star wars civilization.

Chapter 502: Seeing the Poor Dagger

Zuo Qiudao's previous words were sincere, but since he talked about revenge, something has changed. ^Shen Zheng clearly felt the slight fluctuation deliberately hidden in his brain wave language.

What does that represent?

The hatred is real, but his purpose is not just pure revenge.As he said, the level of the lord of the galaxy is a huge temptation for anyone, it is true for other members of the Crimson Alliance, and it is also true for him.

He wanted revenge, but at the same time he wanted to possess the power of the Lord of the Galaxy.

Others would kill themselves after getting the secret, but he might not. [

His experience is worthy of sympathy, but it is not because he is worthy of sympathy that he has to dedicate his life to him.

Shen Zheng looked at Zuo Qiudao quietly, and asked slowly: "Do you want me to tell you the secret of the crimson monster?"

"Yes." Zuoqiu nodded. "If I can advance to be the lord of the galaxy, I can easily smash the entire Crimson Alliance, not to mention the mere five core elders. Don't worry, I will not forget your help to me by then. I will do my best Help you hit the limit and reach the level of the Lord of the Galaxy."

Shen Zheng looked at him, read his brain wave language, and felt all false.

He couldn't help smiling: You are all the same, with different purposes, you come here to use different methods to get the so-called secrets.

"Actually, I have already told Bruu the secret." Shen Zheng shook his head and sighed slightly. "But unfortunately he didn't believe it and thought I was hiding something."

"You told him?" Zuoqiu couldn't believe it.

"It doesn't matter what kind of monster the crimson monster is." Shen Zheng said, "The important thing is that it forms another world in its body. All the remaining will and power of the holy spirit have turned into holy spirits, like Shura inside. Fighting, dying, and repeating a new cycle of reincarnation. I was swallowed into it, witnessed all this, and was released by a powerful force. After that, the crimson monster never appeared to devour any star master level powerhouse The reason for all this, I do not understand."

Zuo Qiudao was thinking.

"So how did you manage to level up quickly?" He asked after a while.

"Sorry, I can't explain this." Shen Zheng said, "I have been improving my strength at an unimaginable speed—to be honest, I only joined the army as a planter a year or two ago."

"Impossible!" Zuo Qiudao looked at Shen Zheng with a knife-like gaze, as if thinking about Shen Zheng's lies. ^ "Then you said that you have changed from an ordinary person to a seventh-level star master in just one or two years? Are you kidding me? There is no such person in the world."

"So many people call me a monster." Shen Zheng said.

"Monster?" Zuo Qiudao smiled, "Shen Zheng, I think we have a common purpose no matter what, and you are in danger now, and you need someone as strong as me to protect you. We should be able to join forces .Besides, even if you master the secret and can quickly increase your strength, don’t you still need someone to guard you? Even if you reach that level, it’s not a bad thing to have one more friend who can fight side by side, right?”

"I'll think about it." Shen Zheng was thoughtful, as if he was thinking about cooperation.

But it is actually thinking about how to escape.

It is obviously impossible here, there is no hyperspace to speed up the escape, and it will be captured or blocked by the space created by the peak star master in a blink of an eye.If he wanted to escape, he had to reach at least the outer edge of the crimson vortex.

"Let's talk after we leave here." Shen Zheng pointed to the outside. "I feel that if I meditate again, the insect power should still increase. If I can increase to the eighth level of strength, then I will only be one step away from the peak state. No matter what we do by then, we will be more confident .”

"Alright." Zuo Qiudao said with hesitation in his tone, but finally nodded in agreement. [

Shen Zheng turned around and started to fly out of the crimson vortex.Zuo Qiudao followed behind without falling behind.Shen Zheng deliberately slowed down a bit, not reaching the top, creating a feeling that Zuo Qiudao could catch up to him at will.

The two of them flew out one by one, Zuo Qiudao wanted to speak all the time, but he kept holding back.Obviously, he didn't believe that what Shen Zheng said was all the secrets.

Seeing that he was about to reach the edge of the vortex, he finally couldn't help it, and turned his head to glance into the depths.

"Shen Zheng, I think we have to do it as soon as possible." He said, "If I had killed Bruu at that time, it would be easy to say anything. But he is fleeing now. In case there are still their people nearby, and he Find it, and we are in danger. You know, two peaks are not easy to deal with."

"That's why we need to strengthen our strength as soon as possible, isn't it?" Shen Zheng turned around and asked.

"But instead of strengthening the strength of the weak, it is better to strengthen the strong." Zuo Qiudao said. "If you increase your power again, you are only at the level of a peak star master, and you are still a novice who has no real power. And if I become the master of the galaxy, then let alone one or two peak star masters, they all come, If we can't keep them, at least they can't keep us."

The fox's tail is wagging.

