star wars civilization.

Chapter 421: The Power of Eggs

Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment, looking at Shen Zheng in the center of the space battlefield. om|^

Behind Shen Zheng, a huge turbulent current surged, and a little fiery red poked its head out of the turbulent current, immediately turning the entire surrounding void world into a scorching sea.

The huge heat power dwarfed the scorching breath emitted by the dimple spider.

Dimple Spider faintly sensed a hint of danger, trembled slightly, and couldn't help but backed away slightly.

"What is this?" Da Fei looked at the turbulent flow in surprise, his mind was in chaos. [

"What a powerful power of fire!" The receptionist exclaimed beside Xue Su, "What is this?"

"You can see it yourself." Xue Su smiled lightly.

In an instant, a ten-meter-long Suzaku flew out of the turbulent flow. When it appeared, the surrounding world completely became a world of fire, a space of fire.The powerful heat flow criss-crossed in all directions, and accompanied by a loud and clear cry, it spread rapidly in all directions.

"Back, back quickly!" The spectators shouted in horror.The powerful force made them feel an unprecedented dangerous atmosphere, and they couldn't help but fled farther away regardless of their image.

"Zhu... Suzaku!?" Cold sweat broke out on the receptionist's forehead. "A direct blood relative of the Holy Spirit? A direct blood relative of the Holy Spirit?"

"That's right." Shui Qingqing snorted impatiently, "There's nothing to make a fuss about."

"A truly noble person will naturally have noble races attached to him." Yan Xin said with the air of an aristocrat.

"I see..." the receptionist wiped his sweat.Now he finally understands why Shen Zheng has such high confidence when facing Da Fei, and why he is the first to issue a challenge.

"It's just..." He looked at Xue Su without worry, "It's just that this battle may turn into a life-and-death struggle... Two tigers will be injured in a fight, I have to stop this immediately... "

"You don't need to stop it." Xue Su smiled. "Eggy won't give the other party any chance to hurt it. As for the master, Daffy's little toe can't even compare to it."

"This..." The receptionist felt that his mind was in chaos.

"Suzaku?" Duffy's eyes widened at this moment.He is also a protoss-level powerhouse, and he can also feel the strong fire power fluctuations on Eggy's body, and to be honest, he can more or less distinguish the strength of the spider's firepower and Eggy's firepower.

Vaguely, he felt that the ten-meter-long Suzaku in front of him seemed to be slightly stronger than the dimple spider. om|^

When the spider saw Eggy, it was startled at first, but then it became ruthless: "It turns out they are blood relatives of the Holy Spirit! Huh, what I hate the most are you guys who think you are noble! It's just the Zerg like us." , and didn’t really become the Holy Spirit, but always pretended to be condescending, looking down on us, today I will let you understand that race and blood are just floating clouds, and strength is king!”

As it said that, it suddenly let out a loud roar. The roar came from the spider mouth below and the mouth above. There was a mixed special effect, which made people feel both deep and shocking, and sharp and piercing. .

"What are you yelling about?" Eggy looked at the dimple spider coldly, "it's just a little spider, no matter how loud it is, it can't make the sound of the white tiger holy spirit. Little spider, how can you mess up until now?" This level is not easy, either you have the power of the blood of the Holy Spirit, or you are lucky enough to get the scattered power of the cosmic source insects, why do you have to seek death by yourself?"

"Looking for death?" The spider's eyes glowed red, "I'll let you know who is looking for death in a while!"

"It's so strong, this momentum, both sides are at the level of star masters, right?" Someone among the spectators sighed.

"Became a protoss at such a young age, and has such a powerful insect servant, my God, what is the origin of this young man from the other side star?" [

"This battle is basically a star-lord battle! This time it's really coming! Those who are arrogant and don't come to watch the battle will suffer a big loss this time! A star-lord battle, that's It’s a battle of the strong that you can’t see at ordinary times!”

The spectators reacted differently, but they were all equally shocked.They unanimously retreated at the same time, because they knew that the battle between the star-lord-level powerhouses would produce an extremely large energy impact. If they did not retreat further, once they were involved in such a shock wave, all of them, the star spirits, would be destroyed. There is life and death!

"Master, how do you clean it up?" Eggy lowered her head and asked Shen Zheng.

"It's up to you." Shen Zheng said in a low voice, "Its owner just insulted Xue Su openly, you can figure it out yourself."

"What courage!" Eggy's eyes suddenly burst into a strong red light, as if a fire elf was dancing in its eyes.It raised its head and stared at the spider with angry eyes.

"Little spider, get out of the way, I'm going to turn the guy behind you into ashes." It yelled angrily, "It's not easy for you to cultivate to this level, and this matter has nothing to do with you, I can spare you!"

