star wars civilization.

Chapter 472: Perfect Control of the Central Holy Spirit

Open the upper dantian and advance to the third-tier star master. %&*

Shen Zheng couldn't help but feel a little excitement in his heart—as expected, he still had to confront a powerful opponent in order to promote the change of his insect power.

After reaching the third level, he obviously felt that his strength has jumped to a new level. First, he is more proficient in controlling space power, gathering space power faster, and the power he can gather is stronger. The second is to have He has acquired the ultimate holy move that truly belongs to him.

But to his surprise, for some reason, the Central Holy Spirit, which was supposed to be the last to appear among the five great Holy Spirits, appeared first on his Holy Spirit Wheel.

Why is this?Could it be that with the help of Dandan, Xiao Hei, and Xue Su, the four holy spirits were created on the wheel of the holy spirit, and the real first holy spirit became the fifth holy spirit? [

Impossible, because among the four great holy spirits who borrowed their strength, the Qinglong Holy Spirit is missing. If this is the reason, the first one he gave birth to should be the Qinglong Holy Spirit.

It cannot be explained, and it is not necessary to explain it.

He only sensed another earth-shaking change in his own power, and only then did he realize how big the gap between the third-tier star master and the second-tier star master was.

Condensing the powerful space power into the ultimate move of the holy spirit, it looks like a creature with independent will. It is not only the power to control the space, but also incorporates a part of the power to control the mind.

And he, who already possesses powerful mind power and theory, feels that his understanding and mastery of the power of mind is more handy at this time. Compared with the power of thought in his own holy spirit ultimate move, it is even stronger!

Feeling all this, facing the mighty pinnacle star master Luo Sha, he couldn't help but gain a strong confidence!

"Advance to the third level, give birth to the central holy spirit..." Luo Sha looked at Shen Zheng, as if he was looking at a monster, and his face darkened after a while. "If so, I will kill you even more! It is not a good thing for our family to have such a monster among humans!"

"Kill?" Shen Zheng smiled coldly, "Now, can you still kill me?"

"Knowing junior." Luo Sha was not angry, but looked at Shen Zheng like a child who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and smiled lightly.

He didn't say anything more, but slowly raised his hand.

Jian Feng pointed at Shen Zheng again.

Suddenly, Shen Zheng's complexion couldn't help but become pale and terrifying. ^That's because at that moment, a sudden fear arose in his heart, as if the hand of death had held him tightly and was about to throw him into the abyss of hell.

How is this going?Could it be that Luo Sha hadn't exerted his full strength before?

"For the sake of being such a magical monster genius, I will give full play." Luo Sha looked at Shen Zheng and said slowly. "A third-tier star master forced a peak star master to give full play. You can die proudly. Your name will be left in human history."

He suddenly smiled again: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot—there is no one watching the battle in front of you, and no one will know how this great person like you fell. Unfortunately, you can only live in the memory of your friends."

The cyan dragon-shaped long sword stabbed forward so slowly, without any insect power on it.

And suddenly, Shen Zheng felt that the space in front of him seemed to be distorted, and the turbulent flow of numbers was turbulent in the space, but there was no law at all.Not only in front of him, but even the space around him was also turbulent, and everything was distorted in the turbulence.

"Not good!" With an exclamation, a dazzling yellow light suddenly radiated from Shen Zheng's body, which was a strange phenomenon produced by the full-scale burst of the central Holy Spirit's power.

That huge power, combined with Dandan's fire, Xiaohei's water, Xuesu's soft white light, Qingshui's pale yellow light, and Yanxin's sharp white light, instantly, like a general planning a strategy, cleared this The several forces were fully integrated, and under the leadership of Shen Zheng's mind, they exerted a formidable force. [

A great control power was generated under the power of Shen Zheng's thoughts. In that short moment, Shen Zheng felt that the entire space around him seemed to be a part of his body, and he could clearly sense any one of them. Minor changes.

Therefore, he finally understood the horror of the opponent's move.

That sword instantly enveloped the surrounding space with a diameter of nearly fifty kilometers, and every inch of space was disturbed by the power of that sword, and began to be broken and twisted, and a huge new space was about to be formed in a blink of an eye.

Form a new space!

Isn't that the same ability as the cosmic source worm?

Feeling all this, the shock in Shen Zheng's heart was unimaginable!

Is this the strongest power of the peak star master?It can display such power!

Within a range of [-] kilometers, the power of space was chaotic. Shen Zheng felt that he could not enter the hyperspace, because the surroundings were chaotic turbulence. If he entered it, there would be only one ending, which would be to be twisted into twisted flowers by these distorted and fragmented spaces. , twisted into pieces.

