star wars civilization.

Chapter 453: Attack of the Suzaku Holy Spirit

All the surrounding scenery quickly flowed away, and Shen Zheng saw the corpses of several Holy Spirit blood races and powerful Zergs, but they just passed by in a flash, and before he could react, they were already left far behind. %&*

"Stop!" He exerted all his strength, wanting to contend with the huge force, but he was only pulled deeper.

After a long time, the power finally disappeared, and Shen Zheng also stopped. After the initial shock, Shen Zheng looked out from the body of the giant of light, but his face suddenly changed drastically!

The surroundings are still the bright red world, but the content in this world is completely different from before.In this blood-like world, you can see huge and powerful holy spirits everywhere - Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

These huge holy spirits are covered with crimson light. They are all over the world, roaring and fighting non-stop in this blood-colored world. [

A basalt holy spirit bit the front paw of a white tiger holy spirit with a loud roar, and the basaltic snake opened its mouth and sprayed a terrifying water blade at the white tiger holy spirit.The White Tiger Holy Spirit dodged, but was still cut by the water blade. It roared angrily, swung its other front paw, and grabbed the Xuanwu snake's neck fiercely. Immediately, the Xuanwu snake's neck There were several terrible blood holes.

A blue dragon, Holy Spirit, spewed out blue light majesticly, forcing back the two Suzaku Holy Spirits that were besieging it, but just as it was triumphant, another Suzaku Holy Spirit came from behind, and grabbed it fiercely with its claws. On its back, a large piece of flesh was torn off.

The Qinglong Holy Spirit let out a huge roar, turned around and bit down, tearing off one leg of the Suzaku Holy Spirit...

This kind of battle filled every corner of this world, turning this bloody world into a real battlefield.

Battlefield of the Holy Spirit.

"This is..." Shui Qingqing was completely stunned, not only her, but also Yan Xin and even Xue Su's eyes widened, their hearts were filled with shock.

"Is the holy spirit war not over at all?" Xue Su couldn't help but said excitedly, "have these holy spirits been fighting in the world inside the belly of the crimson monster?"

"No, no!" Shen Zheng observed for a while, then suddenly shook his head and pointed. "Look carefully, there is something wrong with those seriously injured Holy Spirits."

Several people followed Shen Zheng's expectations, and saw a huge Suzaku Holy Spirit, which opened its mouth and sprayed out a pillar of fire.

And the other blue dragon holy spirit attacked the Suzaku holy spirit from another direction. The Suzaku holy spirit gave a long cry and turned around to fight it.

But the body of the Azure Dragon Holy Spirit, which was turned into flying ash by the pillar of fire, condensed into shape again in the void, roared, and rushed towards Suzaku Holy Spirit. %&*

"What's going on here?" Yan muttered puzzledly.

Under the siege of the two green dragons and holy spirits, the mighty Suzaku holy spirit was finally defeated. It was hit by two blue lights at the same time, and most of its body was directly annihilated. With a dying cry, its huge body finally stopped moving.

The two green dragon holy spirits immediately swam to other places, and then fought with other alien holy spirits.

But after a while, the dead Suzaku holy spirit slowly raised its head, its body was recovering rapidly, and in a moment it became a complete body again. With a long cry, it flew towards the nearest battlefield , attacked the alien Holy Spirit.

"How is this possible?" Shui Qingqing exclaimed, "They... they all became immortal?"

"Impossible." Shen Zheng observed carefully and shook his head slightly. "Maybe... maybe they are not real holy spirits, but just forces controlled by residual consciousness."

"Is it a phantom?" Yan Xin asked.

"It's all about power." Shui Qingqing glared at him, "Why is it so hard to understand ability?" [

"So, they are still dangerous to us?" Yan Xin whispered.He was completely shocked by the scene in front of him, and ignored Shui Qingqing's taunting of him.

"What should we do now?" Shui Qingqing looked at Shen Zheng, "Should we fly back, or...or continue to go deeper? I'm afraid that if we move forward, we will also be drawn into this battlefield..."

"Fly back first." Shen Zheng looked back, and suddenly controlled the power to fly towards the direction, but after flying for a long time, he encountered that heavy defensive force again.

"Why is it the same as before?" Shui Qingqing was anxious, "Aren't we going to be trapped to death in this dangerous place?"

"It's more dangerous than before." Yan Xin frowned and said, "Brother Shen Zheng, let's try our best and try again."

"It's useless." Xue Su said firmly. "This power is the same as the previous one. It should be a special kind of space power. We can't break through it at all. It's like a fly can never break through the glass and fly out of the room."

"Then, can we just wait to be swat to death like flies in the room?" Shen Zheng turned his head and looked at the battlefield over there.

As far as the eye can see, there are holy spirits fighting in chaos everywhere, as if this world is a Shura field, there is no boundary, only endless battles.Death is not the end, because death is followed by rebirth, and the purpose of rebirth is for the next death.

