star wars civilization.

Chapter 450: Crimson Giant Monster

"You!" Li Yunhe's eyes flashed fiercely. ^ "Shen Zheng, don't be complacent!"

As he spoke, he pulled out an Internet eye from his pocket: "You should know what this is, right? Do you think you can kill me without anyone noticing it? Dreaming!"

Shen Zheng looked at Li Yunhe, and didn't speak, but a space turbulence suddenly surged up on his body, rushing towards him.

The intuition of danger made Li Yunhe feel the fear of death in an instant. He rushed forward with all his might, and at the same time shouted for help to the network eye: "Mentor, save me!"

In an instant, a powerful aura came out from the eyes of the network, spreading all over his body, that aura controlled the power of space, and formed a similar turbulent flow around his body, which made his speed suddenly increase, heading towards the deep Go outside the red vortex. [

"Can you escape?" Shen Zheng roared, exerting all his strength, and caught up with Li Yunhe in a short while.

"Junior!" A roar came from Li Yunhe's Internet eyes, "Listen well, I have written down your name and appearance, if you dare to hurt my disciple, I will chase you to the edge of the universe, and I will definitely chase you down!" Kill!"

"Whatever!" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, powerful force poured out from his body, his cold eyes fixed on Li Yunhe, without the slightest intention of backing down.

"Are you crazy?" Li Yunhe looked at Shen Zheng in astonishment, and his expression suddenly became fierce. "Shen Zheng, don't think that I'm really afraid of you!"

In the roar, the worm power surged around him crazily, and more power was released from the eyes of the network, which merged with his worm power to form a tyrannical protective force outside his body.

"Junior, if you leave now, I will not blame the past!" The voice in the eyes of the network is low and majestic.

But Shen Zheng pretended not to hear, he stared at Li Yunhe, and suddenly rushed out, when he raised his hand, a frenzied force of the water system turned into a heavy hammer and appeared in his palm, he aimed at Li Yunhe, and slammed that The heavy hammer flew out.

"Break!" Li Yunhe roared, and rose to face the heavy hammer with all his strength. When the red light flashed in his hands, two daggers appeared in his hands, condensing the powerful power of the five holy spirits, flashing a dazzling light, and pierced the heavy hammer.


The sound was not deafening, it was just like a nail hitting an iron plate, and after making such a crisp sound, it was knocked away by the iron plate.

What is contained on the heavy hammer is Shen Zheng's huge strength. Compared with it, Li Yunhe's peak star power is nothing to mention, and he has no resistance at all. In an instant, his insect spirit double daggers were directly fired. , and the heavy hammer hit his chest so hard that he flew out with a muffled grunt. %&*

If it wasn't for that powerful star-level aura to resist him, just this hammer would have killed him!

"How can this junior have such great power?" An exclamation came from the eyes of the network, "Yunhe, you are by no means his opponent, run away! Don't worry, I will rush over! No, time is running out, It doesn't matter, I will immediately notify the person closest to you to help you!"

"It's too late..." Li Yunhe's eyes gleamed fiercely, and he stared at Shen Zheng fiercely. "I'm not as fast as him, and my strength is even worse. It seems that today is my end...Since I'm going to die anyway, I'm going to drag him after death!"

He sneered, facing Shen Zheng who rushed towards him, waved his hands and condensed a fire-type sledgehammer, and suddenly raised both hands at the same time.

Amidst the flashing white light, a pair of white tiger claws appeared out of thin air, and instantly turned into huge claws more than 20 meters long, connected with Li Yunhe through insect power.

"Yunhe, what are you doing?" Netizen exclaimed.

"Shen Zheng!" Li Yunhe looked at Shen Zheng and laughed loudly. "If today is my end, then it will also be your end! If you want me to die, then I will drag you into the abyss of hell!"

As he said that, he poured all his huge power into the pair of white tiger claws, feeling his desperate posture, a powerful force burst out from the white tiger claws, and in an instant, the two white tiger claws had already The power of his body was fully exerted, and all the surrounding blood mist was blown away in an instant, forming a huge space filled with white light and howling winds. [

That space directly surrounded Shen Zheng, and powerful forces continuously attacked Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning: Damn it, does this guy want to use the power of the star master to summon the crimson monster?

what should I do?

Can you use the power of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit again to capture all the claws of this pair of white tigers?As soon as he thought about it, he immediately poured his thoughts into the basalt worm core, trying to connect with the basalt holy spirit.

But apart from Eggy and Xiao Hei echoing his thoughts, there is no influence from the depths of the Kuroshio.Perhaps, the power of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit is no longer enough to reach here.

