star wars civilization.

Chapter 500: Savior?

"It's me, take it easy. %&*

The visitor was an old man in his eighties, with gray hair and a very energetic appearance.Laughed loudly and came with a kind face.

"Zuo Qiudao?" Bru Wu frowned slightly. "Brother, why did you come here? It seems that you were not arranged for this mission."

"I'm so itchy." That Zuoqiu said with a smile, "I just want to see this young genius who has mastered the key secret earlier. How about it, you have already won it?"

"It's taken." Bruu nodded slowly and sighed. [

"What's the matter?" Zuo Qiudao saw that Bruu Wu seemed to have a difficult heart.

"We are old." Bruu said without emotion, "Compared to real geniuses, we are really nothing, just a group of old men who have passed their time."

"Why do you suddenly have such emotion?" Zuoqiu said in surprise.

"I've already taken down this Shen Zheng." Bruu pointed to the faintly fluctuating movement space beside him, "Do you know what level this young man is now?"

"I heard that he was only around the third or fourth step before." Zuoqiu said.

"Just now, he was still a sixth-level star master." Bruu smiled wryly, "but now, he is already a seventh-level star master."

"What did you say?" Zuo Qiudao suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Not long after I locked him in my mobile space, he broke through the limit of the sixth level and achieved the seventh level." Bruu said, "And now his insect power is still growing , no one can say whether he will advance to the eighth step again."

"How could there be such a person?" Zuo Qiudao was really surprised.

"Is there such a person?" Bruu shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Will such a person tell us such a secret?"

"I don't know what methods those guys are going to use to deal with him." Zuo Qiudao looked at the constantly fluctuating space, and couldn't help frowning. "It would be a pity if such a talented young man fell because of this. Bruu, we can't do such a thing."

"Then what can I do?" Bruu shook his head. "We have offended him. If we keep him, our future may be..."

"We're just a bunch of old men. %&*

"But he is our best hope to advance to the master of the galaxy." Bruu said, "The master of the galaxy is the real powerhouse of the universe, and only when we reach this state can we be reborn and become truly godlike." existence. Don't you wish to be rejuvenated?"

"I..." Zuo Qiudao showed confusion in his eyes, staring at the constantly fluctuating space in a daze.

"Okay, let's go on our way." Bruu shook his head and looked at the space ahead.The crimson vortex was about to end, and he would be able to rush out of here soon, using hyperspace to move at the fastest speed.

But the moment he turned his head away, a cold light suddenly flashed in Zuo Qiudao's eyes.The killing intent surged, and the wheel of the holy spirit appeared behind it, turning rapidly, and the bloody red light shone in the palm of the hand, turning into a crescent shovel with a two-meter-long handle, and the shovel slowly came out, creating huge tearing spaces one by one , Surrounding Bruu.

"Zuo Qiudao, you!" When Bruu felt something was wrong, the space had already formed, and he could only deal with it hastily.Waving his hand, the blood gleamed, and a long stick with a square head appeared in his hand. He swung the stick vigorously, forming a space with thick and heavy power, overlapping with the opponent's space.

The tearing force and the heavy force are intertwined and instantly cancel each other out, but the preemptive Zuo Qiudao took advantage of it, and part of the tearing space force still acts on Bruu's body, Bruuu He let out a muffled grunt, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth. [

"Bru Wu, I'm sorry." Zuo Qiudao's eyes flashed sharply, "I'm different from you Daoben. I reluctantly got together just to get a chance to advance. Now that this opportunity has come, I must not I missed it in vain, sorry!"

"Zuoqiu Dao, all members of our Crimson Alliance advance and retreat together, and we all get the benefits." Bruu snorted coldly, "What do you mean? Could it be that everyone can leave you alone and prevent you from sharing this secret?" ?"

"Of course I know you guys will share." Zuo Qiudao sneered, "But that's exactly what I don't want to see!"

Saying that, the crescent shovel in his hand waved again, and a huge tearing space with a diameter of more than 50 kilometers gradually took shape.

"Do you want to swallow it all by yourself?" Bruu's eyes flashed with anger. When he swung the square-headed long stick, an equally huge and heavy space overlapped with the opponent's tearing space. The strength of the two spaces canceled each other out, and finally Dissipate into shape.

But Zuo Qiudao didn't intend to stop, the crescent shovel hit again, and the powerful creative space surrounded Bruu again.

