star wars civilization.

Chapter 482: Harlem's Strongest Strike

Harlem was completely dumbfounded. ^

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" He exclaimed, "It's just a combination of the three holy spirits, how could it have such a strong power?"

"I repeat - the important thing is quality, not quantity." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, and with his thoughts moving, his Holy Spirit killing move had already swung the heavy hammer, and slammed it fiercely at the opponent's Holy Spirit killing move.

"It's just a fluke, it's just my carelessness!" Harlem gritted his teeth, "How can I lose to a brat like you in the ultimate move of the Holy Spirit?"

With a roar, he clenched his fists violently, the powerful space power focused on his two fists, and then transmitted to the wheel of the Holy Spirit. Immediately, the two holy spirits of Suzaku and White Tiger emitted dazzling red and white rays of light, flying Generally shot at the Holy Spirit's killer move, and then evolved into two weapons, one wind and one fire. [

This time, it was not a battle knife, but a thick battle axe.

"It's useless." Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled, "Knives and axes are just appearances, but the essence is still the insect power itself. The quality itself is not strong, and no matter how amazing the appearance changes, it is still useful."

The heavy hammer slammed down, and the two axes raised to resist, and the three heavy weapons collided together in the air, making a loud bang. Amidst the loud bang, a wind and a fire were instantly shattered. It turned into countless wind threads and flying sparks, but the heavy hammer only vibrated in mid-air for a moment, and then fell down, hitting the chest of the opponent's ultimate holy move.

Immediately, the armor composed of the blue light and the black current vibrated violently, the blue light flowed in all directions, while the black current splashed water, and the entire armor seemed to dissipate at any time.

"Hold it!" Harlem roared through gritted teeth, and swung his fist violently.

The holy spirit ultimate move also clenched his fists immediately, and hit Shen Zheng holy spirit who was too late to retract the hammer. With a bang, the fist hit his chest, and the powerful space force burst out immediately, making a huge roar.

The flames were dazzling, and the flame armor on Shen Zhengshengsheng's body immediately played a role. Although the Holy Spirit was beaten up and flew several meters, the armor was relatively strong, and there was no sign of laxity.

As for the Holy Spirit's ultimate move itself, apart from being "moved" a few meters away, there was no damage at all. He shook his head provocatively, and immediately swung the sledgehammer in his hand, turning it into a whirlwind towards Harlem's Holy Spirit's ultimate move. Smash it.

"Block it!" Harlem yelled, and he couldn't help raising his arms to protect his head at the same time, and his ultimate move of the Holy Spirit followed suit.


Amidst the loud noise, the heavy hammer hit the strong arm directly, and immediately the blue light and the black tide flew away in all directions, and the central arm of the Holy Spirit, which exuded yellow radiance, couldn't bear the huge arm in an instant. The impact force, but bending, fragmentation. ^

"Damn it, blow it up!" Harlem was so angry, he felt that his ultimate Holy Spirit attack could not stop the opponent's attack in an instant, and in desperation, he simply exploded with all his remaining strength.

Immediately, there was an ear-shattering loud noise in the air, and a shock wave also spread to the surroundings. Harlem's ultimate Holy Spirit move exploded in the air, and Shen Zheng's ultimate Holy Spirit move was also detonated with enormous power, creating an even bigger shock wave immediately .

The surrounding cosmic space seemed to be shaken and shaken.

"How could it be so strong?" Seeing that the situation was not good, Ha Sen immediately protected Ha Wu and Li Yunhe together with Ha Mu, and retreated further away quickly, barely avoiding the scope of the shock wave.

"Unbelievable!" Hamu said in amazement, "He is obviously a third-tier star master, but he can display the power of an eighth-tier star master, and... And he is even stronger than the second brother? How is this possible?"

And Ha Wu looked at Li Yunhe, feeling more certain in his heart that Harley came back to seek his throne.

If Shen Zheng didn't have such a strong power, the fundamental method would be used by him.Conversely speaking, it is precisely because he has taken a fancy to Shen Zheng's powerful and magical power that he has the idea of ​​returning to his hometown, and at the same time left his own thoughts on Shuaikang.

Otherwise, as long as he returns to his hometown, the distance between millions of light-years of galaxies is enough for Shen Zheng to find him even if he dies. [

Everything has been laid out from the beginning, and the target is not others, but oneself.

Ha Wu gritted his teeth, the desire to kill his brother became stronger than ever.

But Li Yunhe's eyes were shining brightly.For him, the stronger Shen Zheng is, the better, and the more beneficial it is for his plan.

How could the old man be really angry if he didn't threaten Grandpa a little bit?

It's not such a strong man, I can't say that Ha Wu colluded with you to murder me, or even the whole family!

"Uncle Harlem, don't keep your strength anymore. He is only a third-tier star master. If you work harder, you will surely defeat him!" come on.

But this refueling made Harlem's old face blush, and at the same time, it also made Harlem feel that if he couldn't bring down Shen Zheng, his old face would not be able to see people in the future.