That's right, this place is like the Shura field in ancient mythology, all the strong who died here will fight here forever and ever, there is no day of rest...

If we die here, will we be like them?

Shen Zheng couldn't help thinking like this, and then he was frightened by his own thoughts and shivered.

What a terrible end that would be!

But now, can we avoid this ending?We can't break through this powerful force, and the battlefield of the Holy Spirit is by no means a place where small characters like us can survive safely. Is it really a dead end this time?

I do not believe!

Shen Zheng looked at the battlefield of the holy spirit with serious eyes.

At this moment, a frenzy of flames suddenly surged over. Only then did Shen Zheng notice that there was a change above him. He hurriedly raised his head, and what he saw was a huge Suzaku holy spirit, flapping its wings, hovering above him .

"Brother Shen Zheng!" Shui Qingqing nervously grabbed Xue Su's arm, and looked at Shen Zheng in horror. "what should we do?"

"Respected Suzaku Holy Spirit!" Shen Zheng raised his head and said loudly. "We don't want to bother you..."

Before he finished speaking, the Holy Spirit of Suzaku above had let out a loud roar, and opened his mouth, and a flame sprayed down towards Shen Zheng's body of light.

The strength of the flame is almost equal to that of the star master who has mobilized the power of space to attack the enemy. It sprays down straight down, just like a waterfall of fire falling from the sky, striking towards the giant of light with a brilliance of death. .

Shen Zheng frowned, and quickly dodged to the side, dodging the blow.

"The strength doesn't seem to be very strong?" Shui Qingqing blinked her big eyes and said, "It seems that it is not as good as us now!" [

"Master, didn't you say that they are just powers controlled by residual consciousness?" Xue Su said, "I think they will not have real thinking, but will only have the will to fight before death. And because they are only residual power, so it’s actually not as scary as the real Holy Spirit.”

"But they are superior in their large number." Shen Zheng frowned slightly, and did not launch a counterattack against the Suzaku Holy Spirit.

He didn't fight back, but Suzaku Holy Spirit didn't think that the other party was showing favor to him. After hissing, another pillar of fire sprayed over.

"It's not an option to go on like this, fight back." Shui Qingqing said.

"I'm afraid that if I fight back, more enemies will be attracted." Shen Zheng said, while flying towards the distance with all his strength, the power of space wrapped around his body of light, although he could not open the hyperspace , moving like a real Star Lord powerhouse, but also pushed his speed to the limit.

But the Suzaku Holy Spirit obviously didn't intend to let him go, and amidst the long cry, he also quickly chased him, the speed was so fast that Shen Zheng couldn't shake him off at all.

While opening his mouth, the Holy Spirit of Suzaku spewed out clusters of scorching fireballs, and those fireballs quickly turned into sharp arrows with pointed tips in the air, hitting Shen Zheng's giant body.

"You enter the worm core space, I will shrink the body." Shen Zheng said while dodging, "The target of this body is too big now."

"Okay." Xue Su nodded, took Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin's hands, and let Shen Zheng use the power of space to send herself back to the insect core space.

Putting the three people into the worm core, Shen Zheng immediately shrunk that huge body, forming a circle of light armor covering only his body, and flew away towards the distance.

But he vaguely felt that there was some kind of power attached to his body, no matter whether he used radiolarian power or any other method, he couldn't get rid of it. He frowned slightly, and felt it carefully, and immediately found that it turned out to be a thought.

How to get rid of thoughts?

He couldn't help but smiled wryly, knowing that he couldn't get rid of the guy behind him no matter what.Thinking of this, he looked around, and suddenly rushed towards an open place. After leading the Suzaku Holy Spirit to get there, he suddenly concentrated his power, and with a wave of his hand, the powerful power of space also concentrated in his hand , merged with his power, turned into a big axe, and slashed at the chasing Suzaku Holy Spirit.

Caught off guard, the Holy Spirit of Suzaku was hit directly by the big axe, and the surging space force split the Holy Spirit of Suzaku in two, turning into little sparks and scattered around.

Shen Zheng heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't stay here any longer, but quickly flew towards another open area in the distance.

But as soon as he got there, he felt that something was wrong, because the thoughts attached to him still hadn't disappeared. He couldn't help but frown and looked back, only to see countless sparks slowly condensing in one place in the distant sky, and then reappeared. It turned into the Holy Spirit of the Suzaku, and chased towards Shen Zheng with a howl.

At the same time, five Suzaku Holy Spirits seemed to have heard the call of this Suzaku Holy Spirit, and also flew from a distance, screaming and rushing towards Shen Zheng.

not good!

Shen Zheng's heart couldn't help but sink.

These holy spirits are nothing more than residual consciousness and power. Compared with the real holy spirits, their power is far from that of the real holy spirits. They are only at the level of star masters above the second rank, but Shen Zheng's light body has the power and strength of the third rank star masters. ability.

In one-on-one fights, he is sure to win.

But if under siege...

Great odds!

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