star wars civilization.

Chapter 515: Ice Snake

The icy Holy Spirit Realm began to disintegrate as the Xuanwu Ice Soul moved to Xiao Hei's side, but before halfway through, it gradually became stronger again. ^However, Dandan and Shen Zheng, who were in it, could no longer feel the aggressive cold wind and air-conditioning, but instead felt that there was a force helping them recover.

Shen Zheng is now able to use his own space power at will, and the wheel of the holy spirit emerged from behind him, moving quickly, trying to mobilize the power of the blue dragon's holy spirit.

Immediately, a blue light enveloped him, forming a small space of the Qinglong Holy Spirit. In that space, several blue lights flew across Shen Zheng's body, and his injuries recovered quickly. It took only a few seconds. , all injuries have returned to normal.

After unlocking the holy spirit space, Shen Zheng looked forward.

"Give it back to me, give it back to me!" At this moment, Ye Jihua shouted, but his voice was full of panic. [

Shen Zheng looked at him, there was a trace of pity in his eyes, but more of disdain.

This is a useless guy.Although he has reached the peak star master realm, it is useless if he is useless.He is not even as good as Li Yunhe.

Li Yunhe also had a pair of white tiger claws at the beginning, and possessed the power beyond the peak protoss.But when he couldn't fight the enemy with the power of his weapon, he was not at a loss like Ye Jihua.Although his actions made Shen Zheng resentful, he had to admit that he was a tenacious guy.

But Ye Jihua is different, he is just a pitiful and ridiculous character.

Apart from his own strength, compared to Li Yunhe, he is nothing.

This kind of person, when relying on the lucky external power to become strong, is so proud that everything is lost, but once he loses that power, he is like a child without the company of an adult, and immediately burst into tears of fright.

Such a person deserves no respect.

"Also?" Xiao Hei looked at Ye Jihua and let out a mocking laugh. "The Xuanwu Ice Soul is not yours in the first place. It belongs to the Xuanwu clan, and now I am just taking it back for the Xuanwu clan. This is called returning it to its original owner. Return it to you? Do you have the nerve to say the word 'return'?"

"Bastard, bastard!" Ye Jihua roared, "Give it back to me immediately, or do you know what the consequences will be?"

"All the powerhouses of our Crimson Alliance will hunt you down to the ends of the earth!" Bruu roared angrily.His roar was of the same nature as Ye Jihua's, but his voice was fierce but it was born of fear.

"That's right!" Ye Jihua said, "There are more than a dozen masters in the Crimson Alliance, and there is also a leader at the lord level of the galaxy. No matter how powerful you are, you are no match for it! Obediently return the Xuanwu Ice Soul to me. Nothing happened!"

"Trust him. %&*

"You didn't think so just now." Xiao Hei stared at them, "I only see you hurting my partner and my master! I will not forgive you, never!"

Suddenly, it let out a roar, and the huge holy spirit world suddenly disintegrated.

As soon as Ye Jihua was freed from the shackles, Ye Jihua flew towards the distance immediately. Bruwu was a step slower, but followed closely behind, and quickly fled to the outside of the crimson vortex.

"No one can run away." Xiao Hei smiled mockingly, and the ice armor on his body suddenly surged with a strong cold air, which turned into a giant hoarfrost snake, and its shape became more and more clear.Exhausted cold power emanated from its body, and its eyes shone with crystal light, the crystallization of ice.

Suddenly, it shot out quickly, chasing after the two peak powerhouses.The two of them running in a panic ran with all their strength, and they were already far away, hard to see.Shen Zheng doubted whether the ice snake could catch up with them.

But his eyes flashed suddenly.

Because he saw that the ice snake had already caught up with the two of them just by moving its body. Both of them let out a cry of surprise, and at the same time summoned all their strength, trying to fight against the ice snake. [

But in front of the ice snake, their strength was like kicking a thick wooden stake with a child's fist, and the wooden stake would never be injured.

The Ice Snake stared at the two of them coldly, with a hint of disdain in their eyes.The two suspected that they had misread it—it was just a stream of cold air that condensed into a snake shape, so could they still have simple wisdom?

"Stupid guy." Xiao Hei sneered, with contempt flashing in his eyes.If Ye Jihua and Bruu could see Xiao Hei's eyes at this time, they would find that the ice snake's eyes were the same as Xiao Hei's.

"Die." Xiao Hei whispered.

Suddenly, the ice snake entangled the two of them, and before they had any reaction, it had already entangled them tightly with lightning speed.The cold power penetrated into the bodies of the two quickly, and before the two peak powerhouses even had time to utter a cry, they were already frozen into two human-shaped ice crystals.

