star wars civilization.

Chapter 461: Killing the Lord of the Alliance

"What did you say?" Luo Dao looked at Shen Zheng and frowned. %&*

"I said that I know the secret of the Crimson Giant Monster, and I know more than anyone else in the world." Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

"Then tell me quickly!" Luo Dao immediately became nervous, "Shen Zheng, as long as you tell me, I will immediately hand over Li Yunhe to you! You can kill if you want, and cut if you want!"

"No!" Wen Gangshu shouted loudly. "Shen Zheng, let's talk about this matter later! Luo Dao, Li Yunhe openly relied on the head of the Holy Church Department to transfer out of my Chiguang star region without the permission of the head of my star region. This is completely against the laws of the galaxy! You hurry up Hand him over to me, or I will write to the galaxy temple to impeach you!"

"As you like!" Luo Dao snorted, still staring at Shen Zheng. "Shen Zheng, tell me quickly, I can count my words, just wait..." [

As he spoke, he suddenly sank into the turbulent flow of space, and reappeared a moment later, bringing Li Yunhe over.

Li Yunhe was grabbed by his arm at this moment, unable to break free at all, he just stared at Shen Zheng bitterly.

"Shen Zheng, tell me, and I'll hand him over to you immediately!" Luo Dao's eyes lit up.

Shen Zheng understood that Li Yunhe used the secret of the crimson giant monster as bait to make Luo Dao go on a business trip for him and protect him from lightning.This secret is a huge temptation for anyone, especially Li Yunhe, who will definitely add fuel to it, and it will also form a great temptation for those star master-level powerhouses who cannot enter the crimson vortex.

For this reason, Luo Dao must have promised Li Yunhe many things.

But if he could open his mouth to tell the secret, it would be much easier.Luo Dao only needs to throw Li Yunhe to himself to know the secret, which naturally saves a lot of trouble.

On balance, Luo Dao would of course sacrifice Li Yunhe.

"Shen Zheng, you can't say it!" Wen Gangshu became anxious, flew to Shen Zheng's side, and said in a very low voice: "Shen Zheng, no matter what the secret is, it is a big secret. If you tell Luo Dao, then this credit belongs to him alone, and you, who personally explored this secret, will get nothing! This is a great credit, Shen Zheng, you can't hand it over to him, this honor should belong to you , belongs to our Red Light Star Region!"

"Wen Gangshu, get out of the way! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Luo Daohong roared with eyes, and the two holy spirits, the green dragon and the white tiger, danced simultaneously on the wheel of the holy spirit, and the space power concentrated on the white tiger holy spirit. The ground expanded and turned into a huge sphere of wind power, enveloping everyone in it.

"Officer Luo, do you really believe in Shen Zheng?" Li Yunhe began his final struggle at this time, "What if he is lying to you? He is not like me, he can be satisfied with a small position, his strength Powerful and ambitious, how could I really tell you all the secrets?"

Luo Dao couldn't help hesitating for a moment. %&*

"As long as you help me block him, he doesn't dare to do anything to you." Li Yunhe smiled slyly, "You are a fourth-tier star master, no matter how strong he is, he is no match for you. And you are always leading the team, representing the galaxy saint Tang, does he dare to attack you?"

Luo Dao seemed to be a little tempted, he held Li Yunhe's hand, and couldn't help but loosen it.

"Both of you, whoever tells me the secret first, I will do my best to help him!" His eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said calmly.

Li Yunhe looked at Shen Zheng with a smile on his face, as if he knew that Shen Zheng would never say anything.Or even if Shen Zheng said it, he was sure that Luo Dao would not believe it.

Seeing the expression on Li Yunhe's face, Shen Zheng felt that this person had to be killed, otherwise he would bring disaster to himself.

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly came from the outside world: "Who dares to be so bold as to kill my disciple?"

Suddenly, a powerful force descended, tearing apart Luo Dao's white tiger space fiercely like a giant's claw, and that space immediately exploded with a bang like a light bulb being hit, and a A middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s, with a cold expression and a knife-like sharpness, flew from outside and came across Luo Dao in an instant.

Luo Dao looked at the man in horror, and after a while he said in astonishment: " are Wen Rencheng?" [

"Not bad!" The middle-aged man's eyes were icy cold, he raised his hand lightly, and a huge force shook Luo Dao's hand holding Li Yunhe's arm away.

Li Yunhe immediately flew to the back of the middle-aged man, and said aggrievedly: "Teacher, you are finally here! If you are one step late, I will never see you again!"

"Didn't Chaff come over?" Wen Rencheng stared at Luo Dao with cold eyes, but asked Li Yunhe.

"He's here, but he's probably... killed by Shen Zheng." Li Yunhe looked at Shen Zheng with hatred, and gritted his teeth.

"What?" A cold killing intent flashed in Wen Rencheng's eyes, and he turned to look at Shen Zheng.Feeling the power of the third-level star master from Shen Zheng's body of light, he couldn't help being stunned.

"There is such a method..." He snorted, "I guess it was done while Chafu was unprepared."