Shen Zheng secretly laughed in his heart.

"The problem is that it's only a possibility." Shen Zheng shook his head, "None of us can be sure whether you can get powerful power from the crimson monster and become the lord of the galaxy. But my power growth is tangible , is quite attainable. It would be foolish to abandon what is at hand and seek what is beyond reach.”

After finishing speaking, he didn't say any more nonsense, and flew directly to the outside.

A cold light flashed in Zuo Qiudao's eyes, and a kind of anger was brewing in his heart.Like other members of the Crimson Alliance, he had waited too long for that result, and when a glimmer of hope flashed in front of him, he just wanted to grab it.

If I didn't need you... I would have killed you long ago!

He thought bitterly, Naidi followed Shen Zheng to the outer edge of the crimson vortex.

But at this moment, a soft white light suddenly flashed from Shen Zheng's body. Zuo Qiudao had heard before that Shen Zheng could use a secret method of light to enhance his strength, but he didn't see it. However, when Shen Zheng exerted his greatest strength, he hesitated for a moment.

He stared blankly, and the moment of stupefaction gave Shen Zheng time to exert his full strength, and suddenly shot out the crimson vortex, and came to the vast space outside.

A turbulent flow of space was quickly shot out, and the body pierced into it like a bird throwing water, and disappeared instantly.

"Bastard!" A furious roar uttered, and Zuo Qiudao's eyes radiated blood red.Anger made him lose his patience, and the terrifying power of the peak powerhouse was displayed in an instant.A huge space appeared at the place where Shen Zheng disappeared, that space was full of powerful and heavy force, the hyperspace that Shen Zheng used to escape overlapped with this space, and was immediately crushed to pieces.

With a dazzling white light, Shen Zheng fell out of the shattered hyperspace, and then was firmly suppressed by that space, suspended in the vast universe.

Zuo Qiudao's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth to hold back his anger, and flew towards Shen Zheng at a slow speed.Shen Zheng used this time to struggle, exerting his strongest strength to break through the shackles of that space, but to no avail.

"Boy, are you playing with me?" Zuoqiu Dao glared at Shen Zheng, "Do you think that with the little wisdom you have accumulated over the past twenty years, you can beat Lao Tzu's nearly 80 years of life experience?"

"But I almost succeeded." Shen Zheng looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Shut up!" Zuo Qiudao said in a low voice, hurting his pride. "You are so brave, you dare to deceive me! Kid, you are too immature, and you still don't understand that a seventh-level star master or an eighth-level star master is nothing in front of the peak star master. You think you can do it with superspace?" Escaped? Hyperspace is just a kind of overlapping space, which has the same nature as the temporary space we can create, and it can naturally be controlled by us!" [

"I have learned." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense." Zuo Qiudao said, "To be honest, Bruu is the only one among us who has the ability to move space, so the alliance will send him to catch you. But I don't have that This kind of ability, if I want to take you away, I will only use one method to crush all your limbs, leaving only the head and body, and then severely injured, so that I can take you away safely."

The voice was gloomy and steady, representing Zuo Qiudao's firm determination.Shen Zheng knew that he would definitely do this, so he couldn't help shivering.

"But I don't want to do that." Zuo Qiudao looked at Shen Zheng, "You became a seventh-level star master in your 20s. You are definitely a genius. It would be a pity if such a genius perishes. You should Live on and become one of the few top powerhouses in this universe. Shen Zheng, I know that your eyes will not only stop at our level, you will have higher pursuits. The secret of the crimson monster is important to you For me, it’s nothing, without it you can be a superpower. I’m different, without it I’ve lost hope. Tell me, I promise, when I become the lord of the galaxy, I’ll only be your friend .”

What he said was very sincere, and anyone would be moved by his expression and voice.What he said was also reasonable and sounded very attractive.

But Shen Zheng read something else from the brain wave language.He had every reason to believe that when Zuo Qiudao grasped the "true" secret that he thought should exist, he would definitely kill himself.

What choice should I make?

Shen Zheng thought quickly.

"What exactly do you want?" Zuo Qiudao's voice became more and more fierce. "I repeat, I am not Bruu, what I want is revenge! Hatred makes me crazier than anyone else, if you let me lose this only chance for revenge, I will simply vent all my anger on on you!"

The surrounding space power suddenly became heavier, as if a planet flew over and pressed on Shen Zheng's body, making his bones crack.He gradually felt unable to support himself, and felt that the bones in his whole body seemed to be broken.

Lie him with false words and lead him to the center of the crimson vortex?It didn't work, and that didn't solve anything.

How to do?

Shen Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted, but he couldn't hold on anymore.

"Say it!" Zuo Qiudao roared angrily.

The anger was deafening, but because it was too deafening, it awakened another force in Shen Zheng's body.

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