star wars civilization.

Chapter 448: No one is allowed to provoke Shen Zheng!

After the power of Shen Zheng and Xue Su combined into one, this huge power was generated. ^

But for a long time, no matter whether it is Xue Su leading or Shen Zheng leading, although this combined force is powerful, it lacks the support of ability.

Strength is strength, ability is ability, and sometimes powerful ability is far more terrifying than strength.For example, Star Lord's power to control space.

Without this kind of ability, no matter how powerful it is, it is just to exert its own strength, but with this kind of ability, it can mobilize the powerful space power around it.

There are two states, and the difference is almost not within the same level. [

But after this period of accumulation, Shen Zheng has acquired a lot of memories about the use and cultivation of space power. Although it is far from all of them, it is enough for him to attack enemies and kill people!

He already possessed strength, ability, and now he has initially mastered it. It is enough to challenge the leader of the second-order star!

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Shen Zheng raised his hand and released the space power with affection. It broke through the void in an instant, and slammed into the big ax with huge space force. In the bang, it turned out to be evenly divided.

It's a pity that I still don't have enough grasp of the power of space. Otherwise, with the power of the third-level star master, the body of light, it should be easy to defeat Che Xun's attack, and then counterattack Che Xun.

Shen Zheng couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

He didn't know how many people were panicking because of his move while he was sighing because of this incident.

Here, including Che Xun, and Feng Zizai in the distance behind him.

At this time, Feng Zizai's face was ashen-colored, and his intestines were green with regret!

Che Xun was still in shock, he couldn't believe it was true.

How could it be possible that a small Protoss has the same power as me?This is not scientific!

In his astonishment, Shen Zheng seized the opportunity, and the body of light rushed forward suddenly, and the power of space was brought up around him, vaguely forming a turbulent flow.

But it's a pity that Shen Zheng still can't control the turbulent flow of space and let himself enter the hyperspace smoothly, but he can only use its power to increase his speed.

However, within such a short distance, there is not much difference between this kind of flying and instant movement. In the blink of an eye, Shen Zheng has already rushed in front of Che Xun. Only then did Che Xun escape from his surprise, and let out his anger in desperation With a roar, he swung his ax and slashed at Shen Zheng.

Raising the arm of light, the light on it expanded outwards and turned into a scimitar, raised upwards, and hit the sharp ax blade.With an ear-shattering impact, the big ax was directly knocked out by the powerful force of the third-tier star master, and Shen Zheng's other fist had already been struck hard. %&*

With a muffled snort, Che Xun punched Shen Zheng hard in the stomach, the powerful force made him bend and fly backwards, hitting Feng Zizai behind him.

Feng Zizai didn't even have time to dodge, Che Xun had already bumped into him, he felt a powerful impact on him, and it spread rapidly, his sternum and ribs groaned terribly in an instant, and then root and root broken.

The huge impact caused his internal organs to rupture because he couldn't bear it, and blood sprayed out along his mouth, nose and ears, flying in space.

He opened his mouth wide, the pain was so painful that he couldn't even utter a sound, just like that, he was hit by Che Xun and flew backwards.

Looking at the second-tier star master who was knocked into the air by his own blow, Shen Zheng didn't feel much excitement in his heart.Yes, he has gained power that can rival the Star Lord, but so what? [

He could have doubled the power of the cosmic origin worm!

Thinking of this, anger was ignited in his heart again, and he chased Che Xun and Feng Zizai who were still flying for the first time at full speed!

But at this moment, a spatial turbulence surged in front of him, and Luo Dao's figure suddenly appeared from it.A holy spirit wheel appeared behind him, on which the two holy spirits, green dragon and white tiger, danced endlessly, showing the dignity of his fourth-level star master.He quickly raised and stretched out his hand, and the power of space was quickly concentrated and poured into the Qinglong Holy Spirit Plate in the Holy Spirit Wheel. The green dragon on it flashed and turned into a huge Qinglong Holy Spirit that was more than ten meters long and appeared in the air. Then Shen Zheng uttered a dragon chant.

"Shen Zheng, be merciful, don't be unreasonable!" Luo Dao yelled lightly, his voice dignified.

Facing the powerful Qinglong Holy Spirit, Shen Zheng didn't dare to be careless, stopped in the air, and stood quietly in front of Luo Dao.

"You came just in time." He said in a deep voice, and pointed to Che Xun who had just stopped in the distance, and Feng Zizi who was supported by Che Xun.

"Feng Zizai and others followed me secretly, and when he saw that I was about to hunt the beneficial insects, he disturbed them again, causing the insects to escape." Shen Zheng said, "How should I be punished?"

Luo Dao turned his head, looked at Feng Zizai, who had been seriously injured and was only kept from floating in the universe like a ball of garbage by Che Xun, and sighed slightly.

"Shen Zheng, what happened, we have to wait for the investigation afterwards." Luo Dao turned to Shen Zheng, and said slowly. "Before that, you want you to focus on extreme training first. Several months have passed, and I hope you can cherish the remaining time. As for your see, haven't you already Was he seriously injured?"

"That's not enough!" Shen Zheng argued hard. "Mr. Luo, I would like to ask you a question: What would you do if you got a chance to double your strength, but someone sabotaged it and made you lose that chance forever?"

"Is it really that serious?" Luo Dao asked with a frown.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, looked at Luo Dao, just waiting for his answer.