"Shen Zheng, if you want to die, let's die together!" Li Yunhe laughed wildly, and rushed towards Shen Zheng, waving the claws of the white tiger.

To flee or to fight?Shen Zheng weighed it in his heart, and finally his eyes turned cold: "Fight!"Kill him as quickly as possible, and then run away immediately!With my current speed, even if the crimson monster releases the mist claws used to catch the strange insect to catch me, I can escape quickly!

Thinking of this, he no longer kept his own power. Amidst the loud shouts, the power of space played a role, sending a trace of thought into the space worm core, and contacted Xue Su.

"Xue Su, lend me your strength!"

"Yes, master!" Following Xue Su's answer, three beams of light quickly shot out from the opening of the insect core space, connecting with Shen Zheng's own power, and Shen Zheng's body flashed quickly. A soft white light was emitted, and the person quickly turned into a light person.

"What kind of power is that?" An exclamation came from the eyes of the network.

"Come on, attack me with all your strength!" Li Yunhe yelled wildly, with red light in his eyes, exerting the power of the white tiger's claws to the limit!

"As you wish!" Shen Zheng of Light snorted coldly, raised his hand suddenly, and immediately, the thick space power in the surrounding space frantically focused on Shen Zheng's hand.

"Impossible!" The exclamation in the eyes of the network came again, "How can a little protoss master the power to control space?"

No one answered the surprised leader of the killing alliance. The two people in this vortex of power put all their attention on each other. One urged the white tiger's claws to release a more powerful sharp storm, and the other Extract the space power as much as you want, and form a blow that can crush the opponent in one fell swoop!

But at this moment, in the depths of the distant crimson vortex, a huge vibration suddenly came, and the vibration quickly spread to the outside world, sweeping away the two people in the confrontation in an instant!

The huge vibration turned out to be a roar that seemed to shake the entire universe. The roar spread rapidly in the blood mist, making every creature in the crimson vortex hear clearly. During the roar, whether it was the huge and powerful worms in the middle layer of the crimson vortex, or those looking for adventures in the outer layer, they all fell into extreme fear and became paralyzed for a while.

Outside the crimson vortex, within the fleet, among the leading giant ships, Luo Dao was reporting something to someone. Suddenly his eyes moved, and then he rushed to When I got to the ship, I stared at the red world in the distance.

His body was trembling, and he couldn't help saying to himself: "Impossible, how is it possible? What kind of power can actually attract the crimson monster to do it himself?"

After a while, he suddenly yelled: "Listen, everyone, immediately order all warships to retreat, the farther the better!"

He yelled frantically, rushed to the control console desperately, ignored the panicked soldiers, immediately connected himself with the battleship, and quickly retreated.

Before receiving his order, the battleships in the star area also retreated immediately, because all the star masters felt a terrifying power!Under that kind of power, even the star masters like them couldn't help trembling, they all made the same action as Luo Dao—running to the console, and retreating the battleship desperately! [

But at this moment, a shock wave came out from the depths of the crimson vortex, turning into a loud roar, shaking all the retreating warships to sway left and right, like small leaves in the wind and waves.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!" Luo Dao yelled wildly, inputting all his strength into the battleship.

At this time, both Shen Zheng and Li Yunhe had lost their ability to control themselves, their bodies were trembling involuntarily, their minds seemed to be being roasted in a raging fire, and they were both enduring great pain.The shining white tiger's claw had lost its power and was withdrawn to Li Yunhe's body. Although Shen Zheng's body of light did not disappear, all the concentrated space power had flowed away.

The two of them, like small fishes hit by an electric grid, could not escape at all.

Can't go on like this!

Shen Zheng's will was struggling, but his body was like a flying insect stuck to a spider's web. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the pain, nor could he regain control of his body.

Damn, I underestimated the power of the crimson monster too much!That giant claw is just the end of its power, this is the power of its body!Unexpectedly, Li Yunhe finally got his wish!

He struggled, but to no avail.

At this time, a huge shadow came quickly from the center of the vortex, getting bigger and bigger, Shen Zheng struggled to look there, and what he saw was the head of a monster wrapped in a cloud of blood mist.That head is bizarre, with the horns of a dragon, the head of a tiger with tortoise-like scales all over it, and the long tail of a Suzaku on its chin.

Is this the Crimson Giant Monster?

Shen Zheng couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

The monster's head was getting bigger and bigger, and finally came to the front, and when it came to the front, Shen Zheng realized how much space it had. Only the mouth, to Shen Zheng, it was like a margin!


Shen Zheng felt a huge suction force and pulled himself towards the giant mouth, and then he heard a loud bang, as if it was the sound of the monster closing its mouth.

Afterwards, a stronger force pulled him towards the crimson depths.

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