star wars civilization.

Chapter 513: The Realm of the Holy Spirit

Shen Zheng didn't look back at Zuo Qiudao who was running away. %&*

The relationship between myself and his partner is not stable, like a building made of building blocks, which looks tall and majestic, but in fact it will collapse if there is a little wind.

He didn't regard Zuo Qiudao as a help from the beginning.

"Eggy, don't panic."

At this moment, facing the magical power released by Ye Jihua, Shen Zheng just calmly told Eggy. [

When Ye Jihua radiated the powerful power of Xuanwu Ice Soul, everyone entered another dimension.It was a space created by Xuanwu Ice Soul, filled with howling cold wind and sharp ice.The powerful force that can freeze everything makes it seem that the flames of Eggy can no longer generate heat.

The fire on it can only be kept to a minimum.That layer of flame armor seemed to be insignificant in front of the powerful cold air in this space.

But Dandan still shared that layer of flame armor with Shen Zheng to protect her important master.

Bruu couldn't help shivering in this cold wind howling world.Ye Jihua gave him a disdainful look, but she didn't mean to take care of him, she just looked at Eggy and sneered.

"Guys, what's the use of this?" He said, "You don't understand the power of the lord of the galaxy. Let me tell you, after becoming the lord of the galaxy, the power of space will increase again, and the original space of the Holy Spirit will be transformed into 'Holy Spirit Realm'. This is a completely independent world with powerful power. People trapped in this realm, if they are not as powerful as the maker of the Holy Spirit Realm, will never be able to get out of it. Moreover, in it, if you If your power is lower than that of the creator..."

He squinted his eyes at Shen Zheng and Dandan, and kept silent for a long time, trying to keep it secret.

"What will happen?" Eggy couldn't help asking.

"You can use any space power!" Ye Jihua said in a strong voice. "That is to say, your current strength is only equivalent to a first-order star master who has not mastered the power of space!"

"Nonsense!" Eggy roared angrily, with powerful power flowing from her body.

But it clearly felt that it was not the power of space, but the most primitive insect power.It seems to have fallen from its peak state to the original first-order star master level.

However, after careful perception, it found that its power had not disappeared, it was still as powerful as the peak star master, but all the abilities related to the power of space had disappeared.

"With only strength, without ability, that's impossible." Ye Jihua sneered. "Do you know how to be afraid now? This is the level gap. No matter how many peak star masters there are, they will not pose a threat to the galaxy master, because as long as the Holy Spirit Realm is released, all peak stars will fall!"

Once again, Shen Zheng seemed to feel something when he was caught in a life-threatening crisis. %&*

It was a familiar feeling - the strength in the body was strongly stimulated by the outside world, and began to change.

He looked ahead calmly, felt the changes in his body, and slowly promoted the changes with all his strength.He knew that his strength was about to increase again, but he wasn't sure if he could improve to the point where he could break through the limit.If you can really advance to that step, then you have a chance.

If he can become the master of the galaxy, the crisis in front of him can be resolved naturally.Ye Jihua, no problem.

But can it be done?

He kept working hard, taking advantage of Ye Jihua's opportunity to talk proudly there, and kept improving his insect power.But when the worm power finally calmed down, he found regretfully that he was still far from that limit.

No wonder they formed an alliance to work together for a breakthrough.I really didn't expect that the distance from the peak star master to the limit is still so far... [

So this time, let's do our best!

There was a cold light in his eyes, and there was no fear in his heart.

The big deal is death, and death is also a grand and dignified death!

"Eggy, fight him!" Gritting his teeth, he slowly swung the blood whip.

"Fight? Do you have the strength to fight?" Ye Jihua sneered, and when he raised his hand, Xuanwu Ice Soul exuded stronger power.

"Let you know what the Lord of the Galaxy is!"

He roared, he was proud.

He disappeared suddenly, without any sign, without a trace to be found, just disappeared so suddenly.Then, he appeared above Dandan strangely, but neither Shen Zheng nor Dandan noticed it.

But Shen Zheng noticed the change in Bruuu's eyes opposite him, he found that Bruuu was looking at Eggy, and he immediately understood.

"Eggy, be careful!" he roared, slamming into Eggy next to him, with a powerful force, he knocked the unprepared behemoth into the air, while he endured the sneak attack from Ye Jihua above.

It was a fierce punch with powerful water system power, which really hit Shen Zheng's back, making the sound of bone shattering, and splashed out a mouthful of Shen Zheng's blood.Others are like stones that have been hit, quickly falling downwards.

"Master!" Eggy saw this scene after stabilizing her figure, her eyes were as red as blood, and she rushed towards Ye Jihua who was in the air with a roar.

"I want to crush your bones and tear your flesh!" It screamed wildly, and it opened its mouth to spew out raging flames, but the flames did not contain any space power.That kind of power seems to be completely insulated from it, and it will no longer help it attack the enemy.

