily leave Extreme Star and compete in the universe by ourselves."

At this time, the residents upstairs came down one after another.Hearing that someone is going to compete, most of the contestants are very curious.It is extremely unfavorable for me to compete with others before the match, because according to the rules of the organizing committee, other contestants must watch the match during the match, which is tantamount to revealing my own strength and letting all opponents understand it first.

"Who is so strange that they want to exchange ideas?"

With such questions, they discussed and walked down.

Not all the contestants came down to watch the battle. Those who thought they were strong sneered at these two people who were going to compete.In their view, this is the behavior of an ignorant idiot. Watching such an idiot's contest will not help them. If you have this time, you might as well practice for a while and strive to be in the best state during the competition. .

But there were more than 40 people who came down to watch the battle.

When they saw that Da Fei and Shen Zheng were competing with each other, they were all very surprised.

They had known Dafei for a long time, but they felt extremely unfamiliar with Shen Zheng's young face.And when they saw the beautiful Xue Su beside Shen Zheng who couldn't be described in words, many people's eyes straightened.

"These two fought because of this woman, right?" Someone speculated.

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