star wars civilization.

Chapter 445: The Escaped and the Unlucky

The white light of the strange worm didn't last long, and then dimmed. It seemed that its power was limited to this, and it couldn't fully exert the power of the cosmic source worm. %&*

But at this time, the crimson giant claws condensed into a solid body again, tightly clenched the monster insect, and pulled it inward.

During the struggle, the monster roared again, and the soft yet powerful white light shone around its body again, nearly breaking the giant claw.

The strange insects took this opportunity to struggle desperately towards the outer layer of the crimson vortex.

But as soon as the white light on it dimmed, the giant claws pulled it in again.In this way, one claw and one insect continued to engage in a tug-of-war, and this catch-and-flee battle lasted for several hours. [

As if feeling impatient, the power on the giant claws suddenly strengthened, pulling the monster nearly a thousand meters away at once, Shen Zheng frowned, and secretly screamed pity in his heart.

It seemed that this strange insect couldn't resist the power of the giant claw. It was pulled away by the giant claw, and he could only watch helplessly. It was wishful thinking to stop it.

But at this moment, the strange insect uttered a strange cry that made Shen Zheng feel dizzy. The sound seemed to be transformed into a substantial energy body, and it spread rapidly to the distance, diluting the surrounding blood mist. few.

And a dazzling white light erupted crazily from its body, finally shaking that giant claw into a bloody mist that filled the sky.

After this outbreak, the strength of the strange insect quickly dissipated. It barely struggled and flew towards the outer layer tremblingly. It took a long time to cross the distance of [-] meters, and it was about to return to Shen Zheng's side .

Shen Zheng quietly felt the aura of these two powerful men, and he couldn't help but feel happy—the aura of the giant claw has completely dissipated, so there is no need to worry about it anymore, and the strange insect has become the end of its strength after that eruption. pitifully weak.

Great opportunity!

Shen Zheng's eyes flashed with light, and the insect power on his body was constantly accumulating and boiling.He wants to adjust himself to the best state, and then launch a thunderous blow to this monster, taking it down in one fell swoop!

Insect power was constantly surging in his mind, conveying to him a hazy feeling - as long as he took down this strange insect and seized its power of cosmic origin worm, the power of cosmic origin worm in his body was very likely to be destroyed. Double it!

At that time, his potential and promotion speed will all increase accordingly!

He will no longer be what he is today, but will become a monster genius among monster geniuses!

It will become a heaven-defying existence!

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, his eyes flickered, fixed on the monster, tried to stabilize his emotions, kept himself calm, and prepared to make a full blow at the best time. ^

200 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters... The strange insect got closer and closer, and finally reached in front of Shen Zheng, and then passed Shen Zheng forward.

Shen Zheng's eyes flashed - the time has come!

In an instant, he had to concentrate all his strength to give the strange insect a fatal blow by surprise!

But at this moment, a figure suddenly flew over, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the back of the strange insect.

It was a human in his thirties. He held a worm spirit spear in his hand. The blood-red spear surged with a powerful force. Strong power, showing his identity as the pinnacle of the protoss.

"Kill!" The man yelled, and stabbed fiercely at the back of the strange insect! [

"Bastard!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but his eyes were red with anger, he shouted angrily, with a murderous intent in his heart!

This murderous intent surged across Penghu, like an actual energy body, and quickly spread out to the surroundings, quickly sweeping past a figure that was quietly touching behind him.

The man was holding two blood-red daggers, holding his breath like a stone of life, hidden in the blood mist, and was about to give Shen Zheng a fatal blow, but after feeling the terrifying killing intent, he slammed I shivered, and a strong chill appeared in my heart!

That was none other than Li Yunhe!

At this moment, the shock in Li Yunhe's heart could no longer be described in words. He stared blankly at Shen Zheng, but what he thought of was the mentor who taught him the terrifying killing technique, the supreme leader of the Killing League.

How can it be?I have only felt such tangible killing intent from my mentor, how could it be possible for Shen Zheng to have such a powerful killing intent?

The fear in his heart made Li Yunhe unable to take another shot. He glanced at the man holding the spear, gritted his teeth, turned around and ran!

That man was naturally Feng Zizai who was with Li Yunhe.He had already discussed with Li Yunhe, and when Shen Zheng was about to attack the monster, the two of them would be divided into two. Li Yunhe relied on his killer's super assassination skills to assassinate Shen Zheng, while Feng Zizai attacked the monster .

Feng Zizai is very satisfied with such an allocation.Because everyone could see that the monster possessed incredible magical power, and was already in an extremely weak state, making it extremely easy to kill.And whoever kills it will of course be able to collect it immediately.

As for Shen Zheng, he is powerful and ready to go, he is like the sharp edge of a knife, it is definitely not a good job to challenge him, and after killing him, there is no benefit, it is completely thankless work .

