star wars civilization.

Chapter 484: Challenge the Peak Again

Hearing this sentence, the expressions of the two youngest brothers in the royal family changed. %&*

Harley's face became even uglier, because he could see that no matter what Harley did, in front of this grandpa, he was his most lovable grandson, and there would be no change.

The smile on Li Yunhe's face became brighter.He knows that he has the ultimate guarantee, and no one should let himself fall short.

But Shen Zheng's expression did not change, as if he had expected it to be like this.He just nodded slowly: "Yes, it's nothing. But..."

Smiling slightly, he said in a low voice: "Old man, can I take a step to speak?"[

"What do you want to say?" Ha Lianghe was slightly surprised.

"It's inconvenient to say it in front of everyone." Shen Zheng said, "Creating a temporary space that won't be heard or seen by others is just a matter of effort for you."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you there?" Ha Lianghe asked.

"I don't think any peak star master would use the power of self-created space when dealing with a third-tier star master?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"So brave." Ha Lianghe nodded slowly. "That's right, if I do this, my life of wisdom will be in vain."

With a wave of his hand, a wave surged up, and a layer of film-like turbulent wave wrapped Shen Zheng and him together.The turbulent wave quickly formed a slightly blurred world, and the two turned to it, seeing each other clearly, and they could also look out through this world, just like observing the scenery outside the glass covered with water mist.

"Just say what you have to say." Harango said. "But no matter what, your reasons will not make me give up my grandson."

"I understand that in your eyes, he is a good boy who respects and loves you. I just want to prove one thing to you." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

Outside, all the people were looking at the direction where the two disappeared, each guessing Shen Zheng's purpose with different thoughts, but in the end no one could guess.

Among them, the two brothers Ha Wu and Li Yunhe were the most anxious. They were both worried about Ha Lianghe's decision, but the direction of worry was opposite.

Ha Wu was worried that Harley would kill Shen Zheng in the end, and the only chance would be lost. He could only watch Harley stay and continue to attack him.

Li Yunhe was worried, of course, that Shen Zheng would use some means to make Ha Lianghe change his mind.

Even, it was Shen Zheng who killed Ha Lianghe. %&*

Impossible?So possible!When everyone thought that Shen Zheng would die under Wen Rencheng's hands, what did Shen Zheng do?

Later, when everyone thought that Feng Qianling and Wen Rencheng would join forces to kill Shen Zheng, how did Shen Zheng behave?

Li Yunhe even remembered what Shen Zheng did when he had no choice but to find worms to protect him!

Now, he has vaguely begun to doubt whether after the worm king Yanhuo escaped, he went to invite the more powerful worm king.And Shen Zheng is safe now, either he did not meet the Zong Huang, or he defeated the Zong Huang, or he escaped from the Zong Huang safely.

If it is the last possibility, then the situation of the eyes is delicate, if it is the second possibility...

Li Yunhe suddenly shivered. [

Because he suddenly discovered that if it was the second possibility, then he would be dead, and there was no way out.

why?For a long time, although I was hunted down by Shen Zheng, I never fell into a situation where there was no way out?

I understand, because I regard this place as the final decisive place, as the only reliance.No, it can't be like this, I can't pin my fate on Zuoqiu Xing.Grandpa is indeed strong, but not strong enough!I have to think of a way out, a way out that will allow me to fail even if I fail!

I hold the secret of the crimson giant monster. This secret has a huge attraction for everyone, and any strong person will be attracted by it!

Above the peak star master, there is also the master of the galaxy!With this secret, I can find any kind of support!

There was a gloomy smile in his eyes.

While waiting, time passed quickly, and suddenly, a wave surged up, and Ha Lianghe and Shen Zheng immediately appeared in front of the crowd from the wave, Shen Zheng flew back vigilantly, and Ha Liang He Ze looked angry.

"Nonsense!" He yelled at Shen Zheng angrily, "You idiot, how dare you slander my grandson like this? You must know that although he is my brother's own grandson and not my own, he is the heir of my life." , he is well-behaved and sensible, and he is very filial to me, I have long regarded him as my own grandson! You want to use such clumsy means to provoke our relationship, you are looking for death!"

"Old man, I've said everything I need to say, don't be obsessed with it!" Shen Zheng's face was gloomy and his voice was cold. "Li Yunhe must die, otherwise I will die forever. This is my unchanging principle! If you insist on defending such a despicable villain, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Hearing Ha Lianghe's words, Li Yunhe breathed a sigh of relief.But hearing Shen Zheng's response, his heart was shocked.

"You're welcome"?What kind of strong man dares to say such words to the peak star master?Could it be that Shen Zheng is really... really a super strong man capable of killing Star Lord?