But if you don't escape, that power will fully play its role in a moment, wrapping yourself in it, and then this new space will be fully opened, and you will be twisted into ashes in that space, not even a scum left!

The road can be escaped, the way can be imagined, the self who has just become so powerful that he has almost reached the eighth level, when facing the peak star master, he can only wait for death!

Can we just wait to die?

of course not!

Just as he sensed the powerful force of the opponent's move, a sense of power that could control all space floated into Shen Zheng's mind.That extraordinary power was provided to Shen Zheng by the central holy spirit, making him feel that he is the master of all the power in this space at this moment!

Although, in the face of the opponent's powerful strength, he can't reverse or change anything, but he can find a few places where the opponent's strength is relatively weak.In the blink of an eye, he had already fixed his eyes on a loophole with the weakest power. The yellow light on his body suddenly flashed, and he actually took away the control of that space.

Immediately, a turbulent flow in a regular space with a diameter of less than one meter was formed, and Shen Zheng threw himself into it recklessly, entered a narrow hyperspace tunnel, and fled desperately to the distance!

In an instant, he felt the hyperspace behind him twist and shatter, and he knew that this was Luo Sha's sword exerting its power.Under that powerful force, a new space suddenly appeared in a space with a radius of [-] kilometers. That space has no normal operation rules, and everything is fragmented and distorted. Because of its appearance, everything in that space They were all crushed and destroyed.

Even the hyperspace overlapping with that space behind Shen Zheng was not spared and was quickly shattered!

Before he had time to feel the danger behind, Shen Zheng just desperately accelerated and fled to the distance. In an instant, the hyperspace in front of him changed from a narrow tunnel to a wide world. He knew that he was completely out of the opponent's range of power. Can't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Thank you very much!He couldn't help smiling.

Luo Sha, without you, I would not be born in the upper dantian, but also advanced to the third level. What's even more miraculous is that I first gave birth to the central holy spirit on the wheel of the holy spirit, possessing the power to control, analyze, and influence the power of other people's space.With this advantage, my strength is below the peak, invincible!

I don't have time or meaning to play with you anymore, I'm going to Jiao Yanxing to kill Li Yunhe, and then there will be no more interaction between us.

As he was thinking, he carefully sensed Li Yunhe's thoughts, but suddenly he discovered that Li Yunhe's thoughts were no longer in Jiao Yanxing, but in another extremely distant place. [

The linear map in his mind played a role, overlapping with Li Yunhe's thoughts, and he was surprised to find that Li Yunhe was actually heading in the direction of the crimson vortex.

Where is he going back?Why?

Shen Zheng didn't understand at all.

He didn't have time to figure it out, because in an instant, he felt the hyperspace behind him shake violently, and then a terrifying breath appeared from the hyperspace, chasing towards him.

"Luo kill?" He couldn't help but exclaimed, and called out angrily. "This old man, I turned around and ran away, but he still wants to chase after me. Is he really not willing to kill me?"

"Master, he is the king of insects and the pinnacle star master. He killed his capable subordinates in front of you, but he still couldn't keep you with the strongest force. It's hard to see his family in face. "Xue Su's thought came out from the worm nucleus, and Shen Zheng could feel the smile in her words. "It's no wonder he's crazy, can he let you go?"

"You still have time to make sarcastic remarks!" Shen Zheng smiled wryly, "Now I finally know how powerful the pinnacle star master is. Now we are not his opponent at all. If he catches up with us, we will die!"

"That's not necessarily true." Xue Su said, "Maybe you will be able to upgrade again under the stimulation of strong power."

"Even if I'm a real monster, I can't reach that level, right?" Shen Zheng rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue.

"Master, you look so cute~" Xue Su giggled.

"...It's important to escape..."

In the blink of an eye, a flame rose up and turned into wings of fire, and a black tide slowly surged up and turned into a pair of wings of flames. The two wings vibrated in turn, allowing his speed to increase again, while under the holy spirit On the wheel, the yellow light of the central holy spirit flickered, making Shen Zheng's control over his own power reach an unprecedented height. Whether it was Eggy's power or Xiao Hei's power, they were no longer simply borrowed, but like Xue Su. Like other people's power, he truly merged with him and was completely controlled by his will.

Power, increase again!

I can escape!Shen Zheng's eyes could not help but radiate excitement, and he flew towards the distance with all his strength.

But the feeling of terror did not disappear no matter what, not only did not disappear, but approached step by step, Shen Zheng had a headache and knew that that guy Luo Sha was chasing closer and closer.

The speed of the peak star master has reached such a terrifying level!


Gritting his teeth, Shen Zheng unleashed all his strength again, and shot towards the distance.

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