Feng Zizai has been proud of it for a long time: a killer is a killer, a character who kills and works for others, his brain is not very flexible, but such a good thing was left to me, hehe, I called you big brother all the way, this time you can win If I get it back, I will collect all these strange bugs as my space bug cores. As for you, hehe, I'm sorry!

Of course Li Yunhe is not a fool.

He had already figured out that the giant claw was obviously protruding from the depths of the crimson vortex. If he said that it had nothing to do with the crimson giant monster, he would not believe it ten thousand times.That monster can smash the giant claws, its strength is absolutely powerful, even if it is at the end of the crossbow, I am afraid that it cannot be killed by a protoss-level powerhouse.

But Shen Zheng was different, at this moment his attention was all focused on the monster, and it would be very easy for him to sneak attack him.Li Yunhe knew exactly what treasure Shen Zheng had, what he wanted was Shen Zheng's treasure.

His original plan was to join forces with Feng Zi to kill Shen Zheng. At the same time, during the battle, he intentionally let Feng Zizai get hurt in Shen Zheng's hands. After Shen Zheng died, he would kill Feng Zizai again.In this way, all the good things in the two belong to him, and at the same time, he can also stir up the conflict between Feng Zizai's father and Wu Ximing, triggering a big battle between the two sides.

In this way, he can profit from it.

But after seeing Shen Zheng's strange behavior of cutting through the tomb of the strong man, he became curious, and then followed Feng Zizai all the way, and the more he followed and observed, the less he understood what Shen Zheng was going to do, and finally thought of Shen Zheng must have great intentions, so he changed the plan.

He planned to kill Shen Zheng and get the treasure by himself, and Feng Zizai might have to fight fiercely with that monster, and in the end he might lose both, then he would fight again, get the monster, kill Feng Zizai, Still re-enforce the trick of blaming and provoking.

It's just that when the matter came to an end, Shen Zheng suddenly unleashed that powerful force, which made him instantly lose his will to fight, and fled in panic, all his wishful thinking was in vain.

At this time, he fled and fled, but Feng Zizai used all his strength to attack the strange insect with all his strength.

The tyrannical spear force containing the power of the five great holy spirits turned into a huge spear point, stabbing fiercely at the back of the strange insect, and it was about to stab the strange insect directly.

But at this moment, the strange insect suddenly turned over, but it sensed the danger behind it. It screamed desperately, and the last bit of white light that could be displayed surged from its body. When Feng Zizi's gun light was still solid, the terrifying gun light hit it, but there was a violent violent sound, and the strange insect flew downward. [

"Can't pierce it?" Feng Zizai couldn't help being surprised.

The strange insect turned over, screamed in pain, and suddenly used the power of space recklessly, and directly plunged into a turbulent flow of space.

All this happened in a flash, and it was too late for Shen Zheng to stop it.

Neither he nor Feng Zizai are star masters, and neither have the power of space, nor can they track down the strange insects that use the power of space to escape.

Before, the monster didn't use this power because it was already extremely weak and was unwilling to risk wasting power.But when its life was threatened, and even the power of the last life-saving cosmic source insect was exhausted, it had to take this risk.

Shen Zheng almost hated it to death!The strange bug that was about to be obtained, the power that was about to be obtained, just disappeared?

"Where did you come from, bastard? Report your name!" Shen Zheng roared angrily, and a powerful killing intent spread out, surrounding Feng Zizi.

The aloof Prince His Royal Highness couldn't help shivering, looked at Shen Zheng in horror, and searched for Li Yunhe.

Where is there any trace of Li Yunhe?

"You...Shen Zheng, what do you want to do?" Feng Zizai yelled in panic, "You and I are both elites participating in extreme training, we can't kill each other! Otherwise, if any party dies, it will be a loss for the entire galaxy! This is an ironclad rule!"

"Rules? Is it iron-like?" Shen Zheng stared at Feng Zizai with red eyes. "It's okay, you still remember it. Then let me ask you: the invitees start their own adventures, and they must not interfere with others, and must not rob others of their income. Is this a rule of extreme experience?"

"Then... so what?" Feng Zizi argued strongly, "I didn't break the rules! I just followed you here, and I happened to see such a strange insect, so I shot, which is against the rules at all. ?”

"Follow me here?" Shen Zheng's eyes turned cold.

"This..." Feng Zizai's expression changed, and only then did he realize that he had slipped his tongue.When he said this, it was tantamount to admitting that he had been following Shen Zheng, so he had already broken the rule of "starting their own adventures and not interfering with others".

"Shen Zheng, don't be too arrogant!" Feng Zizai gritted his teeth, and assumed the posture of a proud prince. "Do you know who I am? I am Feng Zizai, the majestic prince of the strongest planet in the Overlord sector below the headquarters in the entire crimson spiral galaxy!"

"So what?" With red eyes, Shen Zheng slowly walked towards the wind.

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