"It doesn't make any sense!" Bruu snorted coldly, "I'm also the pinnacle star master, do you think this kind of method can hurt me? This is just a method of using power to suppress the juniors, what is it!"

Swinging the square-headed heavy stick, the same space power neutralizes and dissolves the opponent's space.

"Really?" Zuo Qiudao sneered, "You are the only one among us who has the power to move space over long distances, but others don't know, but I have already researched you clearly. Although your power is effective, it consumes a lot of power. .You have been flying in the crimson vortex for so long, and you have already consumed a lot of insect power. In addition, you have been hit by me before, how much insect power is left at this moment? Bruu, I want to consume gn you !"

Amidst the laughter, the tearing space reappeared.

Bruuu's complexion changed drastically.

The opponent's intention is obvious, that is to compete with him in insect power.This kind of destruction space with a diameter of fifty kilometers can't be used other than using the same force to melt it.If he was alone, he could still move quickly, and escape before the opponent's strength was formed.But now there is still a prison-like space beside him, which needs to be moved with him.

In this way, he will not be able to fly out of the range of fifty kilometers in time, and at that time, he will bear the blow of the huge force of space.

"You are so ruthless!" Bruu gritted his teeth and had to swing the square-headed heavy stick again.

"Sorry, I can't do anything else!" Zuoqiu said with cold eyes. "There is no hatred between you and me, but me and others... Bruu, after you die, I will bury you well, and will not let your corpse gradually turn into a lonely tomb in this crimson vortex. "

"Who do you have a grudge against?" Bruu asked loudly, "If there is a grudge, you can say it out and let everyone help you to resolve it fairly. You can't block everyone's progress because of one person's grudge, that's a big mistake Wrong, you will become everyone's enemy!"

"What if I have five enemies?" Zuo Qiudao looked at Bruu and asked slowly.

"Five?" Bruu was taken aback, and then his face became more gloomy. "You... are you with the core elders..."

"That's right." Zuoqiu said with a smile, that smile seemed a bit bleak. "You don't know, and they don't know. To them, it was just an ordinary operation, but to me... that made me lose my beloved relatives! This feud cannot be shared, and I join you It was just to find an opportunity for revenge! Now this opportunity has come, as long as I master the secret, I can kill all those five guys!"

"You're crazy, you're crazy!" Bruu yelled, swung the square-headed heavy stick fiercely, and the huge space power pressed towards Zuo Qiudao.Numerous heavy spaces are brewed in this force, and their power is terrifying.

Zuo Qiudao's face changed drastically.He didn't expect that Bruuu could exert such a powerful force.

For these peak powerhouses, the strength is basically the same, and the competition between them is the attack range.The strength of the destructive space created is quite equal, and the main thing to look at when canceling each other is the attack range.Fifty kilometers of destructive space can offset the same area of ​​destructive space, but when faced with a destructive space of more than [-] kilometers, it can only dissolve half of it. [

Then the remaining half will attack Star Master mercilessly.

Zuo Qiudao had known for a long time that the alliance would definitely send Bruu this time, because only he had the peculiar space where he could move at will.He also understands that Bruu's strength is comparable to his own, but slightly weaker than his own.Therefore, he let Bruu consume part of the insect power first, and then resorted to a sneak attack to injure Bruu. In this way, he has full confidence in taking him down.

But never expected that Bruuu has such a powerful force!

"Not good!" Zuo Qiudao gritted his teeth and frowned, retreated with all his strength, and at the same time swung the crescent shovel, a huge destruction space was formed immediately, overlapping with the opponent's destruction space, bursting out with the power to tear everything apart in an instant.

Within a radius of fifty kilometers, everything was distorting and shattering, except for the fluctuating space that surrounded Shen Zheng, there was a terrifying scene of space being cut everywhere.

Zuo Qiudao was slightly taken aback, and then felt something was wrong.Only his own spatial power exploded in this space, but Bruu's power did not see any movement, and even disappeared slowly during this explosion.

"Is this... some kind of blindfold?" He hastily waved his hand, dissipating the power of space that had not fully exploded, and canceling those terrible tearing spaces.

Looking around, Tranquility in the crimson vortex, apart from himself and the fluctuating space surrounding Shen Zheng, there is no other moving thing.

"It's a good trick, it actually tricked me." Zuo Qiudao snorted coldly, "It's a big problem to let him escape, but..."

Smiling slightly, he looked towards the fluctuating space.

"With him, do I still care if you escape?"

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