star wars civilization.

Chapter 475: Respective Actions

Luo Sha's eyes were red, as if dripping blood, as if burning with flames. ^

The right arm, the most flexible right arm for using weapons, was strangled and broken.

As his source of life is the green dragon worm, he can easily create a space for recovery, but he cannot create new limbs out of thin air.

From then on, he was a disabled person without a right forearm. Even if he could live for thousands of years, he would still be disabled.

This is an eternal pain that will be branded on him as an eternal shame. [

"Ah!" He roared like a wounded beast, and stared fiercely at Shen Zheng, but he didn't rush up to fight him desperately, because he knew that if he did that, he would commit suicide.

He roared angrily, his mental power expanded to the strongest limit in an instant, but it was gathered up after a while, and then sank into a turbulent flow of space.

He escaped, a majestic peak star master, the king of insects in an insectoid star area, escaped in front of Shen Zheng just like that.

Looking at the other party going away, Shen Zheng let out a long breath.

He also has no strength to pursue.

The moment the opponent's arm was crushed, the power transmitted by the Xuanwu Holy Spirit had reached the end of the crossbow. Both Shen Zheng and the Xuanwu Holy Spirit were desperately maintaining this power so that it would not disappear for the time being. Unable to hold on any longer, the power of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit could not even say a word, so he just left.

The wheel of the holy spirit formed by the black tide suddenly disappeared, and the wheel of the holy spirit behind Shen Zheng lost the power to pull him, and stopped immediately.

The sudden stop made Shen Zheng's whole body go numb, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

He felt pain all over his body, and he couldn't help but sigh: "The power of the peak star master is certainly good, but if I want to use it now, I have to pay a considerable price..."

Enduring the pain in his body, Shen Zheng looked around, and then flew to an asteroid not far away.It was a desolate planet, and there was nothing on it except rocks, but for Shen Zheng, this kind of place without living beings was the best place for him to recuperate and heal.

The three of Xuesu, Eggy and Xiao Hei, have exhausted their strength just like Shen Zheng at this time, and no longer have the ability to resist strong enemies, so Shen Zheng can only hide and recover slowly.

On this asteroid, Shen Zheng found a deep valley, flew into it, found the most secret place at the bottom of the valley to hide in it, sat down quietly, and began to adjust his insect power and recover his body. ^

He has benefited a lot from this battle. With the support of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit, he has experienced the peak state of the star master that other people have experienced, and understood the secret of the power of the peak star master. This will be of great benefit to his promotion in the future. .

For this period of time, he has been in a tense state of desperate struggle. From the beginning of entering the crimson vortex to the present, there has not been a moment of rest in several months, like a bow stretched to the extreme.Now that he was injured this time, it just gave him a chance to calm down completely, allowing him to relive everything that happened before, and feel all his gains and losses in the state of silence.

But he didn't know that during the time he was resting quietly, someone was not quiet.

After Luo Sha entered the hyperspace, he flew all the way in one direction.It's not his killing star, but another mysterious star field far away from killing star.He flew with the power of the peak star master, and it took dozens of hours to get there.

After rushing out of the hyperspace, a dark space appeared in front of Luo Sha. There were no stars here, and the nearest star looked as big as a sesame seed.

But Luo Sha stared at a dark space, and approached there cautiously. Suddenly, when his body passed a certain mysterious space layer, a bright light appeared in front of him.The light is not very dazzling, it can bring people a warm feeling, but the closer it is, the more scorching hot it feels.

With the strength of Luo Sha, he had to mobilize all his strength to fight against it, and arranged a temporary ice space around his body to lower his body temperature at any time and relieve the scorching heat from outside. [

Even so, he still didn't dare to move forward quickly, but kept being cautious, and slowly approached there. Finally, when he reached the vicinity of the light, his eyes suddenly turned into a field of light and flames. world.

If an outsider looked over from a distance at this time, they would only see Luo Sha suddenly disappear into the dark starry sky.

But for Luo Sha, he is already in a different world that has nothing to do with the universe.There is no darkness in this world, only light and flames, only the scorching air turbulent in all directions, so he had to use his greatest strength to protect himself.

"Human, tiny human!" His eyes were red, implying great anger, and he walked towards the center of the bright world step by step.

"In the past, I didn't dare to go deep into this secret realm easily because I was afraid. I was afraid of losing everything I have now, so I didn't dare to risk my life. But it's different now, little human being, I should thank you! You took it away Everything I have, so that I can finally go deep into it desperately! Human beings, wait, I will reach the limit here, and gain greater power enough to kill you! I will definitely become stronger, because here If the law becomes stronger, then there is only death!"

