star wars civilization.

Chapter 491: The Legacy of the Xuanwu Insect

"Son, you are powerful, but you have too little experience..."

With a deep sigh, the basalt worm raised its head and spoke slowly.

"It's useless to deal with my body." It said, "The cerebrum has already controlled my body, and I'm fighting it with the last of my thoughts. Son, help me kill it!"

Xiao Hei seemed to understand, and immediately let out a loud roar, spit out a black tide.The Kuroshio turned into a claw, and grabbed the faintly glowing brain worm on the head of the Xuanwu worm in the air.

The Cerebral Worm's reaction was not slow at all. Seeing the claw grabbing it, he immediately controlled the Xuanwu Worm's body with all his might, raised his head, and the claw grabbed the Xuanwu Worm's neck, leaving several bloodstains immediately . [

Xiao Hei was startled, and hastily withdrew the claw of the Kuroshio.

"What a smart guy!" Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing while killing the bugs around him while observing this side.Looking at the faintly glowing brain worm, he always felt that there was something wrong with it, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

He frowned slightly, thinking while fighting, and suddenly slapped his forehead: "The brain worm itself does not emit light, the light on it..."

He exerted the maximum power of his thoughts, carefully observed the cerebrum, and suddenly, he discovered a power that cannot be underestimated hidden in the cerebrum. It was that power that gave it the ability to The ability to control the basalt worm is the power that makes its body emit a faint white light.

The power of the universe origin insect!

It turned out to be a brain worm with the power of a cosmic source worm!

Shen Zheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he roared: "Xiao Hei, capturing it alive may be an opportunity for us to improve our strength again!"

Xiao Hei roared, and controlled the claws of the Kuroshio to grab the head of the Xuanwu worm again, but this time he was much more careful. Seeing that the basalt worm swung his head to dodge, he controlled the claw to move away, carefully looking for an opportunity, but No more basalt worms will be accidentally injured.

The two sides began to deal with each other like this, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

But after a long time, Shen Zheng continued to kill the insect swarms so that the number of insect swarms became less and less, and the brain worms could not defeat Xiao Hei, so he couldn't help becoming anxious. A dazzling light suddenly shot out from his body, and the basalt worms immediately Completely under its control, those strange tissues on his body grew crazily, turned into several terrifying tentacles, and grabbed Xiao Hei in the air together.

Nimblely dodging these tentacles, Xiao Hei opened his mouth wide, and a water arrow shot over immediately, but several water jets surged up from the basalt worm, hitting the water arrows one after another, hitting the water arrows into sky splashes.

Suddenly, several tentacles quickly grabbed Xiao Hei's four legs, while two thick tentacles swung fiercely and smashed towards Xiao Hei.

"Oops!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but frowned, and was about to fly over to support him immediately.

But at this moment, the basalt worm suddenly regained control of its body, and amidst the roar, those tentacles disappeared instantly.

Xiao Hei immediately got out of trouble, and immediately dodged to the side.

"Son, I'm no match for it..." Xuanwu Worm struggled in pain, "Don't worry about my life or death, at least...let me die in my own form!"

As he said that, a dark tide suddenly surged up on his body, and the black tide quickly devoured its grotesque body tissue like a terrifying man-eating monster, and he couldn't help howling in pain cry.

This Kuroshio possessed a powerful force, but Shen Zheng felt that it was already the last strength of the basalt worm, the power of life.

It intends to burn life into power, suppress the brain worm with all its strength, and give Xiao Hei a chance to kill the brain worm! [

In this black tide, all the strange tissues on its body were swallowed up, and it also looked like the original basalt worm in a short period of time, but the whole body was covered with purple blood, which looked shocking.

An angry look flashed in Xiao Hei's eyes, and he roared violently, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Xuanwu worm to control his body, he opened his mouth to spit out a black current, which turned into that huge claw, and directly grabbed the brain on the top of the Xuanwu worm's head. The worm, with another loud roar, pulled out the brain worm with all his might.

White light flashed on the body of the brain worm, with purple blood on its claws. It screamed and was grabbed by Xiao Hei, but a flash of light suddenly scattered the giant Kuroshio claws, and then volleyed towards Xiao Hei. Come straight!

"Xiao Hei, be careful!" Shen Zheng was taken aback, he didn't want Xiao Hei to be controlled by this brain worm, so he immediately killed a few bugs around him, and rushed towards Xiao Hei.

The brain worm was too small, and it came too fast, Xiao Hei didn't have time to dodge it, and he didn't even have time to attack it with powerful force.

In desperation, Xiao Hei made an attack that no one could have imagined. He opened his mouth wide and bit the cerebrum in his mouth!Then, its big mouth kept wriggling and chewing, and in it, the sharp cry of the brain worm kept coming, and after a while, it finally stopped.

Little Hei shook his head, and with a grunt in his neck, he swallowed that brain worm.

"" Shen Zheng looked at Xiao Hei and couldn't help being startled.