Luo Dao pondered for a moment, and the majestic Qinglong Holy Spirit beside him retracted into the wheel of the Holy Spirit, and the space power also scattered back in all directions.

He flew forward for a while, getting closer to Shen Zheng, looked at Shen Zheng's body of light, and said in a low voice: "Shen Zheng, you have to understand that I will be with you because you are an extremely rare talent. Saying these words. I am not telling you this as the general leader, but as a senior."

"Please tell me." Although Shen Zheng was angry, it was not to the point where right and wrong were not distinguished.

"The Overlord star area is the most powerful star area in this galaxy, and the Tushen star is the most powerful planet in this galaxy." Luo Dao said bluntly, "Feng Zizai's father, Feng Qianling, is a majestic seventh-level star master. Second only to the elders in the galaxy temple. Feng Zizai deserves death, but if you really want to kill him, you will never be able to do so. Feng Qianling will not agree, and neither will the galaxy temple."

"I can't kill him?" Shen Zheng asked coldly.

"At least for now, I won't allow you to kill him." Luo Dao's voice also became cold. "I've made it very clear that the Galaxy Holy Church will never let anything happen to Feng Qianling's son in front of me! Shen Zheng, you are a rising star. It’s better to die.”

There is already a threat in these words.

"Officer Luo, please let Shen Zheng and I have a few words alone." Wen Gangshu rushed over at this moment and saluted Luo Dao.

"Please." Luo Dao looked at Shen Zheng, "It's a good thing for young people to be aggressive, if you go too far, you are destroying yourself."

In the turbulent current around him, the person disappeared, and then appeared beside Che Xun in the distance behind, inspecting Feng Zizai's injury. [

"Shen Zheng, let's take it when you see it." Wen Gangshu said to Shen Zheng in a low voice, suppressing the fear that had just arisen from Shen Zheng's strength. "No matter how strong you are, you are still a protoss, and even if you are a star master, you can't fight against the galaxy temple!"

The galaxy sanctuary is the highest authority of the crimson spiral galaxy, and it is the world ruled by the peak galaxy master who controls the entire galaxy.

It is a power that is absolutely resistable, an institution that must be obeyed absolutely.

"Think about it." Wen Gangshu continued to persuade, "It's good for you to be alone, but what about His Majesty Wu Ximing? You have to think about him? I know you are very good friends, you can't just see The people who are looking at the galaxy temple or the god-slaying planet are angry at him, so let him have a hard time, right?"

These words made Shen Zheng's heart shake.

Yes, I am completely a foreigner, a person who will leave sooner or later, but Wu Ximing is different, this is his hometown, and this is the place where he will live forever.

In any case, Brother Wu cannot be implicated.

And even though his own strength has reached such a level, compared with Luo Dao, the fourth-rank star master, it is still a world of difference.As long as Luo Dao is determined to protect Feng Zizai, unless Shen Zheng uses Xiao Hei, he will never be able to kill him.

But in that case, I am afraid that Xiao Hei will also lose out in the fight with Luo Dao.Even if Xiao Hei was stronger and he was fine and just defeated Luo Dao, then this matter would also shake the galaxy temple.

At that time, troubles will continue.

"Okay." Shen Zheng said coldly, the power on his body was slowly retracted, the power of Xue Su and others was retracted into the worm nucleus, and he returned to his normal posture.

"But please tell him." Shen Zheng looked at Luo Dao in the distance, and said slowly. "If anyone else disturbs me like Feng Zizai, if he still maintains it like this, I don't mind fighting him!"

As he said that, he turned around and was about to fly back into the crimson vortex immediately.

"Shen Zheng!" At this moment, Feng Zizai, who had recovered part of his strength, suddenly yelled, and Shen Zheng couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

"I didn't secretly mean to you at the beginning!" Feng Zizai yelled with all his strength, "It was Li Yunhe who found me and said that following you would bring great benefits. Along the way, he used his magical ability to lead me. When I followed you, he was the one who instigated me to snatch the worm, and it was him who left me and ran away alone. If you want to hate, you should hate him even more!"

Shen Zheng looked at him coldly, suddenly, his body was covered with a layer of space power, and he flew towards the direction of the crimson vortex like lightning.

Li Yunhe, I remember you.Don't let me meet you again, otherwise it will be your death!

But... I'm still not strong enough!

He thought as he flew.

Because I'm not strong enough, I can only be afraid of their galaxy temple and Feng Zizai's father.

I must become stronger so that I will not be oppressed by these powers!

Wen Gangshu watched Shen Zheng's back disappearing quickly, wiped off his sweat, hurried to Luo Dao, and smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Luo, the matter has been resolved, and Shen Zheng will not pursue it. But... "

"But what?" Luo Dao frowned.

"But he said that if someone disturbs his training again, he will kill him regardless of anything, even if you object." Wen Gangshu said.

"Will anyone dare to provoke him?" Luo Dao looked into the distance and suddenly smiled.

Not long after, the leading officers of each star region, who knew the exact reason for this conflict, all nervously used the Internet glasses they wore on their bodies, and issued a mandatory message to the elites who were most concerned by them in the crimson vortex. The command:

No matter how high you think of yourself, no matter how strong your background is, remember one thing: no one is allowed to provoke Shen Zheng from the other star in the Red Light Star District!

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