In the light and flames, Luo Sha's crazy laughter came...

And at the other end of the distant starry sky, in front of the huge crimson vortex, all the battleships have disappeared. After the battle between Shen Zheng, Wen Rencheng, and Feng Qianling, those trainees who followed also rushed back to the battleship group, After learning about the shocking battle, all the trainees fell into a daze.

They recalled the scene where they were provoked by Li Yunhe to become an enemy of Shen Zheng, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and no one was not afraid.

Especially those guys who helped Li Yunhe jump up and down were so scared that they were sweating like rain!

And when they learned that Shen Zheng was promoted to star master in that battle, and directly jumped to the second level, all the trainees felt a burst of discouragement. Compared with Shen Zheng, is their extreme training still called training?

Yes, everyone has gained a lot, but people are more angry than others. Compared with Shen Zheng, they are like picking up a pile of garbage in a treasure mountain and returning.

In this state of mind, even if you enter the deep red vortex to practice again, you will definitely not gain anything.

Under such circumstances, the general leader Luo Dao made a decision: to end this crimson vortex extreme experience.This decision also won the support of the team leaders of each star area. After Wen Gangshu contacted Xuan Yiwang, who had not participated in the siege of Shen Zheng, but was still practicing alone in the crimson vortex, and waited for his return, the entire fleet withdrew from this area. Huge vortex.

They brought a name back to their respective star regions and planets, and not long after, the name finally spread throughout the crimson spiral galaxy through their mouths.

That name was "Shen Zheng".

They left, but the crimson vortex was not alone.At the edge of another crimson vortex far away from here, a figure was floating on the outer edge of the vortex, quietly watching the inside of the vortex.

This man was dressed in a standard military officer's suit, and his figure was a little thin, but he didn't give people any sense of weakness. On the contrary, anyone who saw him would feel that he was very powerful.

Because, he is the star master.

He stared at the inside of the crimson vortex, faintly feeling that there seemed to be some changes in it.He took out the internet eye on his chest and asked in a low voice, "Where have you been?"

"We are almost approaching the middle level." Someone replied, "It's just strange, the lure has been releasing the power of the star master, but there is no shadow of the crimson monster at all, could it be..."

At this moment, a dangerous aura came from the eyes of the network, and the face of the thin officer changed.

"Bug! Such a powerful worm! My lord, save us..." An exclamation came from the eyes of the network, followed by the sound of an explosion. After two or three seconds, all the sounds disappeared. [

"How could this be?" The thin officer frowned, sighed, and turned his gaze to the whirlpool again.

He stared there, as if making a very important decision.But at this moment, a space turbulence surged in the distance, and then, a space battleship flew out of the turbulence, slowly driving towards him.He turned his head to stare, his eyes full of doubts, but not the slightest fear.

Those who need to fly a battleship in space are by no means a powerful guy, so he doesn't need to be on guard.

Sure enough, the battleship stopped soon, and after the hatch was opened, a protoss-level powerhouse flew over from inside and came all the way to him.He frowned slightly, and originally wanted to ask who was so bold and dared to disturb him, but when he saw the face of that person clearly, he was taken aback.

"Your Highness Harley?" he exclaimed in surprise. "You... how could you..."

"Intent." With a friendly smile, the other party pointed to his head. "When I ran away, my great-grandpa asked for a mind protection from the master of the galaxy, raised my power of mind to a very high level, and gave me the ability to track with mind. Every strong person on Qiu Xing has a super sensitive power."

"It turns out that you have wandered into this galaxy..." the thin man sighed with emotion. "You must have experienced a lot after you left, right?"

"It's a long story." The man sighed, "In general, it was pretty good until a nasty guy appeared..."

As he said that, hatred flashed in his eyes, and that friendly smile became terrifying.

"There is an enemy who is chasing and killing me, and I will fight against him. Now I can only go back to Zuoqiu Xing to get some protection." He said, "I happened to sense that you came to this galaxy, so I came here."

"There is such a person?" The thin officer frowned, "Don't worry, Your Highness Harley, I will help you solve him."

"You?" The other party sneered, "He can easily kill even my mentor, the seventh-level star master, you?"

"You were able to escape from the eighth-rank star master?" The thin officer was taken aback.

"Stop rambling on." The other party waved his hand impatiently, "Take me away, or he will come after me again!"

"Wait a moment." The thin officer took out an Internet eye. "I still have a task to do, but this time it's Master Qiu Wei who came with me, I'll contact him right away and ask him to take you back."

"Whatever you want," said the other party.

Afterwards, he looked into the distance with hatred, and muttered in his heart: Shen Zheng, this time your death has come!

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