"Arrogance, it's too arrogant!" Da Fei cried out with his eyes wide open, "Don't think that you are qualified to be so arrogant because you are a blood relative of the Holy Spirit at the star master level! Do you know what kind of power my father is? He is a three- Star Lord! A little thing like you, he can easily kill you! If you dare to hurt me, my father will definitely hunt you down to the end of the universe!"

"Master, don't worry, it can't hurt you." The spider sneered, "Because in the next moment, it will become a mass of ashes in my flames! Master, please stand back!"

Saying that, a star-level space force immediately enveloped Dafei and sent him far away.

At the same time, a flood of flames spread rapidly with the spider as the center. Those flames seemed to have life, dancing crazily around it, spreading to the surroundings continuously, as if they were the feet of several huge spiders. shocking.

The powerful heat was scattered, and the onlookers who had retreated to a safe distance could still clearly feel the heat that scorched their faces.

"Clown." Eggy snorted disdainfully, but did not let Shen Zheng leave, but a red light radiated from his body, connecting Shen Zheng with himself, and Shen Zheng simply flew directly onto its back, riding on it. on it.

"You don't have to be polite, you can fight however you want!" Shen Zheng said.

"I understand." Eggy nodded, "Then do you want to hide your strength as Wu Ximing told you?"

"It's up to you." Shen Zheng said, "As long as you can kill it!"

"I understand!" Eggy's eyes immediately radiated excitement, and it suddenly let out a loud cry, and the power around it surged crazily. In an instant, the power of space in the surrounding universe moved toward It concentrated here quickly, and its body continued to expand. From the extremely small state of more than ten meters long, it expanded ten times in a few seconds, turning into a huge figure more than one hundred meters long!

"What is that!?" The spectators almost screamed in unison!

"Oh my god, this..." The receptionist was completely dumbfounded, not to mention that he had never seen such a magical ability, even if he had heard of it, he had never heard of it!

With the expansion of the body, the formidable strength is also further enhanced. Although the size of Eggy's body has nothing to do with the strength that can be exerted, even if it is shrunk to the minimum length of more than ten meters, it can still exert its full strength. However, it knew that there were many people outside before, so it listened to Wu Ximing's advice, and then made its body smaller, and at the same time suppressed its insect power as much as possible.

But now, with Shen Zheng's permission, it naturally began to release its worm power to its fullest, creating the illusion that its body was getting bigger and its strength was also increasing.

"What a powerful force!" The receptionist couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly.

"Eggy should return to its original size." Shui Qingqing muttered aside. [

"The original size?" The reception officers and soldiers trembled, " it bigger than it is now?"

"The length will not be more than 1000 meters." Yan Xin said casually.

"Ten times bigger than now?" The receptionist trembled.The illusion just now made him instinctively think that when Eggy's body gets bigger, her strength will also increase accordingly.And the body of this terrifying Suzaku insect was originally a kilometer long!

So if it returns to "its original size", how far will the strength increase?

The receptionist didn't dare to think about it.He now understands three things. First, this Shen Zheng from the other shore star is definitely a powerful existence that cannot be messed with!

Second, although the emperor of the other side star is a new star master, the comprehensive strength of the other side star can definitely rank among the top few in the red light star area!

Thirdly, Duffy is going to be in bad luck this time!

Regarding the first two, he was filled with shock, but regarding the third, he couldn't help but smile when he thought about it.

That annoying guy should be dealt with severely!He is obviously just a protoss, but relying on his father as the emperor, he bosses around a protoss like him at the same level as us, and looks aloof, it is disgusting to see!

The spectators who thought that Shen Zheng would be unlucky this time fell silent.The scene in front of them brought them a huge spiritual and visual impact.They all just stared blankly at the huge Suzaku insect over a hundred meters long, thinking in their minds: Why does this young man have such a powerful insect servant?

And more people think: lucky!It is forbidden to use this kind of insect servant in the martial arts competition, otherwise, who will be this person's opponent in the competition?

"What's his name?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"I heard from the receptionist that his name is Shen Zheng, right?"

"It's called Shen Zheng." "It's called Shen Zheng." "It's called Shen Zheng."

These words quickly spread among the spectators, and after a while, everyone knew the name of this terrifying strong man from the other shore star.They secretly prayed in their hearts: I hope that Shen Zheng's own strength is not that strong, and I hope that I will not meet him at the beginning of the game!

In the distance, Dafei's eyes widened and he was speechless.

He can't believe that there are existences in the world who can become bigger and smaller like this, and at the same time increase their strength!

"Impossible!" he exclaimed.

The dimple spider's expression was also a little dull, it raised its head, looking at the huge Suzaku insect, and couldn't make a sound from its open mouth.

But at this moment, Eggy's eyes showed a look of contempt, she suddenly lowered her head, opened her mouth and bit the spider by the waist, and swallowed it in a few bites!

Everyone is stupid.

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