As soon as the brain worm died, the worms in the swarm immediately became confused as if they had lost their souls, smashed into a ball, and fought each other.Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and after killing the last few star-lord-level bugs, he obtained the bug cores, and released the powerful star-lord coercion, and the remaining bugs immediately screamed and scattered, flying towards They ran in all directions and escaped cleanly.

"Xiao Hei, are you alright?" Shen Zheng flew to Xiao Hei's side with concern, only to see that Xiao Hei's eyelids drooped a little, he seemed not very energetic, so he couldn't help frowning.

"It's fine." The blood-covered Xuanwu worm looked at Xiao Hei lovingly, with relief in his eyes. "Human, thank you."

"You're welcome." Shen Zheng smiled, "Besides, it was Xiao Hei who saved you, not me."

"I don't mean this." Xuanwu worm shook his head, "I mean you helped my family raise this child..."

"Oh, it's nothing." Shen Zheng smiled, "Xiao Hei has also helped me a lot, so it can't be said that I raised it."

"I can feel that it has the breath of the Holy Spirit of Xuanwu." Xuanwu worm looked at Xiao Hei and said, "There is power from the Holy Spirit, which constantly nourishes it and keeps its body in constant development and change. One day, it will evolve into a true Xuanwu Holy Spirit, become a powerful existence, and add a glorious touch to the history of our family..."

As he said that, he couldn't help becoming agitated, but when he got agitated, his body trembled violently, and he couldn't help coughing violently a few times.

Xiao Hei raised his head to look at it, but his eyes became more and more intense, and finally opened his mouth as if to scream, but in the end he just yawned, closed his eyes completely, and fell asleep curled up in the air.

"Xiao Hei!" Shen Zheng was startled, and called it hastily, but it didn't respond at all, it just fell into a deep sleep.

"Don't worry." Xuanwu worm shook his head, "It devoured the power of the powerful brain worm, and the mind will inevitably be affected at this time. But when it digests the power and wakes up, there will be earth-shaking changes. Now it will be more powerful and will help you more..."

"Really?" Shen Zheng looked at Xiao Hei, and couldn't help being pleasantly surprised.Suddenly, he vaguely felt that something was changing in his body, and there seemed to be more power in his body. He couldn't help but feel it carefully out of curiosity, but he was shocked by this feeling.

It turned out that in an instant, I was promoted to another level!

He couldn't help looking inside in astonishment, sensing the power in his body, and found that at this moment, on his holy spirit wheel, there was a flame power burning, and on the disk belonging to the Suzaku holy spirit, the Suzaku holy spirit was wearing a red color. The light moved its wings gently. [

Why did you get promoted all of a sudden?Shen Zheng couldn't help being stunned.

"Humans, I found that the power between you is connected." Xuanwu Chong also looked at Shen Zheng in surprise at this time, and nodded after observing for a while. "Yes, your powers are connected by the power of the Holy Spirit, but besides that, there is another power that embraces everything and seems to be the origin of this world... Well, it is the power of the universe origin insect!"

"Senior Basalt Worm." Shen Zheng said a little excitedly, "You sudden increase in power is directly related to Xiao Hei's gaining the power of a brain worm?"

"Yes." The basalt worm nodded, "The power of the cosmic worm is the most original force in this universe. You already have the power of the basalt holy spirit as a connection, but now there is an extra cosmic worm in its body." With the power, the connection is even tighter, as if you were tied together by one rope, but now you are tied by two."

"Xiao Hei gains strength, so I gain power, then when I gain power, Xiao Hei will also gain power?" Shen Zheng smiled, "This is simply a very convenient way of cultivation."

"It's not just it." The basalt worm looked at Shen Zheng's chest, where the basalt worm core and the space worm core were hung. "I feel there are other forces in you that are all connected to you, and when you lift, they lift, and when they lift, you lift. You are connected by powerful forces community……"

Having said that, its coughing became severe, and it took a full minute to stop.

"Are you okay?" Shen Zheng asked with concern, "Do you want me to help you with the power of an insect..."

"It's useless." Xuanwu Worm sighed and shook his head. "If I could have discovered you earlier, maybe everything would have been different, but now..."

It smiled wryly: "Human, I stripped off that nasty brain worm at the cost of my own life. The vitality has already passed away, and it is impossible to recover. Before I die, I just want to tell you to take good care of my family!" Boy, you will be rewarded!"

As it said that, its body shook suddenly, its eyes widened suddenly, and it let out a sky-shattering roar, then it shattered with a bang, turning into a black tide and spreading in all directions.

When the Kuroshio dissipated, only a huge bug nucleus was left.Black water waves surged on the worm core, and it slowly flew towards Xiao Hei, and suddenly the entire worm core turned into black water splashes, pouring into Xiao Hei's body.

Seeing this scene, Shen Zheng felt somewhat sad in his heart.He knew that the Xuanwu worm passed on its power in this way and gave it to Xiao Hei.

Sighing lightly, he put Xiao Hei into the basalt worm core.

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