Could it be that Luo Sha, the emperor of the worms, really fought against Shen Zheng and was given by Shen Zheng...

Li Yunhe's heart turned cold, and he quietly cast his eyes on Zuoqiu Xing.

Prepare early!

The rest of the members of the Zuoqiu royal family were also shocked.They looked at Shen Zheng and couldn't believe their ears.

"What did he just say? To be 'you're welcome' to uncle?" Hamu doubted his ears.

"That's right." Hasen nodded and looked at Harlem. "Second brother, do you think this kid really has such abilities?"

"Not sure..." Harlem shook his head. "Have you noticed the speed at which he gathers the power of space? It's as if the power of space flows directly from his body. And just now, I can't even hurt him with a full blow, I really can't imagine , when he goes all out, will he reach the level of a peak star master..."

"Oh my god, such a monster..." Hamu was stunned, "How did Harley provoke such a monster back? There is no chance, right?"

"God knows..." When Harlem said this, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

If only if: this Shen Zheng really gave his uncle to... In that case, what will happen to Zuoqiu Xing's situation?

Can our Ha family maintain its prosperity and strength? [

Thinking this way, there is Haru.He hoped that Shen Zheng could kill Harley, but he didn't want Shen Zheng to kill Ha Lianghe, because that was the biggest reliance of their Ha family.

"What a boy, how courageous!" Ha Lianghe looked at Shen Zheng and snorted coldly. "Then I'm going to take a look, what kind of tricks you kid has! Today either you die or I die!"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand, and a wheel of the holy spirit slowly emerged behind him, with five rays of light on it, and the wheel of the holy spirit immediately began to spin, turning faster and faster.With the rotation of the wheel of the holy spirit, his strength also continued to rise, reaching a terrifying level.

A powerful force flew over, protected everyone in the Ha family, and slowly reached a safe place in the distance.

"I want to say that I have defeated the peak star master, you will not believe me." Shen Zheng stood proudly and spoke loudly. "But soon, I will prove it to you. The peak star master is actually nothing special, but it can create all kinds of temporary spaces. What's so special about this little trick?"

What a big breath!

Everyone in the Ha family couldn't help but be terrified.If Shen Zheng dared to say such words in front of the peak star master, if he was not crazy, then he had great confidence!And that self-confidence must come from the strength of the powerful ratio.

He really fought against the Emperor of Zombies!Li Yunhe was shocked.

Then, no matter whether he has defeated the Zonghuang or not, it proves that he has the ability to leave safely under the hands of the peak star master. In today's situation, Grandpa will never be able to restrain him!

Li Yunhe's gaze turned to Zuoqiu Xing again.

Hearing Shen Zheng's arrogant words, Ha Lianghe was annoyed and laughed: "I have seen arrogant juniors, but I have never seen you who are so arrogant! Okay, then I will let you experience the peak star Terror of the Lord!"

As he said that, five beams of light suddenly shot out from the wheel of the holy spirit, and they quickly combined in the air, turning into a sword-wielding warrior in heavy armor.

The warrior's face was gloomy, and the armor on his body was continuously shining with four colors of blue, white, red, and black, while the armor itself exuded a noble yellow light. ultimate move.

Unlike Harlem and Shen Zheng's fusion-type ultimate move of the Holy Spirit, this ultimate move of the Holy Spirit has been fully integrated, and the other four holy spirits are no longer dispersed into four forces, but completely twisted into one and controlled by it. , forming a perfect combination of forces.

Facing this powerful Holy Spirit ultimate move, Shen Zheng did not dare to be careless. Three rays of light shot out from the wheel of the Holy Spirit behind him, turning into Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Central Holy Spirit. The three holy spirits dispersed into light and merged into one to form a The ultimate move of the holy spirit holding the black tide hammer and wearing flame armor.

"How dare you show this kind of thing?" Ha Lianghe shook his head and sneered, pointed a little, and his Holy Spirit killing move immediately raised his saber and rushed towards Shen Zheng.

That speed, like flashing lightning, instantly arrived in front of Shen Zheng's ultimate holy move, and the sharp saber raised high, with the power to destroy everything, slashed at Shen Zheng's ultimate holy move.

"With just one blow, I can kill you, a nondescript little character!" Ha Lianghe said confidently.

"Block it!" Shen Zheng snarled, and while waving his hands, the holy spirit's ultimate move raised the heavy hammer with both hands, facing the opponent's saber.


Amidst a loud noise, the two weapons collided together, sending out strong fluctuations.

"how is this possible?"

Many people exclaimed at this moment.

Because of that knife, it was finally blocked by the heavy hammer!

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