"Prince Harlem, do you want to compete again?" Shen Zheng stood quietly in the distance, with a flat smile on his face. "In fact, you have already lost in the competition just now."

"Nonsense!" Harlem yelled angrily, "I just used the ultimate move of the holy spirit to test your kid's ability, and you dare to say that I lost? How unreasonable!"

"Okay then." Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled, "Have I tried my skills compared to the prince? Then let's be real."

As he said that, with a slight smile, he suddenly rushed towards Harlem.

"Come on, soldiers against soldiers and generals." Harlem's eyes flashed, "Close combat is what I'm good at!"

Holding the two-handed sword tightly, Harlem slowly moved it to the starting position of a certain sword move, but before he could complete this movement, a flame wing suddenly surged from Shen Zheng's back, and then Seeing the formation of the fire wings, Shen Zheng's speed increased to the extreme, and he had already arrived in front of Harlem in an instant.

"Why so fast!"

Amid the exclamation, Shen Zheng's fist had already hit, Harlem's eyes widened, and he hastily used his sword to block it. Fortunately, he finally blocked Shen Zheng's chest punch.

The surging Kuroshio power rippled on the sword body, and spread along the sword body, and penetrated towards Harlem's arm.Under normal circumstances, even such a powerful force of the water system would never have invaded his body, but at this time he hastily responded, his arms were numb from the shock, but he resisted it all at once.

A large amount of water energy penetrated into his arm like this, and began to destroy it. For a while, his arm felt numb, as if he couldn't even hold the two-handed sword.

And at this moment, Shen Zheng's second punch had already struck, and it directly hit his two-handed sword again.The powerful power of the Kuroshio itself made Harlem tremble all over, and his chest felt tight. In addition, the power of the spreading water system continued to drill into his arms, which made him unable to bear it. Hum, let go of the two-handed sword, and flew towards the rear.

He forcibly stabilized his body, but a stream of blood was already dripping down the corner of his mouth.He hurriedly wiped it off quickly, but that action failed to escape the eyes of anyone present.

"Uncle Harlem, stop playing with him and use your strongest strength." Li Yunhe shouted again here.

What he thought in his heart was: Let's fight, it's best to fight Shen Zheng with your life, and if Shen Zheng is forced to kill you, that would be the best result.

Harlem's face turned red slightly, and his old face was a little unbearable. [

"Admit defeat." Shen Zheng looked at him and said slowly. "Some people are looking forward to a real life-and-death battle between you and me, and then he can turn this matter from a trivial matter into a major event."

"You mean, I'm not your opponent?" Harlem glared at Shen Zheng angrily. "What a big tone! I won't let you see my true strength, and you still treat me as an ordinary character!"

He shook his arms violently, and the powerful fire force in his body instantly wiped out the water force that invaded his body. With a wave of his hand, the two-handed long sword floating in the distance immediately turned into blood and flew back into his hand, re-condensing into shape.

"Junior, die!" Amidst the roar, his body turned into a beam of light, shooting towards Shen Zheng.The five rays of light on the wheel of the holy spirit behind him flickered together, and turned into the five holy spirits again, but this time the five holy spirits did not gather as one, but turned into five rays of light separately, and injected them into his insect spirit two-handed sword .

Immediately, the sword trembled involuntarily, and made noises, as if it was moaning in pain because it couldn't bear the huge force.Sweat also broke out on Harlem's forehead, and he seemed to be on the verge of collapse because he held such a huge power that should not belong to him.

Right, that is it!

Li Yunhe's eyes lit up again, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and there was a trace of excitement in his eyes.

If you exert your strongest strength, Shen Zheng must exert his strongest strength. When the two collide... I believe that the victory must belong to Shen Zheng, and you will become a poor victim.As the master in the clan second only to Grandpa, your death will surely make Grandpa furious, and by then...

Shen Zheng, Ha Wu, your end is coming!

Looking at the powerful force emitted by the other party, Shen Zheng was a little surprised, because not long ago, in the battle with the worm emperor Luo Sha, he also used such a combination of five holy spirits, concentrated in the worm spirit and erupted. Powerful killing move.

He couldn't be more clear about the power of this ultimate move. At that time, he actually shattered the hyperspace in one fell swoop, causing himself and Luo Sha to exit the hyperspace and return to the real universe.

Want to hit hard?

It seems that this is the only way to go.But if he does this, Harlem will definitely die, because obviously, he can't control this power well, unlike me, who can already use it proficiently, without any side effects.

If he dies...

Shen Zheng looked at Li Yunhe, and saw joy and excitement in his eyes.

Never let him wish!

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and amidst the loud shouts, the black tide surged on the wheel of the holy spirit.

In an instant, five strands of Kuroshio Xuanwu had been generated out of thin air, rushing towards Harlem one after another.

"Can you stop me?" Harlem roared loudly. During the roar, the long sword pierced through the first Kuroshio basalt, pierced it instantly, and turned into several sprays!

Then, the second, third, fourth, fifth!

Break them all with one blow!

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