"Struggle." Ye Jihua sneered, his figure suddenly disappeared, the terrifying flames swept away, Eggy lost the target of the attack, and looked around bitterly, but Ye Jihua was nowhere to be seen.

"In this world, I am the only ruler." Ye Jihua's voice echoed throughout the Holy Spirit Realm, but no one knew where he was.

"Bastard!" Eggy cursed fiercely, turned around and flew towards Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng closed his eyes at this moment, trying to use the power in his body.

Since he obtained the power of the Qinglong Holy Spirit, he has not encountered any great danger or been injured, so he has no chance to experience the healing power brought by the Qinglong Holy Spirit.At this time, he was seriously injured, and it was the time when he needed this power. Sadly, in the holy spirit world, all his spatial power was restricted, and the wheel of the holy spirit could not appear.

Not to mention the power of Qinglong Holy Spirit.

He couldn't help frowning slightly: Although the wheel of the holy spirit is powerful, it is also too inconvenient.All the power has turned into such a wheel, if it does not appear, the power cannot appear.

It would be great if it can be integrated into the body and truly become a part of oneself instead of external aids...

He didn't know that his thinking had actually surpassed the peak star master's thinking and stepped into the ranks of the galaxy master. [

From the peak star lord to the lord of the galaxy, it is the process of integrating the wheel of the holy spirit into oneself and completely turning it into one's own power!

As long as this process can be completed, then the peak star master can immediately dive into the dragon gate and become the master of the galaxy in one fell swoop!

But that is not a simple and easy process. Many people have pursued it all their lives, but in the end it is nothing but a mortal body, dying in hatred at the end of a hundred years.

However, even without the assistance of the Qinglong Holy Spirit, Shen Zheng could still slowly heal the wound by relying on his own foundation-building insect and slime insect power.

"Master, how are you?" Eggy asked with concern as he supported Shen Zheng with its fire wings.

"The injury won't heal for a while." Shen Zheng gritted his teeth and looked around.

"Ye Jihua, show up. Since you have already seized the initiative and controlled everything, why hide your head and show your tail like this?" He said slowly.

With a cold snort, Ye Jihua appeared from a space not far in front, and sized him up with cold eyes.

"That's right." Ye Jihua nodded slowly, "I've killed quite a few peak powerhouses, and some of them are so-called geniuses. But no one can remain as calm as you after being trapped here. Your willpower is very strong. Powerful, so powerful that I am a little curious. I really want to cut your head open and study your thoughts carefully."

"The study of ideas does not rely on surgery." Shen Zheng laughed.

Ye Jihua's expression changed: "Shen Zheng, do you think I won't kill you?"

"Mr. Ye!" Bruu shouted anxiously from a distance, but he didn't dare to come over.

"Shen Zheng, I'll give you a chance." Ye Jihua suppressed the killing intent in his heart, "Tell me the secret of the crimson giant monster you know, explain the secret of your rapid promotion, and I will spare you Not dead."

"Forgive me not to die?" Shen Zheng sneered. "What a clumsy lie!"

"How can I, the pinnacle star master, who possesses the power of the master of the galaxy, break my promise?" Ye Jihua said righteously.

"Really?" Shen Zheng continued to sneer mockingly as he read the other party's brain wave language.

"What do you mean?" In an instant, Ye Jihua's mind flashed the face of the person who believed in himself and confessed everything in the past, but died in his hands in the end.He felt a little hot on his face.

Shen Zheng smiled: "It seems that you already understand what I mean."

"You are looking for death!" Ye Jihua's face became extremely gloomy. "Shen Zheng, I'm not going to kill you, but I'm going to tear up this Suzaku bug with your face bare, then chop off your limbs and turn them into ashes, bring you by my side, and keep torturing you until one day As long as you are willing to speak!"

Immediately, a huge force emanated from the Xuanwu Ice Soul in his hand, covering Eggy in an instant.Eggy immediately let out a cry of pain, the flames on her body were flickering, and seemed to be extinguished at any moment!

"Stop!" Shen Zheng roared with red eyes, and threw himself at Ye Jihua recklessly, but Ye Jihua just waved his hand contemptuously, and a wave of space force sent Shen Zheng flying out!

Forcibly stabilizing his body, Shen Zheng immediately roared and rushed over again.Ye Jihua sneered and waved his hand again, and Shen Zheng flew out again.

But he didn't give up, he kept rushing forward time and time again, and was easily knocked away by Ye Jihua time and time again.Blood spurted from his mouth, staining his clothes red, but he just kept charging, trying to save Dandan.

"Master, leave me alone!" Eggy wailed, and suddenly roared again. "I fought him!"

Amidst the screams, a huge flame immediately ignited from its body, as if it could burn up this icy world!

"What kind of hero are you?" Ye Jihua smiled coldly, but lightly poured power into the Xuanwu Ice Soul, and the icy power enveloping Dandan strengthened again, and the flame that Dandan ignited with all her efforts was about to go out!

"You bastard!"

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the basalt worm core on Shen Zheng's body!

Xiao Hei woke up!

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