"Teacher, this kid Shen Zheng is very capable, he must not be careless!" Li Yunhe urged worriedly from the side.

Luo Dao's complexion was pale at this time, and he no longer had the aura of a strong man before, but had the intention of retreating faintly.

"I'll settle the score with you later." Wen Rencheng glanced at him, then turned to Shen Zheng.

"You are Shen Zheng?" He asked coldly.

Sensing the powerful aura coming from the opponent, Shen Zheng couldn't help but compare him with the green dragon worm before.He could feel that the aura of power emanating from this Wen Rencheng was stronger than that of the Azure Dragon Worm.

It should be the seventh-order star master.

Shen Zheng thought secretly.

With the powerful combination of Xiao Hei and Eggy, such a strong person is nothing, and he definitely has the power to fight!

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and it occurred to him that when Xiao Hei first showed his power, he used his own power to combine two forces into one to launch a super powerful attack, so he should also be able to do the opposite, borrowing Xiao Hei's Power forms the strongest attack.

What about balls?Is it possible to use the power of Eggy in this way?

His heart moved involuntarily, and his eyes flashed with excitement.However, under the wrapping of the body of light, outsiders can't know whether his expression or eyes are good.

"Not bad." He faced Wen Rencheng and nodded slowly. "You are the leader of the Killing League, Li Yunhe's mentor Wen Rencheng?"

"Not bad." Wen Rencheng also nodded. "It stands to reason that after the assassin fails in the assassination, he will not trouble the target again, but this time you have gone too far. You shouldn't force my disciple to death. Shen Zheng, prepare to die."

"Dead?" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, "Who wins the dead is still unknown."

"How courageous!" Wen Rencheng smiled coldly, and gave Shen Zheng a thumbs up. "It reminds me of when I was young. But young people, not everyone has such strength, and not all people with such strength will have such luck. There are many geniuses, most fall, and you know why ?"

Shen Zheng didn't answer, but just looked at him coldly. [

"It's just because of luck." He said slowly, "If you are surrounded by the god of luck, you can survive in front of the strong and continue to grow stronger, but on the contrary, even if you are a peerless genius There is only one way to fall. I am very lucky. When I was young, I was taken care of by the god of luck all the way, so I am here today. Young people, I advise you, restrain your edges and corners, because you can never be sure whether you also have the god of luck bless."

"Teacher, he must be killed!" Seeing that Rencheng seemed to appreciate Shen Zheng a little, Li Yunhe couldn't help becoming anxious.

"You even forgot the principle of assassination?" Wen Rencheng turned his head, frowned and said in a very low voice.

"I..." Li Yunhe was startled, then a smile appeared in his eyes, and he lowered his head. "Teacher, I was wrong."

He thought to himself: Yes, the principle of assassination is not to use your strongest strength to fight against others, but to try your best to create the most favorable situation for yourself, and then kill with one blow!

The mentor is disturbing Shen Zheng's state of mind, preparing for that sudden blow.

No matter what kind of target you face, you will never underestimate the enemy, and you must make sure you miss it. This is the style of the mentor, and it is also his strength!That's why he has had countless adventures in his life, so he will miss all of them!

I have to look up to my instructor!

The sigh in his heart is naturally unknown to outsiders.

But Shen Zheng vaguely guessed Wen Rencheng's intentions, and couldn't help but sneer.

He is different from these powerhouses. These powerhouses have received strict training since childhood and have the support of powerful forces to grow into a god-like existence among men.But he is different. He has lived among mortals since he was a child, experienced the ups and downs of life since he was a child, has seen all kinds of people in the world, and seen all kinds of people.

These tricks are effective for those "noble" princes and strong men, but for Shen Zheng, a low-level citizen who is oppressed and struggling to survive in society, it seems a bit ridiculous.

Ordinary people do not have great power, whether they bully others or resist others, they often rely on the city and wisdom of the chaotic society.Compared with the understanding of these, the people present are far inferior to Shen Zheng.

"Leader Wen, don't talk nonsense." Shen Zheng sneered, "If you want to do something, hurry up, I've defeated you, and I won't be too late to kill Li Yunhe!"

"Okay, okay!" Wen Rencheng's eyes shot out a terrifying light. "I haven't met such an arrogant man for a long time, but it's not enough to be arrogant, boy, everything is determined by strength after all!"

Following the last word, a wheel of the holy spirit has emerged behind him.On the wheel of the holy spirit, the five holy spirits are shining with brilliance, each of them is lifelike, moving slowly on his own holy spirit plate, and looking at the enemy Shen Zheng in the distance.

Just the appearance of the holy spirit wheel made everyone present feel a sense of oppression as if they could not breathe.Luo Dao couldn't help retreating towards the distance, the two holy spirits on the holy spirit wheel shone brightly, protecting him, while Wen Gangshu was even more exaggerated than him, flying towards the distance desperately, with his hands on his chest, obviously feeling extremely uncomfortable up.

At this moment, the huge battleship group also retreated slowly, but the star masters in the battleship could not bear Wen Rencheng's coercion and had to retreat.

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