Every tissue in the body is frozen from the inside out.The moisture in the cells suddenly turned into sharp ice crystals, directly piercing the cells.All cells are destroyed by such ice crystals, so all organs and tissues composed of cells are also destroyed in this way.

The brain is no exception.

The extreme cold did not turn them into living bodies that could be preserved forever like quick freezing in high-tech technology, but turned them into real ice in an instant.

70.00% of the human body is water.If the water turns into ice in an instant, and it is sharp ice, then death becomes an optional return.

But the two human-shaped ice crystal statues didn't exist for too long. Along with the cold air, there was also the entanglement power from the ice snake.The huge pressure acted on the fragile ice sculpture, causing countless cracks to appear on the ice sculpture, and in a short while, both of them were crushed into countless ice shards.

Fly everywhere.

Just a blow, just such a seemingly random blow.

The two peak star masters just disappeared, as if they had never existed in this world.

Shen Zheng looked at the ice armor on Xiao Hei's body, and couldn't help sighing: "The attack power is so strong."

"It's a pity that the fire armor on my body failed to exert its strongest power for some reason." Eggy looked at the flame armor on her body, somewhat annoyed.

"The power of your flame armor is only obtained by absorbing the afterimage of the holy spirit." Xiao Hei expressed his opinion after thinking for a while. "And my attack power was also obtained at that time, and their levels are actually equivalent. But then we got new power, and I have absorbed part of that power and integrated it into mine. Maybe You haven't made it to this point yet. After all, you've slept less than me. And...this time, the power of the Xuanwu Ice Soul is mainly at work, not my own."

"That's the power of the master of the galaxy." Shen Zheng looked at Xiao Hei's ice armor without envy.

"Just like Dandan's fire armor, I can also lend you this power by connecting with your power." Xiao Hei said with a smile. "My dear master, whenever you want to use it, just call me."

"Master, master..." Shen Zheng looked at Xiao Hei and smiled awkwardly. "You better stop calling me that?"

"Isn't it?" Xiao Hei was stunned, "But doesn't Eggy call you that too? Why can't I call you that?"

As he said that, tears flickered in his big eyes, as if he had been wronged.

"I mean, you can call me by my name directly from now on." Shen Zheng hurriedly explained, "Or call me Big Brother Shen Zheng..." [

big brother?

Thinking of this title, he himself felt a little blush.Although Dandan was born late, he didn't know how long he survived when he was still a Dandan, and Xiao Hei's age was probably far older than him.

Let people call themselves "big brother"?

"What!" Eggy immediately protested, "Sister Xuesu can call you master! Only Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin who have a normal relationship can call you big brother! Master, you can't do this, we are so close to you, why do you want to?" Alienate us?"

As he spoke, his eyes sparkled.

"I lost to you." Shen Zheng waved his hands hastily, "I was just joking, don't mind."

"Don't make such hurtful jokes in the future!" The two little guys said in unison.

"I was wrong, really..." Shen Zheng raised his hands in surrender.

This matter is unresolved, unless he can persuade Xue Su not to call him master anymore.But that was impossible, if it could be done he would have done it long ago.

It is impossible for Xue Su to change his words, and it is even more impossible for these two guys to change their mouths.Eggy calls itself master habitually from birth, and in its opinion, "master" may be a title that means the same as a close relative.Although Xiao Hei did not know him when he was born, he followed him under the instruction of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit, and he also followed him, and only then did he acquire real wisdom step by step, and he also mastered the language. Influence.

The master is the master, it's just a title, don't worry about it.

By comparison...

He looked into the distance.

"Master, I know what you're thinking." Dandan's eyes lit up.

"Tell me." Shen Zheng smiled.

"Catch up with that fellow Zuo Qiudao!" Eggy gritted his teeth. "This bastard, if you run away from the beginning, it's fine. If you run away when the opponent's attack is already brewing, it will make it impossible for us to chase him. You are completely using us as a shield!"

"If I don't kill this kind of person, I won't be able to appease my anger!" Xiao Hei chimed in.

Shen Zheng looked at these two powerful Zerg, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

The Zerg is the Zerg, and they are born with the instinct to fight.

However, I really can't let go of the villain who takes advantage of me at critical moments.Moreover, I vaguely feel that there is something crucial connected with him.It's just a feeling, but...

I have walked along the way, and a lot of luck, didn't I rely on believing in that kind of deep feeling?

"Go, chase him!" Shen Zheng waved his hand decisively.

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